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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 600 603, Sano: Copy homework, copy homework

Not only did Sano do it, he did it perfectly.

It was a leisurely feeling.

There’s nothing wrong with it at all, it feels forced, and there’s even a…

Weird, beautiful?

It’s as if you’re really dancing… Tsk, something’s really not right, right?

Isn’t this seedling already growing into the ground?

And when the absent-minded Gin finished what he had to do and returned the way he came.

Sano had already finished his work and was sitting boredly on the table next to him, rubbing his fingers and simulating it in his mind.

In the situation just now, what kind of more advanced performance can be achieved?

“…Now that everything has been taken care of, why don’t you go in?”

Hearing Gin’s question, Sano came back to his senses and said casually: “It doesn’t matter whether I go in or not. Why don’t I just wait for you here?”

…full of laziness.

Before Ginjiu could speak again, Vodka, who was pressing his earphones, suddenly said, “Brother, the informants outside said that someone suspected of supporting us is here.”

Gin looked at Vodka.

The support mentioned here naturally cannot be the support of one’s own organization.

is the enemy.


Before Gin finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Sano: “Okay, you two can leave first. Just leave all the little things in the back to me to handle. But after I finish handling it, I’ll just leave.” I’m home from get off work.”

After saying that, Sano walked out regardless of whether Gin Shutou agreed or not.

…This is a remote warehouse.

Originally, Gin needed to make a deal with the target, and it wasn’t a one-time deal where he would kill the person before the deal was over, a one-time transaction where the person gets killed.

But it turns out that the target has evil intentions and plans to take advantage of others.

How could Gin, who had received the news in advance, let it go?

So he was ready to fight as usual and interrogate the target.

So as to determine if there is something else behind the original black and white.

And now that support has arrived.

That shows that this is indeed more than a simple black fight… But for Sano, it is an irrelevant matter. Anyway, what will happen next is what Gin has to consider. If necessary, he will come Whatever he did, he would naturally arrange it. As for more, he was too lazy to explore.

He looked at the cars approaching quickly in his sight.

Sano put his hand into his pocket, fumbled for a while, and finally took out an axe.

…Of course it’s not that kind of tool axe, but a small round ax specially used for killing people.

Originally, in Sano’s arsenal, apart from various auxiliary tools, guns and bombs, there were only some daily necessities. As for cold weapons, there were no other types except daggers, but he wanted to show off his skills.

It’s not just a sudden thought.

Sano prepared various cold weapons in advance.

There are many kinds of daggers, axes, scimitars, claw knives, military spurs, finger tigers, and even nunchucks. Every kind of weird weapon is prepared.

Of course, Sano is actually not very good at using many of these things. The entry level is slightly lower, and it is still so-so, but it would be a slightly higher level.

Apart from looking handsome, it is probably just a pure burden.

But this seems to be the case with Sano.

The problem is not that big.

Because these weapons, and those weapons that can be truly defined as “skills”.

differ greatly.

Specifically, it may be similar to the difference between the underground world’s comprehensive melee techniques that Sano first learned and traditional martial arts.

The entry barrier is low, easy to get started and easy to master.

But that’s the upper limit, and it’s like the long sword called swordsmanship in Neon.

Just another route.

all in all.

Even if Sano hadn’t even used those weapons very often, he was still certain that it only took a short period of time to get used to them and he would be able to use them perfectly.

Become a weapons master starting today!

…Maybe I will win one of these in the next lottery?

The only problem may be that there are too many weapons, making it difficult to choose.

In addition, there are more and more categories in the arsenal, which makes it more difficult and time-consuming for Sano to accurately select the banknotes he wants.


After several cars stopped almost at the same time, about thirty people rushed out with guns.

No nonsense, guns blazing.

“Da da da da!!!”

Sano also took his other hand away from the water gun in his pocket… Faced with such firepower, the risk is not small if you want to dodge it just by relying on attributes.

So Sano chose to cheat directly.

There is no need to think at all, only the offensive aspect needs to be considered, and he rushes to the opposite side quickly. After crossing the range of the bullet rain, he swings the small ax that flashes with cold light, bringing out one after another scarlet light.

