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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 586 Chapter 589, melee


Are there a little too many snipers tonight?

Is this the rhythm of a sniper melee?

Sano raised his hand and scratched his face, and the next second he received the task of killing the target again… Judging from the position, it was the Bai Wuchang who didn’t know whether he was asleep or not.

There’s plenty of time.

However, considering that the situation was likely to be super chaotic later, Sano decided to deal with the matters that should be solved and the benefits that should be obtained first.


Sano summoned Daikoku with his backhand.

It just so happened that the mission over there had ended, and considering that Bai Wuchang had found a lot of helpers with good quantity and quality, it might be better for him to find another “helper” to take care of the situation.

“Ding ding!”

And just when this Conan was almost unable to hold on, and even fell hard and twisted his foot, Akai Shuichi finally planned to take action… However, someone was one step faster than him. Got the gun.

Unfortunately, all six bullets missed.

Obviously Gin’s words were not unreasonable. Using the top of the Suzuki Tower as a sniper point would have a great terrain advantage. Even if they faced snipers of the same level, their chances of winning would be greatly improved.

The bullet hitting his side made Kevin Yoshino’s expression suddenly change.

There are actually other snipers present! ?

This distance and angle difference, the error is still so small, he is a master!

Yoshino quickly turned over and rolled to the side, looking for cover… There was nothing he could do.

Advantages are advantages, but they are not invincible.

The Suzuki Tower is indeed the tallest building in the surrounding area. No matter what kind of sniper you are, it is difficult to achieve a sniper point outside.

One hit.

Because the probability of error is too high.

But this does not mean that there is no possibility of error.

Especially when the numbers pile up.

Once someone gets lucky, it happens to happen to Yoshino.

That’s not good.

“…This is true.”

Shuichi Akai turned his gun and quickly locked on three positions of the six snipers. He exhaled with a complicated expression… He probably had some idea of ​​who these people were and why they attacked Yoshino. This can be considered a good thing for him. After all, from this perspective, even he has some pressure, but.

Maybe it’s the rabbit’s death and the fox’s sorrow.

It feels a little mixed.


On the tower, Yoshino’s features were ferocious. After several attempts to snipe again despite the risk, he found that Waltz and Conan could not be seen at all.

Finally I chose to give up temporarily.

Why, why do everyone have to ruin their own good deeds one after another! ?

If you fail this time, try to succeed again…


The door was kicked open, and twenty or thirty figures came into view.

The pistols in the hands of this group of people were raised at the same time and pointed at Yoshino.

…Now, even the escape route is blocked.

“Lay down your weapons and surrender, maybe you can save your life Kevin Yoshino!”

I don’t know whether it was an order from above to “try to capture him alive” or simply out of their own inner moral sense. This group of people did not shoot immediately and kill Yoshino on the spot, but attempted to negotiate.


Yoshino, who was almost crazy, couldn’t control anything at the moment.


After throwing away the sniper rifle in his hand, Yoshino pulled out his spare submachine gun.



The submachine gun fell to the ground, and Yoshino’s two arms were shot once each.

“Don’t move. We don’t want to kill you. We hate people like Waltz, but you have to cooperate with us so that he can receive the punishment he deserves, take responsibility, and give Hunter a fair result!”

“Everyone is already dead. What the hell are you farting with me!?”

Yoshino roared: “Delayed justice, don’t pretend to be noble here!”

…The two snipers who observed the situation at the top through the sniper scope gradually relaxed their muscles and nerves. In this way.

It should almost be considered a knot… huh?

Suddenly, Akai Shuichi and Carlos noticed something was wrong at the same time.

After adjusting the angle slightly, their expressions changed again at the same time.

“…Be careful next to you!!”

Carlos roared as he pressed his headphones.


The group of people at the top of the Suzuki Tower were stunned by the roar, and they were completely unable to realize what it meant, but when they subconsciously looked to the side to check the situation.

A figure standing about ten meters to the left made everyone’s pupils shrink instantly.

When did this guy stand there? ?

Because it was night, even though the Suzuki Tower had temporarily entered a “not open” state due to the previous sniper incident, it still had basic lights, and on the premise that it was at the top and the moonlight was brighter, it could be As long as the figure stands slightly to the side.

Especially when paired with the black, it’s not surprising that I didn’t notice it…

“who are you!?”

Because they have been in Neon for a long time, these Americans still blurt out Japanese even if they react instinctively.

The man turned his head slightly.

After all, they were professionally trained retired soldiers. The group of people adapted to the outline there almost in the blink of an eye, and gradually saw clearly that under the hood of the sweatshirt that was constantly fluttering in the wind was a black peaked cap.

