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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 569 572, because he is a good person

After watching all of Sano, I unconsciously made a row of points.

…Isn’t this a proper Headless Horseman Chronicle? ?

Why can’t you explain it clearly and you have to figure it out on your own?

Sano was naturally very interested in this headless horseman.

I don’t know exactly what it will look like or what special effects it will have.

But in a short period of time, there is a high probability that it will be impossible to know.

After sighing with regret, Sano took out the case analysis of Emperor Gokuai and the bone film taken from the bag next to him.

After looking at it for a while, Sano put away these things. When he looked up at Emperor Haokuai, he had already taken out an anesthetic smoke bomb from his pocket – “Puff!”

The mask on his face immediately turned into a gas mask, and Sano closed the car door.

Waited quietly for a while.

After Emperor Haokuai was completely anesthetized and fell asleep, Sano took out the chainsaw from his pocket and pulled the chain: “Let’s start working.”

…Using anesthesia to escape the pain caused by the chainsaw is a crooked way Sano came up with, but it is useless to him.

Unless Sano gives the chainsaw to someone else to use.

But that way the sense of security is too low, and others may not be able to control it.

Saving lives and healing the wounded is not a passive effect.

After a while, Sano opened the door, put on a thug suit, raised the Kuai Emperor with one hand, moved it down, lit a cigarette and continued waiting.

After finally waiting for Emperor Haokuai to wake up, Sano immediately approached him.

“Wake up…cough, can you understand what I’m saying? Stand up and take a few steps to see.”

I don’t know if he understood Sano’s words, or if he felt it, or if it was a simple instinctive reaction, but Emperor Hao Kuai did stand up.

He also jumped up and jumped twice.

It seems that it should be completely restored.

Sano raised his hand and touched the big head of Emperor Haokuai, then tentatively jumped on it, trying his best to comfort him: “I’m going to ride on you, should you be okay?”


Emperor Haokuai barked softly and nuzzled Sano with his head.

Sano took it as a yes and jumped directly onto the horse.

Normally, things like stirrups and reins for riding a horse are indispensable… But with Sano’s blessed attributes, even if he has no skills.

It should also be very chic.

The main reason is that Sano is worried about being thrown down… falling down is actually nothing.

Not to mention falling from the horse, even falling from the train, Sano didn’t think it was a big problem, but if he fell, he was kicked twice… With the improved attributes of the Kuai Emperor, he was kicked twice. Really.

Sano felt that even if he put on the special attack suit, he might not be able to feel better.

But let’s be honest.

Sano felt that he would be, um, impulsive towards Emperor Gokuai.

Except this guy is bound to become a factor in equipment.

It’s also because Sano really likes her.

After all…who hasn’t imagined riding a horse to the end of the world as a child?

It’s just that in my previous life, the threshold for riding horses was indeed a bit high… To be precise, it should be the price, but I heard that in some grassland places.

Because of the differences in breeding threshold and technology, it was quite cheap to ride a horse in the past.

But after all, if you don’t know how to ride a horse, you can only go up there to take pictures.

Sano cannot ride a horse, but this does not prevent him from having high attributes, nor does it prevent his horse from being obedient and smart. After carrying him for a few steps, it gradually began to speed up. At least from his personal point of view, there was no discomfort. .

But it seems that the Haokuai Emperor’s urge to increase his horsepower seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Sano simply opened the door of the “stable”.

Anyway, there are not many people here in the wilderness. The serious injury has been healed and he can run again. Sano can understand the mood of the Kuai Emperor at this moment.

It’s also nice to go out and wander around.

Just before that.

As soon as Zuo Ye made a move, the crows within a radius of ten miles immediately moved out one after another.

…After all, it is a reconnaissance force under the command of Dai Hei only. Without the existence of a long-range and delay-free intra-team channel, the reaction speed cannot be too fast.

Sano waited patiently for a while.

Although Emperor Haokuai was a little impatient, he was not too impatient.

It wasn’t until the entire reconnaissance net was spread out, and it was confirmed that no one was around, and that anyone could report anything wrong at any time, that Sano clamped his legs together.


The Hao Kuai Emperor raised its front legs, neighed and rushed out immediately.

Then, Sano experienced it.

What is a fully automatic horse-shaped supercar that can take off in a short time on all terrains in the mountains?

