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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 59 59, Sano: Maybe I have a talent for detectives?

If it weren’t for the dog knight team, Sano would have eaten the bucket of instant noodles while standing on his head. He was definitely not cheating on him!

Speaking of which, the three missions in a row were all related to little brats.

Does the system want you to be a nanny?

Sano bit his fork and thought, but fortunately, the mission period this time was quite long, so he didn’t have to rush to complete the mission, and naturally he didn’t need to waste the bucket of instant noodles in his hand.

Eat first. If you don’t fill your stomach, you won’t have the strength to work.

Sano continued to suck on the noodles.

On the other end, after Toru Amuro returned to his car, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

“Hey, Gin, I remember that you seem to have information on several newspaper presidents, right? Can you give me their contact information?”

“Well, we need to deal with some problems, okay.”

Toru Amuro hung up the phone and let out a deep breath. He had never thought of letting Sano solve this problem. He just wanted to try the other party’s idea. He didn’t expect that he got such… shocking s answer.

However, Sano’s answer did inspire Amuro. He originally thought about relying on official power to force the media to shut up, but he changed his mind.

Anyway, this can be considered a deployment for the organization, so why not directly use the power of the organization to solve it?

Although this method seems to be the same as Sano’s method, it is a threat, but at least the targets of the threat are not good people, and the success rate is guaranteed.

So that night, the presidents of more than a dozen newspapers received calls, and they fearfully woke up their reporters from their sleep, complaining that the workers had to work overtime all night to write and revise the manuscripts.

After eating and drinking, Sano lit another cigarette and went to the corridor outside the house to stare.

As for the mission?

Anyway, just finish it before the time limit ends. Before that, it is absolutely impossible for the four naughty children to get into trouble. It is better to scare them more to avoid looking like they are dead all day long.

It was not until the evening that half of the mission’s time limit passed. Sano set off leisurely. After getting ready, he rode the electric donkey to the target location.

Soon, Sano found four naughty children.

Although I had expected it, seeing these four guys still made people turn around and want to leave.

However, it seems that nothing happened to the four naughty children in the past time?

Sano squinted his eyes. Considering the uncontrollable death instincts and troublesome physiques of the four naughty children, he still felt that watching from a distance might cause a situation that was too late to deal with, so he rode over.

“You guys, what are you doing here when it’s dark and you don’t go home?”

Conan, who was sitting on the top of the phone booth, was stunned for a moment and looked down: “Ah, brother Sano, why are you here?”

“Just passing by.”

Sano turned his attention to the trio of dog knights who had been noisy just now, but now were suddenly frozen like stones.

The moment their eyes met, the three of them all shivered, and subconsciously stood at attention and bowed: “Good evening, Sano-san!!”

Sano: “…”

what’s the situation?

Sano looked at the three people who were standing in a military posture and was silent for a second. He had clearly seen him before and kept shouting “Following Criminal” intentionally or unintentionally, but now it was like a mouse seeing a cat…

Although these children seemed to be frightened the day before yesterday because they witnessed Sano’s violent… act of justice, to be honest, Sano really didn’t think that these children could recover quickly after the Maple Leaf gold coin incident. The guy with the majestic appearance of a child will really maintain this awe.

Forget it, that’s fine, at least be willing to obey.

“Well, Brother Sano…”

Conan jumped down from the phone booth and stood in front of Sano with a troubled expression. After a while, he asked in an extremely awkward tone: “Actually, we encountered a strange thing.”

Weird thing?

Sano narrowed his eyes and took out the key to the battery car: “Tell me about it.”

Conan opened his mouth and explained the situation quickly.

It turns out that the Dog Rider Team is not right. It was the Detective Youth League that received a commission today. It was to help a classmate from the next class find a cat. They searched all the way here and found the cat.

But the problem lies with the cat.

Conan discovered that there was blood on the cat’s hair that clearly did not belong to the cat, so he followed the cat’s path back to find it, and then saw a dead body in the bathroom of the nearby bungalow with blood flowing out of it. All over the place.

The Dog Rider team quickly called the police, but after the police arrived, Conan and others unexpectedly discovered that the “corpse” was still alive, and after a search, the real body was not found.

“During this period, I kept staring at the phone booth. There was no other way out of the villa except the main entrance, so it should be impossible to get the body out before the police arrived.”

As Conan spoke, he touched his chin and frowned.

Regarding this, Sano was noncommittal and just asked: “You just said that the people living in this home are twins?”


Sano rubbed his fingers: “Perhaps, these two people have appeared in front of you at the same time.”

“Do you suspect that one of them is singing the double act?”

Conan shook his head: “No, we followed Officer Memu upstairs and searched another person’s room. He was sleeping at the time.”

Sano stared at Conan for a while, until the other party couldn’t help but feel a little numb, and then said in a slightly joking tone: “Although there is no evidence, since we have said this, you haven’t reacted yet? .”


Conan was originally wondering if his behavior of “analyzing” with the other party just now aroused the other party’s suspicion, but why did it mean that he was being ridiculed?

“You said he was sleeping, then did you feel his pulse?”

Sano asked coaxingly.

After hearing these words, Conan’s pupils shrank and he woke up instantly.

“You mean that brother is actually dead, but was just pretended to be sleeping by that brother!?”

Sano looked at Conan with a look that said, “You finally figured it out.” He really doubted whether the level of detectives in this world was reliable anymore.

It was obvious that all the fancy operations had been done before, just like a super-powered detective. Why couldn’t you think of such a simple thing in the first place?

Sanoye murmured inwardly, as soon as such conditions were laid out, he directly assumed the role of the murderer and came up with such a method.

Or do you think I really have the talent as a detective?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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