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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 603 606, Conan: The past is too painful to look back on

Sano and Toru Amuro were at the destination they were supposed to arrive at.

To be precise, it is not the current location.

Rather, it is where two steps are to be carried out, one after the other.

In other words, the current location is just a temporary decision. It can be said to be a randomly selected place, but there are snipers.

Ambushed here in advance.

Therefore, Toru Amuro felt that he had every reason to be suspicious.

I’m afraid that the two of them have been targeted even before they arrived here.

But this still doesn’t make sense.

I reacted after accidentally spotting the two of myself and then recognizing them.

It’s too much of a coincidence.

The problem should be at the root cause.

Either there was an undercover agent in the organization, tipping off the information, or the intelligence that led to this mission was mixed with bait. But who put the bait in, and whether it was intentional or unintentional, it’s hard to say.

…Toru Amuro is not in the mood to think about this now.

The strength of the ambush is not clear, the only clear thing is.

Judging from the interval between the two bullets, there must be only one sniper who fired, but his skills were quite high and the gun was very powerful…

Otherwise, it would be impossible to tear off a person’s head.

Amuro Toru’s car itself was not bulletproof, and if it was done like this, the bunker would have no other function than briefly obstructing the line of sight. There was no time for him to slowly consider the useless details.

After quickly taking out a smoke bomb from his pocket and throwing it down, covering the entire car, Toru Amuro did not immediately seize the opportunity to get in the car.

…At least bring the body back.


However, before Toru Amuro could even take a step, the oncoming wind came.

This forced Tohru Amuro to take back this step.

Damn it!

Toru Amuro’s expression changed, and after a moment’s hesitation, he turned around and got into the car.


The vehicle roared out of the smoke and sped off into the distance.

The sniper’s skills obviously did not reach the peak level. He fired a few shots in a hurry, let alone hitting Amuro Toru.

Even Toru Amuro’s car couldn’t be touched.

Logically speaking, Toru Amuro should go to the nearest organizational base next.

But consider that you have fallen into a trap from the beginning.

This whole area was actually the enemy’s territory, so Toru Amuro chose to return to the real base camp… Putting aside his true identity, it was the place that gave him the most sense of security at the moment.

The other thing is…the problem of rye.

This is probably not something that Amuro Toru can explain with just a phone call.

Amuro Toru’s eyes were complicated, and in her distraction, she almost hit a street light on the side of the road.

And at the same moment.

On the rooftop of a building.

Two lying shadows were smacking their lips.

“Tsk, you actually let one of you escape.”

The man holding the sniper rifle had a displeased look on his face, and the observer holding the telescope next to him actually laughed: “Okay, compared to that unknown person, Rye is the real big head. I originally thought that he might not be able to do that.” After I succeeded, I thought I would get some credit first and start with that follower, but now I will make a lot of money. Please inform them over there that they can withdraw.”


What the two people communicating did not notice.

Just behind the two people, a figure was looking at them quietly.

…It’s a bit surprising that the location of the random resurrection is so perfect.

The first time Sano opened his eyes, he was thinking about summoning Daikoku to check the surroundings to see if he could recover the situation and kill him to minimize the impact. .

Unexpectedly, hehe, someone is right in front of me.

From what the two of them said, there seemed to be no one else ambushing here.

In addition, the news of Rye’s murder did not spread.

…Of course, Sano felt it was necessary to actually ask what it was like.

So, when the two people stood up to retreat and took out their mobile phones to report, Sano quietly stepped forward and hugged their necks very cordially from the middle: “You two seem to be chatting very much. You are so happy. What are you talking about? Can you take me to chat with you?”

The sudden accident shocked the two of them at first.

But when they instinctively looked in the middle and planned to respond, they found that the person who suddenly appeared and hugged their neck was a person whose face could not be seen clearly, but whose other features were very distinct. The two of them instantly fell into confusion again. state.


Sano deliberately canceled the effect of the passerby’s face and showed a kind smile towards the two of them… This will also be the last smile that the two of them will see in their lives.

