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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 602 605, Sano: We really split up

Chapter 602 605, Sano: True, separate operations

Well, you’re here anyway, so just give me a step.

This is good for both parties… The key is that Sano can also get a piece of labor for nothing.


This cannot be considered free prostitution.

Only then did Sano remember, and took out his cell phone and sent Huang Fa a text message.

“The newcomer’s salary share will be calculated as half of the normal standard, but don’t tell him the normal standard… Also tell other people so that they don’t get exposed. In addition, let him do all the work that can be done by him. ”

Huang Mao’s reply was quick.

“Hey… isn’t that a little too much?”

“Stop talking nonsense. Just do what I ask you to do, or you can take his place.”


Adhering to the principle that a dead Taoist friend should never die a poor Taoist, Huang Mao followed his heart very much.

After closing the phone, Sano felt much happier… Over there, Toru Amuro was being squeezed in his own cafe, and here, Yuu Kazami was being squeezed in his own detective agency. The two of them really had a superior-subordinate relationship.

…To be precise, it should be said that it is precisely because the two of them have a superior-subordinate relationship.

Be reasonable.

Sano is not short of such a labor force.

But…who would dislike having another cheap labor force?

Let’s wait and see Tohru Amuro’s reaction later. If possible, we can lower the price and continue to exploit until we test the bottom line… maybe.

Can you really become a free prostitute labor force in the end?

By the way, you have to pay attention to business.

As Sano walked home, he was thinking about the red Siamese cat.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no starting point at all.

Because there is no identity information, no matter how huge the search network is.

It’s of no use at all.

The only trace was the notice from the red Siamese cat… Then again.

What exactly are red Siamese cats for?

Sano opened his phone again and searched for red Siamese cats, and roughly browsed through all the relevant information – I didn’t know whether it was out of hatred for rich people or what, but it was a team specifically targeting financial groups, and it had been active for a long time. For a period of time, but it should be confirmed that the group has been wiped out. It seems unlikely that someone has appeared after such a long time and is said to be a remnant. There is a high probability that someone else is involved in this tiger skin. ?

After stopping, Sano rubbed his fingers.

“Dahei, keep an eye on Conan.”

In the distance, outside the Maori Detective Agency, a crow landed on a telephone pole and clucked, staring straight at the third-floor window.

…To be honest, this Suzuki Sonoko just said that she would take a flying boat tomorrow.

This happened again here.

Sano personally doesn’t believe it if there is no connection between the two things.

Especially the latter’s impact is too wide.

Besides not being affected by the plague god’s halo, Sano still didn’t believe it.

Although there is no reason.

But Sano felt that keeping an eye on Conan would not be a wrong option at least.

“But how to get on the boat is another problem…”

Sano raised his hand to scratch his head, finally sighed and went home first.

Then the time came to the next day.

Sano, who had put on a rye vest early, waited for Toru Amuro at an intersection.

“Let’s go.”

After getting in the car, Sano didn’t even bother to say hello.

Toru Amuro didn’t mind either, so he released the brake and stepped on the accelerator.

The two of them were silent for a while, but there was no awkward feeling at all.

After all, although the two of them are not too familiar, they definitely cannot be regarded as strangers.

Not to mention that the mentality of the two of them is not so weak that they will feel awkward because they can’t find a topic… Sano doesn’t care how long Toru Amuro has to wait before taking action, and quietly expresses himself Stay until there is only half the distance to the destination.

Toru Amuro finally showed his fangs.

“I heard that Gin once arranged for you to investigate Black Mask?”

Sano, who was holding his chin, raised his eyelids, glanced at Toru Amuro, and asked.

“Who said it?”

“…I don’t know much about this, it’s just a rumor.”

Toru Amuro didn’t expect to be asked a question, so he was stunned for two seconds and then chose to deal with it.

“Really, then this is quite passable.”

Sano also followed Toru Amuro’s route and spoke perfunctorily.

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: “Judging from your reaction, it should be true. This rumor… But the Black Mask is still active. Is it because they haven’t found anything? That guy is elusive, I guess. It’s hard to catch the tail, but I also heard that there is an unclear relationship between this guy and the black god of death. It may be difficult to find a needle in a haystack here, but a monk can run there but not a temple. Haven’t you tried it? “

…Hai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai said so much, do you really think you can listen?

