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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 605 608, Do you think you can kill me?

Oh, there are also…two problems, which may not be a problem.

That is, even if Sano can arbitrarily change the body armor that covers his whole body, it will also have some constraints on his body, which is a greater constraint than ordinary body armor… more accurately, it should be a bulletproof vest.

Of course, in terms of the explosive attributes of the special attack server.

This restraint can almost be ignored.

Not to mention the increased physical exertion under restraint.

The other is that the body armor is said to cover the whole body, but the head is empty.

…Because Sano’s switching target is the clothes inside the special attack suit.

Regardless of the top and pants, the hands and feet have socks in the shoes and thin gloves under the bandages as a basis. Only for the head, Sano can’t move with a hood on… It’s inconvenient, but it’s also particularly ugly. .

Of course, there is only one head that needs to be defended.

Like now, it is equivalent to forming a shield to protect the face.

Will suffice.

In this mode of action, Sano is equivalent to an iron bastard.

…This doesn’t seem to be a good description.


Well, that’s pretty much it.

“…Take hostages!!!”

Until this time, the bearded man finally discovered the most correct way to respond.

But it’s too late.

Sano completely broke through the line of fire, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, and immediately killed two people. Then he grabbed the third person and pushed it towards the two people who were shooting on the other side. He blocked the bullet, turned around and punched the other person. One man’s gun fell apart, and when he pulled it, he hit his elbow and screamed again and again.

In a panic.

Almost all the remaining people focused on Sano, but due to the close combat, no one dared to shoot casually for fear of accidentally injuring teammates.

Only two people still remembered the command of the bearded man and turned around to find the hostages.

However, Sano will choose to fight head-on because he is not afraid of these guys taking hostages.

“Still not taking action!?”

“call out!”

A poker shot came and knocked the gun out of one of them’s hands.

The muzzle of the other person’s gun was grabbed by Mao Lilan, and then he punched him in the stomach, causing him to collapse to the ground and bend into a prawn.

At the same moment, Sano, who had knocked down three more people, grabbed the muzzle of the only bearded man who was still capable of action.

Raise your hand and punch down.


Starting from Sano’s sprint, gunshots rang out until now.

In less than five seconds, the situation had been decided.

Among the people participating in the battle, roughly divided into two sides, only four people were still standing. They were Sano, Maori Ran, and Kuroba Kaito on one side.

And a bearded man.

Although Sano’s coat was full of holes, anyone with a discerning eye could see that none of the three suffered any actual injuries.

One glance down.

It can be said that the two sides are at a high level, and the contrast is obvious.

Of course, in fact, there were more than three people on Sano’s side who could participate in the battle. It was just that everything happened so fast. Except for Mao Lilan and Kuroba Kaito, no one could react at all, and that was until this moment.

Suzuki Jirokichi and Officer Nakamori finally reacted and quickly ordered their men to kill those who had temporarily lost the ability to move.

But there was no guarantee when the situation would slow down, and then suddenly the red Siamese cat members would start a desperate struggle and be completely controlled.

To ensure that there will never be another accident.

The bearded man saw that all his men in the restaurant had been pinned to the ground, and even the gun in his hand had been cut into parts and scattered on the floor. Even if he unconsciously took a few steps back, he swallowed. Swallow.

Then he quickly took out the walkie-talkie, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Sano spoke.

“If you want to ask for help from the half of the kittens you left outside, it would be better if I remind you that they are all dead.”

The bearded man’s eyes widened: “You killed them!?”

“Otherwise, I don’t have time to tie them up one by one.”

Seeing Sano’s dull reaction, the bearded man’s eyes almost burst out with fire.

“You don’t have time because you’re worried about this, right?”

The bearded man took out his last trump card, a green potion bottle.

“You’d better not move around, otherwise if my hand slips, the lives of the people on this ship will be small… or even if the flying ship crashes and the contents inside are not burned up, they will die. How many will there be!”

A ferocious smile and a twisted expression.

Seeing that other people in the restaurant couldn’t help but show fear and fear, the bearded man’s eyes showed a little pride and pleasure.



Sano slapped the potion bottle away from the bearded man’s hand.

The small green bottle spun and flew several meters away before falling to the ground and immediately shattered into pieces. The unknown green liquid inside flowed all over the floor.


The already solid air in the restaurant instantly became as if it was filled with cement.

Everyone feels that their breathing is almost stagnant and their brains are blank.

The bearded man was instantly dumbfounded.

Is this guy crazy? ? ?

