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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 592 595, Toru Amuro: Am I sick?

Phantom evil spirits take over.

But Toru Amuro didn’t notice anything wrong at all.


Tactile modifications.


The ice cubes in the wine glass in Amuro Toru’s hand suddenly felt cold through the wall of the glass, as if what he was holding was a glass of boiling water that had just been boiled, which made him subconsciously let go.

The wine glass fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Before Toru Amuro could react, he couldn’t swallow the spicy wine in his mouth.

Suddenly it became extremely painful again.

Amuro Toru couldn’t hold it back at all and squirted out all the wine in his mouth.

Fortunately, Sano reacted quickly and dodged sideways.

“Oh, Lord Bourbon, what’s wrong with you?”

Sano smiled and pretended to be caring, and the waiter next to him also ran over.

“……it’s okay no problem.”

Toru Amuro came to his senses and chose to deal with it for the time being.

But when everything was settled and he sat down again, Toru Amuro looked at the new cup with hesitation in his eyes… What happened just now?

Hot cup, bitter wine.

Obviously everything was fine before…


Before Toru Amuro could put down his messy thoughts, he saw again that the water in the cup suddenly turned pitch black, and then started spinning non-stop. A dark face emerged from it and kept shouting at him. Grinning.

“You seem to be doing well, Zero.”

For a moment, Amuro’s pupils contracted, his breathing almost stopped, and his mind was in a state of shock.


Before Toru Amuro could react, the face had disappeared, the wine in the cup had returned to its original color, and the black fox’s concerned inquiry could be heard in his ears.

“…Are you okay? Can you hear me?”


Toru Amuro looked at the black fox in front of him. After calming down for a while, he frowned and asked, “…were you talking to me just now?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t react at all. Are you distracted?”

Hearing this, Toru Amuro frowned even more tightly. After a while, he tentatively pointed to the wine glass in front of him and asked: “Then, did you see that this glass of wine just now seems to be a little… …Not the same?”

Sano continued to tilt his neck in pretense of confusion.

“What’s different? How can it be different?”

“…It’s nothing, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

Toru Amuro absentmindedly ignored the topic and looked out the window.

… Could it be that I have been too tired recently?

“Sir, I see that you seem a little uncomfortable. Do you need a glass of hot water for you?”

The waiters at this store seem to be very observant and considerate.

“Thanks, then…”

However, when Toru Amuro turned around, the figure clearly existing in the peripheral vision could not be seen at all… What the hell is this! ?

Toru Amuro jerked his head.

The waiter was standing behind the counter ten meters away from him.

Count the money in the cash register.

…Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Toru Amuro immediately grabbed Sano who was opposite him: “Did you just see or hear the waiter coming over and asking me if I wanted a glass of hot water?”


Sano touched his chin and asked nonchalantly: “What, Mr. Bourbon, are you experiencing auditory hallucinations… If you add visual hallucinations, it should be called hallucinations. Are you mentally ill?” Well, oh, that’s too bad. You have to see a doctor quickly. Early detection and early treatment… But there’s nothing we can do about it. After all, in our line of work, not only is it stressful, but it’s also very easy to get psychological. It’s not surprising if you have a breakdown, have some psychological problems, and then it spreads to your spirit. Don’t worry, I’m a relatively open-minded person and won’t discriminate against you…”

Toru Amuro: “…”

Looking at that little mouth, it has jumped directly from the stage of ridicule and concern to the stage of insult and worry.

Toru Amuro was completely confused.

How does this mean that I am mentally ill? Do you want to jump so fast?

“…I’m a little tired, so I’m going back to rest.”

Toru Amuro couldn’t bear the insult, and had no way to refute, so he could only forcefully end the topic and planned to retreat, but just as he stepped out of the store.

Toru Amuro tripped over the threshold again and almost fell over.

Fortunately, the black fox next to him had quick eyes and quick hands and reached out to help him.

“Are you OK?”

