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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 582 585, Sano: hetui!

Chapter 582 585, Sano: he~tui!

Seeing Sano staring straight at him, Toru Amuro blinked and pursed his lips. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally swallowed back the reason he wanted to say… It always felt like , if you really say that reason, it may lead to not very good questions.

“…I heard that there is a high school detective named Kudo Shinichi in your class?”

Toru Amuro quickly changed the topic… of course, actually getting to the point.

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Tell me, is it possible that Kudo Shinichi and Conan are the same person?”

Toru Amuro carefully observed Sano’s eyes and expression, and directly spread his cards.

However, it was beyond Toru Amuro’s expectation.

Sano showed neither any hesitation nor any pretense of composure.

Instead, he looked over with a strange look.

Seeing Sano constantly looking at himself up and down, Toru Amuro couldn’t help but ask again.

“What’s wrong?”


Sano shrugged, thought for another two seconds, and said: “I just want to mention it to you, boss. If you really plan to take Mouri Kogoro to see a doctor later, I can recommend a doctor to you. Well, you guys , if two people watch it together, maybe we can get a discount.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

Is this kid scolding himself for being mentally ill? ?

…Also, normally speaking, if someone says that a classmate of his has turned into a first-grade elementary school student, he will feel that way.

The brain is sick.

But the question is, is Sano “normal”?

Toru Amuro thinks that his IQ is not weaker than Sano’s. The two are just different in what they are good at, but they are almost the same – he can feel something is wrong in such a short period of time, why can’t the other party?

in short.

Sano is very likely to be in the same group as Conan, which means that.

Sano and Shirley are in the same group.

…This is a result that Toru Amuro cannot accept.

Because this is so unreasonable.

If the two are really a team, then some things must be discussed.

It was impossible for Sano not to know which organization Shirley was talking about.

As a member of the organization, Sano did not report it, which shows that he has a conscience, but he did nothing, especially his boss, Toru Amuro, who was a cadre of the organization and had no knowledge of this matter before.

Whether it was taking advantage of this golden opportunity to arrest Toru Amuro directly, or discussing with him what to do.

All are good ways to deal with it.

But Sano just didn’t move, not at all, as if nothing happened.

…Sano knew it was unreasonable.

Sano didn’t know, and it was also unreasonable.

What the hell is this?

Amuro Toru’s brain was briefly confused, and he didn’t know if it was because of being scolded by Sano for being mentally ill… and then he came back to his senses.

Toru Amuro chose to continue questioning and testing.

Of course, when it came to that step, it was not so much a temptation.

It would be more appropriate to say that this was a direct confrontation.

“But a child like Conan seems to know too much, and in other aspects, he is not like a primary school student at all. He is bold, calm, and meticulous. Let alone a primary school student, even if he is 90% I’m afraid even the nineteen-nine-nine high school students are not as good as him.”

“It’s normal for children to learn things quickly.”

Sano clicked his nails indifferently and said: “And if I really follow what you said, boss, it’s just that the detective has become smaller… Then if I tell you now, this guy has also played with guns and fired guns. If he has a car, has defied bombs, and can even fly a plane, do you have to start to doubt again that this kid is actually an FBI agent shrunk?”


Toru Amuro was listening attentively.

The more I listened, the more something was wrong.

In the end, he just put a question mark with a confused face.

“You, no, please wait a moment.”

Toru Amuro calmed down and said, “Conan, does he still know what you just said?”


“…Where did he learn these things?”

“Hawaii Technical School.”


Toru Amuro’s expression froze, and he leaned back, looking at Sano with doubts in his eyes: “You kid, are you kidding me on purpose?”

“Who tricked you?”

Sano curled his lips and said: “If you don’t believe it, just go and investigate. Among the hundreds or thousands of cases this guy has encountered so far, there must be a few cases where the details in this regard are mentioned in the detailed reports.”


The corner of Amuro Toru’s mouth twitched slightly…who the hell said this was just a joke?

Of course Toru Amuro knew that Sano couldn’t be lying, because he could find out if he checked… what he just said was “Hawaii Technical School”.

