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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 60 60, let’s see if Conan’s head is hard or the hammer is hard

…It can’t be the criminal’s talent, haha…ha.

Sano blinked twice, and for a moment he couldn’t help but… doubted himself, but Conan’s next words made him understand why the other party’s reaction was so slow.

“But when we went in, that brother was indeed still alive. If he was pretending to be a younger brother, then what happened to him later…”

Conan thought to himself and found out the answer: “So that’s it. Although the passage on the slope outside the wall is not big enough for people to carry the body through, there is no problem if a person walks alone. No wonder I saw it on his trousers. to the leaves.”

“As for why my brother was still shouting at people on the second floor after my brother came back, it should be a phone recording. At that time, he took advantage of the opportunity to pretend to answer the phone and called the second floor. Damn it, I was too preconceived… “

Sano didn’t say anything, and just looked at Conan’s summary. He didn’t look back until the other party reacted, laughed and touched the back of his head, saying that he was “imitating Uncle Maori”.

“Now that the truth has come out, let’s call the police as soon as possible, and then everyone can go back to their homes.”

Sano was too lazy to appreciate Conan’s rough acting. No, it wasn’t acting at all, it was just playing house.


However, just when Sano thought the matter could be considered settled, Conan sternly denied the proposal.

“The police just came in the afternoon. If we call the police now, they may not send people over there again. Moreover, it is night and the view is not good. We don’t know if the guy will do anything else. In order to avoid a long night and a lot of dreams, we have to Steal the body!”

Sano pulled out the Hammer of Justice from his sleeves expressionlessly and gave Conan a blow on the head. Although the other party was not guilty and had no pain perception, Conan couldn’t help but take a breath. He squatted on the ground holding his head.

“It hurts so much!!”

As Conan screamed, the trio who had been silent all along shivered at the same time.

Take action, indeed take action! !

In fact, after the three members of the team were frightened after witnessing Sano’s atrocities the day before yesterday, Conan had comforted them.

It was said that Sano was simply trying to save people. The uncle was too dangerous and his attack would inevitably be harsh, but they were just children and would not be harmed.

Although the three members of the team were a little nervous when they saw Sano just now, they had already quickly believed Conan’s lies.

After all, the other party does not seem to be aggressive.

But now…

The facts are already there.

This big brother who looks like a good guy on the surface is actually a ruthless man with no feelings. He can even attack a child!

Don’t panic, don’t panic, once you panic, you might be the next one to get hammered!

Although the trio was almost shaking into a sieve at this moment, they still tried their best to stand up straight, trying to show in this way that they were different from Conan and that they were very obedient.

“I told you to call the police and go home.”

Facing Sano’s cold gaze, the stubbornness in Conan’s heart suddenly rose. If it was true that he wanted to enter the bungalow again just in case, then now he just wanted to fight Sano.

“I don’t!”

In this regard, Sano just gave Conan another blow. He wanted to see whether it was the hard-headed brat’s head or his hammer that was harder.

For a moment, it seemed like a scene where a parent was educating a disobedient child. Conan was the one who was stubbornly disobedient, and Sano was the one who was educating.

It’s just that it’s not education with a stick, but education with a hammer.

Of course, it is impossible for Sano to really press Conan’s hammer to convince the other party. It does not mean that he is soft-hearted, but he is worried that if he does so, the other party will not be physically harmed, but will be psychologically harmed.

Sano doesn’t know whether such behavior is illegal, but what is certain is that Conan will be useless after that. Although the naughty kid who seeks death is very annoying, if he loses an important mission trigger because of it, the one who will suffer the most is But Sano himself.

To sum up, Sano just hammered Conan a few times and stopped his “violence”.

Looking at Conan, who was still stubborn despite the pain, his eyes were filled with tears. Sano took a deep breath. Anyway, he had prepared for the mission in advance. Now he was fully equipped. From what Conan just said, the danger in the bungalow was only Alone, still an office worker.

Instead of running to call the police and letting Conan cause trouble outside his nose, it would be more convenient and direct to follow him and resolve the dangerous factors first.

“You guys are here…forget it, follow me, be careful, don’t leave me more than three meters, got it.”

Even for the three members of the Dog Riders team who seemed to be well-behaved on the surface, Sano was not at ease letting them stay outside. Who knows what these three guys would do in his absence. Come.

And really speaking, there is still some time before the end of the mission. Who knows what these four guys were going to encounter.

Before the task prompt is completed, there must be no carelessness and caution. This has always been Sano’s way of doing things.

So, just like that, under the leadership of Sano, five people, one large and four small, climbed over the railing and entered the yard of the bungalow.

“The windows seem to be all locked. How are we going to get in and break the door?”

Sano weighed the Hammer of Justice in his hand, thinking about whether this hammer, which could not cause damage to people, could cause damage to locks. It should be possible, after all, he had used it to smash walnuts before.

“Break any door. If we don’t find out if we break the door, the other party will probably beat us up and accuse us of trying to break into someone’s house to kill someone. That’s two different things than sneaking into someone else’s house. It’s much more serious!”

Although Conan had been hammered several times by Sano before and was dissatisfied, but later Sano said that he could lead the team in, which made his dissatisfaction disappear again. At this moment, he was looking excited and giving Sano ideas.

“Go to the second floor. The windows on the second floor must be open. There happens to be a tree over there. We can climb in!”


Sano glanced at Conan with a dead fish eye. Needless to say, high school students are really good at detectives. Maybe this is similar to how medical students know where to stab with the least amount of punishment?


Sano raised his head and looked at the few naughty children who climbed to the top of the tree like monkeys, and pursed his lips slightly.

How can I climb such a tall tree without wearing a special attack suit?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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