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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 577 580, man versus dog

The last point that made Sano feel comfortable.

This group of delinquent boys is not far from Sano’s current location. It can even be said that it is very close. There is a car repair shop within two steps.

If you ride a small electric donkey, it’s probably…

Sano paused.

He looked at several children who were surrounding his little electric donkey parked on the roadside.

Let out a breath.

“How brave are you? How dare you install a transmitter on my car?”

Sano didn’t have to use his brain at all to figure out what was going on. He grabbed Conan’s ears and lifted them up with his hands, making the god of plague scream “Hey, hey, hey” and had to subconsciously stand on tiptoes to relieve the pain. .

“This is an accident, an accident!”

With tears in his eyes, Conan tried to pry Sano’s hand away, and said quickly: “When I got off the small truck, I accidentally dropped the transmitter, and it happened to fall on the ground. In your car, I want to find it quickly and take the transmitter back.”

“It’s definitely not a conspiracy!”

“Do you think I believe you?”

Sano lifted Conan’s ears up again, making the God of Plague scream even more miserably.

“Tap, tap, my ears are going to fall off, they are really going to fall off!”


The three real children next to them were already covered in cold sweat when they looked at the scene in front of them, and they didn’t even dare to express their anger – they always felt that this superhero was not as friendly as they originally imagined. good temper.

…But fortunately, Conan alone has shouldered all the blame for this wave.

It can be said that I have saved a few of my ears.

After a small lesson.

Sano didn’t really tear off Conan’s ears, just clicked.

Conan was stunned when he saw Sano getting on the electric donkey again and rubbing his ears.

“What, are you planning to leave already…has the commission been resolved?”

“That’s almost it. There’s still a final kick left.”

Before Conan could decide if he should start to despair, Sano had already turned off the accelerator.

“call out!”

Sano’s back disappeared.

Conan stood there blankly. Before he could recover, he noticed another, uh, “pig-headed boy” sneaking out from the side.

He looked nervously at the direction Sano left.

…Conan can probably understand why this guy is a pig-headed boy.

After rolling his eyes, Conan approached and tugged on the pig-headed boy’s sleeve.

“Now, do you know my uncle?”

“…your uncle?”

“Well, that’s the one wearing sunglasses and riding away on a battery car.”


The pig-headed boy began to tremble unconsciously.

Conan smiled.

A few minutes later.

Conan and his friends ran all the way, and finally in an auto repair shop, they saw Sano wearing a Kurosawa vest, and next to him were several people wearing auto repair shop work clothes, who also had pig heads on their heads. juvenile.

Sano was holding a cigarette in his mouth, sitting on a removed tire, holding a stolen baseball bat in his hand, and poking a pig-headed boy from time to time.


Noticing the members of the God of Plague team who entered the store, Sano was silent for a second, then stood up and started to grab Conan’s ears: “You guys are really brave. How many damn things did you put on my car?” A transmitter?”

“Hey hey hey!”

Conan quickly covered his ears and backed away.

“I’m not, I didn’t!”

“We just happened to run into the guy you beat into a pig’s head, and then we happened to know that you were coming here and chased after him!”

Looking at Conan’s panicked explanation, Sano narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly.

“I’m sorry you don’t dare either.”

After retracting his hand, Conan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the pig-headed boys next to him curiously, and asked: “So, what do you want to do… Amuro Toru’s commission requires you to do it again.” What?”

“There’s so much shit, guess it yourself, don’t bother me.”

Sano continued to sit back on the tire, while Conan looked at this posture and touched his chin thoughtfully, and he probably knew what the context was.

Sano was undoubtedly waiting for someone.

As for who he was waiting for – considering the location and development, Conan felt that he was waiting for the owner of the auto repair shop. At the same time, he was most likely the “rightful owner” of the commission transferred by Toru Amuro, or the key point.

Worried about having his ears pinched again, Conan said nothing.

Just sit quietly and wait for things to develop further.

Not long after that.

Several cars passed by on the road opposite the auto repair shop.

A squatting pig-headed boy took one look and immediately reported to Sano Dou: “Um, big brother, our big brother seems to have brought someone here.”


Sano patted the pig-headed boy on the head and went to the door of the store to greet him with a baseball bat.