And…a face that couldn’t be seen clearly, as if it were a mist.

……rye! ?

Shuichi Akai and Conan, who took the opportunity to hide in a different place and used his glasses to control the situation, recognized this figure immediately.

“Does it matter who I am?”

Rye’s left hand was in the pocket of his sweatshirt, and the smoke in his right hand was sending up wisps of white threads… This was also the source of the low-presence effect of the passerby hat being ineffective.

“What’s important is the killer behind you, idiot.”

Rye popped out the cigarette butt in his hand – “Boom!”

The human-sized fireball flashed past, causing the group of people to lose their vision for a short time. At the same time, they panicked. Their attention was already attracted, and they failed to notice a black shadow approaching quickly from behind.




The two people who were closer to the back were vaguely aware of the movement behind them.

But when he subconsciously looked back, he found two teammates at the back.

Suddenly disappeared.


Zain Ben looked at the wrong side of his peripheral vision.

I only saw a tall figure wearing a suit and with blond hair, standing in front of Yoshino who was kneeling on the ground. He was pinching the backs of his two teammates’ necks, and the two chicken-like figures were People, on the other hand, don’t have any struggle, just like a puddle of mud…

Judging from the angle of the head and neck, it was obviously broken.

“…Enemy, there are enemies!!”

As soon as he shouted, Yoshino felt like he was being strangled by the back of fate, and then the scenery in front of him quickly became blurry.

Black Cat dragged Yoshino and rushed into the tower before the group turned their guns.

“Yoshino was rescued by that guy!”


The situation changed too quickly, especially when Yoshino, who was at the core of the situation, was under control and thought he was 100% sure, no, it should be said that he was 100% sure, but he actually got out of trouble again in just two or three seconds. .

A group of people who originally felt confused and confused suddenly straightened out their thinking.

…Is this guy a bait? ?

Seeing these guys turning their guns towards him again, Hei Mai unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth: “Look at what I’m doing. I didn’t kill your teammates, and I didn’t rescue that guy. You must waste your time with me.” .”

As soon as these words came out, the violent air like the center of a tornado suddenly solidified slightly, and then another sound came from the headphones of a group of people.

Apparently it was Carlos who gave the order.

As a result, a group of people stopped entangled with Rye and split into two waves.

A wave rushed into the tower and gave chase.

And the other wave jumped directly from the tower… He was actually equipped with a parachute. He was really well prepared. He planned to get to the bottom of the tower first, and then combine inside and outside, attack from two sides, and outflank the attack?

Hei Mai looked at those figures in mid-air. In this situation, they were like living targets… Of course, the few guys over there would definitely not just watch and do it themselves. Of course, even those few If this guy gets in the way, I can still succeed, of course.

No need.

After retracting his gaze, Rye looked into the distance.

The left hand that was inserted into the pocket of the sweatshirt was finally taken out, and what was held in his hand and taken out was the old-fashioned rifle modified by the scientific research team.

Okay, now it’s time to get down to business.

After pulling the bolt almost in the blink of an eye, Rye’s muzzle pointed forward.

“First, first.”


The smoke filled the air, and the bullets roared through the night sky. Finally, they penetrated the scope of the sniper rifle and shot into Carlos’ eyes against the sniper scope.

At that moment, time seemed to be slowed down countless times.

Whether it was Carlos himself, his teammates, or Shuichi Akai and Conan who instinctively observed the results of Rye’s shot.

The brain is almost blank.


Why was Rye able to know where Carlos was.

Why was Rye able to pull the trigger directly after raising the muzzle without even a second to prepare, and even hit the target accurately?

Why did a dignified former Marine Corps ace sniper become the first to be killed by a gun so quickly, so simply, so suddenly?


Carlos fell to the ground, blood spreading.


Damn it!

Shuichi Akai reacted the fastest and almost immediately pointed the gun at Rye again.


Before Shuichi Akai could pull the trigger, he saw two scarlet dots suddenly light up on the misty face under the peaked cap. Although it was just two red dots, in a daze, he had A sort of.

The man’s eyes turned to his own strange sense of sight.

Red, eyes…

Continuous changes, suppression of momentum attributes.

Akai Shuichi’s finger failed to pull the trigger immediately, and missed the best opportunity… He looked at Kurenai and turned to his gun.

Akai Shuichi didn’t have time to think too much and threw himself aside.


Where Akai Shuichi was originally lying, a few sparks spattered out.

…Sure enough, in addition to Carlos’s position, this guy has also noticed his own position. This is really troublesome.

It happened that this guy took advantage of the terrain.

If you want to win… or even just compete, you may not be able to do it alone, but fortunately, there are Spencer’s snipers over there.

He probably won’t ignore this guy anymore.

