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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 588 591, Mao Lilan: I saw an angel

Sano’s eyes quickly moved over the crumbling building materials in front of him.

Finally a route was successfully drawn up.

With a strong push of his feet, he flew to a stone that was half a man’s height and was also falling. Then he kicked again and flew to another stone in front of him on the right, like an ape, constantly moving on the collapsing gravel.

Finally, he pushed hard and dived straight towards Maori Lan below.

And Mao Lilan’s brain was already almost blank.

The hands that instinctively reached up to try to grasp something could only grasp the air.

The terrifying feeling of weightlessness, whether psychologically or physically, is squeezing Mao Lilan’s heart, panic, despair, and…

look forward to.

Hoping that maybe a miracle will happen.

Is there something I can catch, or is there someone.

Being able to catch yourself…

And when the figure of Rye came into view.

Mao Lilan still couldn’t react, but subconsciously stretched his hand longer.

Then, the two figures finally came into contact.

Sano grabbed Mao Lilan’s hand and controlled it in his own.

At this moment, Mao Lilan seemed to have grasped the hope of redemption and felt a lot more at ease…

Wait a moment.

This doesn’t seem right, does it?

After calming down for a while, Mao Lilan finally felt something was wrong.

Why did this guy come to save himself? ?

Wait a minute, is this guy definitely here to save me?

Could it be that he wants to use himself as a hostage… But even if that is the case.

In this situation, how can two people avoid being thrown to death?

Mao Lilan’s brain fell into chaos again, while Sano was observing the surroundings.

…The next step is how to implement it.

With the flexibility attribute, there is no problem in approaching Maori Lan with the help of other falling objects, but Sano originally thought that after catching her, he would use the same method to return to the tower… but the plan could never keep up with the changes.

Sano didn’t take Maori Lan’s weight into consideration.

With such a tow tank, the “flying” distance is undoubtedly greatly shortened.

Sano’s plan was to jump to the rock behind Mao Lilan, and during the process, he would pull her up to the rock over there, and then return “the same way”.

As a result, now…the two of them are stuck in the middle.

This is a bit embarrassing. There is no way forward and no backwardness at all. There is no leverage at all.

After thinking about it, there was really only one way.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, and because the falling speed was getting faster and faster, so much so that he was afraid that he would hit the ground in two or three seconds, Mao Lilan’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he instinctively grabbed the hand on Sano’s neck. He was also pushing harder and harder… I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I really had to solve it quickly, otherwise if I kept going like this, I would be strangled to death if I didn’t fall to death.

Sano’s head moved.


“I’m coming!!”

Dahei was suddenly summoned and almost didn’t get hit by the collapse. He flapped his wings desperately and passed through all the collapse.

He bumped into Sano.

[Fusion], activate.


The sound of wind in my ears suddenly changed.

Mao Lilan, who could hardly hold on and shouted, felt that her vision had dimmed a lot, as if there was something extra next to her.

After subconsciously turning his head, what caught Mao Lilan’s eyes was a large piece of black.



Sano controlled his wings and flapped them hard. The falling speed of the two people was greatly reduced. By the second flap, they had stopped completely, and then with the third flap, they fell to the ground again… But what was different from the previous one was that this time This fall was no longer uncontrolled, but deliberately controlled.

Dust is swirling.

Sano brought Mao Lilan to the ground.

…Because Sano detonated the bomb and caused the Suzuki Tower to fall down, the neon police who had been approaching the bottom of the tower had already withdrawn to the distance, and by the way, they also dispersed the scattered passers-by who were near the Suzuki Tower. , so at this moment, there is not even a single person near the bottom of the tower.

And Mao Lilan still hasn’t come back to her senses.

He looked at Sano with dull eyes… to be precise.

It’s the pair of pure black wings behind Sano. Under the background of the moonlight, it gives people an inexplicable, mysterious and noble sense of sight.

…This is the fusion effect of Dahei.

Apart from the extra pair of big wings, there are no other changes.

And if you want a person to fly and even carry another person with just a pair of wings, it is naturally impossible to be like an ordinary bird, with a wingspan that is about the same as itself. Like Sano’s To the wings.

It’s very big.

Ridiculously big.

Sano had not measured the exact size, nor did he intend to.

All I know is that at first glance, it seems that just one side is the size of a car.

As for why Sano didn’t explore it in depth, this seemed to be a very powerful and useful effect, mainly because he never used it again after experiencing its specific effects for the first time.

…and don’t plan to use it again.

