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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 593 Chapter 596, Suzuki Jirokichi: The little detective is bullying me because I am old and

Sano took out the map and found the location. It was in Tokyo. There was a high probability that it should be some kind of gem, and the “danger factor” was most likely Kuroba Kaito?

Before Sano could think about it, he should go there for an on-site inspection first.

Kyogoku really called again.

“Senior, do you know Kaitou Kidd?”


Sano raised his eyebrows again… It seems that this gem also belongs to the Suzuki family.

This is a routine, nothing surprising.

It’s just that Kyogoku Shin also got involved… Thinking of Suzuki Sonoko’s peeing, Sano can probably understand what’s going on.

But in this case… I am sure that what I want to do this time is to ensure that the gems are not stolen, not to protect the head of that boy Kuroba Kaito.

Aren’t you going to be really blown away by Kyogoku?

“The thing is like this…”

Perhaps because Sano’s attitude was a bit casual, Kyogoku explained the situation immediately… It turned out that just now, he went to Suzuki Sonoko’s house and met with her parents. The process was not very pleasant.

After all, they are two completely different classes.

Suzuki Sonoko’s father is a bit better and more open-minded, but her mother doesn’t like Kyogoku… Of course, it’s also possible that the two of them had agreed in advance that one would be a good guy and the other a bad guy, and they would fight here. Cooperate.

Of course it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that just when Kyogoku was about to leave, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly received news that Kaitou Kidd was eyeing his own gems.

And then…well.

Feeling the sense of crisis, Kyogoku Makoto became extremely jealous.

At the same time, there may be some thoughts, including wanting to prove his ability to Suzuki Sonoko’s parents, and Kyogoku really intends to get involved.

“I’m on my way to the Suzuki Grand Museum now, senior, you…”

“I know, I’ll be there soon.”

Sano didn’t waste any time, hung up the phone, left a note and money, went out, rolled out his Harley, and rushed to the Suzuki Grand Museum.

And when Sano arrived at the place, all he saw was “bodies strewn all over the ground.”

“…Please be sure to let me join the camp that protects the gems!”

Far away, Sano heard Kyogoku’s “application to join the team.”

Upon entering, Kyogoku bowed to an old man with real respect.

Suzuki Jiroyoshi.

Sano recognized this guy.

Sano had seen him on the previous Suzuki Express train, but the two had not spoken. He only knew that the old man seemed to be a fan of Kuroba Kaito… Well, he was a very fanatical one. It is said that the source seemed to be This guy likes to be in the limelight very much, but every time the headlines are stolen by “Phantom Thief Kidd”, so they start to keep an eye on him…

Back and forth, it seems that Kuroba Kaito has been provided with a lot of gems.

That’s right, fishing enforcement.

Since Kuroba Kaito’s target has always been all kinds of gems, the old man deliberately produces some gems every time to attract the opponent.

The purpose is to capture Kuroba Kaito so that he can clear his name.

To sum up.

This is an existence similar to that of Officer Nakamori.

The difference between the two may be that one has money and the other has power.

Of course, in their respective systems, Suzuki Jirokichi’s level is much higher.

Of course, in the case of Kuroba Kaito, there is not much difference.


However, when Kyogoku really applied to join the team, Suzuki Jirokichi rejected it.


Kyogoku’s face was full of surprise. He had fought all the way here in order to meet Suzuki Jirokichi and also to show off his strength in a small way.

After meeting Suzuki Jirokichi, Kyogoku Shinya had already explained his identity.

Whether it’s Suzuki Sonoko’s boyfriend or a karate master.

There is no reason for Suzuki Jirokichi to refuse.

“There is no reason. I will definitely catch Kaitou Kidd with my own hands. I don’t care whether you are Sonoko’s boyfriend or a karate master. In short, don’t even think about getting involved in this matter. When it’s time to fall in love, just fall in love! “

Suzuki Jiroyoshi spoke righteously and could not refuse.


“No buts!”

Kyogoku was so anxious that he was sweating…but due to Suzuki Jirokichi Suzuki Sonoko’s status as an elder and the current situation, he had no choice.

“Wait a moment.”

At this moment, Sano finally stood up.


Kyogoku turned around and saw Sano, as if seeing a savior.