There’s no need to check this thing at all, it’s fake at first glance! ?

You have to fool the devil at least, but are you blatantly treating yourself as a fool?

Faced with the dissatisfaction and speechlessness in Amuro Toru’s eyes.

Sano chose to reach out and open the door by himself.

“Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore, the kids at home are still waiting to go to bed.”

Hearing that Sano moved out the little girl, Toru Amuro couldn’t force her to stay anymore.


“Hey, wait a minute.”

Sano turned around in confusion, while Toru Amuro organized his words and said: “Leave a piece of your hair for me… Recently I seem to have met a lot of people who know how to disguise themselves. If someone dares to use yours later, If you do bad things with your identity, it might be of some unexpected use.”

…What Toru Amuro is referring to here is naturally the matter of the black fox “replacing” Sano last time.

But Sano knew that Toru Amuro still had something on his mind.

Black foxes can disguise themselves – this was Belmod’s original idea.

But after Rye came on the scene, this idea changed.

But Toru Amuro was different – he thought it was the Bermod gang who disguised themselves as Black Fox, so he naturally had to “question” him. As a result, the situation between the two parties and the unequal information were different. emerged.

Rye will change shape.

Only a few senior cadres in the entire organization knew about this setting. As an ordinary cadre, Toru Amuro had no idea about it in advance.

It’s just that Belmode knew this, and he learned it through contact.

Therefore, in Bermod’s view, Toru Amuro has teamed up with Rye several times.

Shouldn’t know.

…I really don’t know the result.

all in all.

After learning about this setting, Amuro Toru felt surprised and dignified.

I just feel that my suspicions that were overturned once earlier may have to be reversed again.

…Although Toru Amuro still thinks it is unlikely.

After all, Toru Amuro always knew about the injuries on Rye’s face.

Such injuries will definitely show up on the real face under the human skin mask.

But Sano is fine.

Of course, it is also possible that Sano is using a fake face… but Toru Amuro has already touched it “accidentally”, and it is not a human skin mask at all.

Just to be sure, just in case.

Toru Amuro still felt that it would be most appropriate to conduct a DNA comparison.

In fact, Toru Amuro has Sano’s hair on his hands.

It is what was gathered from that earlier suspicion and has been compared.

Just consider that the gadgets he installed were immediately discovered by Sano, and Kazami Yuya, who arranged to follow them, was also found out.

Toru Amuro felt that he had reason to be suspicious.

The hair he got may have been prepared in advance by Sano deliberately.

It’s not that Toru Amuro is now very sure that Sano is Rye, so he doesn’t believe anything. On the contrary, as mentioned above, he is not willing to doubt at all. However, the will is the will, and what should be done must be done.

It was precisely because I didn’t want to doubt anymore that I had to do it once and for all.

Be straightforward and take the material in person so that Toru Amuro won’t believe it.

Is there any possibility of being passively manipulated again?

But Sano looked at the small bag that Amuro Toru took out, but it took several seconds to take it.


Under Toru Amuro’s confused gaze, Sano sealed the bag and returned it.

“No, saliva is okay too.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

What the hell, crazy! ?

“…Why can’t you just give your hair a haircut?”

Facing Toru Amuro’s numb doubts, Sano scratched his head.

“Ah, well, I’ve lost a lot of hair recently, so… Well, boss, you are so old, you should understand. If a young man doesn’t know how expensive his hair is, he will be sad when he gets old. Every hair on my head Every hair is my most important partner, and… it hurts to pull out hair.”

Looking at Sano who spoke plausibly.

Toruto Amuro was almost turning gray.


After the corner of her mouth twitched, Amuro Toru remained silent and reached out to catch Sano’s saliva…

There is a saying, saliva, although it can indeed be used to extract DNA.

But compared with hair, the shelf life is indeed a bit short.

But it’s not completely impossible.

Especially if Toru Amuro has the “ability” to provide the best preservation environment for him, the difference will be even smaller… But, even if he can.

But it still feels disgusting!