Sano sighed deliberately: “You can even trip over this. It is indeed quite serious. You should listen to my advice and go see a doctor quickly. This is really nothing, just like my good apprentice Ito Taka… also Even Kelen is actually sick, but hasn’t he been living well? The most important thing is to solve the physical problems and avoid affecting normal daily life. That is the key… Maybe you can also let him Let me introduce you to a doctor who is more reliable and maybe you can save money.”

Amidst Sano’s chatter, Toru Amuro turned around and glanced at the threshold that was obviously very obvious, but he just didn’t notice it.

His face became very dark.

…something’s wrong.

Something is very wrong, very wrong, very wrong!

Could it be that I am really sick?

No, calm down, we are not sure yet.

If it is really his mental condition, then there should be traces to follow and it should be done step by step. Obviously there were no traces at all before today.

How could it be so serious all at once?

Toru Amuro wanted to stabilize his mentality, but the black fox next to him kept chattering, and everything in his words was saying that he was sick.

This made Toru Amuro’s mentality even more divided.

At this moment.

Toru Amuro felt that his brain was very confused. Although he hadn’t checked anything yet, let alone been diagnosed with anything, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to understand how Sano was feeling.


…Toru Amuro actually knew that the person next to him didn’t have any bad intentions.

Although it does sound a bit sarcastic, it is fundamentally true.

This can still be regarded as “care” for Toru Amuro.

After all, Amuro Toru had a similar mentality… Of course, there were differences in actions. Anyway, it was impossible to get angry.

At most, it’s just some dissatisfaction and helplessness.

“I’ll think about it later, so that’s it for today.”

After saying that, Toru Amuro left in a hurry, leaving Sano smiling even more.

In fact, in addition to using Tohru Amuro as an experimental subject for manipulation of the five senses, Sano also did some other tricks just now, that is – the other party’s emotional manipulation of his black fox vest and his own identity.

Sano did not interfere with the emotions shown by Toru Amuro during the experiment, but just watched silently. He only conducted in-depth manipulation of the emotions involving his two identities. It cannot be said to be inflated, but it is indeed growing. Of course, this can only be a bias towards good emotions.

As for bad emotions, just suppress them.

The purpose, of course, is to increase the “favorability”.

Well, this is a very common setting, but this is the first time Sano has mentioned it.

Although Sano actually doesn’t have anything in his hands that is very clearly related to this equipment or other things, this does not prevent him from amusing himself – the derivative set by the believers is the favorability level.

Through Nakajima Sukezo, we can know that not only targets with miserable lives or pitifully low will attributes can be brainwashed into believers.

So can people with extremely high will attributes become believers?

After countless tests in secret and a lot of time.

Sano came up with a real internal standard – that is the degree of favorability.

Through the fox eyes, Sano can greatly increase a person’s favorability towards him in a short period of time, but that is only temporary, he wants to be “permanent”.

That can only bring the favorability to a peak level.

For example, if you have a full favorability level of 100, it may be difficult to fall down again if it reaches 90… Of course, this refers to the ultimate goal stage. It is normal to increase the favorability level once, although it is said to be temporary.

But after cooling down, the favorability gained will not be lost under normal circumstances. In other words, it is a “cumulative system”.

The level of the will attribute, as well as other related factors, such as the situation of the object, Sano’s method of increasing favorability, etc.

All will affect the upper limit of one favorability level.

To put it simply, it is difficult for someone like Toru Amuro to become a believer in a short period of time, but if you try a few more times to ensure that there are no accidents along the way, then.

It will only be a matter of time before the favorability level reaches full.

But this only exists in theory. After all, some people will never really trust others completely, and some people, even if they really trust others completely, will still be meticulous in their actions.

Of course, this was the best answer Sano expected.


I won’t say that the favorability level is 90, but the full value is 100.

all in all.

What Sano plans to do now is to keep improving his favorability.

It’s not just Toru Amuro.

Others, especially the tools under various vests.

Most so.

…When I thought about it, I suddenly felt like I was playing a certain game.

“About my daily life in Tokyo Raiders×××”?