Suzuki Jirokichi narrowed his eyes and looked Sano up and down: “Are you…oh, I remembered, you are Sonoko’s friend, you seem to be a detective, why, do you want to get involved? “

“You deliberately brought out the gem this time to lure someone… Kidd must have taken the bait.”

Sano answered the question incorrectly.

Suzuki Jirokichi didn’t care, nodded and affirmed: “That’s right, what’s wrong?”

“In that case, you are really sure that you can catch him.”

As soon as these words came out, Suzuki Jirokichi immediately fell silent… because just now, they used high-tech means to combine this defense force and Kaitou Kid’s past action patterns to predict the success of this fishing law enforcement. The probability, but the answer we got was pitifully low.

“…This doesn’t seem to be any of your business.”

Suzuki Jiroji said sternly: “No matter if I can do it or not, you two will definitely not be able to do it anyway. Even if you are allowed to join in, it may get in the way, causing what could have been caught to be missed.”


Sano lit a cigarette: “So, you are very confident in your defense power.”


Suzuki Jiroji raised his head and said: “Without that diamond, how can I get the porcelain job?”

“The Emerald Emperor is inside, right? Your defense forces should have been deployed?”

Facing Sano’s question, Suzuki Jirokichi frowned.

“So what?”

“That’s easy.”

Sano casually snapped his fingers: “Kyogoku, get rid of everyone in this museum except this old man within ten minutes.”


Not only Suzuki Jiroki was confused, Kyogoku was also confused.

“…Senior, isn’t this not good?”

Sano glanced at Kyogoku Makoto who asked cautiously: “Just do as you are told.”

“……All right.”

Kyogoku is not a good man or woman after all.

After pretending to hesitate for a moment, the two guards behind Suzuki Jirokichi fell to the ground, and Kyogoku Makoto rushed into the museum without stopping.


Suzuki Jirokichi subconsciously wanted to chase after him and intercept him, but in the end, Sano directly put his arm around his shoulders, and a faint cold voice came from his ears: “You should just watch here obediently, your proud defense power, in Beijing.” It would be better to think about how vulnerable you are in front of Ji, and then carefully consider whether you need the help of the two of us.”

This guy……

Looking at the hand on his shoulder, the hammer shone with a cold light.

Suzuki Jirokichi was covered in cold sweat.

This is a threat, this is definitely a threat! ?

Damn this guy, do you think that this old man like you is a soft persimmon and think you can manipulate him at will? Oh, you are really looking down on yourself!

Suzuki Jirokichi, who has been studying various extreme sports for many years and thinks that his fighting ability is pretty good, was just about to rise up to resist. The two guards at the gate, who sensed something was wrong, had already rushed over to prepare for rescue. As a result… Naturally, Sano was killed. He was pressed to the ground and hammered wildly, holding his head and screaming.

Suzuki Jiroji suddenly woke up: “…”

Are all high school detectives in Tokyo so good at fighting now?

“These two are considered outside the museum. I’ll handle it. It’s not a foul.”

Seeing Sano turn his attention to himself, Suzuki Jiroji was shocked.

He shook his head and nodded quickly.

…If it were a young man, Suzuki Jirokichi might still have that confidence and be better at fighting than the two guards, but now.

After all, he is old.

…Well, that’s right, it’s because I’m old that I can tolerate such a move.

It’s definitely not because I’m scared that I endure it!

Jirokichi Suzuki, who feels he has endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens, is a man who knows the current situation and is a man of courage and courage.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart – it’s really the little detective who deceived me because I am too old…

Just like that, ten minutes passed quickly.

Kyogoku Shin also successfully carried a box back to Sano and his wife.

“Senior, I have checked everything, and there is no one that has slipped through the net.”

…Can you please stop making it sound like you are killing people and silencing them, leaving no one behind?


While complaining in his heart, Sano nodded calmly, finally let go of Suzuki Jirokichi, and said: “No, you have seen it, maybe we can’t guarantee that we will be able to catch Kaitou Kidd, but if we continue If we are not good enough, then your defense force, which cannot even defend Kyogoku alone, will definitely be even less good.”

Suzuki Jiroyoshi looked at the box in Kyogoku’s hand with complicated eyes.

…Although Suzuki Jirokichi originally didn’t think that he could really catch Kaitou Kid with the power he had deployed earlier, it was still a trap he had carefully prepared, but in such a short period of time, he was caught by such a trap. High school students appeared randomly and were completely defeated.

