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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 58 58, Sano: If you can’t solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem.

After Toru Amuro sat cross-legged on the ground, he looked at Sano and patted the side: “What are you doing? Come sit here and tell you something.”

…how to make it look like his home.

Sano curled his lips, closed the door, and quickly came to sit down in front of Toru Amuro.

“Popcorn Hammer Man, that’s you, right?”

As soon as Toru Amuro opened his mouth, he wanted to tear off the Sanoma armor. Of course, the rice flower hammer man is not a vest in the strict sense. The source of his appearance is the same as the black death. It is just to avoid trouble, plus some accidental factors. It was done by chance under Sano’s non-subjective consciousness.

It’s just that unlike the Black Death vest, the fact that the Rice Krispies Hammer Man is true does not require Sano to cover up anything. After all, the existence of the Rice Krispies Hammer Man does not violate any law or discipline, and it does not conflict with the organization.

In addition, many people who know about the existence of Rice Flower Hammer Man say more or less. The most important thing is that he has distinct characteristics. It is not surprising that Sano is suspected for this.

Sano was already prepared to be suspected when he took action the day before yesterday.

“Well, it’s me.”

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes, feeling a little surprised at Sano’s reaction to admitting so calmly: “Aren’t you worried about being punished?”

“What’s the punishment for this?”

On the contrary, Sano found it strange. Although it seemed a little wrong to say that as a member of a criminal organization, it was a bit wrong to do heroic things, but it was almost like a high school student helping college students with their homework.

It’s unreasonable, but it’s nothing to criticize.

In response, Toru Amuro took out a newspaper: “It seems you haven’t read today’s newspaper yet.”


Sano frowned slightly, picked up the newspaper and started reading.

[Surprise, high school detective Shinichiro Sano is actually the Rice Cracker Man! 】

[Is Sano Shinichiro the Rice Krispie Treat Man? 】

[High school detective? Urban vigilante? The dignity of the law does not need such people to maintain it! 】

[Those who do illegal things in the name of justice also have human rights! 】

Sano: “…”

As mentioned before, it is certain that Sano is suspected of being the Rice Flower Hammer Man, and he does not intend to deny it, but what the hell is behind it?

After carefully reading the detailed reports below these headlines, Sano discovered that just overnight, there were more than a dozen media outlets criticizing his “chivalrous and righteous” behavior.

The general reason is that Sano’s behavior is not good. Although the criminals are hateful, they should be punished by the law instead of Sano, the detective.

In particular, Sano’s punishment method is extremely cruel and has no loopholes. In the eyes of these media, this is very unfair. If it is not illegal, then innocent people may be injured in the future. It may even cause adverse effects and cause countless young people who are not yet mature to follow suit, which is too dangerous.

Therefore, several media outlets issued fierce remarks, believing that Sano should be arrested directly. Even better, they thought that Sano should be warned and not allowed to do such things again, or even be allowed to be a detective.

Toru Amuro, who was sitting opposite, waited quietly for Sano to finish reading before speaking: “I’m afraid the reputation you’ve finally accumulated is going to be ruined. What are you going to do?”

The current situation was obviously beyond Sano’s expectations. He rubbed his chin and frowned in thought.

Sano doesn’t need to think too much about how easily ordinary people can be led astray by public opinion, nor does Sano need to think too much about how shameless the media is in order to make money by making gimmicks.

This is a dilemma that makes sense and cannot be explained. No matter how Sano explains it, it will not have the slightest effect.

Personally speaking, Sano might not bother to pay attention to these things, because he doesn’t care about reputation, and he can just say something if he has to say it.

Facts speak louder than words, and those who purify themselves will purify themselves.

But the problem is that this matter is not personal.

The organization needs Sano’s identity as a detective, and reputation is something that cannot be avoided. If it is not handled well, it may be abandoned by the organization. The previous preparations will be in vain. Whether or not he will be silenced is another matter.

To solve this problem, there was only one way Sano could think of.

That is – solving the person who asked the question.

This is the simplest and crudest solution.

There are two options: one is to start with the organization, then the problem will become a personal problem, the other is to start with the media, then the problem itself will no longer exist.

The contrast in difficulty between the two options is simply not too strong.

Sano is going to start with the media.

“Are you going to kill these guys, or are you going to threaten them and be polite before attacking?”

Amuro Toru’s eyes twitched, never expecting Sano to give such an answer, although this seemed to be a solution to the problem.

In addition, since when can the word threat be related to “ritual”? ?

He has always been doing chivalry and justice behind his back, but how come he behaves like a super villain in front of him… Oh, Toru Amuro almost forgot, in the eyes of the other party, he should still be a super villain.

But to be honest, Toru Amuro personally has no objection to Sano’s rougher way of doing good things, especially since he just learned from a report from his subordinates that Sano rescued another kidnapped person yesterday. This is especially true for children.

I just don’t know why Sano would randomly adopt the two characteristics of “Black Death Special Attack Suit” and “Hammer” when doing this kind of thing.

Does it contain any profound meaning?

Sano didn’t wait for Tohru Amuro’s comment on his solution. The other party just sighed: “Okay, don’t worry about it, just leave this matter to me.”


Sano raised his eyebrows, not expecting Toru Amuro to take over this mess.

But since Toru Amuro said to leave the matter to him, Sano is of course happy to save himself the trouble. Even if it doesn’t get resolved later, he won’t be the one who takes the blame.

Sano happily threw the trouble to Tohru Amuro, who also handed Sano a bulging envelope before leaving.


Sano raised his eyebrows and took the envelope. After being fired from his part-time job, he thought he would definitely not be able to get the share, but he didn’t expect Toru Amuro to be so trustworthy.

“You can come back to me next time if something like this happens.”

Amuro Toru, who was about to leave, paused, turned around and glared at Sano, and then left with vicious steps.

It seems that he will never look for me again in the future.

Sano closed the door with some regret and went back to the room to count the bills. His brother Ming settled the accounts, not to mention the boss and the employees, who agreed that they would split the money 50-50. If one ticket was missing, he would go to Amuro Toru for it.

“What tasks will I have today?”

After counting the money, Sano made instant noodles. While waiting for lunch, he thought about life: “It won’t happen this time, and it happens to be when the instant noodles are good…”

“Hey, the current task has been triggered, you can check it at any time!”

Sano’s eyes twitched and he took a deep breath. Did this flag come true too quickly?

Of course, I am speechless, but the task still needs to be done.

[Please rescue the four naughty children who only seek death. After completing the task, you will receive 50 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 7:59:59]

Sano: “…”

He dared to bet a thousand dollars that these were definitely those little brats from the Dog Rider Squad.

Ps: I saw the short essay in the comment area and wanted to change the title of the book to collect inspiration. I originally wanted to change it to Conan: Starting with the Rice Hammer Man, but it doesn’t feel like it fits the beginning. You can feel free to comment (refill).


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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