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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 595 598, Kyogoku Makoto: You actually asked me to be careful about a first-grade elementary

Sano scratched his head… Another thing that he didn’t expect was that Kyogoku Makoto, who looked innocent and silly on the surface, like a stubborn donkey, actually had all the tricks and connections he could use behind his back. Used it.

…Is it because what I said last night was too deeply rooted in people’s hearts?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter anymore.

What worries Sano more at the moment is that even if he is not mentioned here, Kyogoku Makoto, Conan, and finally a black dragon are added. The originally extremely difficult copy has become… no matter how you look at it.

Kuroba Kaito always comes and goes, right?

And it wasn’t just Sano who had this idea, Suzuki Sonoko also had the same idea… She knew it in advance, but only Kyogoku really knew how to participate!

As a die-hard fan of Kaitou Kidd, even if he is Kyogoku’s true girlfriend, he knows how powerful this karate master is.

But before seeing Sano.

Suzuki Sonoko didn’t even think that the outcome of this showdown was already doomed…

Not to mention that there is a black dragon assistant next to her who is almost the same as her boyfriend, so there is no fun at all!

……to be honest.

It’s not that Suzuki Sonoko is a fan and worries about her idol’s house collapse or something.

It doesn’t matter if the theft fails.

But the problem is that this is no longer a question of whether it can be stolen.

But it’s about whether he can survive! ?

The most important thing is that if this happens, my bet…


With her brain running rapidly, Suzuki Sonoko grabbed Sano’s shoulders.

At least, at least kick this most dangerous character out!


“…Senior, are you also planning to help Ah Zhen protect the gem?”

Listening to Suzuki Sonoko’s tentative inquiry, Sano curled his lips and said: “Nonsense, otherwise what am I doing standing here? Am I here to appreciate gems?”


Suzuki Sonoko let go of her hand and changed direction: “But with Uncle Jiroji’s character, he should want to use his own strength… Ah Zhen may be a little different, but senior, you have communicated with him in advance…”

“Your uncle has agreed.”

Sano interrupted Suzuki Sonoko: “And if it weren’t for me, Kyogoku would still have to work hard to get his consent.”

“Yes, really.”

Suzuki Sonoko rolled her eyes and continued to attack in different directions: “What about Zhen? He probably wants a fair showdown with Kaitou Kidd, senior…”

“Kyogoku was also convinced by me.”

Sano continued to interrupt.

“…Then I heard that there seems to be a bet between my mother and Ah Zhen. My mother probably won’t agree to your help, senior…”

“I have also convinced your mother.”

“Well, then, the time in the warning letter of Kaitou Kidd is quite late. Senior, don’t you have to go home at night to coax that little girl to sleep?”

“It’s okay, you can take it over and sleep here. This is where I slept last night.”

Suzuki Sonoko: “…”

Nothing, impeccable!

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko, who had turned gray-white, Sano suddenly reached out and grabbed her face.

“Ahhh…it hurts, senior, what are you doing?”

Suzuki Sonoko covered her face which was red from being scratched, and looked at Sano in confusion.

“Nothing, just checking to see if you are Kidd.”

Sano retracted his hand and said calmly: “After all, what you said is that you don’t want me to deal with Kidd. It’s inevitable that you will be a little suspicious… But since it is confirmed that you are not pretending, is it true that compared to Kyogoku? In your heart, does your thief idol have a higher status?”

“certainly not!”

Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly objected, her eyes drifting to Kyogoku Makoto on the other side.

… One code equals another, although Kyogoku Makoto, who is jealous over trivial things, will make Suzuki Sonoko feel very happy, but if there is a big misunderstanding.

That would collapse.


Suzuki Sonoko took out a piece of paper from her pocket and changed the subject: “I have to show the letter that Kaitou Kidd put in my mailbox that I just saw this morning to A-Zhen… Senior, too.” Come and see.”


The gradually heavy air became relaxed again, flowing slowly along with the development of the situation.

Sano just watched as Kyogoku opened the note and found that it was blank. Then, after Conan reminded him, someone brought a candle and burned it with fire, and the words appeared… So no one here smokes Of?

But it’s not a secret that I smoke, so why don’t I ask myself even a single sip.

I have to run to find a candle… By the way, how do you light this candle? ?

While Sano was speechless and confused, Suzuki Tomoko, who was also present, saw that everyone could not analyze the meaningless provocation on the note, so she clapped her hands again, indicating that in order to target Kaitou Kid’s disguise technique, Men can still identify themselves by pulling their faces, but it is not polite for women to pull their faces, so they specially prepared dresses.

These dresses are all made by top designers and tailors, and each one is unique and high-end in the world… The reason is that based on Kaitou Kid’s past behavior, he will never take off women’s clothes to disguise themselves.

“…How do I remember, you seem to be?”