Conan followed closely behind.

…I have to say, one is one, and two is two.

Although the owner of this auto repair shop has a group of delinquent boys who fight, steal, and rob, and commit illegal crimes, at least they still abide by the traffic rules.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to the end of the road before turning back.

If it were put on Gin, let alone turning around directly at the entrance of the store.

Sano even suspected that this guy would stop directly in front of the store in the wrong direction.

In this regard, Sano thinks the auto repair shop owner is pretty good.

Watching those cars turn back and stop in front of the store.

Sano was leaning on a baseball bat, waiting for the wind and rain in the gentle breeze.

Then… that crowd of men, at least fifty to close to a hundred men, poured out of the small cars.

…You’re obviously not a bread person, so why can you squeeze in so many people?

Facing such a ferocious and menacing group of people, the trio of real children could not help but instinctively feel some fear, and then subconsciously moved closer behind Conan, their backbone.

“Conan, why don’t we leave first? It feels so scary…”

The curiosity in the hearts of the trio of real children has long since disappeared.

Looking at it now, a high-priced commission of 10 million… is indeed not something ordinary people can accept.

“Why panic? There’s more…”

Conan was not nervous at all. While comforting the real children, he turned to look at Sano next to him, and then… saw a ball of air.

…where are the people! ? ? ?

Turning around suddenly, Sano had already run dozens of meters away.


“Hey, no, where are you going!?”

Conan typed a few question marks and asked at the top of his voice.

Sano paused, turned around, and stared at Conan for a second.

Why is this kid asking such nonsense?

“of course–“

“Give me the way~”

Sano turned around and continued running.

Conan’s eyes almost popped out of his head and he shouted: “What the hell, are you going too far when you run away without saying a word!?”

…Be reasonable.

There are nearly a hundred big men holding weapons. Even Mao Lilan, who in Conan’s eyes is beyond the limits of ordinary people, will most likely have to stop.

But Kurosawa is different.

Not to mention that in Conan’s eyes, the latter is more powerful and more likely to win. The key lies in… ahem, even if he is slightly injured, he will not feel bad, and the “environment” of the two Not quite the same either.

A person who usually fights to the death is just dealing with some small criminals, which is a small fight.

The other one has been doing business with criminals all year round, and even dares to challenge criminal organizations. This gives people a sense of immediacy, and they are two completely different levels.

all in all.

In Conan’s opinion, Kurosawa would definitely win, with at most only minor injuries.

But no matter what, at least you shouldn’t run away! !

Because of this, although Conan had already expected such a result when he discovered that Sano was missing, he still really didn’t want to believe it, so he subconsciously shouted and asked, trying to get a different answer. Denied his own expectations…but failed.

This naturally made Conan feel even more unacceptable.

While dragging his little friend and running away, he yelled and cursed.

And behind.

The group of people were not blind, and they quickly ran after Sano and the others.

This made several children stunned, crying for their father and mother, and quickened their pace.

Conan scolded even more fiercely.

No matter what type of work it is used in, it will definitely be labeled as “****” by the river crab master. This makes Sano, who has always had a bad mouth and is used to it, feel that it doesn’t matter anymore. The people who were stunned couldn’t hold back a slap on Conan’s head and replied.

“I told you a long time ago that if you insist on following me, you will bear the consequences. Why the hell did you insist on following me, and you still blame me?”

Conan covered the back of his head and grinned, his eyes suddenly clearing up a lot.

“But this is your job after all, how can you escape?”

Conan regretted not bringing his skateboard over, and panted: “And there aren’t just dozens of people, just go fuck them!”

“Aren’t there just a few dozen people?”

Sano slapped me in the face again: “You think I’m tough, you say it so easily, you have the ability, but you go back to fuck them?”

Conan stumbled again and covered the back of his head.

“That’s enough, don’t hit me on the head again!”


Sano’s eyes widened, and he raised his hand to slap it away: “I just beat you, what can you do?”

Seeing the two people running away and still “playing”, the fake loli who had no trouble in her heart couldn’t help but feel a little contempt – Haibara Ai actually seriously suspected that this Kurosawa was intentional, but she had no evidence, and besides, If Conan hadn’t committed suicide himself, even if the other party wanted to do something.

It’s also unlikely to succeed.