In fact, it is exactly what Akai Shuichi thought.

Carlos and other snipers, in addition to suppressing Yoshino with firepower at the beginning to prevent him from hurting more people and further expanding the impact of the matter, even if the teammates behind him had withdrawn from the top, they still had no choice. There is no other reason to take action against the top rye.

I simply don’t want to cause unprovoked and unknown trouble.

But it’s different now.

Carlos was killed head-on, and the conflict between the two sides was inevitable.

“Kill that guy!!”

But before these people could shoot, they were on the other two buildings that were almost the same height.

Two small, faint lights flashed away.


“There are snipers from the east!”

“There are also those in the west…”

…There are actually snipers.

Although Shuichi Akai was surprised, he still took out his spare monocular telescope.

Then he quickly locked onto two figures that he had not noticed before.

Calvados? I haven’t seen the other one before. Is he also from the organization?


Both of them are top snipers. Although they are no better than themselves, these guys without Carlos are still not up to par, not to mention that the former also has the first mover advantage and positional advantage, so he obviously ambushed them in advance.

The few people who thought they would be useful are now not only useless, but also two other troubles have arisen. Now I’m afraid… there is nothing we can do.

Akai Shuichi frowned, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and locked Conan’s position again.

The only variable at the moment is this guy…

At the same time, Conan’s observation range had already left the “battlefield”.

What was locked instead was the middle level inside the Suzuki family’s tower.

There were Judy and Cameron who rushed over after receiving Conan’s call, as well as the duo of best friends and the foursome of the Plague Team.

…Originally, the Judy duo arrived at the place, but were blocked by the tower staff from entering. When they called Conan, he was still a little confused.

Obviously so many people rushed to the top of the tower, why can’t they even get through the door here?

But then I thought about it, the Judy duo were the FBI after all and were a little more law-abiding.

It doesn’t seem surprising.

However, after hearing the “reason” mentioned by the tower staff from Judy, Conan’s expression changed – the organizer temporarily reserved the venue.

Ah, Conan remembered. Just this afternoon, in the ward where Sera Masumi lived, he discovered the key point of the entire case. Suzuki Sonoko did indeed say that she would bring those children back. A trip to the Suzuki family tower…but why is it so fast! ?

It happens to be at this time, it’s so unlucky! ?

The rye at the top, the black cat and Yoshino in the tower, and that group of people…

Conan was so panicked at that time.

He couldn’t care about the snipers who were shooting at each other at the top of the building. He quickly called Mao Lilan using Kudo Shinichi’s mobile phone number and asked them to hide quickly. Then he called Judy and asked them not to stop. Waste your time, follow that meaningless rule, and just sneak into the tower.

But even so.

After all, it was a head-on collision.


Looking at the black cat dragging Yoshino in front of them, the Maori Ranjudi group who had just gathered had serious expressions on their faces, and the latter two simply drew their guns to confront each other.

“Put the man down, Black Cat!”

…It’s really troublesome.

Black Cat raised his hand and pushed up his glasses: “Can you roll aside and don’t want to die yourself? If possible, I really don’t want to get my hands dirty.”


Judy wanted to say something else, but Black Cat was too lazy to waste time. When Yoshino fell to the ground in his hand, the man was already approaching her.

If you don’t want to put down the gun, then help her put it down.

If you don’t want to leave, then help her leave.


Judy almost subconsciously pulled the trigger.

But it’s too slow.

The black cat pushed Judy’s hand to a high place, with the muzzle of the gun pointing upward, and exerted a slight force on his palm.

Then I heard a “thump” sound.

The pistol immediately slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.


Cameron next to him had just turned the gun when his wrist was held by Black Cat’s other hand, but this time, before any force was applied, Mao Lilan followed.

“Ah ah!”

Do you want to force yourself back with a volley kick and surround Wei to save Zhao?

Black Cat’s eyes did not waver at all, he twisted his waist and exerted force on his ankles.

He threw the two Judys in his hands directly, and then let go.


Cameron flew more than ten meters away without any hindrance, hit a pillar and let out a muffled grunt, while Judy collided with Mao Lilan.

The two landed together and slid two or three meters away.


His eyes turned.

Facing the condescending eyes of the Plague Team and Suzuki Sonoko.

His face was full of horror.


Before the situation could develop further, a turning point came.

There are two waves of people chasing from behind and descending the tower first, from bottom to top.

They actually arrived here at the same time.

“…It still ends up getting dirty.”

After somewhat helplessly lowering his head and pushing up his glasses, when he looked up again, the red color had spread in the black cat’s eyes, and the claws on his five fingers shone with a cold light.

Let’s make a quick decision.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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