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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 560 563, you are so coquettish.

Gin snorted coldly and asked.

And listening to Gin’s displeased inquiry, Sano, who only found out about this after waking up and hearing the little girl proudly begging for praise, almost laughed out loud. , it was hard to hold it in.

“Ha, as a child, it’s a good thing to be vigilant.”

Bullshit vigilance, this is more like a lack of brains.

Gin rubbed his temples: “Okay, stop talking nonsense and come here quickly. If you don’t come, you won’t be able to get a name today.”

“I’m coming.”

Sano hung up the phone and looked back at the little girl who was holding up the door frame and hiding half of her face behind the door with guilty eyes. She still couldn’t hold back and laughed out loud: “Okay, I don’t blame you. What are you afraid of?”

The little girl blinked her eyes and said weakly: “I didn’t know he was really your friend… Since he is a friend, why not write down the number?”

That’s of course because there are some things that cannot be noted.

Sano rubbed his fingers… However, mobile phone manufacturers do have some problems in this regard. You must unlock the text message before you can read it. This is good, but why can you answer the call directly when it arrives?

Fortunately nothing went wrong.

You’ll have to pay more attention in the future.

“Okay, I’m leaving first. You can eat dinner by yourself and ask your sister Zi to cook it for you. Don’t open the door to strangers. I will be back before twelve o’clock.”

Sano said hello and went paddling.

“Walk slowly~”

For two or three days in a row, Sano didn’t see the plague god’s halo again.

Of course, his performance is still stable, it’s just none of Sano’s business.


Sometimes I dislike them a lot, and when I don’t have them, I start to miss them again.

Human beings are indeed…

After shaking his head and sighing, Sano came back to his senses and looked at the handiwork in front of him.

Sigh again.

What the hell.

I occasionally have to do my homework, so why do I need to help my children with their homework?

…Of course, the kind of help here in Sano is not a bad kind of help where parents condone their children not to do their homework… The homework for kindergarten children is not that kind of content, it is mainly something similar to parent-child games.

It was almost the same model as the previous charity bazaar.

Fortunately, there is no requirement to use needle and thread.

Otherwise… Sano doesn’t want to lose someone again.


The phone vibrated. Sano took it out and took a look. It was Mao Lilan’s call.


“Senior, do you have time now? Can you come over? There is a murder case.”

Sano raised an eyebrow.

…Mourilan has encountered murder cases not once or twice, and there are many detectives around her, including her father Mouri Kogoro, Sera Masumi who is already familiar with her, and Akai Shuichi wearing Okiya Aang’s coat. Can count.

And Toru Amuro and so on.

Therefore, it is obviously not right to call Sano over when there is a murder case.

After rubbing his fingers, Sano responded, said hello to the little girl, and then confidently escaped from the job.

Then, we came to Kudo Mansion.

It just so happened that the trio of best friends also arrived at this time… Well, the trio of best friends has successfully expanded and has included Masumi Sera among the candidates who will form a team even after school, which is almost the same as Toyama and Ye , but compared with the former, the latter does not have the distance advantage and is not so thick-skinned. Of course, this cannot be said to be that she is thick-skinned.

After all, “proximity” is a means to an end.


When Suzuki Sonoko saw Sano, her eyes lit up and she said: “It’s just right, that guy Shinichi just sent a text message, saying that he didn’t like others looking through his things and wouldn’t let us enter his house. Be more aggressive.” Take the lead and lead us in, he will definitely not dare to grin at you!”


Sera Masumi and Mao Lilan, who were about to find an excuse to go in or force their way in, cast strange glances at Suzuki Sonoko.

Sano didn’t show anything strange, although he didn’t know the details yet.

But this does not prevent Sano from accepting it.

“Well, I’ll take the pot and go in first.”

“Okay, okay, okay.”

Suzuki Sonoko happily followed Sano through the door. Mao Lilan and Sera Masumi looked at each other… and chose to follow in silently.

“…What’s going on with that guy? Why doesn’t he even close the door?”

After discovering that except for the iron gate of the villa yard, even the main gate was not closed, and he pushed it open, Sano had some surprise on his face, but when he lowered his eyes, he saw the familiar foot strength-enhancing shoes at the entrance. back.

