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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 558 561, Akai Shuichi: Who will pay for my car?

“Turn left and go upstairs.”

“There is a blind spot twenty meters ahead, hide it.”

“Wait five seconds…Okay, rush over.”

“There are two people ten meters away in the second corridor ahead. Get rid of them directly.”

“There are people in front and behind. They come into sight within three seconds and are hidden.”


Listening to Sano’s instructions on the phone, one after another.

The Silver Foxes and Ireland were already hesitant from the start.

I was just full of surprise at the end… because every step was so precise.

Not only did he know every corner of the building, but he also had tight control over every position of those who were chasing him.

So that not only did the two of them not get caught by the pursuers, they even had the opportunity to kill several unlucky guys who were “alone”.

The duo was originally playing road racing with the pursuers, but they couldn’t get rid of them. Instead, they were chased and intercepted by the opponents with their numerical advantage, so they had to ask Sano for help… but they were given an address and asked them to arrive. Get off the bus directly and transfer to the building.

As for now, although he is still being chased and intercepted.

But at least it delayed the situation.

It was as if that person had installed surveillance cameras everywhere in the building and could see everyone with a 360-degree view.

Even if surveillance is installed, it is probably difficult to see it with just one person’s eyes. After all, there are too many things to pay attention to.

Such a model requires very precise timing.

…With remote command at this level, what kind of monster is this guy?

“Don’t worry about anything, just run forward and turn at the end.”

Another command came down. Silver Fox and Ireland immediately followed it and ran forward. Before they could turn the corner, they noticed a group of figures pouring out from the end of the road behind them… They were the main force of the pursuers.

Is it going to overturn after all?

Ireland looked gloomy: “Black Cat, how long will it take for you to arrive!?”

“I won’t arrive.”


Before Ireland and Silver Fox could react to this answer, Sano’s new instruction came again: “Okay, you can stop, don’t move.”

The duo instinctively followed the instructions and stopped.

The next second it felt wrong again.

This support didn’t arrive yet, and you still let the two of you stay still, so why don’t you just wait to die?

Listening to the chaotic footsteps getting closer and closer.

The facial features of the duo are already twisted together.

Damn damn it!

Should I listen to this guy?

If you listen, you may have a chance of survival. If you don’t listen… there may be a chance of survival.

Whether it is a frontal bar or a quick run, there is little hope.

…Time does not give people room to think. Before the duo could come up with a result, a group of figures had already poured out from the corner.

Now I don’t even have a choice.

Both of them clenched their guns tightly, once the situation went wrong.

Then we can only fight to the death.

“They’re here!”

Seeing that the pursuer who was the first to turn around was about to raise his gun, the duo suddenly twitched their mouths.

Sure enough, I still can’t believe that guy’s outrageous instructions!

However, before the duo was ready to fight, or even attack.

The reversal is coming.

Only silhouettes of people were seen falling from the ceiling at the same moment.

Like a sudden storm, it hit the crowd in an instant.

Short knives and small-power pistols that reflect cold light are most suitable.

A sudden sneak attack, coupled with this unexpected evil angle.

The twenty or thirty pursuers below had no time to react, and more than half of them fell down in just one encounter.


“Bang bang bang!!”

Two seconds.

In just two seconds, the battle was over.

This even made the Silver Fox Irish duo unable to react.

All I know is that when I regain my consciousness, the enemy has been “replaced”.

Looking at the dozen or so people, they looked very familiar, wearing work clothes from anywhere.

Only then did the duo realize that they were teammates… maybe not teammates, but at least they shouldn’t be enemies. They were most likely here for support.

… This building not only covers a wide area, but also has a high altitude. It is not just the total floor that is high, but the height of a single floor is also high.

The ceiling height should be at least three meters.

Coupled with the more complicated pipes attached to the ceiling, even if there are people attached to the ceiling, they cannot be found unless they look carefully.

It turns out that that guy chose this building. Is there any reason for this?

Ireland looked at those members of the special attack team who had been trained by him with some complicated eyes… He had been told at the beginning to guide these little brats, and one day in the future, they might be able to help.

Of course Ireland didn’t believe it at that time.

But later, whether it was the intelligence network of the Black Death or the potential shown by this group of special attack team members, Ireland changed.

However, Ireland did not expect that this day would come so quickly, and this favor was not a small favor, but… a life-saving grace.

This is true and makes Ireland feel a bit embarrassed.

“Okay, there are still a few fish that have slipped through the net, you just have to deal with them yourself.”

Sano on the other end of the phone stopped talking nonsense and hung up the phone directly.

Only a group of crows outside the building continued to circle.