Sano smacked his lips: “Who cares? You should tell Gin about these things, not me. Since Gin doesn’t move, it means it doesn’t work or can’t work. Or do you think you are better than Qin?” Wine is even more awesome, or maybe you want to flatter Gin and do this for him?”

Amuro Toru choked.

Can this guy still communicate well?

Toru Amuro, who was slightly speechless, forced a smile: “Well, chatting, isn’t it just chatting here and there, chatting here and there, gossiping, why are you so serious?”

“Unfortunately I’m too sleepy right now to want to chat.”

Sano chose to chat to death, making Toru Amuro more and more helpless…Today’s team formation was an accident, but it was not entirely true.

Toru Amuro once put a lot of thought into teaming up with Rye.

In the end, it was only the first try and it was successful.

So much so that Tohru Amuro prepared a lot of unreported information.

Totally useless.

Logically speaking.

Since they are all useless, there should be no problem in throwing them away.

But throwing it all at once, both in terms of quantity and the probability of teaming up with Rye, seems a little too unnatural.

So Toru Amuro would throw one at a time, and another at a time…until this time, he really got the chance.

Toru Amuro was not disgusted with this accident, on the contrary.

If this accident hadn’t happened, Tohru Amuro would have had to work harder.

Good to create new contact opportunities.

As for why Toru Amuro wanted to contact him.

That was naturally because of the black organization.

In the intelligence that was originally leaked intentionally by America, apart from the superficial information, there was no mention of deeper things… Of course, they didn’t actually know the deeper things, because Shuichi Akai and James had done A little bit of concealment, but who allowed Toru Amuro to have close contact with Conan’s thing that can’t hide things?

Sudden, explosive amount of information.

It can be said that Toru Amuro was confused for a whole night.

After finally calming down, I decided to check on my own whether Conan’s information was true or false, and the easiest place to start was.

Black Death.

Toru Amuro put Yuya Kazami there.

In addition to believing that he, the most capable subordinate, could bring back the harvest, the other purpose was to test Heidi’s reaction.

…The results are based on last night’s report.

Heishi didn’t react in any way, but that couldn’t be guaranteed. He was just standing still… But anyway, he inserted it. Ahem, he inserted it.

At least it allows for deeper exploration.

On the other hand, Toru Amuro naturally wanted to seize this opportunity today.

It’s best to find out something right away.

Otherwise, if you want to wait for the next trial, I don’t know when it will be.

Of course, Toru Amuro can also choose to test the more accessible black fox.

But as for that guy… Toru Amuro always felt a little bit avoidable.

I don’t know if the last time I was made suspicious and went to the hospital for a check-up was because of something the guy did.

It’s so sad…

Amidst all the thoughts, the car quickly arrived at its destination.

It’s not like Toru Amuro didn’t try to open up the topic in the middle, but it was a pity.

Sano has always been arrogant.

… Could it be that he knew that he was testing and was worried about exposing his flaws, so he simply chose to ignore it… No, this guy is not that kind of person.

From Toru Amuro’s point of view, even if there was really a secret behind it, based on the past behavior of the person next to him, he would probably forcefully put aside all temptations with a very arrogant attitude, or admit it openly.

Put on a “what can you do to me” look.

But this absent-minded feeling…maybe it’s really due to lack of sleep.

“Let’s split up and go back as soon as you’re done.”

Sano took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, and said this… This mission was dispatched by the cadres of the action team and the cadres of the intelligence team at the same time.

Combat naturally accounts for a large part of it.

…If it was originally done in order, Sano and I would have to fight first, kill the ones who need to be killed, get what needs to be taken, and then use Toru Amuro’s identity as a detective to set up a line. , go to the real target’s home and steal the computer data quietly.

But Sano was too lazy to waste time and take his time step by step.

Act separately, with one person responsible for one side and proceed at the same time.

Definitely the faster route to resolution.

Of course, the difficulty will also increase accordingly.

“It’s okay if I go there before the scheduled time, but you have to know that the time I can stay there is limited. If you haven’t finished it by the time, then I can only choose to retreat. ”

“Okay, don’t worry, just leave it to me.”

Sano waved his hand impatiently.

He was just about to leave without giving Toru Amuro any chance to say anything more.

The next second, he suddenly received a mission.

