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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 604 607, head-on conflict

If the ship really blows up, are they planning to perish together?

If the red Siamese cat isn’t planning to blow up the ship, is it just for hijacking?

What is the purpose?


Is it because bombs are more controllable than bacteria?

Sano didn’t quite understand.

Then he also saw a red Siamese cat boarding the ship, which cleared up some of Sano’s doubts, but it was still a bit incomprehensible… He wanted to use the hostages on the ship to ensure that he was in an “invincible” state, and then use the flying ship Characteristics, launching a high-altitude attack… No matter how you look at it, it is a bad move that does more harm than good, with an ulterior motive?

If that’s the case, then it’s pointless no matter how much Sano thinks about it.

So Sano decided to deal with what needed to be dealt with first.

When they were in Toru Amuro’s car earlier, Sano had been acting absent-minded.

It’s because this side requires more attention.

And the latter one, um, proposed to split up.

It was precisely because Sano needed a certain amount of space and time to pass the gloves over… After all, as mentioned before, the fact that the red Siamese cat would bring a bomb onto the ship was really surprising. I didn’t expect it at all. With this kind of development, it is naturally impossible for him to wear blasting gloves.

But then again.

Fortunately, in terms of distribution, the original body is used over there, and the copy is used here.

Otherwise, although it seems that the losses are the same, every step after that will not be as simple and fast as now.


After the bomb was defused, the small red light above went out.

In this case, the only card left in the red Siamese cat’s hand is…


…Be reasonable.

There was nothing about the red Siamese cat that Sano could care about.

The only problem is bacteria. This thing is not like a bomb.

It is clear whether the bomb exploded or not.

Bacteria are floating around, so who knows?

And if the bomb accidentally touches it, it may be fine, but the bacteria are different.

The scope problem is even greater.

This point must be resolved first.

Sano returned to where Conan’s children were, and without saying a word, he pinched Genta’s neck and applied slight force with his fingers.


Yuanta felt a little pain, but he didn’t dare to make a sound, let alone move.


Sano let go and turned to the other three children, including Conan.

They all had their necks pinched.

After Sano’s hand left his neck, Conan subconsciously raised his hand and touched the place where he felt a little pain just now.

Finally I couldn’t help but ask: “What did you do?”

Sano paid no attention to Conan.

Just open the team channel: “Er Hei, are you okay yet?”

“Hurry, hurry.”

at the same time.

Over there in the consultation room of the flying ship, Erhei was on the ceiling, eh.

Crawling fast.

Finally, he passed through two curtains and came to the top of the two beds at the back. He opened his mouth to the two motionless men and women below.

Two tiny drops of water immediately dripped down and merged into their bodies.

……still none?

Sano’s brows suddenly tightened, shouldn’t it, bacteria are not considered poisonous?

Oh, and bacteria certainly don’t count as toxins.

But bacteria can produce toxins, which can cause adverse reactions in the human body.

Otherwise, if it were ordinary bacteria, there would even be beneficial bacteria in the human body.


“Stay here and don’t move.”

Sano gave Conan another order and then walked out.

It is necessary to obtain more accurate information.

…The bacteria taken away by the red Siamese cat are said to have no solution. Once infected, they will only die. Therefore, what Sano did just now was to try to see if his spider poison could eliminate it.

Even if it cannot cure the root cause, it is still good to treat the symptoms.

At least that way, even if Sano really missed, he could ensure that a few people would be fine… That’s why he focused on these children, especially Genta, who had a very high chance of being hit.

He even let Erhei go to be on the safe side. The two guys who were already confirmed to have been tricked, while he used the spider poison that he had stored in advance.

But even though Sano had used the smallest amount, he was still affected to some extent because Erhei was not with him and could not control the spider poison.

It would definitely not be fatal, but compared to Sano, those children would most likely have a certain, trance-like reaction.

But even so.

Now let’s not talk about dealing with the hair-eating bacteria.

Even Sano couldn’t see even the slightest trace of bacteria.