It’s true that I was a little bit shocked.

“Don’t be so embarrassed.”

It was clear that he had a cold and ruthless attitude just now, but in the blink of an eye Sano enthusiastically hugged Suzuki Jirokichi’s neck and said with a smile: “You may not know yet, according to the price that Suzuki Sonoko’s father paid me to appear in the past, this I could have asked you for tens of millions more this time, but now I won’t take any money, and I even gave you an extra Kyogoku Shin for free.”

Sano patted Suzuki Jirokichi’s chest: “You’re going to make a lot of money this time, brother.”

However, Suzuki Jirokichi became confused about this: “What, what do you mean, have you ever been entrusted by the Suzuki family to deal with Kaito Kidd before?”

Sano was stunned.

“No, brother, aren’t you the leader of Kaitou Kidd’s anti-fans? Then you shouldn’t know everything about him, don’t you know me?”

Suzuki Jirokichi blinked and replied awkwardly: “Ha, what? Although I do pay attention to all the news about Kaitou Kidd, most of the time I just pay attention to the results, such as whether Kaitou Kidd succeeds or not. Being arrested or something… As for the process, I don’t want to watch it.”

No wonder.

Sano patted Suzuki Jirokichi on the shoulder: “In short, just leave it to us later. No matter what it is, don’t ask, don’t move, don’t get in the way.”


Suzuki Jirokichi responded calmly.


That night, Officer Nakamori and others were told by the staff of the Suzuki Grand Museum that they were not allowed to enter the gem exhibition hall. They were immediately confused.

“What are you talking about? Kaitou Kidd will come to steal gems. Why are we not allowed in? Can’t we catch the thief!?”

Faced with the questioning of Officer Zhongsen.

The staff of the Suzuki Grand Museum said calmly: “Because the Suzuki consultant said that security personnel entering the exhibition hall may get in the way.”


Officer Zhongmori gritted his teeth: “Is it that smelly old man again…”

“By the way, in addition, Consultant Suzuki asked me to show you this.”

The man turned to the computer again and clicked on a video.

This attracted the attention of Officer Zhongmori and the others.

In the video, Kyogoku Makoto, who is wearing a white karate uniform and a gas mask, is surrounded by a dozen men in suits, pointing a gun at him… The person is Suzuki Jirokichi, so the gun cannot be. Real gun.

It’s just a toy gun…of course it’s not an ordinary toy gun.

Otherwise it would be meaningless.

It is different from blank bullets, which are basically impossible to kill people, but are bound to hurt people, and also different from children’s toys, which even have a pitifully small probability of hurting people.

Although this thing is indeed not as powerful as a normal pistol, as a special product, especially in terms of speed, it is still very close. Therefore, when Kyogoku actually faced these dozen guns and fired at the same time, he actually shot All the bullets were caught with his hands without landing. Even at the same moment when the bullets were emptied, he took down the dozen or so guards who were at least at the level of little masters with lightning speed.

As melon-eating people, Police Officer Zhongmori and others had only one idea in their minds.

That is, awesome!

“How about it? In the international martial arts competition, the karate master who has won 400 consecutive games without losing is called the number one master of Neon Martial Arts. With him, it is equivalent to having Neon’s strongest force defense system.”

Suzuki Jirokichi grinned widely, and his triumphant face came into the camera.

“Of course, Kaitou Kidd is not a simple guy, especially in terms of his mind. To catch him with pure force is really a bit of a wishful thinking, so I specially prepared another gift for him.”

As he spoke, Suzuki Jirokichi turned the camera and focused it on Sano, who was holding a cigarette in one hand and a hammer in the other: “Sano Shinichiro, a famous high school detective, can be called the most powerful brain in Neon. With him, he can work together with Kyogoku Shin. , that kid Kaitou Kidd will definitely be unable to fly, hahaha!”

It seemed that he was brought back to his senses by Suzuki Jiroji’s bluffing voice.

Sano looked distracted and looked at the camera.

“Come and say hello to the big guys.”

Suzuki Jiroyoshi is like a reporter.

…God damn Neon has the most powerful brain, this guy is really good at it, right?

Sano, who was embarrassed to say this, felt a little unbearable, but fortunately, he had always adhered to the principle that as long as he was not embarrassed, the only ones who would be embarrassed would be others, and he calmly smoked extinguish.

“…You should be watching.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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