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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 564 567, you don’t want Gin to know that you are Zero, right?

Mao Lilan doesn’t need to say much.

In fact, Suzuki Sonoko is not very understanding of the current situation…but this does not prevent her from realizing that something is wrong with the situation. In short.


This person in front of me is very dangerous.

You and your best friend are also in danger!

A big bright red word “danger” occupied Suzuki Sonoko’s entire mind.

what to do?

Want to run away?

Can you run away?

Suzuki Sonoko stared, her mind blank but extremely confused.

Just then Sano looked over.

Immediately, Suzuki Sonoko felt her scalp tighten.

“Don’t do it, brother. You are obviously so handsome. Don’t break the law and commit crimes and end up on the road of no return. My father is Suzuki Shiro and my family belongs to the Suzuki Foundation. My family is very rich. If you want, I can give you ten times what you have now.” I can use my salary to do serious work, such as protecting me, etc. I can also provide you with food, housing, welfare, insurance, year-end bonus and annual leave!!!”

In panic, Suzuki Sonoko even began to speak erratically.

…Although from Sano’s point of view, this seems more like Suzuki Sonoko’s, “revealing true feelings” and “filling personal pockets”, which is in a hurry.

Revealed his little thoughts.

…Especially the large amount of things in this breath, which reminded Sano of his father’s story about Erhe. Of course, if you only consider the content, this treatment is indeed good, at least compared to the winery. .

It is an absolutely conscientious company.


But there is one thing to say, conscience is conscience, this girl Suzuki Sonoko has a really big heart.

In this case, it may be said that it is unreasonable to say what you say.

But he didn’t even say these words, it was just…

If it were applied to those real criminals, they would have died eight hundred times.

Fortunately, Sano is not a real criminal.

After getting rid of the black dragon, Sano turned around and left without even looking at the two of them. This time, Mao Lilan finally stopped making any moves… After all, Suzuki Sonoko was also here. When the detective office was almost bombed last time, She risked the lives of the other people to bet with Kudo Shinichi and ended up being beaten up.

Mao Lilan has not forgotten it.

…Of course, strictly speaking, Mao Lilan has already gambled once and lost. But very fortunately, she kept her “capital”.

“Call the police first. This guy is a killer. Since he appears here, maybe it is because he has received some task commission from others and plans to kill someone, or even has already been killed, but no matter what it is, In any situation, you have to ask the police to arrange for someone to come over immediately.”

And just as the Maorilan breathed a sigh of relief, he was chirping and analyzing.

He came close to Mao Lilan and worriedly touched her body all over to make sure there was nothing wrong. Then Suzuki Sonoko, who was also relieved, raised her hand weakly and said: “I said, Xiaolan, Rather than calling the police, I think it would be better if we called an ambulance first. I look at the black dragon over there. He seems to be foaming at the mouth. If he doesn’t care about it, he will die even if he doesn’t. Is it difficult?”

Mao Lilan: “…that’s right.”

“By the way, I haven’t even mentioned it to senior about the express train. Xiaolan, remember to call him later and ask him if he’s coming.”

Seeing Suzuki Sonoko calling an ambulance and talking about the “itinerary” that followed, Mao Lilan couldn’t react for a while. What was going on.

That’s the real business.

“……okay, I get it.”

So, Sano received a call from Mao Lilan the next day.

After hanging up the phone, it was Toru Amuro’s turn to call.

“Come out, meet and chat.”

Toru Amuro didn’t say much.

There seemed to be no emotion in the brief sentence.

It’s like the voice of machine intelligence.

Sano probably also knew what Toru Amuro wanted to talk to him about when he asked him to go there. After hanging up the phone, he went directly to the meeting place mentioned by the other party.


After switching vests, as soon as Sano entered the warehouse, a black gun was pressed against his head. The person holding the gun was Toru Amuro, who had cold eyes.

…Why is this guy starting to learn how to drink gin and pointing a gun at people at every turn?

Sano’s eyes turned. No, it seemed that when Toru Amuro “met” him for the first time, he pointed a gun at his head from behind.

“Tell me what happened yesterday.”

Toru Amuro picked the gun and said.