“Go to the restaurant and stare at those guys with red Siamese cats.”

Summon Erhei over and control all the internal effects of the spider poison to ensure that the effect of the spider poison will not increase due to time.

Sano gave an order and came to the public area inside the airship.

Following the map, I came to a key point that connected many places. As expected, I saw two guys responsible for guarding. After approaching from behind, Sano knocked them down without saying a word, and then dragged them to the next room.


Sano took out the fox demon mask and the hammer of justice, and gave one of them a slap… Under other circumstances, he might still be interested in playing with the red Siamese cat, but with the current development of the situation.

There can be no mistakes.

“Tell me what’s going on with you.”

A pair of eyes behind the mask glowed red, causing the red Siamese cat member, who was pressed by Sano and unable to move, to tremble unconsciously.

Inside the restaurant of the flying ship.

A group of people including Officer Mauriran Suzuki Jiro Yoshizakamori and others have been tightly controlled by the red Siamese cat people. Only two people who had symptoms of infection because they had been to the smoking room earlier were locked up in the clinic. Over there, in isolation, but just now, there was a third person.

Symptoms of infection appear.

Face the fear and strange looks of others.

The man was very flustered and argued that he was just allergic.

“Stop talking nonsense, take him to the smoking room and lock him up!”

The leading bearded man didn’t talk nonsense. He took out his walkie-talkie after giving instructions.

Prepare to confirm the situation with the team members responsible for guarding the release at each point.

But he didn’t expect that before he opened his mouth, a sudden voice intervened.

“Why should we be locked up in the smoking room instead of the consultation room where those two people are?”


The dozen or so red Siamese cat members in the restaurant immediately pointed their guns towards the door, and after seeing the appearance of the person outside the door.

The bearded man in the lead was even more stunned for a moment.

“…Black Death, no, from the House of Everything, why are you here?”

Sano opened his eyelids and looked at the bearded man: “Why can’t I be here?”

“Are you kidding me? Are you just here to play? It must be to stop us. Wanshiwu is the messenger of justice. I originally thought this rumor was just for fun, but I didn’t expect it to be true… But you guys It’s okay if you don’t want to make unconscionable money, but now you’re turning around and attacking rejected customers, isn’t it too unruly?”

The bearded man seemed to be trying to avoid conflict with Sano, so he started to talk… Maybe he was worried about the people on the ship, not just him?

“Have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Sano didn’t talk nonsense and walked straight away.

Seeing this, the bearded man suddenly tensed up… For those big organizational forces, the so-called All-things House may be just a place where children play house, but for a small team like them, the All-Things House Those deeds… Even if they are just rumors, there is no solid evidence.

But it’s still quite a deterrent.

If you have a head-on conflict with such a team, you will win.

That would probably be a tragic victory, and the original goal would most likely be impossible…

Wait a moment.

Suddenly, the bearded man realized something was wrong.

The Master House is the core force of the Black Death, a high-level product, but because of the principle of pursuing secrecy, they basically do not wear special attack suits.

Is it better to work in work clothes?

Besides, how did this guy get on the ship?

…The Suzuki family’s flying ship flew very high, and the bearded man and his group all took a helicopter midway before entering from above, but after that.

The bearded man also specially arranged a person at the top to keep an eye on the outside. If anything goes wrong, he will report it immediately.

But now I haven’t received any news.

The bearded man didn’t know.

He didn’t know whether the person in front of him came specifically for his group of people, and if so, how he knew that his group of people would come to the Suzuki family’s flying ship today, but he was certain that this guy was here.

Definitely got on board from the beginning.

Or it shouldn’t be said that it was a mix-up, because it was probably just an accident.

The evidence is that special attack suit?

In other words, there are no other enemies except the guy in front of you.

Of course, no matter what, this guy must be killed!

Seeing that Sano had already walked two or three steps away, the bearded man’s eyes finally became firm, and he quickly pulled the trigger and gave an order.


“Da da da da!!!”