In the afternoon, the Suzuki family was on the flight from Tokyo to Osaka.

“I said, Conan, what should we do next…”

Between the two huge airbags at the front and rear of the airship, there is a channel connecting the front and rear, usually located above, close to the top of the airship.

This is generally an area that non-staff members are prohibited from entering.

It is roughly equivalent to the existence of the engine compartment of a car.

And here, Conan is sitting in a circle with his Plague Team…strictly speaking, a trio of real children, thinking seriously.

Originally, today was a happy trip.

Even if there is an element of seducing Kaitou Kidd in essence, it is just a little noisy at best, and it can even be said to be a different kind of game.

But just during lunch.

The unexpected happened.

Suzuki Jirokichi suddenly received a strange phone call, saying that bacteria were placed in the smoking room… This made Conan unconsciously think of the red Siamese cat.

According to the instructions on the phone, Suzuki Jirokichi and Officer Nakamori found an empty bottle under the sofa in the smoking room, and then remotely contacted the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and learned from Officer Megure that the red Siamese cat was attacking the man. At the Institute of Microbiology, an empty bottle was also left behind.

The two bottles were exactly the same, which was almost confirmed… In the end, two people, a man and a woman, suddenly broke out in red rash, had difficulty breathing, and passed out. It was equivalent to a decision that the Suzuki family’s airship must have been That terrible bacteria was introduced by the red Siamese cat.

Especially the waitress who was showing symptoms.

Conan clearly remembers that during lunch, this guy sneezed.

But he hit Yuantai.

This gave Conan no time to think too much, and he quickly found the trio of real children who had sneaked here to “adventure”. However, before he could say anything clearly, he suddenly discovered another sneaky person. The figure opened the hatch on the top of the airship, allowing a group of armed men who should be members of the Red Siamese Cat to enter the interior of the airship.

The most important thing is that Conan also saw the bomb.

Guns, bombs, germs, a bunch of terrorists…if you can.

Conan really hopes that the only enemy on this trip is Kaitou Kidd…

Faced with such a situation, Conan did not dare to act rashly.

The movements of those guys were also very fast. After only a few minutes of waiting, Conan heard the voice on the radio asking everyone on the airship to gather at the designated place. It seemed that the entire airship was controlled.

Big trouble…

Just when Conan felt anxious and frowning, a faint sound of footsteps brought him back to his senses in an instant… Could it be that the people with the red Siamese cat noticed that there were missing people, so they started to conduct a full airship investigation?

“not good……”

Hearing the footsteps stop, Conan’s face changed when he caught the outline of the black shadow, and he just wanted to call his Plague God teammates to run first.

The next second he discovered it again.

That figure still approached calmly.

Under the blurry light, the familiar special attack suit came into view, causing Conan’s pupils to gradually dilate, and his expression gradually became stunned and ecstatic: “… Black Death!?”

Sano kept his head slightly raised and looked down at Conan with his height advantage.

“Where did you come from, kid?”


Upon hearing this, Conan was stunned and pointed at his face in disbelief: “Don’t you remember us, even if it’s just me?”

Sano raised his eyebrows deliberately: “Why should I remember you?”

Conan: “…No, you saved us after all. Are you still not impressed?”

“I have saved so many people, do I have to remember every one of them?”

Conan: “…then, you kicked me, have you forgotten?”

“I’ve kicked more people.”

Conan: “…”

No way, there is no way to communicate at all.

“Wait a moment.”

Suddenly, Conan realized something was wrong. He stared at Sano suspiciously and asked, “Maybe the people you kicked are many, yes, but the children you kicked?”

This was Conan’s hesitation from his heart, but it was also a trap he had set.

If Sano denies it, it proves that he is lying.

And if you are sure, it means that you like to bully children.

However, if you put it to others, you may feel embarrassed about this choice.

But Sano was different.

What if you bully a child? If you don’t obey, call the police?