…Compared to the dagger, this thing is heavier.

This slowed down Sano’s attack speed a bit, but correspondingly, it also gave him stronger attack power, at least even if he didn’t use much strength.

Once it cuts, it will be much deeper than the wound that a dagger can cause.

Gin, who was behind, did not get on the bus immediately.

After staring at the ax in Sano’s hand for a long time, Gin looked back thoughtfully, stepped into the car, took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

“When it’s over, remember to have someone come over and take care of it. Your butt needs to be wiped clean.”

After leaving such a text message for Sano, Gin asked Vodka to start the car and go ahead to deal with other tasks that he needed to complete today.

Several days passed in a flash.

Nothing special happened during this period. Sano was always peaceful and honest, working behind Gin’s back as expected, until Suzuki Sonoko suddenly contacted him and said that he was invited to go with her…

On a, what, flying boat?

Sano noticed some smell of the Plague God’s aura.

“…That flying ship belongs to my family. It will fly from Tokyo to Osaka tomorrow, but this is secondary. The main thing is Uncle Jiroji. Last time, you and Ah Zhen couldn’t catch Ji. Master De, so this time he wanted to challenge again, so he issued a letter of challenge, and Master Kidd has also given a reply, saying that he will accept the challenge.”

Listening to Suzuki Sonoko explaining the situation, Sano nodded thoughtfully.

…It’s that boy Kuroba Kaito again.

I don’t know what will happen again this time.

And just when Sano was about to accept the application for team formation, Gin, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, suddenly turned on his cell phone.

Stretch back.

Sano glanced at it and saw that it was a mission.

The task time is tomorrow, and the executors are “Rye” and “Bourbon”.

…If it hadn’t been for receiving the letter three hours ago, Gin would have obviously known about it a long time ago. But in order not to affect today’s work, Sano would have started to wonder if he didn’t inform him immediately in order not to affect today’s work. Because of the Suzuki family’s affairs, I had taken too many leaves, so I deliberately obstructed this time and even decided to set up a mission at the last minute.

Faced with Gin’s instructions, Sano naturally didn’t want to say anything.

“Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow and can’t go.”

“Hey…that’s it. Okay then, we can contact you remotely if necessary.”


After politely declining Suzuki Sonoko’s team-up invitation, Sano hung up the phone, closed the phone and put it in his pocket. The blade between the fingers of his other hand had not stopped turning since he got in the car… That’s right. , blade.

The total length is not as long as Sano’s finger, and it is also not as thick as his finger.

The whole thing is very thin, and the key is that there is no handle.

Only the bottom part, the small part that should be inserted into the handle, would make people look more secure… If there is not even this small part, maybe it should be called a blade.

This is the weapon Sano has found that is most suitable for extreme mode after two-digit close combat and hundreds of weapon attempts in the past few days.

…No matter from which aspect.

Because it has no handle and is very thin and light.

Holding this kind of weapon would have almost zero impact on Sano.

Secondly, although the damage this weapon can cause is relatively small, it is also easier to change in the hand, and it is also very comfortable to use as a throwing knife.

The most critical thing is of course that a knife is a knife after all, as long as it hits the vital point.

There’s not much difference.

…And such a weapon is actually very similar to the scalpel used by Asai Narumi in terms of appearance and mode.

Of course, in fact, Sano did copy it… well, it was a reference to that.

Of course, this is the most suitable weapon after Sano’s exploration.

But it doesn’t mean that Sano must use it.

After all, using cold weapons is just for fun. It’s hard to say when you want to change your taste. But now that you have started practicing, you can at least be sure that this thing will indeed become a “resident guest”.

Gin, who was in the passenger seat, looked at the movements of Sano’s hands through the rearview mirror.

… Playing is about playing, making trouble is about making trouble.

What Gin had to admit was that Sano was really a genius.

No matter what kind of weapon it is, Sano can get started immediately, and it takes only a matter of minutes to learn it by himself, and he can also use it with perfect eyesight.