The speed is really too fast.

Sano didn’t know what the original fastest speed of the Gokuai Emperor was… There was no detailed data from an online search, but as far as he knew.

The fastest speed of a horse is sixty kilometers per hour.

As a top horse, the Hao Kuai Emperor cannot be bad, especially if it explodes in a short period of time… Not only the attributes have been doubled now, but the riding effect is also passive.

Quite literally.

Sano even experienced some of the feeling of being on the eDonkey in runaway mode.

More importantly, of course, the Haokuai Emperor is not restricted by the environment… To be precise, the restrictions should be relatively small.

Can choose a suitable foothold by itself, turn and jump when encountering obstacles.

The latter is particularly exciting.

Jumping several meters high, it’s like flying.

“It’s really enjoyable…”

After going around in a circle and returning to the “stable”, Sano jumped off the horse, touched Emperor Kuai’s head, and suddenly thought deeply: “…Speaking of which, since the owner has been changed, then he should also change his name. Bar.”

Xiaohei, Dahei and Erhei… It should be three blacks now, right?

Sano raised his hand and glanced at the domineering figure and appearance of the Haokuai Emperor… Forget it, using a name like Sanhei felt too inconsistent.

“Then let’s call him Black King.”

Sano picked out a word from the original name of Emperor Gokuai and determined the new name of Black King. Then he turned to look at it and asked: “How about this name? If you are not satisfied, don’t move. If you are satisfied, don’t move.” Just give me some reaction…if you’re not satisfied, just call Sanhei.”

At the window above the stable, because Sano had finished his “walk”, he let the reconnaissance network disperse, so there was no need to direct anymore. Daikoku who came to this end said: “…”

Be reasonable.

From the beginning, Dahei was the kind of person in the novel who has just begun to develop his spiritual wisdom.

To put it simply, they are ignorant.

If we put it now, let Dahei go back to the time when Sano named him.

Dahei felt that he would 100% protest until he got a satisfactory name.

…This Black King seems pretty good.

I just don’t know if this new, uh, Ma teammate would be stupid, not giving up such a good name, and then choose the stupid name of Sanhei.


Dahei suddenly felt something was wrong.

What the hell.

Why are all my names so stupid, but this guy’s name is so good?

This is not fair!

Dahei, who suddenly felt unbalanced in his heart, even began to look forward to King Hei choosing the name Sanhei again… Yes, if you don’t choose, you will be special.

It’s unsociable!

Then, under Dahei’s nervous gaze – Heiwang responded very submissively.

Big black:”……”



Dahei, whose mentality was shattered, immediately protested to Sano.

… Of course Dahei didn’t mean that King Hei was not allowed to be called such a good name.

Dahei simply wanted to change his name.

As for the other Xiao Hei and Er Hei… well, they are just cleaning up the snow on their own.

However, facing Dahei’s application, Sano chose to ignore it.

“When you have nothing to do, just stay here with the Black King and communicate with it more. I will leave first. I will also arrange for some crows to keep an eye on the surroundings. Don’t let some unrelated people notice it. Call me anytime if anything happens. that is.”

After saying that, Sano left directly, leaving Dahei dejected.

…Actually, although the Black King is relatively large and not suitable for carrying around or following him secretly, Sano can at least put it back into his backpack.

But considering the living equipment before and after, none of them seem to like backpacks.

Especially staying outside, contacting and communicating with “people” can help you grow faster.

Sano planned to keep the Black King outside.

Anyway, Dahei is with him, so he can’t be lonely. If there are any problems later, he can just summon him with one hand, and then let this guy fly back by himself after the matter is over.

…After watching Sano leave, Dahei let out a long sigh and turned to look at the Black King.

Although he felt unhappy, Dahei would not really ignore it, and even encouraged two other good teammates to work together to isolate this new teammate.

After all, the Black King just couldn’t communicate directly with Sano at the moment.

In case there is any target, I will make a small report to Sano later – Dahei has not forgotten that Xiaohei once mentioned the dog meat hot pot to him.

…If it really comes to that level, Dahei can guarantee that he will be educated about it.

What is bird meat hot pot?

“Hey, I’m Dahei, King Hei. Are you hungry?”

Dahei tried to communicate with the Black King, but… the other party ignored it at all.