Seeing Toru Amuro’s awkward look, Sano waited for a few seconds, and when he felt his hand was about to get sore, he finally swatted him over and slapped the small bag on the opponent’s palm. among.

At that moment, Toru Amuro’s eyes widened and his heart trembled.

…what the hell.

If you use too much force, the bag will leak or even explode.

It’s unimaginable.

“Then, I’m leaving.”

Sano turned around and left regardless of Toru Amuro’s mood at the moment.

Toru Amuro was left in the car, looking at the bag in his hand stupidly.

“how’s it going.”

On the Porsche 356A, Gin looked at Sano who was holding a document, his eyes constantly switching between the document and the photos on his phone, and asked.

“Judging from the description, it should be the same person.”

Sano closed the phone, returned the file to Gin, and answered.


Gin took the document, rubbed his fingers thoughtfully, and said: “The former ace sniper of the Navy SEAL team has a lot of bitterness and hatred… Maybe you can consider whether you can be recruited into the organization to work. .”

“You really think so?”

As soon as Sano asked, Gin vetoed it himself.

“…But this guy is currently targeting a former Marine Corps sergeant, and has already taken action twice. He is being closely watched by the Neon Police and FBI. If he wants to recruit him, it may bring unnecessary trouble. trouble.”

A top sniper is indeed a talent.

But it’s not that this thing is so precious that Gin is willing to spend a lot of manpower, energy and financial resources, and even help wipe away a lot of trouble on his back.

Not to mention that this guy had taken action against the organization several times just a while ago.

Gin didn’t know if this guy did it on purpose.

But at least from a superficial standpoint or a fundamental standpoint, the two sides are in a state of opposition… To recruit people to join the gang, you first lose some face. The key person may not want this face, and only thinks of himself as a hero and a righteous person. , to fight evil and so on.

That is, the pure efforts are not appreciated, and the hot face is sticking to the cold butt.

The last problem is that this guy is too troublesome.

It’s not the trouble Hunter has caused now, but the trouble he may cause in the future… Of course, the latter conclusion is based on the former.

Hunter used to be a soldier whose duty was to obey orders, which was Gin’s favorite type, but now, this guy has changed.

Intense pain and hatred can make people lose their minds.

No, at this level, it can no longer be said that he has lost his mind.

But it distorts the soul, which means distorting the spirit, to be blunt.

Almost a lunatic, an absolute destabilizer.

Dare to take action against a former Marine Corps sergeant today, and tomorrow dare to take action against Neon official high-level officials. This kind of big trouble is what Gin hates the most.

But not everyone can be like Sano, with value that far outweighs the trouble…

Unless this guy is good at other things besides sniping.

And it can’t just be about combat.

For example, hacking technology or scientific research… But this is obviously not possible.

To sum up, Gin’s conclusion is – pass!

Sano has and can only have one, the top sniper of the SEALs.

disappear as far as you can.

Naturally, Sano wouldn’t say much about this.

…Since this talent Ginjiu doesn’t want, then I have to be disrespectful.

Looking at the photos on Hunter’s profile on his phone, Sano was already thinking about it.

What kind of codename should I give this guy?

Then the time came to the next day.

Sano received the news and Hunter took action again.

The target this time is the neon man who broke off the engagement with Hunter’s sister.

That guy would have been impossible to find.

But Sera Masumi found the person through a magazine report.

It turned out that after breaking off his engagement with Hunter’s sister, this guy immediately married another Neon woman, and even changed her surname to her.

That’s why I couldn’t find anyone.

It’s a pity that Sera Masumi here just called Conan to come to the door.

The third person who came out of the underground garage in his car was shot dead directly.

The two had to narrowly avoid the out-of-control car.

After checking the body and confirming that it was hopeless, the two quickly deduced the place where Hunter carried out the sniper attack based on the situation at the scene.

But if that time passes, it will undoubtedly be too late.

There were only two items on the roof that were the same as last time, bullet shells and a blue dice with a score of three, which attracted the attention of Officer Megure and his group.

That night I contacted two other guys who were suspected targets.

Arrange for local police personnel to come to your home for personal protection.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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