[Please ensure the survival of the mission target within the mission time limit. You will receive 200 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:00:05].

Sano subconsciously looked at the map and saw the red dot next to him.

…The mission target is Toru Amuro, will something happen during this mission?

Sano’s train of thought stagnated, and he started to make a crazy reversal – wait a minute!

The time limit for this task is…two seconds! ?

It took Sano three seconds to come up with an idea and notice this key point.

There was no time to think about it.

He turned around and pushed Toru Amuro away who was about to say something else.

The blasting gloves have no prompt, indicating that there are no bombs around.

…Maybe there was a bomb that could kill someone fifty meters away, but even if that were the case, there was nothing Sano could do, and there was no one else in sight.

Most likely, it was a sniper attack.

“call out!”


The sound of breaking through the air confirmed Sano’s suspicion.

as expected.

The first target was Amuro Tohru’s head. Although Sano pushed him away, the bullet did not successfully hit, but it took its place.

But it was Sano’s neck.

…To the north, it hit a vital point like the neck.

Sano, who was cursing secretly in his heart, felt as if the world was starting to spin.

His consciousness has not begun to collapse, and the impact of the bullet should not make his body lose control to this extent… that is to say.

Is it the head that is spinning?

Feeling the tearing sensation on your neck.

Sano was sure that there was no way he could be saved, and his vest was in vain.

But fortunately, I had the opportunity to make amends. Not only did I not lose money, I also made money…

The premise is that this guy has to survive.

In the messy thoughts, Sano used the last bit of strength in his body.

Pushing Amuro Toru’s hand, he moved forward again.

After stumbling, Toru Amuro instinctively wanted to steady his body, and was forced to rush forward. After a roll, he just hid behind the car.

…There are snipers!

Although no gunfire was heard, the sound of bullets whizzing by was heard.

Toru Amuro heard it.

However, it was probably not because the shooter misplaced his shot, but because he realized something was wrong and pushed away his rye, so he was not hit… Toru Amuro, who had been saved his life, looked back with a complicated mood. , I originally wanted to say thank you to the other party, but I didn’t expect that when I turned around, I saw…


In an instant, Toru Amuro’s expression changed drastically, as if he had been struck by lightning.

In Toru Amuro’s view, Rye is unfathomable. It is not surprising that he can discover dangers that he has not discovered. It is also not surprising that he can easily grab him in danger.

But it’s so strange to be like this now…

Why, why is this happening, why is this done?

Compared to shock and panic, Amuro Toru was more serious at the moment.

Still confused.

Such an abnormal state prevented Amuro Toru from calming down quickly.

Toru Amuro should have quickly sorted out the situation and retreated immediately.

did nothing.

He was just hiding behind the car, staring at each other blankly with a pair of eyes that were gradually losing focus because he could see clearly because the passerby’s hat fell off.

……to be honest.

It wasn’t that Sano wanted to look at Tohru Amuro, he actually wanted to scold him more.

Whether it was to vent his emotions, or to remind Toru Amuro not to be so stupid and run away, so that he would not waste another vest of his…

It’s all like this,


Sano couldn’t do this. To be precise, he couldn’t do it.

As long as the brain stem is not hit directly, even if the person is penetrated through the heart or the head is cut off, there will still be a few seconds of consciousness remaining.

For example, Sano just pushed Toru Amuro a second time.

But that was when Sano’s hand was still there, but now his neck was gone.

No matter how strong your willpower is and how high your physical attributes are, it is useless.

This is like a car without wheels, no matter how powerful the engine is.

It is absolutely impossible to run in the same way.

But having said that…the current situation seems to be separate from the original one.

It corresponds.

This time they really split up.

This seems to be the first time that I have experienced the feeling of having my head in a different place.

…If I remember correctly, it should be.

It feels a little bit subtle.

By the way, how many times have you died in total?

Is it twice…

On the verge of death, Sano’s brain began to wander uncontrollably for nine days.

Eventually, consciousness dissipates completely.

The focus of the pupils also completely disappeared, and the eyes became dim and dull.


The second bullet came again.

The powerful penetrating force directly penetrated both doors of the car and landed at Toru Amuro’s feet, throwing up a circle of dust and scattered gravel hitting his feet.

Toru Amuro finally came to his senses.

…I’ve fallen into a trap, it’s a trap, I need to get out quickly.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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