There are two reasons. First, as Sano said before, he is actually a little afraid of heights.

The second is that this thing is not very easy to use.

The flying speed is really not fast…of course it cannot be considered slow.

But the size is too big, not enough to cover the eyes of others, and it is very, very tiring to swing. In addition, it will cause a lack of flexibility…

all in all.

Sano didn’t think he would use this thing…but he used it anyway today.

I wonder what this girl would think?

Under Sano’s gaze, Mao Lilan stayed for two or three seconds before rolling her eyes.

His head just dropped.

… As early as the first sight of those big wings, the Maorilan people were already dumbfounded, especially since they had just seen a certain “cat demon”.

I feel a little numb already.

Speaking of which, it should be a bird demon… or an angel? ?

Although normally speaking, angel wings should be pure white, symbolizing purity… but there is no evidence to prove that angels are white.

Maybe it’s actually black.

But aren’t angels kind? How could they be one… No, there seems to be black angels and fallen angels among angels…

Still not right.

This man saved himself, maybe he was actually a good person… It was still wrong.

After all, it is not yet certain that he has indeed been rescued.

…Encountered the black cat head-on, saw it transform into a “cat demon”, and then killed him randomly. Then the Suzuki Tower was bombed, and he met Rye head-on. Finally, there was a power outage, causing him to fall from a high altitude and almost die. In the middle He actually saw the “angel” again… In the chaos, Mao Lilan, who had received so much stimulation in such a short period of time, wanted to pinch his face and tell himself that this was a dream and he would wake up. Enough.

Under the action of the body’s protective mechanisms.

Mao Lilan still chose to faint first.


Sano, who was slightly speechless, retracted the two wings behind him, which were still very huge even if they were folded up, as if they were covered with a big cloak.

“Master, if you save people like this, aren’t you afraid of being seen by Conan?”

Daikoku, who had released the fusion, appeared on Sano’s shoulder and asked curiously.

“I just saw it when I saw it, what can I do?”

Sano walked aside, placed Mao Lilan on a safe point where the Suzuki Tower would not be hit even if it collapsed completely, and then left.

And not until three or four minutes later.

Judy managed to jump out of the Suzuki Tower, which was about to collapse completely… Fortunately, the guy must have deliberately left a little time to retreat, otherwise if the number of bombs was doubled, this building would be destroyed. The tower was afraid that it would collapse instantly, and he would have no chance to evacuate.

After wiping the cold sweat from his head with lingering fear.

Only then did Judy discover a problem that made her sweat again.

…What the hell, where’s Mao Lilan! ? ?

No way, didn’t this girl run out? ?

Judy raised her head in horror and looked at the rumbling Suzuki Tower that had been completely turned into ruins. Her eyes were wide open and she felt cold all over her body.

It’s completely over now…

“Teacher Judy!!”

A police car flew over, and Conan, who sprained his leg, got out of the car and rushed over, his pale face full of eagerness: “Xiaolan, where is Xiaolan!?”

…It is different from Akai Shuichi’s locking method that relies on technology as the supplement and focuses on himself.

Conan is supplemented by himself and mainly by technology.

The advantage is that Conan can zoom in on the screen anytime and anywhere, has night vision, and even “auto-lock” functions, but the disadvantage is that the upper limit is low.

Conan was right to discover Mao Lilan immediately, but in the next second, because those rubble collapses hindered the locking function, he lost his target and did not even notice Rye’s figure following behind…

Of course if you really notice.

There is a high probability that Conan will not feel at ease, but may become even more panicked.

It was precisely because the lock was lost that Conan rushed over in a hurry… Although in that situation, it seemed that there was no way to save it.

But what if.

Conan, who really didn’t want to believe that Mao Lilan would die, rolled around for a while, and after reaching the police’s temporary blockade, he finally asked Officer Megure for help, and then took a car over… But looking at Judy’s expression .

“Damn it!”

Conan was going crazy, his eyes were red, his breathing was rapid, and his ears were ringing.

“Look for it, look for it quickly!!”

Officer Memu reacted and roughly understood the whole story. He was also very worried about Mao Lilan and immediately arranged for his subordinates to start looking for someone.

But at this moment.

A phone call comes.

Judy subconsciously answered the phone after hearing what was said on the other end of the phone.

His eyes, which were almost turning gray, lit up.


“Are you serious!?”

Judy didn’t have time to hang up the phone and grabbed Conan and ran away.


After walking around half the ruins and running for dozens of meters.

Mao Lilan was sleeping soundly on the bench, while Dahei on the street lamp dozens of meters away immediately spread his wings and flew away because the mission was over.