But the special problem is that the people he wants to “attack” seem to be basically men…and a large part of them cannot be said to be ugly. At least Sano thinks that even if they are Okeologists .

I’m afraid that after taking a look at it, I will only find it boring.

…Ahem, back to the topic. Originally, if he wanted to do this kind of thing, since the fox eyes were the basis, and the conspicuousness of the fox demon mask, Sano would have had to use the black fox vest to make long-term and frequent contact with the targets from the front. .

But now with the five senses control, it will be much easier… Even if you are not a high-willed person like Toru Amuro, who is already “familiar” with it, the same principle is still the same, because after the test just now, Sano was able to determine the target of the five senses control. Whether the will attribute is high or low.

What kind of strong and weak method will the obtained effect be?

It’s not that it’s more difficult for Sano to modify the senses of the object he’s using.

It’s about the length of time.

The more senses you modify, the larger the modification and the shorter the time.

In addition, there are also the current state of the object being used, and whether the modification content is reasonable enough, abrupt or not, etc… For example, Sano directly erased the voice of a customer in the coffee shop, compared with the wine in the cup suddenly speaking, naturally The former is more likely to last, and even if it loses its effect later, Toru Amuro couldn’t find anything wrong.

in summary.

This time, Xianyu’s turnaround was truly extraordinary.

Just based on the above performance, Sano even wanted to give this equipment an A-level evaluation, not to mention the other effect of the coat, and another route of facial sense control, using it on dead objects – this thing is even more extraordinary. , does not seem to be affected by the will attributes of the people around him.

…Not to mention the modified coat that Sano was wearing, he was deliberately late for a while before the scheduled meeting time with Toru Amuro.

During this period, the color of the table in front of Toru Amuro was changed.

But even when the two of them left, Toru Amuro still didn’t notice anything was wrong.

The sight and touch of the table are all the same.

…It’s okay if it can take effect in a group, but why does the effect become stronger?

Isn’t this a little unreasonable?

Sano rubbed his chin and thought for a long time…Forget it, let’s go home first.


But at this moment, Sano stopped.

At the same time, the main body, who was still at home, received a phone call… hmm.

It’s from Toru Amuro.

……No way?

Sano answered the phone: “Hey, boss, what’s the matter?”

“Good afternoon, Sano, have you had lunch?”

Listening to Amuro Toru’s greetings, Sano twitched his lips: “What, if I say I haven’t eaten yet, boss, are you going to treat me to it?”

“Hahaha, okay.”

Sano raised his eyebrows but said nothing, and Toru Amuro on the other end also fell silent.

After a while, Toru Amuro asked tentatively: “Sano, can you give me the number of the psychiatrist you said you could introduce to me last time… I still think I need to take Mouri Kogoro for a check-up. one time.”

Sano: “…”

You actually used Mouri Kogoro as a shield?

Sano, who was slightly surprised and speechless, felt a little funny again… He didn’t expect that he actually took it seriously after making a little joke with this guy.

…but so.

At that level, if it were applied to ordinary people, it would probably scare them into illness even if they were not sick. It was not surprising that Amuro was cautious and went to check it out.

The only question is why Toru Amuro is looking for him?

Even if you don’t trust Black Fox, the only intermediary you can trust is your own identity, but psychiatric examination is not a particularly difficult channel to get in. Can’t you just find a hospital and do the examination directly?

As for calling yourself to be the middleman?

After raising his hand to scratch his face, Sano didn’t bother to think too much, so he hung up the phone after being confused… He couldn’t help it, he told Toru Amuro at that time.

It’s just a mockery.

Now I ask myself, how can I conjure up a psychiatrist?

Hmm…just ask Ito Taka.

This guy is a regular customer of psychiatry, and he must know many psychiatrists.

So Sano called Ito Taka backhand.

And when Sano solved Toru Amuro’s problem, the mission suddenly arrived.

[Please ensure that the Emerald Emperor is not stolen within the mission time limit. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 36:59:59].

…What is the Emerald Emperor?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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