After snoring, the Black King lay down and slept with his head down.

…Quite aloof?

Dahei suddenly felt bored and stopped making any noise. He just rested motionless on the window sill.

But after about ten minutes, Dahei, who felt bored to death, still couldn’t help but talk to Heiwang again… even though there was no response.

It doesn’t stop Dahei from talking to himself.

Amidst the sound of “quacking”, the Black King’s tail, which had been wagging quite comfortably, gradually became violent… This guy is really noisy.

Will you die if you don’t make a sound?

And when the Black King shouted twice impatiently, trying to shut up Da Hei.

Dahei thought that the Black King was responding to him and trying to communicate, so he shouted.

But it’s even more fun.

When Sano returned home, Mao Lilan and Conan could be said to have been waiting for a long time.

Today is a rare holiday.

Mao Lilan came here because she continued to teach karate.

As for Conan…

“…Sano, did you know that on the Suzuki Express, someone disguised yourself as you and got on the train? He also brought a large number of people with him and killed dozens of people.”


Sano sat on the steps of the stairs, watching boredly as the little girl followed Mao Lilan’s movements, waving her little fists and a pair of short legs.

“…Do you also know that your boss is a cadre of that organization?”

Seeing that Sano’s reaction was so dull, Conan finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and said with quite a lot of emotion: “Bourbon, that’s his code name. He planned to kill Haiyuan, but was interrupted…and his. Subordinate, your new colleague is also from that organization, and he even pretended to be you to get in the car. I need an explanation, Sano!”

“What’s wrong Conan?”

Because Conan’s voice rose unconsciously, it attracted Mao Lilan’s attention.

“Ah, it’s okay. I’m asking Brother Sano a few questions.”

After Conan forced a smile and perfunctoryly passed by, he lowered his voice, but still asked with some excitement and confusion: “Also, who was the person who claimed to be Bourbon in front of me? Is it Kurosawa, Kurosawa?” What is the relationship between Sawai and Bourbon? Besides, I heard from my mother that the black fox and his men sometimes have their eyes suddenly glowing red. This is similar to Black Death and Kurosawa. Well, they are all the same, right? Is there any relationship between these people… The Black Fox is said to be from the FBI, but he and the Rye seem to be deeply involved in private. Is he a good guy or a bad guy?”

…This guy talks a lot.

Sano held up his chin and glanced sideways at Conan.

“I will only say it for the last time. I don’t know any black fox Kurosawai. The only one I know is Toru Amuro. As for his bourbon identity… I know, but I don’t think it is necessary to tell you. because……”

Sano said with serious eyes: “He is a good person.”

Conan: “…As for the reason, you have to give a basis, right?”

“There is no basis. Believe it or not. If you don’t believe it, you will be defeated.”

Sano waved his hand impatiently… Conan’s questions were all within his expectation, but he really had no intention of answering them.

Except for Toru Amuro.

Of course, Sano didn’t say it too bluntly…if it was too straightforward.

That exposed the situation on Sano’s side.

Of course, even if it was exposed, Sano didn’t think it would be a big problem, just like Conan’s true identity was obviously not allowed to be known, but it was known, and there was no problem.

Information gap is one of the advantages of intelligence.

As for whether doing this will make Conan suspicious of Sano… the suspicion will not go to any extent, because the “roots” have already determined the position of the tree.

No matter how twisted the tree trunks and branches are, it is the same.

The fact that Conan can come over and raise doubts to Sano face to face is the best proof.

After Conan was silent for a while, he stopped asking questions.

…Conan was naturally not sure that what Sano said was true, especially when he said he didn’t know those guys at all, but he also knew that it didn’t make much sense if he thought it was true or not.

As long as Sano didn’t say anything, there was nothing Conan could do… Otherwise, he wouldn’t have called and asked directly, but would have come to the door specifically, hoping that he would be more likely to get a positive answer.

Bourbon, Rye, Black Death, Black Fox, Kurosawa Well, Belmode…

Conan frowned, immersed in the whirlpool of his own mind.

“…By the way, senior, Sonoko said, in order to make up for the shortcomings caused by the previous accident on the Suzuki Express, she wants us to go to Izu’s villa for vacation together. Let me tell you and see if you want to go. .”

Before leaving, Mao Lilan invited Sano.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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