“What’s going on?”

Seeing Sano deliberately pretending to be stupid, Amuro Toru sneered and said.

“Let’s not talk about anything else. Yesterday, Qunma, the murderer who tried to kill Conan after killing someone, actually committed suicide. It makes me feel strange. Don’t tell me that you have nothing to do with this matter. I If you don’t believe it, it’s impossible to believe it. I should have warned you not to take unnecessary actions.”

Under Amuro’s wary eyes, Sano rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: “Mr. Bourbon, what you said is outrageous. How can someone commit suicide and have anything to do with me? Could I still instigate him to commit suicide? ?”

“The information Rum gave me said that the only thing you are good at is hypnosis.”

Toru Amuro said so.

“Brother, hypnosis, do you think it’s a magical skill? Can it also make people commit suicide?”

Sano refused to admit it and said: “Besides, you need evidence when speaking. Mr. Bourbon, you can’t say that it has something to do with me. Then it does. You just want to destroy my innocence with empty words, right? Is it a little too much?”


Amuro Toru sneered again and said: “What do you think we are, police officers who enforce justice and strictly enforce the law? If we still have evidence, my words are evidence. As long as I say I doubt you, that is the most sufficient evidence, understand?”

Sano was silent for a few seconds and shrugged: “Okay then, you can do it if you want.”


Is this guy actually showing off? ?

Sano’s reaction made Toru Amuro confused for a moment, and then she frowned and asked.

“Aren’t you going to make a few more excuses for yourself?”

“You’ve said that the final interpretation rests with you, so what’s the point of me saying not to say anything? Why don’t you just decide what to do?”

The smile on Sano’s face did not change at all.

Toru Amuro: “…”

That sounds reasonable…?

When Toru Amuro came back to his senses, he was shocked – how could he be distracted at this juncture because of such a trivial matter? Something was wrong. Did this guy do something, such as using hypnosis to distract himself.

Good opportunity to make a sneak attack?

Amuro Toru became nervous instantly.

Be reasonable.

As the only peripheral member who was assigned to “internship” and “training” under Toru Amuro, the person in front of him was quite different from Sano.

At the time of Sano’s recruitment, Toru Amuro temporarily participated in Sano’s recruitment due to various factors, and was eventually assigned directly to him.

This makes sense and is fine.

But this Fox is different.

This guy was recruited by Gin and has nothing to do with Toru Amuro.

To put it bluntly, this guy is from the action team, but now he has been transferred to the intelligence team.

This is obviously not normal.

Factional issues in organizations are less obvious, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Toru Amuro didn’t think that Gin, as the leader of a faction, would not pay attention to this detail, especially when Rum, the leader of another faction, was also involved, which made people feel even more incomprehensible. .

Isn’t Rum worried that Gin is having some thoughts?

Or maybe, even though Rum knew that there might be some hidden intention of Gin, he still couldn’t resist the “temptation” and chose to acquiesce and accept the risk. Or maybe the two of them were working together with a purpose… …

If it is the latter, then Toru Amuro, as the person involved, should have a sense of crisis…and no matter what the facts are, Fox is definitely an important “resource” of the organization.

Therefore, Toru Amuro still took some care.

But the heart is still in the heart, there are some things that cannot be found out…

Toru Amuro didn’t believe what he could find out.

As for the information in the peripheral members’ archives, Toru Amuro thought it was fake at first glance. After checking the information above, it turned out to be fake.

This was undoubtedly tacitly agreed upon by Gin and Rum, so Toru Amuro couldn’t say anything.

It’s not like Toru Amuro didn’t think about it, to test it out, but he always felt that he had nowhere to start… If he acted rashly, he might be tested to find out something.

However, Rum also hinted and expresses Toru Amuro from time to time, asking him to have more contact with Fox… without mentioning the specific purpose.

There is no way to avoid it, and it gives people a lot of headaches.

How about just trying to kill this guy here to avoid future troubles?

Toru Amuro’s eyes began to flicker – he didn’t know whether the so-called hypnosis was what this guy was best at, and he didn’t know whether it was true or false, but if it was true, it was definitely not a gimmick.