Mao Lilan was suddenly cueed by Sano and immediately blushed. Conan next to her quickly denied: “No, you forgot. Sister Xiaolan was wearing clothes at that time, and Kidd was wearing another They’re just wearing the same clothes, and the reason why you said that is to lure us away so we can escape…Isn’t your memory too bad?”


Sano scratched his head: “Then there’s no need to go to such trouble, why can’t girls pull their faces… Although I don’t think it can be solved by pulling their faces, but it would be a shame to pay such a high price for this… …This kind of high-end order must be very expensive. If you sell it, you might make a lot of money.”

Under Sano’s muttering, several people nearby unconsciously played a row of dots.

… Let’s not talk about the issue of whether you are a gentleman or not. In such a public place, you behave like a philistine… No, this is not the level of philistine or not, but excessive greed… Although there are several Suzuki Sonoko I know very well that Sano’s nature is not that bad.

But what if it is misunderstood, or even used to make a fuss about it?

The guards of the Suzuki family were okay, and Officer Nakamori and other police officers were also harmless, but there were still many people who were just here to see the gems!

Especially because the news that Kaitou Kidd is eyeing this gem has spread. Among this large wave of guests, a large part of them come to appreciate their idol’s goal this time in advance. And if Sano really wins as the leader and becomes the number one headliner, he might be maliciously attacked or something.

Fanatic fans are scary…

“Okay Sonoko, let’s go change quickly… Xiaolan, you too.”

Tomoko Suzuki responded quickly and quickly changed the topic.

“Hey, do I want to wear it too?”

Mao Lilan was a little surprised: “But I just stopped by to take a look after school and…”

“Okay, okay, let’s go.”

Suzuki Sonoko dragged Mao Lilan and was about to change clothes, but before leaving.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly turned around and approached Kyogoku Makoto, showing off her affection.

He said that he must work harder, which caused a burst of cheers from the people around him.

… People who don’t know about it only think that Suzuki Sonoko is talking about the battle to protect the gems, while people who know about it think that she is talking about the bet between Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Tomoko.

Only Sano seemed to feel more and more wrong.

I always feel like there’s something fishy?

After watching several women go to change clothes, Sano was just about to go outside to smoke a cigarette, but a police officer here rushed in with another big bag, saying that it was Kaitou Kid who named him and wanted to give it to Kyogoku. Really believe it.

Inside were hundreds of slips of paper, all blank.

It was his first experience. Without saying a word, Officer Zhongmori asked people to roast them one by one. But in the end, he found that the notes on these notes were all the same as the last one, which were just meaningless provocations and narcissistic quotes.

“Are you kidding people!?”

Officer Nakamori looked annoyed.

“Senior, it’s almost dinner time. Don’t you arrange for someone to go home to pick her up? Or have you agreed in advance to let her order takeout for dinner?”

Mao Lilan, who had changed her clothes, walked behind Sano and asked.

“Well, I asked Xiaozi to deliver dinner. As for whether to pick her up… let’s see when it can be solved in the evening. If it’s too late, pick it up in advance. If it’s solved quickly, there’s no need to pick her up. After all, She didn’t seem to be very comfortable sleeping here last night, a golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as a dog nest.”

Sano glanced at Mao Lilan and replied.

“That’s it.”

Mao Lilan nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

Then we had dinner peacefully, and there was no movement until after nine o’clock. The Suzuki Grand Museum was closed and all irrelevant people were cleared out.

There are less than ten minutes left before Kuroba Kaito’s preview time.

“Okay, now except for these three people, everyone else exits the showroom!”

The guards of the Suzuki family, as well as a group of security personnel, all retreated to the corridor outside the exhibition hall, leaving only Sano Kyogoku and Black Dragon.

“That guy seems to like using anesthetic smoke bombs, so just put them on first just in case.”

Sano glanced at the door of the showroom.

“Kyogoku, pay attention to Conan, that boy may help Kidd deal with you.”


Hearing this, Kyogoku was stunned: “Why, why?”

“Because he seems to have a good relationship with Kidd… Of course, it’s not good enough to help Kidd steal gems, but if you are about to catch that guy or hurt him, this kid is very likely to Will do backstabbing.”


Kyogoku touched the back of his head, but didn’t say anything, “What, you actually asked me to be careful about a first-year elementary school student?” or something like that.

He nodded in response to Sano’s reminder.

…Sano’s words were not out of place.

The relationship between Conan and Kuroba Kaito is indeed good, even though the two sides have fought many times overtly and covertly, and even made some outrageous reports in newspapers, such as “First-year elementary school student-Kid’s nemesis”.

But Kuroba Kaito is a good person after all.

The two are said to be enemies, but there are also some who are also friends and foes, if nothing else.

Just say that last time on the express train, Kuroba Kaito helped Conan.

Just this time alone, Conan owed Kuroba Kaito a favor.

If the guarantee is not enough, I will use it this time.

This may also explain why Kuroba Kaito might be able to succeed with such a lineup…after all, they are both great scientists.