A dozen submachine guns opened fire at the same time.

The dense tongues of fire were all aimed at Sano.

Many of the hostages nearby were frightened and screamed, but there were also a large number of people who had relatively high psychological quality and were able to stay calm.

Although it was inevitable that his face would change drastically.

Outside the restaurant, after Sano left, they quickly conducted an investigation, but found that Conan, who had already defused the bomb, still violated the “order.”

He took Yuantai and several others to quietly touch it.

Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

…In the special attack suit state, Sano’s physical attributes are extremely high, and ordinary pistols may not be able to break through his muscles even at close range.

But submachine guns are different.

Especially with the huge increase in quantity, the risk has increased significantly.

Generally speaking, in the face of such firepower, we should use our own flexibility and explosive attributes, as well as the terrain environment, to avoid head-on confrontations as much as possible.

Win through sneak attacks and close combat.

is the best option.

If you do it well, it’s not difficult to clear the level without taking any damage.

Even thinking about gambling on luck, Sano can also use the walkie-talkies of the scattered men deployed by the bearded man outside, plus Conan’s voice changer, so that this guy can keep arranging people outside.

Eat away bit by bit, and finally break through in one fell swoop.

But Sano still chose to fight head-on.

Facing the bullets coming towards him, Sano’s body sank and his arms were bent and raised, like a defensive posture to protect the head in a boxing match.

It’s just that when others do this, they only have to defend against fists, but Sano has to defend against it.

But it’s a bullet.


Sano used his feet to exert force and quickly rushed to the opposite side.

Countless bullets hit Sano’s body, but not even a drop of blood could be seen, nor could his footsteps stop at all. The distance was almost half-closed in an instant, making the bearded man’s expression freeze.

…body armor! ?


What kind of body armor can cover the whole body and take so many bullets without penetrating… Even if there is such a body armor, what is the impact?

The bearded man’s face was full of horror – you know, what he was holding was a submachine rifle. If an ordinary person wearing a body armor, even if he only took one bullet, he would not be able to survive without breaking his ribs…at least… My head was covered in cold sweat from the pain, I was rolling on the ground, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

But why didn’t this guy react at all? ?

During the sprint, Sano’s eyes hidden behind his arms gradually glowed red.

Just as the bearded man thought, Sano was wearing a body armor.

To be more precise, a body armor was conjured.

Using the characteristics of the ever-changing vest, Sano can turn masks, glasses and the like into auxiliary equipment during combat, such as gas masks and thermal imaging night vision devices. In this case, he can turn clothes into body armor.

There’s nothing surprising… Actually, Sano originally thought of iron armor or something like that, but that thing was too conspicuous and in the way.

The body armor in this world is different, just like Gin’s body armor.

Earlier, at one point, he took so many bullets from Sano at the same time and was fine.

Even the bones didn’t have any major problems.

It would be a pity not to steal this kind of science and use it.

… Sano actually had the idea to use the material of the body armor in the mask form. After all, although the defensive power of that thing is not as good as Gin’s body armor, it is very light. .

It’s just that Sano can’t break it down and explore it.

Even if you use scientific means and perform perspective, you can’t see anything.

all in all.

Sano went out of his way to find Gin and asked for the research and development materials for the organization’s body armor.

In addition, it also includes other auxiliary equipment that is close to clothing.

Sano even asked for it.

…I can’t say that the organization’s stuff is the best, but at least it’s first-class.

There is no loss in learning.

In particular, although the organizational body armor is very strong in bulletproof, the impact force is a big problem for Sano who puts on the special attack suit.

That’s no problem.

It’s a perfect match.

Sano can even make some improvements to it, and then choose the most suitable type of body armor according to the situation… The only problem is that it is a little time-consuming, and the structure of the body armor is not like ordinary clothes. It is impossible to complete the conversion instantly.

In addition, your own state will also affect the conversion time – you need to calm down.

If you lose your sense of proportion, it wouldn’t be surprising if you look like you’re not.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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