This may seem nonsense, but it proves Toru Amuro’s bottomless uneasiness.

unstable factor.

Time bombs with unknown power are the most feared.

“…Shirley showed up there yesterday, why didn’t you report it to me?”

Suddenly, Toru Amuro asked again.

Sano raised his eyebrows and asked, “What Sydney?”

Toru Amuro: “…”

A peripheral member, a peripheral member who has just joined the organization not long ago.

It is normal to not know the meaning of the word “Shirley”.

…I just don’t know if this guy is deliberately pretending to be stupid to maintain his character.

After thinking for a few seconds, Toru Amuro continued to ask: “Then why didn’t you mention in the report you gave me yesterday that when the four children were locked in the house by the murderer and almost burned to death, but were rescued again? One person is missing.”

“Because I don’t think it’s necessary to report this little thing.”

Sano responded lazily, and then continued without waiting for Tohru Amuro to question again: “It seems to me that there is no need to report many things about you to Gin, so that’s why he hasn’t come here until now. Pointing a gun at you… is the same as pointing a gun at me now.”


Toru Amuro was stunned by Sano’s words and was stunned for a moment.

“Why, didn’t I speak Japanese?”

Seeing the smile on Sano’s side face as he turned his head slightly, Toru Amuro’s eyes narrowed.

“You mean, Gin asked you to keep an eye on me?”


Sano nodded in confirmation.

…to admit it so generously and calmly.

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes: “Then just tell me like this, is it really okay? Aren’t you afraid that Gin will find out about it and cause trouble for you… Or do you want to use this as a trade in exchange for me not to kill you? There’s an opportunity.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.”

Sano shook his head.

“First, you can’t kill me.”

“Second, you won’t kill me.”

“Third, you can’t kill me.”

Toru Amuro frowned…he could still understand the first one.

But what the hell are the second and third ones?

“Can you speak human language?”

Toru Amuro picked up the gun again, and the threat was self-evident.

Sano could only sigh and said: “Because, I am actually a good person. Of course, good people will not kill good people, right?”

Toru Amuro: “…”

Good guy?



This guy?

What is this?

Just when Amuro Toru was confused again, Sano turned around completely, raised his chin slightly, and said with a wider curvature of the corners of his mouth: “I think you don’t want Gin to know that you are actually… …zero right?”


In an instant, Toru Amuro’s mentality exploded.

“…What zero?”

After spending a few seconds to stabilize his little mind that was almost falling apart, Amuro Toru pretended to be calm and stupid, and asked.

“What do you mean by Zero? It’s definitely not a scheming Zero.”

Sano said with a smile: “Or you can choose not to be a good person, kill me directly here, and then pretend not to know, maybe you can still get past Gin and Rum. “

Toru Amuro: “…”

Come on, you don’t even give yourself a chance to act stupid.

Toru Amuro really didn’t expect that his idea of ​​”organizing things without providing evidence” had just been exported, and now he had begun to apply it to himself.

But…when did this guy discover it, and how did he discover it?

After you found out, did you mention it to anyone?

Among the chaotic thoughts, one emerged.

“…I see, that’s why you say I’m a good person? Then you say you are a good person yourself, which means you joined the organization undercover.”

Tohru Amuro’s question clearly had hidden agendas.

Sano curled up his lips and said, “Who knows? Why, are you planning to kill me just because I’m not? Then do it quickly.”

…Everything inside and outside the words is provoking him to do something.

Toru Amuro took a deep breath, but he really didn’t have the urge to take action…or rather, the urge was not big. Of course, the core factor that determines the direction of his actions has never been relying on his inner emotions.

“I see.”

Having said that, Toru Amuro finally took back his gun and said, “Rum told me to take you with me for a while and you can command as much as you like. After this period of time, I need to give him a summary of judgment. This summary of judgment, It will directly determine whether you can become a cadre member.”


Sano showed a little surprise on his face.

…Can you advance so casually?

It seems that Rum “likes” himself very much, but the bottom line is.

Maybe it’s because of the influence of gin.

“Is this a deal?”

Sano asked Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro shook his head.

“No, this is not a transaction, but my return.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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