Well, that makes sense.

“Ah, it should have been driven by Conan. Shinichi did say that he would ask Conan to find the photos and send them to the detective agency for us…”

Mao Lilan explained.


After Sano nodded, he asked again: “Let’s talk about the case first.”


Mao Lilan, like a hostess, naturally gave Sano and others shoes to change, while explaining the situation – probably the three of them accidentally bumped into a dead guy on the way home from school. Judging from the death situation, , is a patient who did not listen to the doctor’s warning and committed suicide.

But next to the corpse, the word “death” written in blood changed the situation drastically, especially in Mao Lilan’s impression, Conan… no, it was Kudo Shinichi’s father, Kudo Yusaku, when he was young. When I was still in Neon, this was the only case that I didn’t see through but gave up on halfway.

It’s similar to the situation in this case.

Therefore, the trio planned to come over to find out relevant information about that case and see if there was any connection between the two cases.

“Whether it’s a death message left by the deceased himself or a special mark left by the murderer, as long as important clues can be found in one of the cases, it stands to reason that the other case can be solved.”

Sera Masumi paused and said, “In addition, I really want to see what kind of person Mr. Subaru who lives here is.”

“Yeah, right, you’re curious too, right?”

From here on, the topic goes sideways.

Suzuki Sonoko kept speculating about what kind of “landscape” there was under the high collar that Akai Hideichi and Subaru Yaya wore “all year round” covering their necks, such as a flowered neck… The tattoos all over the neck should be called flowered necks. .

If it doesn’t work, it will be all over my neck.

But rather than being curious, Sano felt that this girl was a nymphomaniac.

It’s not just once or twice, I’ve long been used to it.

With such a topic, several people walked towards the study of Kudo’s mansion, until at a certain moment, Sera Masumi suddenly turned his head and looked at the room next to him.

To be precise, the bathroom.

There was a faint sound of water inside.

“Is that you Conan?”

Sera Masumi opened the door without saying a word.

Then he saw Shuichi Akai, who was brushing his teeth with his chest open and his mouth full of foam.


Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes immediately lit up, she smiled evilly, and started to appreciate it openly.

…Is this girl deliberately showing off?

The corner of Sano’s mouth twitched slightly. To say that it was such a coincidence that this guy just finished talking about Shuichi Akai’s neck, and the other guy exposed his neck. Anyway, he didn’t believe it – there was a high probability that this guy passed through the surveillance installed in the corridor. device or bug, and learned that Suzuki Sonoko was curious about his neck.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, this “love encounter” was created.

It’s just that you show your neck if you say you can, and if it doesn’t work, you just want to wear a short-collar top. Who can question your poor clothing and bad intentions?

“No, I’m sorry, Mr. Subaru, we didn’t know you were using the toilet, so we came in without permission because the door was open… By the way, Conan seems to be here already, do you know where he is now?”

Mao Lilan quickly apologized and asked about the situation.

Akai Shuichi seemed to be unable to speak because of the foam in his mouth. He just raised his finger and pointed at the wall… It should be said that it was the direction of the study.

“ok, I know, thank you.”

Mao Lilan dragged the two girls to leave.

Sano followed behind, his eyes also lingering on Akai Shuichi’s neck for a while… He originally thought that this guy wore high-collar clothes to cover the traces of the human skin mask, but now it seems that it is not because of this. .

Of course this is nothing surprising.

Whether it is to make the human skin mask too exquisite, or to make it a little longer and wrap it up to the chest, it is all possible.

But in this case, why does Shuichi Akai wear a turtleneck?

Isn’t that just drawing attention to yourself for no reason… Could it be?

voice Changer?

This seemed to be the only possibility that Sano could think of.

But this bit surprised Sano.

Because Sano originally thought that Akai Shuichi could only rely on others to change his face, and his voice could be changed by himself. After all, changing his voice was not as difficult as changing his face, especially since he was still changing into a new character. The voice of a certain character, rather than the voice of a specific character.

It’s even less difficult… of course.

It is easy to feel uncomfortable if you hold your voice while speaking all day long, and there is a risk of making mistakes in the long run. If you use tools, the probability of making mistakes will be much smaller.

…It’s half and half.

Sano was distracted and stood at the bathroom door for two or three seconds.