…Sano’s actions were not only due to his laziness of not wanting to go there personally, but also because he wanted to test the results of the intensive training of the members of the special attack team.

I just wanted to test Dahei’s current harvest by the way.

Perhaps one more thing to add is the bad taste for Ireland.

Judging from the results, all goals have been achieved.

The domestication effect of Dahei’s troops is quite good, and the rest.

It’s just a matter of expansion, which is a matter of time.

After casually stamping out the burnt cigarette butt, Sano went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

It wasn’t until dusk that Sano came out of the Internet cafe.

I plan to go home and have dinner with the little girl first, and then go paddling.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the mission came.

Sano glanced at the content. It was an old-fashioned rescue mission.

I looked at the map again – there was a location, which was expected.

After thinking for a while, Sano separated the clone and went home to have dinner with the little girl.

The main body is to find the mission target.

Anyway, if necessary, just look for another opportunity to apparate.

As long as it’s not a particularly urgent situation, it’s not a big problem.

Hmm…it would be better not to set the flag casually.

Then, before Sano could find the target, he received another one.

Unexpected text messages.

It’s Huihara Ai.

Probably, there was a kidnapping and murder case at the Maori Detective Agency, and then.

Conan was tied up.

Huihara Ai should be worried that the person kidnapping was someone from the organization.

The purpose of this text message was naturally to imply, no, to expressly ask Sano to help.

But Hui Yuan Ai didn’t say it clearly.

Humans are such strange creatures.

Sano closed his cell phone. From what it looked like, the god of plague had infected himself this time.

Otherwise, we’ll take action later.

Let this kid experience the mood of those unlucky people who are affected by the halo of the plague god on weekdays.

Sano quickened his pace.

Then his eyes changed.

Conan was sitting in a car with a woman who looked to be in her twenties or thirties.

Today’s journey to the God of Plague is just like every other day.

The Maori Detective Agency received the client’s appointment, but they didn’t expect that someone would deliberately distract Conan and others, take the identity of the detective agency staff, tie up the client, and expose the flaw.

He committed suicide by shooting himself in the bathroom.

The “real client” was escorted home by Conan and others because he was frightened… but in fact it was because something was wrong.

The final result also proved that the real client was actually the “kidnapper” who committed suicide by swallowing a gun, while the impostor and murderer was the real murderer who was kidnapped and pretended to be the client and victim.

Even besides the man who was killed in the office, there was another life’s blood in the hands of this woman… But Conan didn’t think it was a big problem, because he felt that this woman was a good person.

After deliberately stepping into a woman’s trap and being “fainted”, Conan discovered the tenderness deep in her heart through the warmth in her behavior.

Therefore, Conan plans to help this woman.

Well, of course Conan doesn’t intend to commit any crime, he just intends to avenge the woman, but the revenge here refers to righteous revenge.

The woman’s revenge target is a trio.

This trio, two men and one woman, had just robbed a bank some time ago.

During this period, a bank staff member was killed, and that person was the woman’s target.

At present, both men are GG, but there is only one woman left, and the scope has been narrowed down to three female residents living in rows.

“I already know who the third robber is, but you have to promise me not to kill her or let her be punished by law, let alone commit suicide.”

Looking at Conan with serious eyes, the woman hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

However, before Conan could explain, the car door was suddenly opened.


Bullets were fired from the driver’s window. A fat lady wearing glasses strangled Conan’s neck with one hand and pointed a gun at the woman in the driver’s car.

“Don’t move, or I will kill him. Drive for me right away!”

The fat aunt even accidentally grabbed Conan’s wrist wearing an anesthesia watch, so that he didn’t even have a chance to sneak up on him.

This is planning to run away.

The woman looked solemn, but she couldn’t help but care about Conan’s life.

I could only obey and start the car.

It happened that at this moment, Shuichi Akai arrived in a car.

Haibara Ai, who was sitting in the back seat with Dr. Agasa, had just used the tracking glasses to determine that Conan was in the car that left in front of them.

The car door was opened.

Sano switched to Kurosawa’s vest and got into the passenger seat.

Haihara Ai was stunned for a moment, then showed a relaxed breath and asked, “It’s Sano…”

The moment she reacted, Hui Yuan Ai choked back her words again and remained silent.

“Okay, let’s go, catch up as fast as possible, and leave the rest to me.”

Shuichi Akai pushed up his glasses. Being commanded by Sano “from above”, he didn’t show any signs of abnormality and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

at the same time.

On the opposite road to Conan’s vehicle, Toru Amuro, who was driving the Mori father and daughter, just noticed the motorcycle following him.

