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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 538 541, Gin: There are more weird guys again

Such a long-lost yet familiar picture and feeling.

It’s really a dream back to the Tang Dynasty… cough, no, it’s a dream back to the period of peripheral members.

Zuo Ye sighed secretly, and then looked at Gin calmly.

“I don’t know, what does this adult mean?”

Gin didn’t say anything, just looked at Ito Taka.

Ito Taka blinked, looked at Sano again, and winked.

In fact, Sano saw through the emotions of the three people present… and there was a vodka.

You can probably understand what’s going on.

It was simply because Gin discovered that Sano was not Ito Takashi’s puppet, and he might even have arranged for someone to check the identity and background of this vest.

It turned out that Sano’s black fox vest was actually a Kuroto.

As a result, suspicion arose on Sano, and by the way, Ito Taka was implicated.

…If you think about it carefully, it seems that Ito Taka did mention to Sano that Gin would randomly check the status of his puppets from time to time.

The purpose, of course, is to confirm that Ito Taka did nothing wrong.

This time I probably got Sano’s vest…a puppet who didn’t even answer the phone and even had “no signal”. There was something wrong no matter how you looked at it.

And the reality is just as Sano thought.

Gin gave Ito Taka the power to handle the recruitment of his puppets on his own, but it was only limited to his puppets. For example, the only introduced recruit who was not a puppet followed the normal standard process.

Gin is not saying that he cannot accept non-puppet employees.

But that should be done according to the rules, not lying and taking the back door.

The main ones here are through the back door, and those in normal companies are through the back door.

It’s not a concept.

Losing money won’t mean losing money, but if something goes wrong, someone will die.

Especially the guy in front of me.

He was wearing a pure black kimono and a weird mask on his head. At first glance, he didn’t look like a serious and reliable person.

Moreover, he has the appearance of a smiling tiger who is smiling but not smiling, as if he has everything under control and is calm and composed, just like a certain black guy in Gin’s impression.

It’s really getting more and more uncomfortable the more I watch it.

“Why, if you don’t say anything, then you are acquiescing to accept punishment?”

Gin finally broke the silence with a voice, and his finger on the trigger was slightly harder. The indifference in his eyes showed that he was not simply threatening.

“Why don’t you have anything to say?”

Sano asked, looking at Gin with a smile.

“Didn’t this kid explain my identity to you, sir?”

Ito Takashi raised his eyebrows… Nonsense, how dare he explain it?

If you tell the truth, there is no need to tell it, and the problem is even bigger.

Tell a lie, Ito Taka was worried that it was Gin’s trick.

Because once Sano arrived and was questioned again, the lines on both sides did not match up.

The problem is still bigger.

Neither left nor right could do it, so Ito Taka could only forcefully keep silent.

Ito Taka himself is actually fine, but the question is whether this guy is dead or alive.

Then it depends on personal ability.


Gin sneered and said, “Why, do you want to pass the blame to him?”

“What’s the point of blaming someone for something like this?”

Sano, who was sure of the answer from Ito Takashi’s reaction, responded calmly: “This kid may not have clearly understood what I meant, so he didn’t dare to say anything casually. I can take the blame myself.”

“You don’t mean it and you don’t dare to say it?”

Gin frowned: “Why, is he afraid of you?”

“Absolutely. I was a little harsher on him before.”

Sano said in surprise: “I should be considered his master.”


Teacher, master? ? ?

After Sano said these words, the eyes of the three people showed more or less astonishment.

Gin immediately looked to Ito Taka for confirmation.

Fortunately, Ito Takashi reacted quickly and quickly put away the strange look in his eyes.

He calmly told Gin that what Sano said was the truth.

“…So, his ability to make puppets was taught by you?”

Gin’s eyes revealed some different colors.

There was hesitation in Ito Takashi’s eyes… because there wasn’t much he could say about him. Sano said he was his master, so it was a normal idea for Gin to directly raise the issue of the puppet.

But Ito Takashi knew very well that the person in front of him didn’t understand this… Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that he wanted to “teach” him during the first meeting.

It’s impossible for you to master all your special skills in just a few days, right?

How will you answer.

If you deny it, Gin may not recognize it.

If it’s for sure…if Gin allows it to be displayed on site, how will it be displayed?

Forget it, this guy should know what he said.

Ito Taka no longer thought about it and watched quietly.

Then Sano also shook his head… and then nodded.

“Yes and no.”


The corner of Gin’s eye twitched. Such an inexplicable statement often gave people the impression that the speaker was a mystic.

As we all know, what Gin hates the most are mystics.

Isn’t he really a good bird?

“Tell the important point.”

Since Sano has said this just now, it shows the core point that the possibility of him being able to create puppets like Ito Takashi basically does not exist.

Therefore, Gin really doesn’t have much patience.

Sano also saw it, so he didn’t try to tease Gin’s patience, and briefly summarized his own statement: “His ability may be regarded as better than his master. Based on what I taught him, It extends to the puppet part… Even I can’t fully grasp this part because I haven’t been exposed to it before, but on the other parts.”

Sano raised his lips: “I’m much stronger than him.”

“The rest?”

Gin frowned again: “For example?”


Sano’s eyes widened slightly, and finally he no longer just felt Gin’s inner emotions, but directly controlled them.

Be reasonable.

No matter how fanciful Sano’s words are, mistakes are mistakes.

This is a fact that cannot be concealed.

If you want to make Gin ignore it, there is only one way, and that is——

Come up with something.

It’s like Sano’s original vest…or it can be said to be a rye vest.

I can always get through it safely under similar circumstances as this time.

Could it be because Sano and Gin have a good relationship?

It’s because of strength.

Is the organization short of people?

No shortage.

But there is no shortage of rats and trash.

There is only one kind of person missing, and that is talent.

Therefore, Sano had to let Gin know that he was a talent, an indispensable talent.

In this case, that little mistake can also be regarded as a mistake?

Of course, if possible, the ability of Sano Black Fox Vest can be better utilized if fewer people know about it.

…Mainly because just now, the mission that allowed Sano to keep his undercover status was triggered.

Otherwise, Sano may not be willing to tell Gin,

The worst thing he can do is not be this undercover agent – anyway, if the undercover agent fails, it is impossible for Sano to withdraw his FBI identity, so he will withdraw it.

What can be done to Sano?

And similarly, when it comes to ability, just relying on words is definitely not enough.

You have to let Gin experience it for yourself.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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