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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 548 551, do you feel bad if I kick him?

Although Sano knows Conan’s true identity, he also knows that Sera Masumi knows this, and he also knows what her purpose is… to be precise, the goal.

But Sano did not tell Conan.

Sera Masumi didn’t know the reason why Sano did this.

But this is a good thing for me… Because for now, Sera Masumi doesn’t want Conan to know that she knows about him.

Even, I came to Neon just for Conan.

Therefore, Sera Masumi had to reach a tacit understanding with Sano.

That is – forget about that day.

Sera Masumi would not go to Sano to ask for an explanation or revenge.

Correspondingly, Sano would not mention this matter to Conan.

And if Masumi Sera did something…then Sano would have done nothing.

It’s not easy to talk about.

After looking at Sera Masumi with a resentful look, Sano suddenly turned his head.

Then I saw it.

Suzuki Sonoko, who had a medical goggle tied on one eye, was walking into the class from the door.


Mao Lilan immediately exclaimed: “What’s wrong with you!?”

Mao Lilan, who thought Suzuki Sonoko was injured or had some other problem, pounced on her, helpless and worried.

“Hey, hey, I’m fine, don’t be so nervous.”

Suzuki Sonoko, who was startled by Mao Lilan, could only quickly pull off the blindfold and show the other party her intact eyes, and then covered the blindfold with one hand, pretending to be in pain and bluffing. .

“Ah… the eyes… the eyes are resonating…”

This made Mao Lilan show a worried expression again: “Yuanzi, are you okay…”

“She’s fine. She’s just suffering from the chuunibyou.”

Sano quickly realized the meaning behind Suzuki Sonoko’s blindfold.

This made Suzuki Sonoko’s exposed eyes light up immediately.

“Ah, senior, are you also interested in the second disease?”

Suzuki Sonoko, who seemed to have found the organization, came closer to Sano and kept muttering: “That’s really beautiful. It’s a pity that many people only saw the beginning and thought it didn’t look good, or they felt it was too embarrassing…”

Sano’s second novel has come to an end.

What was unexpected was that the results were relatively poor… Of course, Sano’s personal feeling is that it may be because his writing is so bad.

After all, this kind of romance novel has a novel setting and a passionate storyline like Naruto.

The difference is quite big.

Of course, after all, it is a foundation that has been tested, so it is not too bad.

Only relatively speaking.

As for those readers who are extremely disappointed with this book because of Sano Uemoto’s brilliance, and even directly curse it… then let them be.

As long as he doesn’t jump in front of Sano, it’s a trivial matter.

Watching Mao Lilan curiously ask Suzuki Sonoko what is chuunibyou.

Suzuki Sonoko also followed closely and started Amway.

Zuo Yizhong silently began to think about the third novel, which one he should copy.

Wait until after school.

The group left together.

On the way, I ran into the Plague Team who had also just finished school and were together.

After receiving the neat greetings, Mao Lilan suddenly asked: “By the way, senior, Hattori and Kazuha came to Tokyo two days ago. Have they contacted you?”


Sano raised his eyebrows: “Have Heipi been here before? You didn’t mention it to me.”

“Oh, does he dare to mention it to you? Doesn’t he think his butt hurts enough?”

Conan showed his dead fish eyes and made a sarcastic comment, then asked with some confusion: “Do you have a grudge against his ass? Why do you keep staring at his ass and kicking him?”

“What, I kicked him, did you feel bad?”

Sano casually grabbed Conan’s big head and used force with his five fingers: “There is no special reason. I just want to kick it when I see it. Just like your big head, it is round and makes me want to punch it when I see it.”

Conan’s facial features were ferocious for a while.

It wasn’t until Sano let go of his hand that he held his head and retreated a few meters away.

Damn it, this guy is really ruthless.

No wonder Hattori Heiji is not happy to play with this guy!

“Haha, it’s because that black guy is worried about being kicked. Isn’t it because you two are worried about being crushed by Sano and stealing the spotlight?”

Haibara Ai opened the team channel and softly teased Conan.

Others may not know it, but Huihara Ai knows it.

During the two or three days that Hattori Heiji was in Tokyo, he often competed with Conan.

The two sides went back and forth to see who had the stronger reasoning ability, but in the end it was just a matter of equals… And if Sano was involved.

At least in Haihara Ai’s view, the final result was beyond doubt.

Conan obviously also felt that if this was the case, it would probably be, well, so he just touched his nose awkwardly, but then he remembered something again, and suddenly looked solemn and caught up with Sano in front of him.

“Hey, brother Sano, do you know about the new employee of your detective agency?”

“A new employee at our detective agency?”

Sano was stunned at first, but after he came to his senses, he asked doubtfully: “What new employee?”

“do not you know?”

Conan also became confused: “He is a guy who always wears a kimono, has a mask on his head, smiles, and looks very strange. I heard from Officer Megure that your boss said that he is an employee of the detective agency. ah?”

This kid gossips really fast.


Sano didn’t show any concern at all and said, “I’ve never seen it anyway.”

“All right.”

Conan nodded regretfully and then raised his tail.

“But Brother Sano, I’ve heard your new colleague’s reasoning twice. I don’t know why, but I feel… his reasoning ability seems to be so much better than yours, isn’t it?”

Exciting general method.

…Of course, in the eyes of others, Conan’s behavior was closer to provocation and ridicule.

This made the two best friends, especially the three real children, twitch in their faces.

If you have to find an adjective to describe the mood of these people now, this is probably it.

Has this guy always been so brave?

Even Conan himself was actually a little nervous.

If Sano shows signs of raising his hand, run away!

Fortunately, Sano didn’t react at all, just a plain “oh”.

Conan felt helpless…Doesn’t this guy have any desire to win?


Haibara Ai intervened and said in the horrified eyes of the trio of real children next to them.

“We plan to cook curry at the doctor’s house tomorrow. Do you want to eat together?”


Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and said regretfully: “But we have to take the exam tomorrow.”

“Do you have to take exams on a day off? High school students are really miserable.”

Genta muttered, while Haibara Ai looked at Sano: “What about you?”

“…They want to take a test, why do you think I don’t need to take a test?”

Sano asked in confusion.

“Because I don’t think you will take the exam honestly.”

Hui Yuan Ai said this.

However, Sano didn’t feel that the relationship between the two was so good that even if it was smooth sailing, Haibara Ai would still ask more questions.

This fake loli is so thoughtful.

“I don’t know. It depends on the situation. I will go when I have time.”

Sano responded casually, and then went back to each house to find their respective mothers.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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