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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 54 54. Doctor: Do you think I am professional enough?

The middle-aged man failed to kill, but was beaten with a blaster. Finally he couldn’t help crying, crying like a child weighing more than 200 pounds and 400 to 500 months old.

After a few drops of cat urine fell, the middle-aged man lying on the ground began to confess himself tearfully.

It turned out that the middle-aged man’s son was sent to the hospital three years ago and underwent surgery on Ogawa’s hand, but in the end he arrived too late, the operation failed, and the patient died.

Since then, the middle-aged man has always wanted to take revenge on Ogawa and let him experience the feeling of losing his son.

Although there are still many details, Sano didn’t pay any attention to them. Anyway, that’s basically what happened.

As for why Sano is rarely interested in gossip, we have to mention Miwako Sato, who was giving oral education with her hands on her hips in front of him.

If someone attempts to commit murder at the entrance of a kindergarten, of course the police must be called.

Among the police officers who arrived, the one responsible for leading the team happened to be Sato Miwako.

After Miwako Sato learned about the situation and confirmed that no one…no innocent people were injured, she immediately targeted Sano.

“I’m telling you, even if you act bravely, you have to do it within limits. If something goes wrong for him, you will be the unlucky one!”

The other party has a knife, shouldn’t he have unlimited self-defense rights?

Sano was muttering inwardly, but he actually understood that the neon laws might be really different. Although Sato Miwako’s words sounded very “unreasonable”, they actually had Sano’s interests in mind.

Especially the situation just now was a little bit subtle.

Although the middle-aged man was indeed committing murder with a knife, the target was not Sano. In other words, Sano was not defending himself, but acting bravely, which would be different in nature.

In addition, everyone saw that after the middle-aged man was knocked down by Sano with a hammer, Sano continued to hammer the man without stopping. Although Sano thought it was to prevent accidents, he really wanted to get it. The court said it was obviously not a favorable condition.


“I know my moves well, he won’t have any problems.”

Sano couldn’t help but say this.

“How many?”

Miwako Sato stared: “I’ve already asked, after more than ten hammers, it’s a miracle that he’s still awake now. Are you telling me that you know what he’s doing?”

“If something goes wrong when you go to the hospital for a checkup later, you may have to bear the responsibility!”

Sano did not answer, but just turned his eyes to the ambulance that had just arrived. Miwako Sato also looked over subconsciously.

“Are you kidding us?”

After the doctor on board the car examined the middle-aged man, he looked suspicious and said: “What kind of head suffered a heavy blow? There is no break at all!”


Miwako Sato turned her gaze back, and Sano immediately shrugged: “Let’s see.”

Not to mention Miwako Sato, even Mao Lilan and others on the side looked like they had seen a ghost.

After all, unlike the former, they had witnessed Sano’s “atrocities” with their own eyes and said there were no traces of injuries. Is this doctor really reliable?

“Are you really a professional?”

Faced with Miwako Sato’s doubts, the doctor accompanying the car exhaled, took off his white hat with a dark face, revealing the smooth Mediterranean Sea, and asked faintly: “Do you think I’m professional enough now?”


Sato Miwako withdrew her gaze: “Ahem, professional enough, professional enough, but you, you were just lucky this time, don’t do it next time!”

“Oh, if I see something like this again in the future, I will stand by silently and watch the murderer kill.”

Sano said lazily.

Sato Miwako stared at Sano, and the anger that had been extinguished a little surged up again.

Sano, of course, also saw that Sato Miwako wanted to continue the oral education, so he immediately followed up and said: “I said, as police officers, you won’t be so idle. Don’t you have anything else to be busy with? Let’s just say…”

Sano paused for a moment, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Do you deliberately want to spend more time with me, follow me, follow me, do you, little sister?”

As Sano said those five words one by one, Miwako Sato’s oral education immediately got stuck in her throat and she fell into a stiff state.

“Miss Stalker?”

Everyone else who heard Sano’s words couldn’t help but cast curious and doubtful glances, making Miwako Sato’s body become stiffer.

“What’s wrong, Miss Follower? Why haven’t you spoken? Miss Follower, are you feeling unwell? Miss Follower, if you don’t feel well, just follow the ambulance to the hospital. Miss Follower?”

The smile on Sano’s face became brighter and brighter, and he spoke “concerned” about Sato Miwako quickly.

And under Sano’s “Following Miss” one after another, Sato Miwako finally couldn’t hold on anymore. After all, she didn’t know how to refute, so she could only angrily drag the middle-aged man into the police car.

After achieving his goal, Sano watched the two police cars leave, and couldn’t help but chuckle. He was still far from fighting.

After solving the problem at hand, Sano turned his attention to Mao Lilan.

This little girl, something is not right.

Sano’s previous violence against the middle-aged man caused the attention of the people around him to focus on him, either in fear, surprise, or curiosity.

Only Mao Lilan, a good person who should have come to the aid of Sano when he was “criticized”, focused his attention elsewhere.

Well, actually it’s just Conan.

Sano took another look at Conan who was looking at him. This guy seemed to be still observing him and didn’t realize that he was being observed?


At this moment, Ogawa, who was holding his son, came up to Sano, bowed and thanked: “Thank you for your help. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would…”

Mouri Kogoro, who had been holding back his words, finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and hurriedly intervened between Sano and Ogawa: “No, Mr. Ogawa, look at me, I also contributed, and you, a brat, Didn’t you promise not to pry into my business!?”

“I do not have it.”

Sano looked away: “I just suspected that something might happen to Ogawa’s son, so I stopped by to have a look. I’m not sure. I can’t delay your search for clues.”

Before Mouri Kogoro could speak again, Sano continued: “And I’m not trying to steal your business. This commission can be considered completed. I won’t accept the money. I won’t give it to you as a matter of course. .”


Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment. Looking at it this way, it seemed that he did not lose money, but actually made a profit?

However, when Mouri Kogoro saw the crowd of onlookers around him again, he felt that he had lost money again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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