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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 546 549, believe me, I am here to save you

This bullet was actually fired by Sano himself.

Since Mao Lilan hadn’t closed the curtains before Sano went upstairs, in order to prevent the possibility of police snipers killing the man, he had separated the clone one step ahead and responded outside, planning to take action when necessary.

It’s a good way to distract the police’s attention.

…Of course, Sano can also choose to rely directly on the fox eyes to make the man incapacitated, or he can also cause the spider poison to attack.

That’s right, Sano has planted spider poison in the man’s body.

Although after entering the door, Sano had no contact with men at all.

But the spider poison doesn’t have to be touched by Sano himself in order to invade.

Sano said earlier that he listened to the status of the case outside the door.

But if he only started to understand the situation when Sano went upstairs, how could he possibly know much about it, as early as when Officer Megure had just asked him to retreat.

Sano had already asked Erhei to come up first and eavesdrop.

Of course, in addition to eavesdropping, Sano also quietly laid a guarantee in advance to avoid being unable to stop the man’s thoughts in an instant when there was no time to do anything in an emergency… As for why there are two kinds of On the premise that it can solve the problem faster and more secretly.

Sano chose another seemingly high-profile approach.

That’s because Sano doesn’t want to be too high-profile.

Tonight’s case caused quite a stir.

As a crime solver, Sano is already at the center of the whirlpool.

If the prisoner raises his hands and surrenders after just one more stare, or if the prisoner is suddenly poisoned…even if he deliberately controls the extent and does not die, then he will most likely be sent to the hospital for examination. It is hard to say what will happen then.

And letting an invisible third party intervene in the game can attract a lot of attention.

The direction of the Black Fox Vest is destined to be that of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Sano won’t put much effort into this, but just take one step.

“Damn it!”

The man’s will attribute is obviously not low.

Even though his wrist was pierced by a bullet, he didn’t give up the action on the spot.

With a disgusting expression, he tried to press the bomb remote control in his other hand.

At this time, at the top of the building across the street from the Mori Detective Agency.

The clone wearing sunglasses quickly pulled the gun bolt. In front of him was a 3D map. On the map, at the location of the Mori Detective Agency, there was a 3D figure. It was the man who had been poisoned by the spider poison. It was equivalent to wearing a mask for Sano. An alternative, extremely high-end, sufficiently sophisticated infrared sensing device, coupled with the on-site perspective of your own body vest.

Two-phase assistance.

Even if there are curtains blocking it.

It can also accurately direct the sniper trajectory towards the target you want to lock.


The second bullet followed and penetrated the wrist of the man’s other hand.

Followed by the third and fourth shots, they hit the man’s two calves respectively.

It completely lost its ability to move.

Four bullets hit the man’s limbs respectively, and the shooting positions on both sides were still almost copied and pasted.

There is absolutely no way this is a Neon Police sniper…

Who is he?

Just when Sera Masumi began to think subconsciously, Sano kicked the pistol and bomb remote control away from the ground, making several other people around him nervous… Are you really not afraid of an accidental collision and explosion?

“Then, I’ll leave first.”

Sano left the scene without saying a word.

Naturally, the police outside also noticed the movement just now.

Just because I can’t fully grasp the situation, I dare not act rashly.

“What happened? Who fired the shot?”

Officer Megure held the walkie-talkie in confusion: “Who gave you permission to shoot!?”

“No, no, officer, we didn’t shoot…”


At this moment, Mouri Kogoro opened the window, leaned out and waved to Officer Megure.


When Toru Amuro turned around, Sano was already beside him.

…When did this kid come down?

Toru Amuro frowned: “Has it been solved?”

“Yeah, but speaking of it, I shouldn’t be the one to solve it.”

Hearing Sano’s words, Toru Amuro frowned even more tightly.

“What’s the meaning?”

Sano then explained to Tohru Amuro that he had just found out the real culprit in the case and was able to avoid attacking the man when the sniper bullet passed through the glass.

“…Through the windows and curtains, a precise hit?”

After Toru Amuro was visibly stunned for a moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned to look at the surrounding buildings – such sniping skills were unmistakable.

It’s that guy, that guy is not dead after all! !


But when Amuro Toru’s search turned out to be fruitless, he turned around and saw Sera Masumi coming downstairs… his pupils began to shrink again.

It can’t be wrong, it will definitely not be wrong this time!


Sano watched Toru Amuro’s pupils change in size for a while, and finally spoke to bring him back to his thoughts: “Now that the matter is over, shall I get off work?”


Toru Amuro didn’t have the intention to pay attention to Sano now, so he responded casually.

And Sano just left.

But after returning home, Sano did nothing else. He quickly pulled out the chainsaw he bought specially for building a house for Xiao Hei from the utility room on the first floor.

“Randomly strengthening, congratulations to the host’s chainsaw for being strengthened, the strengthening is successful…”

… Sano really didn’t expect that he would get such a thing with just a casual draw. Not to mention the effect, but the essence, it was almost the most outrageous existence among all his equipment.

Just what effect can a chainsaw have on strengthening it?

Chainsaw fanatic?

Or become a chainsaw man?

Out of curiosity, Sano’s true face emerged before his eyes.

Reinforcement item name: Life-saving saw.

Grade: B


1. Chainsaw Mania (when holding this enhancement, the user’s burst attribute +20).

2. Save lives and heal the wounded (used on a single biological entity. After use, the target’s physical state will be immediately restored to its best state, including all injuries and diseases).

Restriction: The effect of life-saving can only be activated when the target is injured by this enhancement and is in a dying state.

Note: Believe me, I am really here to save you…


After reading the effects, restrictions, and notes, Sano slowly played a row of points.

God is so life-saving!

…Well, just looking at the description of the effect, it is indeed powerful enough. Not to mention saving lives and healing the wounded, even if Hua Tuo is reincarnated and brought back to life, it may not be an exaggeration.

But why is the requirement to use it to damage the target to a near-death state?

What’s the point? Hey!

Speaking of which, this setting, as well as the chainsaw, feel inexplicably familiar?

Sano rubbed his chin and thought for a long time, and finally remembered that he had seen a doctor from a certain detective agency in a certain anime. It seemed like this was the setting… That detective agency happened to be plagiarized by him. Passed the name.

It really is……

After Sano recovered his thoughts, he thought for a while, and then reached into his pocket.

When he took it out again, there was a fresh severed hand in Sano’s hand.

To be precise, it should be a broken arm.

Looking at the chainsaw in his hand again, Sano was silent for a while.

Finally, he chose to quietly stuff the broken arm back into place.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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