You’re just asking for trouble…even if you’re tired, you still have to run away.


“Ah, Conan, they are catching up!”

At this moment, several real children shouted.

…After all, he is a child. He is not a fast runner and his physical strength is not good. Not to mention his legs are not half as long as others, so how can he possibly run faster?

Fortunately, perhaps to prevent environmental and terrain reasons, these guys did not drive to chase… In that case, why didn’t this guy run on his own little electric donkey, but chose to run on two legs?

Conan and Haihara Ai realized something was wrong at the same time.

In addition, what feels most wrong is of course that with Kurosawai’s physical fitness, it may not be easy to escape from the pursuit of hundreds of people, but at least… he shouldn’t be in the same echelon as his children, right?

on purpose?

Are you worried that something might happen to your children, or are you…

“call out!”

Sano made a sharp turn and rushed towards the nearby park.

Conan and the others were forced to brake in an emergency, and finally escaped from the pursuers from behind and turned into the park first… Now it was certain that that guy was definitely not worried about them. Will deliberately slow down, just to “fish”!


Conan and Haihara Ai still couldn’t understand.

If you plan to solve it, wouldn’t it be better to solve it on the spot?

Why come here specifically to the park?

What’s the special significance?

“caught you!”

As soon as the thought came to him, Conan was picked up from behind.



Before Conan started to panic, he heard a familiar and crisp sound.

“Idiot, why did you catch this kid?”

Conan’s feet returned to the ground again. When he looked back, he saw that the man who hugged him just now was holding… well, the back of his head. He replied aggrievedly and doubtfully: “This kid is not in the same group with that guy. Well, as long as we catch him, we shouldn’t have to worry about that guy running away alone, right?”

And just when Conan thought that the man next to him would say something like, Thieves have their own ways, the man spoke.

“It’s stupid. Whoever stirs up trouble will bring a few children with them, and they don’t care about them when they run away. This shows that they are not a group, and there is no use in arresting them.”


Listen to what these two people say to each other.

Whether it was Conan who was still in the same place or the other children who had noticed the situation and just stopped and were about to turn around, they all unconsciously made a series of dots… It was reasonable, but among this group of people, there was actually It’s a bit surprising that there are still people who can say such a truth.

…So, there is no need for the few of us to run away at all, and they are all running away in vain?

“That kid is there!”

Before Conan and the others could react, one of them shouted.

Follow the line of sight.

Kurosawa was standing not far away, looking in the direction of this group of people.

As if waiting for himself to be discovered – Sano raised his hand to press his lower lip with his thumb and index finger, took a deep breath and blew out.


But it’s not the usual kind of whistle that is hung on the lips and used for humming, but the kind used for issuing instructions…that is, the so-called rogue whistle.

And as Sano whistled.

For some reason, the park, which was a bit noisy at first, suddenly became quiet.

Look around.

Originally, this group of people, some of them cowering in fear, or some of the unrelated passers-by pointing and whispering, looked confused, but there was a large part of them.

They are all looking at the dog in their hands.

Yes, pet dogs.

A place like a park.

In addition to the people who come to walk and hang out, it’s the people who come to walk their dogs.

However, those pet dogs that would often jump around and roll around everywhere in the past were all uniformly quiet at this moment.

No sound, no movement.

He just looked straight in the direction of Conan.

…What, what’s going on?


I don’t know where the barking of a dog came from, just like the horn sound representing the launch of an attack on the battlefield. At the same time, hundreds of pet dogs began to roar and sprint crazily – although there were many pet dogs among them. , because the size is too small, there is no way to break free from the shackles of the owner.

But what’s more, it’s because of the suddenness that the owner is unprepared and breaks free directly, as well as some medium and large dogs that are not restrained in the first place, and even if they are restrained, they can still break free forcibly.

For example, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Doberman, Great Pyrenees, Rottweiler, Alaska.


Huskies or something like that.

The two who led the charge the most fiercely were even Pit and Caucasus.

It’s a pity that there is no Tibetan Mastiff.

Although the Tibetan Mastiff is not necessarily the best dog among dogs, at least it is.

The momentum is the most powerful – of course this is based on Sano’s personal perception.

…and this wave, it should be regarded as a man fighting against the power of a dog?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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