Then I heard Mao Lilan, who had received a call from Dr. Ali, saying that he had seen the car that kidnapped Conan and was coming in the opposite lane.

“Sit down!”

Toru Amuro braked and turned the steering wheel, drifting from the green belt into the lane next to him. At the same moment, Shuichi Akai, who almost missed him, also made an extreme drift and took the lead from the side.

“Keep accelerating.”

Sano opened the car window, reached out and grabbed the roof of the car, and with force, he flew out of the window, swayed, and landed on the roof of the car.


When Toru Amuro saw this scene from behind, he was immediately stunned.

“Is it Mr. Kurosawa?”

Mao Lilan recognized Sano’s vest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and gradually reduced the pressure on the accelerator foot.

However, Toru Amuro did not completely let down his guard.

If something goes wrong later, Toru Amuro will naturally be saved.

“……what’s the situation?”

The fat lady driving in the front car finally noticed something unusual behind her.

Conan then glanced at the rearview mirror… Oh, it’s safe.

Before the fat lady could react, the distance between the two cars had narrowed to Sano’s attack range: “Hold your steering wheel.”

Sano patted the roof of the car and said.

What’s the meaning?

Before Akai Shuichi could understand Sano’s words, he saw a long leg coming into his eyes.


Sano took one step from the roof of the car to the hood, bent one leg, and suddenly burst out.

Under the huge force, the hood of the car dented a large area, and the front of the car immediately began to swing to death. Fortunately, Shuichi Akai quickly stabilized the steering wheel, which prevented the car from losing control directly and rushing to another road.

And in the sky.

Like an arrow shot from a string, Sano landed on the roof of the car almost instantly.

“What the hell!?”

After the car was forced to shake for a while, the fat lady was shocked and angry.

However, before the fat lady could do anything, there was another sound from above the roof of the car.

But compared to the one just now, the sound this time was much louder.


A big hand instantly passed through the roof of the car and grabbed the head of the fat lady sitting in the passenger seat. As soon as the fearful expression appeared, Sano used strength again.


Amidst the screams and screams, the fat aunt was pulled out from the arm-sized hole that Sano forcibly broke through the roof of the car. Her whole body was covered with bloody wounds.

The whole person turned into a bloody man.

Even Sano’s arm had many small openings.

After pulling out the fat aunt, Sano let go of his hand and let the guy hit the road behind from the roof of the car. Under the action of inertia, it was still rolling, and the already bloody skin became more and more bleeding. many.

Finally, a ten-meter-long red “road” was left on the ground.

…Actually, these traumas are not a big problem. The key point is the bones and organs. If you do this, at least you won’t have to lie in the hospital for a few months.

It’s impossible.

It’s true, it’s so, so cruel!

In the car, Conan was accidentally injured because he was grabbed by the fat lady, but it was not serious. It was a real fur injury, that is, his head hit the roof of the car, causing a small bulge. Gone.

Conan, who was looking up at Sano’s cold face through the much enlarged hole above his head, was still a little scared and had no choice.

This is the first time Conan has seen such a cruel side of Kurosawa.

The cruelty here is not just a “method”, but also a “means”.

In the past, Kurosawa’s mode of action in the eyes of Conan was mostly to transform into a black mask, or to remain unchanged. Anyway, he was mainly flexible and elegant.

It’s not like he has never experienced a pattern of direct and crude behavior.

But those few times were all emergencies, or they didn’t really cause much harm.

There is a little bit of meaning that there is no harm in smoking, but this time it is a little different.

It feels like an unscrupulous, lawless gangster.

So much so that Conan even had a strange sense of sight at the moment. This was an enemy… at least it definitely shouldn’t be his teammates. Oh, by the way, it seemed that he had been in a similar situation before, and it was similar to this time.

That time it was Kurosawai’s cat that was caught…even though he said it wasn’t his cat.

But this time there is nothing that should make him angry…could it be him?

Conan suddenly raised his eyebrows, feeling flattered.

Of course, Sano will not pay attention to Conan, the God of Plague’s little mood. He is quietly observing all the participants in tonight’s matter.

Forget about Toru Amuro and Masumi Sera, how could an old witch like Bermod arrive so quickly… Oh, was she tipped off?

Sano glanced at the fat aunt on the ground who was still wailing.

This guy should be happy and even grateful now that he was the one who took the action. Otherwise, if it fell into the hands of others, the consequences would be…

Looking at Akai Shuichi again, he had already stopped the car, but he did not follow Dr. Agasa and Haibara Ai and rushed over. He just stared at the hood of the car in a daze.

… Who should I reimburse for the repair costs of my car? ?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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