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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 540 543, Mission Impossible

And because he returned Ito Taka’s call first, it triggered what happened later.

The time Sano was unable to reply was even longer.

…Could it be that this Gin just caused trouble, and the other one is causing trouble again?

After the call was connected, Shuichi Akai said it was nothing serious.

I sent several messages to Sano today but didn’t reply. I thought he had encountered some problem. After all, he was working undercover and it was very dangerous, so he wanted to confirm his safety… This intuition was accurate, but it was not completely accurate. ?

By the way, who is this dog trying to fool?

You know it’s not safe to work undercover, so why bother calling?

You’re afraid that you won’t be exposed, right? Who undercover contacts the line so frequently?

After a few speechless “comforts” to Akai Shuichi, Sano hung up the phone and put away his phone.

He turned around, switched his vest, found Gin again, and completed two tasks.

Sano went home and slept.

It might be worth mentioning.

In the car, Gin mentioned what Sano said last time.

Well, after all, Sano has already laid the groundwork, Gin would not be able to think of it.

That’s what’s really weird.

But that’s not important.

Because Gin used a chatty tone and did not discuss it in depth at all.

Nasano was naturally happy to have some free time, chatting and bragging along with him.

Until noon the next day, Sano simply installed the mobile phone sim card of Black Fox Vest and the mobile phone sim of Rye Vest in the same mobile phone.

I accidentally found a text message from Ginjiu.

The meaning is simple and clear – Sano, Black Fox to be precise, was transferred to the intelligence team.

Because the Black Fox’s abilities are perfect for the intelligence team…well this is all bullshit.

Gin’s real purpose in sending Sano to the intelligence team was Bourbon, that is.

Toru Amuro!

To be more precise, it should be Toru Amuro and Belmode.

According to what Gin said.

These two mystics have been sneaking around behind their backs recently, and they don’t know what they are doing together. For the sake of the organization, Gin feels that he has to be more obligated to find out about this matter, but because of permission issues, he There was no way to directly get to the bottom of it, so he wanted to use special means to arrange for people to get close to these two guys.

So as to find out clearly.

Sano is the perfect candidate.

That’s right, Gin wants Sano to go to the intelligence team to be an undercover agent!

…It’s simply outrageous to open the door for outrageousness. It’s outrageous.

The real Mission Impossible is.

Gin’s real name shouldn’t be Kurosawa Formation, but Akai Formation, right?

The two people’s ideas actually collided with each other. Fortunately, Sano was not allowed to go undercover with the FBI. Otherwise, it would have been really embarrassing.

If it’s just a double agent, there doesn’t seem to be any problem.

Sano tilted his neck – although Gin did not explain the details of the matter in too much detail in the text message, but simply mentioned it in one sentence.

But as a cadre member, Sano is concerned about the organization’s factional issues.

For the time being, it can still be regarded as understanding.

As we all know, there are three major departments in the winery, not to mention the scientific research team.

The Action Group, which is mainly responsible for assassinations and frontal combat, and the Intelligence Group, which is mainly responsible for intelligence and logistics work, are the only two major orthodox factions.

The relationship between the two departments cannot be said to be incompatible, but it is not harmonious either. In terms of status, they seem to be equal on the surface.

But upon closer inspection, Gin, as the leader of the action team, is a head shorter than Rum, the leader of the intelligence team and the second-in-command of the organization.

The fundamental reason for this phenomenon, in addition to the gap in qualifications and abilities between the two, is also the main reason for the difference between the two departments.

The intelligence team and the action team seem to complement each other, but really speaking.

Intelligence is the foundation.

The action team is just adding bricks and mortar.

After all, the importance of intelligence does not even need to be explained.

The purpose of various undercover agents can be summed up in two words: intelligence.

Therefore, even if they are two identical people, their status as leaders of the action team and intelligence team will be different.

In addition, under these two major factions, there are different small groups.

Or a lone wolf.

That’s another explanation… In short, as a senior cadre who is higher than the pseudo-senior cadres, and Toru Amuro as a veteran cadre of another faction, Gin is unable to do anything directly.

Therefore, it is normal to adopt the form of undercover.

Even apart from these two people, if Sano really joins the intelligence team.

Haha, I don’t know what interesting things will happen later.

However, Rum will agree to let Gin’s people enter the intelligence team. This is the key point – Sano does not think that there is any very strong trust between colleagues between the two, so he will not set any Be on guard.

No, this thing should be distinguished.

Gin’s ability is guaranteed.

Gin’s loyalty to the organization is guaranteed.

But there is no guarantee as to how friendly gin is to rum.

To sum up, Sano felt that Rum would agree to let Gin intervene.

There are two.

First, Rum has the confidence to turn Gin’s nails into his own nails.

Second, the nail was too tempting for Rum to refuse.

Well, Sano thinks that the latter should be the bigger factor.

After smacking his lips, Sano made a call to Toru Amuro.

Of course – the call was made using Black Fox Vest’s mobile phone number.

Soon, the call was connected… well, not that fast. Toru Amuro seemed to be quite busy, and the phone was almost finished ringing, so he picked it up awkwardly.


Amuro Toru’s voice sounded a little breathless… It can’t be said that he was breathless, it should be said that it was more rapid, which further confirmed the fact that he was very busy just now.

“Hello, Lord Bourbon, I am Rum, arranged to…”

Before Sano finished speaking, he was interrupted by Toru Amuro: “Oh, I know, new employee, I have been greeted in advance, but I am a little busy now and may not have time to talk to you more. Wait for me Come back when you have time…”


“What are you doing!?”

“Who allowed you to chat during working hours? Have you finished your work? Hurry up!!”

Toru Amuro also didn’t finish his words.

Sano vaguely heard Azusa Enomoto’s stern voice coming from the other end of the phone… He looked like he could not be more black-hearted.

“I’m coming……”

Toru Amuro responded in a very stupid manner twice, and then hung up the phone.


Sano released his grip on his throat, smacked his lips and shook his head.

What if Ginjiu saw his dignified cadre members being ordered to do this and that by a little girl in her early twenties in a cafe?

He was even squeezed so hard that he didn’t dare to say anything.

I wonder what kind of thought it would be… embarrassing, but also secretly satisfying?

After all, Toru Amuro didn’t like Gin very much.

Gin would be happy to see this guy deflated.

…But I just don’t know how Gin works. It doesn’t require Sano to do anything himself, but Rum can directly arrange him to do things next to Toru Amuro accurately.

Does Rum also agree with Gin’s approach?

But doesn’t that count as being an undercover agent… Then again.

His true identity is clearly a subordinate of Toru Amuro. Compared with his current identity, isn’t it easier to get in touch with him? Why didn’t Gin choose to let his true identity come to him?

Instead, you found another “other person” with whom you don’t have much contact?

Do you not believe in your abilities or your own position?

Finally, even if Rum arranged this matter, would Toru Amuro really be willing to involve himself in what he is currently busy with?

Sano fell into thought.

…Forget it, whatever you think about so much is just a trivial matter.

Sano got up to wash up and eat.

Not long after, Toru Amuro called.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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