Pick the best option… Fortunately, judging from the situation observed in the past few days.

This guy is not really testing whether he has the ability to dance.

This made Gin relax a lot.

“…Just stop here, I’ll just walk back.”

After reaching a distance that was not too far from his home, Sano called to stop.

“After finishing the mission with Bourbon, come back as quickly as possible.”

Before leaving, Ginjiu gave instructions.

“I know, I know.”

Sano waved his hands and responded perfunctorily before returning home.

“Master, did you do something to Bourbon?”

And when Sano took out the mobile phones of each vest as usual and checked the communication, he saw a text message sent by Ito Taka to the Black Fox vest.

Toru Amuro?

Sano raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this guy discovered that the psychiatrist he introduced was actually from Taka Ito, and even touched him?

But in that case.

Shouldn’t Ito Taka contact his true identity?

After thinking for a few seconds, Sano chose to call Ito Taka directly.

“Hey, Master…”

“What did he say?”

Sano didn’t talk nonsense, interrupted Ito Taka’s greetings, and got straight to the point.

“Ah… actually last night, he suddenly made an appointment with me, and then asked me a very strange thing… that is, hypnosis, whether it can cause people to have visual and auditory hallucinations, and so on. Can the use of hypnosis be silent, and is there anything, um, a precursor to signs or something like that? Then when I think about myself and him, it seems that the only one who knows hypnosis is you, Master. So I was wondering if you did something to him to make him suspicious.”

Listening to Ito Takashi’s explanation, Sano raised his eyebrows and roughly understood what was going on – Tohru Amuro went to check and found nothing wrong, so he began to wonder if he had done something wrong, which was natural.

It’s just that this guy actually approached Ito Taka directly, which was a bit surprising.

“Then, what did you say to him?”

Sano continued to ask calmly, and Ito Taka replied: “Of course you are telling the truth. Hypnosis is not a magic technique. How can it cause people to hallucinate? And you must be prepared before using it. Enough Items that attract attention, or sounds…”

Ito Takashi paused, then smiled and said: “Of course, these are all from my personal point of view. As for whether someone can get rid of the upper limit of hypnosis, or has really mastered some magical skills, then it is not That’s great… Of course, Bourbon didn’t ask me these questions, I just told him the answers to the questions he asked. Too much words lead to mistakes.”

Sano curled his lips and ignored the little thought in Ito Takashi’s words.

“I know, that’s it.”


Ito Taka wanted to chat a few more words, but Sano hung up the phone ruthlessly.

After the situation with the Black Fox vest has been dealt with… to be precise, it is just receiving, because there is no need to deal with it at all, but the next problem with the other vest seems to really need to be dealt with.

“Boss, there is an emergency, and you may need to handle it.”

This was a text message from Huang Mao to Black Death Vest, half an hour ago.

Before this text message, Huang Mao made two missed calls.

Sano frowned slightly.

Again, if it wasn’t a big deal, Huang Mao wouldn’t contact him easily.

Sano still chose to call directly.

“What happened.”

“Boss, you finally saw the news. I’m almost dying… Tsk, I can’t explain it on the phone. How about you come over and let’s talk in person.”

…Why can’t we talk over the phone and still have to meet in person?

Sano secretly smacked his lips. He had just arrived home and really didn’t want to go out anymore, but considering that the black death vest seemed to have not shown up for too long.

Finally, Sano went out.

“I have something to deal with temporarily. You go to bed first.”

Pushing open the additional door, Sano shouted to the little girl.


So, Sano came to the Armed Detective Agency stronghold…

“…So, is this why you insist on letting me come over to meet and chat.”

Sano looked at Yuya Kazami standing there respectfully and asked.

“That’s one of the reasons. He just joined us a few days ago, but he’s very capable, so I was thinking about whether I could let him get in touch with something deeper. Something happened today, so I thought… I was thinking about asking you, boss, to come over and see for yourself if it works…”

Huang Mao answered Sano’s question.

However, his eyes drifted to Sano’s hands involuntarily.

“…You boy, do you know what is the most important thing about a bad boy?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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