Disappeared into the night sky.

“…You mean, you saw it, angel???”

In the Maori Detective Agency, Judy had a cast on her hand, Conan had a cast on his foot, and James.

Mao Lilan was looking at Mao Lilan with a puzzled expression, who finally woke up from sleep.


Mao Lilan nodded slightly, but his expression was still a little dazed.

Judy and Conan looked at each other.

They all showed funny expressions unconsciously.

“Xiaolan, are you too frightened and are you hallucinating?”

There was also a little hesitation on Mao Lilan’s face, and she doubted her own memory, but other than that, she was not particularly willing to deny it, and asked: “…But in such a situation, besides really growing Come with wings, otherwise, how could I possibly survive?”


Conan and Judy looked at each other again, and then realized that they had ignored this.

…Indeed, if it was just a coincidence and some shitty luck, then what kind of shitty luck would it take to ensure that a person who fell from a height of more than 300 meters was safe and sound? Bruised?

Especially Judy, she thought of the black cat she had faced at night.

…If I tell others I saw a person, I will become half human and half cat.

I’m afraid I’ll be laughed at too, right?

But that’s just the truth.

“Then have you seen, uh, what that angel looks like?”

Judy asked again.

Mao Lilan immediately fell silent.

This aroused confusion among both Conan and James, but James narrowed his eyes, sighed and asked, “Is the person who saved you the…faceless man?”


Conan and the two looked back at James in shock.

Mao Lilan’s face also showed a little astonishment.

I was stunned at how James knew about this, but after a few seconds of silence.

Mao Lilan still nodded.

This made the shock on Conan and Judy’s faces become even more serious.

James sighed again, approached Mao Lilan’s bed, and said seriously: “Miss Mao Li, can I very solemnly ask you something?”

“……What’s up?”

“Don’t tell the neon police what happened tonight… I mean the aspect of you being saved by an angel, especially don’t show up in the transcript.”


James thought for a while, exhaled, and after talking a lot, he succeeded in temporarily fooling Mao Lilan into agreeing.

Then Conan sent the two of them away.

“…You said, angel, is it true?”

Judy still focused her attention here.

“How could it be true?”

Conan showed his dead fish eyes: “It’s probably the effect of some kind of technology.”

“What technology can allow people to grow wings?”

Judy looked suspicious: “This sounds even more unscientific, right?”

“You originally thought that technology could make people smaller.”

As soon as Conan said this, Judy was stunned and stopped talking.

Rejuvenation can be made, why can’t monsters be made?

“…Perhaps, it’s a biological experiment?”

After coming downstairs, Judy still couldn’t hold it back and speculated: “Rye and Black Cat must know each other and have a good relationship. One can grow wings and the other can become half human and half cat. Maybe it’s because both of them survived the same experimental project, so they have a greater sense of trust and occasionally help each other?”

Conan: “…”

Biological experiments?

Bringing humans and animals together? ?

Is Judy’s imagination so rich?

What Conan originally thought was that the transformations of these two people were similar to Kurosawai’s Black Mask. They were “transformations” similar to those of Kurosawai’s Black Mask, such as super alloy wings and super alloy claws… Although this It is also a bit exaggerated and feels a bit challenging to the world view.

But at least it’s not technology.

And biological experiments…well, it feels a little biased towards superpowers…

…James next to him looked at the two of them, silent, and just checked his adjusted headphones, while Shuichi Akai, who was far away in the Kudo mansion on the other side, was holding a wine glass and playing with the photos on the table.

Conan, Haibara Ai, Sano, Maori Ran, Rye, Black Fox, Black Cat, Black Death, Kurosawai, Ito Taka, Amuro Tooru… There are even photos of the little girl, these photos were kept by Akai Shuichi Adjust position.

After thinking about it for a while, Akai Shuichi took out his pen again.

On the three photos respectively, I wrote angel, cat demon, and mask.

… Regarding angels, Akai Shuichi actually didn’t know anything about them.

Even though he was better than Conan, Shuichi Akai locked onto Rye who jumped out of the tower and approached Maori Ran, but he was not without limits after all.

Under such a chaotic scene.

Shuichi Akai quickly lost the lock on two people.

Regardless of whether Rye actually met Maori Lan or whether he grew wings, Akai Shuichi did not witness it with his own eyes.

This will allow James to understand the situation and eavesdrop on him in real time.

However, this does not prevent Shuichi Akai from making speculations and asking James to find someone nearby.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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