It’s not surprising that Conan can really fight with Kyogoku.

“…Hey, I heard from Kyogoku that you seem to be quite good at fighting.”

While waiting, the bored Black Dragon chatted with Sano.

But Sano ignored the idea at all and turned the hammer on his own.

Seeing this, the black dragon stopped asking for trouble.

The moment the clock on the wall reached ten o’clock, the lights went out.

To be precise, the power should have gone out.

…It has been said a long time ago that the electric switch area needs to be defended intensively.

Is this the result?

Sano felt helpless and raised his hammer and scratched his head before he could speak.

I heard a scream coming from outside the showroom, it was Suzuki Sonoko’s voice.

There was only faint moonlight coming from the skylight in the exhibition hall, but Sano could still see that Kyogoku’s posture was obviously becoming a little uneasy.

“Don’t move. Kidd is a thief, not a murderer. Nothing will happen to him.”

Sano opened his mouth to stabilize the military’s morale… but in fact it was really hard to say.

Kuroba Kaito’s style of acting has always been to disrupt the situation and fish in troubled waters.

And in the chaos, any kind of unintentional accident is possible.

In addition, there is the possibility that someone is acting in the name of Kaitou Kidd…


As soon as the thought came to him, Suzuki Sonoko opened the door and leaned half in.

“No, Kaitou Kidd tampered with the gas masks. It seemed like fluorescent powder or something like that. Then he took advantage of the darkness to knock off everyone’s masks, and used anesthetic smoke to stun them all. Fortunately, I quickly picked up a mask on the ground with my quick eyesight and hands, so I didn’t pass out with him.”

Suzuki Sonoko threw herself into Kyogoku’s arms and explained the situation timidly.

“Okay, don’t worry, nothing will happen. I’m here.”

After Kyogoku breathed a sigh of relief, he softly comforted Suzuki Sonoko.

“By the way, Kaitou Kidd also sent a letter, saying that the gems have been taken away by him.”


Kyogoku touched the gem around his neck in astonishment: “Isn’t this still there?”

“It may have been transferred, so we need to check first!”

“It’s hard to see clearly with the moonlight without lights…”

Kyogoku really planned to take off the gas mask that blocked his vision and try again.

As a result, he was stopped by Black Dragon.

“It’s not yet certain whether the thief has really succeeded and left. If he took off his mask and was attacked by surprise, he would have fallen into a trap.”


“Then let’s light it with a candle.”

Suzuki Sonoko went to get the candle again.

Finally, under the light of the fire, the ruby ​​​​around Kyogoku’s neck was revealed.

Sparkling… “It turned red!?”

Kyogoku’s expression changed, and Suzuki Sonoko took advantage of the situation: “It seems that what Kaitou Kidd said in his letter is true. He has already transferred the gems!”

“How could this happen? I didn’t notice it at all…”

Black Dragon scratched his head crazily beside him: “How on earth did this thief do it?”

“Anyway, let me take this fake gem to the police officer for a look.”

With that said, Suzuki Sonoko took off the gem.

But just after Suzuki Sonoko turned around, the path leaving the gem showroom in front of her was blocked by Sano who had raised his hammer. At the same moment.

Kyogoku reached out and grabbed Suzuki Sonoko’s hand.



Kuroba Kaito ducked down and narrowly avoided Sano’s hammer.

Immediately afterwards, a playing card flew out with a backhand, aiming at Kyogoku’s mask, forcing the opponent to retreat, and then let go of Kuroba Kaito’s hand.

…Under normal circumstances, faced with a situation like the one just now, Kuroba Kaito might still choose to quibble, struggle to the death, or even fight back.

But only when facing this guy Sano.

Once any clues are discovered, they will not be ripped apart.

It’s absolutely impossible.

“Sure enough, you still discovered it?”

Kuroba Kaito transformed into Kaitou Kidd, pretending to be confident and procrastinating: “Quietly touched behind me and blocked my retreat… I don’t think you did it because of this stupid big guy who suddenly discovered something. , he took action out of trust. On the contrary, did this guy catch me… out of trust because he discovered your actions?”

“Who knows.”

Sano said casually: “But to be honest, I don’t understand what’s so special about that so-called unique high-end dress. Even if I can, out of caution, everyone who is close to the gem should pinch it.” It’s because of his face, that stupid guy in your mouth, that he has sperm in his head, so he doesn’t have the slightest bit of vigilance and is completely led around by your nose.”

Kyogoku Makoto: “…”

Jing, sperm goes to the brain, this is too much! ?

“But you didn’t pull my face, so how can you be sure that I’m fake?”

Kuroba Kaito asked again.

“Didn’t you just say that everyone outside was already unconscious, and then you said you were going to show the fake gems to the police officer… Isn’t this inconsistent?”

Sano took out a switch.

“Okay, without further ado, let’s give the gift I prepared for you first.”


Under Kuroba Kaito’s confused gaze, Sano pressed the switch.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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