“There are so many naughty kids in the world who are seeking death. It’s often impossible to talk to them properly. I don’t have the patience or time to talk to them properly.”

Sano changed from his usual style of ignoring people, especially “strangers”.

It was rare to have a few more words with Conan.

“I still remember the most arrogant kid I ever met who wanted to seek death. That was the time that made me the most angry. At that time, I tied him to a telephone pole and fucked his butt. After some training, I don’t know if he has changed. If not…”

Sano paused and turned to look at Conan, whose face had turned pale and was covered in cold sweat after being forced to recall that unbearable past event: “Speaking of which, you kid seems to have something similar to that one. You naughty kid, a similar smell makes you want to move.”

Conan’s expression tightened and he subconsciously covered his butt.

Stop talking, don’t let yourself recall that desperate night! !

“Okay, enough chatting, it’s time for me to get to work.”

Sano walked up to several children. The sudden increase in hostility made several children, including Conan, instinctively step back.

“Wait, wait a minute, we won’t get in the way, don’t do anything, and we’ve been on the boat since the beginning. We are familiar with the terrain, which will come in handy!”

Conan tried to convince.

But Sano ignored them, but he didn’t really kick each of these children to perform a hypnotic spell, but passed through the middle.


This made Conan feel relieved, but also a little surprised.


Sano suddenly turned around and said, “If you dare to follow me, you will do so at your own risk.”

Conan’s scalp tightened and he quickly retracted his right foot that he had just stepped out.

“We will stay here and stay still.”

As he spoke, Conan showed a very cute smile.

Sano just snorted and continued forward, all the way to the end.

He jumped and found a bomb at the bottom of the airship.

“This is the last one.”

Sano himself planned to board the ship simply because he simply felt that there would inevitably be a connection between Conan and the red Siamese cat, but when the time came to today, the day when the Suzuki flying boat took off, he discovered it again.

Today happened to be the end of the crime notice posted by the red Siamese cat on the Internet, and the situation became different again.

Because in the red Siamese cat notice, the time limit for committing a crime is seven days from yesterday, but today’s date is compared with yesterday.

But it happened to skip those seven days… six days to be precise.

In other words, the red Siamese cat is definitely going to have some action today.

That was pretty much what he was telling Sano.

The key point is the Suzuki family’s airship, but what Sano can’t figure out is why the red Siamese cat chose the Suzuki family’s airship?

Do you want to take a flying boat and bring the germs to Osaka?

There should be more other methods. Could it be that it is intended to spread bacteria from the air?

All the way from Tokyo to Osaka?

Then consider the red Siamese cat’s suspected behavior of hating the rich.

This idea is quite reasonable… But when Sano saw that it had been so long since the departure time, and there was still no movement at all, he became a little suspicious.

According to past experience, this should not be the case.

Since there is no movement from his side, does that mean Conan can solve it on his own?

Regardless, the situation quietly progressed to the point of no return.

Not very scientific.

Confused, Sano chose to stay put for now and continue to observe.

At the same time, I also explored the structure of the entire airship and the composition of the people on board… Apart from a certain thief, the rest of the people were either official personnel, guests invited by the Suzuki family, and their own employees, even if there were a few A few, the same as earlier in Osaka.

A temporary waiter.

That was because the official side had investigated the files beforehand and determined that they were clean temporary personnel and could not be related to the red Siamese cat… In other words, the possibility of being sneaked in was very small.

Of course, small does not mean zero.

And just when Sano was thinking about whether to stand a little outside and secretly test the people on the ship to make sure that there was no problem at all.

The mission finally arrived.

What was unexpected was that this was a bomb disposal mission.

The scope is exactly the entire flying ship, there are multiple in number.

This really surprised Sano. After all, the red Siamese cat had bacteria. Logically speaking, there should be no need for bombs, not to mention that the location was a very special place like a flying ship.

Sano didn’t know how the red Siamese cat got on the boat.

But it is easy to get on the boat, but difficult to get off.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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