Normally, within two or three seconds, there will definitely be no problem.

But the problem is that the current situation and characters are not normal.


Akai Shuichi turned his head slightly while brushing his teeth again.

Even the trio who had walked several meters away in front noticed something unusual behind them and subconsciously stopped and turned around.


Akai Shuichi tilted his neck towards Sano, which was equivalent to putting a question mark.

“Do you have anything else?” – This is what Akai Shuichi conveyed.


Mao Lilan in front also asked.

Sano came back to his senses, glanced at Mao Lilan, and then looked back at Akai Shuichi.

He opened his mouth, pursed his lips, raised his fingers and scratched his head.

Sano finally choked out a sentence: “Why are you carrying Pinru’s wardrobe?”

Akai Shuichi: “??”

Akai Shuichi, who couldn’t understand Sano’s joke, had his neck crooked even more.

“What do you mean??” – This is the meaning conveyed by Akai Shuichi.

“it means……”

Sano paused for a moment, and then gave a serious explanation: “You are so coquettish.”



“Cough cough cough!”

Akai Shuichi took a sip of toothpaste foam and swallowed most of it directly.

After coughing, Akai Shuichi started retching against the sink again.


Mao Lilan’s face was red, and she didn’t know whether she was ashamed or angry. She flashed in front of Sano and dragged him away. While running, she didn’t forget to apologize to Akai Shuichi: “I’m sorry, Mr. Subaru, my senior, he didn’t eat today.” medicine!!”

Sano was dragged all the way to the study by Mao Lilan…but it wasn’t so much a study.

Sano felt more like he was in a library.

It’s so big and there are so many books.

It looks like an ordinary small villa from the outside, but why is it… from the inside?

“Hey Xiaolan, please slow down and wait for me…”

Suzuki Sonoko forcibly grabbed Sera Masumi’s clothes and was led away. She didn’t fall too far… even though she was still breathing heavily.

“Senior, you are the same, how could you say such things… You can’t be serious, are you? Do you like Mr. Subaru’s type??”

After complaining, Suzuki Sonoko looked at Sano suspiciously.

“Obviously there are so many girls who like her, but they never fall in love. Instead, they keep talking verbally about some of their favorite people who are absolutely impossible to be together… Could it be that these are just cover-ups?”

In an instant, Suzuki Sonoko transformed into a famous detective, pretending to be cold and deep, and put her forehead on her head: “The purpose of doing this is to hide your unique hobby. Admit it, senior, I promise that I will not treat you differently because of this.” With perspective, true love can transcend age, even race and dimension, not to mention such a small gender difference!?”

A magnificent piece of reasoning plus chicken soup for the soul.

Let Sera Masumi, Mao Lilan, and Conan who haven’t had time to say hello.

Glazed eyes.

Only Sano looked at Suzuki Sonoko as if he were a fool.

Sano would naturally not be angry at being “misunderstood” like this.

Firstly, it is true that this is not within the scope of Sano’s minefield, and secondly, it is.

Even if you are angry, there is nothing to be angry about with a fool.

Whether he is really stupid or pretending to be stupid, at least he is stupid enough.


Unable to get a response from Sano, Suzuki Sonoko immediately coughed twice in embarrassment and muttered: “Senior, you should respond at least. This makes me look like a fool, talking to myself here, what a shame.” It’s embarrassing.”

“do not you.”

Sano raised his eyebrows, complied with Suzuki Sonoko’s request and gave a response.

Suzuki Sonoko: “…”

“Hey, kid, have you found the photo?”

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Conan with a serious face: “This is an important clue related to two murder cases. If you don’t hurry up, why are you so confused!?”

Conan: “…”

Don’t think that just because the topic changes quickly, you can pretend that nothing happened just now!

But even though he was grumbling in his heart, Conan still had to give Suzuki Sonoko face… not to mention that the case was indeed the most important thing at the moment.

“It has been found, and in addition to the photos, there are also some other information about the case that year, which may come in handy.”

Conan took a portfolio and climbed down the ladder.

Then, a few people moved to the hall… Akai Shuichi also quietly came over without making any sound. Sano didn’t know if the other people didn’t see it, or if they saw it and didn’t care, he didn’t bother to say.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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