But before a commotion broke out, Sano pulled out the pistol from the bearded man’s waist and shot him in the thigh. Then he quickly turned around and shot two other people, a man and a woman, in the melon-eating crowd. Another shot each hit the thigh with precision, but after a pause, he fired three more shots in succession, hitting the arms of the three of them respectively.

In other words, the magazine capacity of the pistol is not enough.

Otherwise, Sano still felt that all the limbs of the three people had been shot.

That’s the safest.

“…Hey, what on earth are you doing!?”

Officer Zhongmori, as the person with the highest police stance among everyone present.

He shouldered the responsibility of stabilizing people’s hearts and stabilizing the situation.

Questioned Sano.

This is asking why Sano suddenly shot the two melon-eaters, and it is also asking why he broke the small green bottle.

The latter is naturally the most important.

That damn thing can kill you if you touch it… It doesn’t even require contact.

Super bacteria that can be infected just by passing through the air!

Does this guy not understand the situation, or is he not afraid of death?

Then you are not afraid of death but you are afraid of death.

Could it be that he was afraid of being lonely, so he wanted to take this boatload of people with him to be buried with him? ?

“Quiet, don’t be so noisy.”

Sano glanced sideways at Officer Nakamori.

In fact, Sano originally planned to have a few more words with the bearded man, so that the context of the whole thing could slowly emerge, so that he would not need to waste more time explaining anything, but what happened behind the guy The performance was a bit boring, so he simply ended it.

…Of course, that can’t actually be considered the ending, the real ending is about to begin.

Let’s make a quick decision.

“They were not red Siamese cats at all, but they were indeed the group that attacked the Institute of Microbiology and then pretended to make the announcement.”


As soon as Officer Nakamori and others were confused, Sano said to himself: “But they didn’t steal the bacteria, it was just a cover. Their real purpose was to steal the Buddha statue in Osaka and use the bacteria to create it.” The panic, the airship, and the true identity of this group of people are a foreign mercenary team, and their employer is the reporter who deliberately pretended to be infected in the first place… I also tortured him before confirming He still has two real subordinates hiding.”

Faced with the large amount of information that Sano spat out in a short period of time.

The brains of everyone in the restaurant were unconsciously shut down again.

…What is this all about?

Is it such a big turning point? ?

And Sano can actually understand that this group of people are confused at the moment.

Because when Sano made his first move, the mercenary who was responsible for guarding the area tortured and found out that this group of people were not red Siamese cats at all, and they did not steal the so-called terrifying bacteria.

Sano was also confused.

However, the red Siamese cat did not use bacteria on the ship, and the fact that the man behind the scenes was the male reporter lying in the consultation room is quite consistent with the development.

In addition, this group of people are not real red Siamese cats, and they can easily mix conspirators on the ship, etc., which is generally very reasonable.

The only thing that Sano wanted to complain about was that since these people really went to attack that research institute, why didn’t they just take away the bacteria?

Even if you don’t plan to use it, it’s still a card to have, right?

It’s impossible, because there is some absolute moral bottom line… Or maybe these guys don’t have the conditions to transport this kind of bacteria?


Sano didn’t pay attention before.

Such a dangerous bacteria was placed in the Institute of Microbiology. It seemed like nothing, but it was defeated by a group of mercenaries with guns.

Is this the level of Dora’s protection system? ?

After coming back to his senses, Sano suddenly realized that something was wrong – he went to the clinic and found the male reporter who was actually behind the scenes. After some torture, he confirmed that the bacteria did not exist. .

There seemed to be no need for Sano to intervene anymore.

But who made Sano receive a new job?

That is to ensure that the group of people who replaced the name of the red Siamese cat will all go to jail.

…Since you are going to jail, you must live.

Fortunately, this step of work came only after Sano silenced the mastermind behind the scenes. Otherwise, in order to ensure that everything was foolproof, the things he had shown in front of that guy were destined to be absolutely impossible to let him again. Still breathing the air of this world…

In that case, Sano would have no choice but to give up this job, including the mercenaries who were responsible for guarding the outside. The same reason, in short.

Because of this, Sano just took the trouble to choose a strategy of incapacitating these guys instead of killing them directly.

But the problem now is that this step of work is not completed.

This means that something has slipped through the net.

Sano quickly glanced around, and sure enough he saw a waitress approaching Suzuki Sonoko with a gun drawn… probably wanting to use her as a hostage to retreat.

Insider, not just the mastermind and his two men?

Sano frowned and quickly rushed towards the waitress, although everyone present fell into brief contemplation because of his explanation.

But in order not to attract attention, the waitress did not dare to move too much, so by the time she noticed, she had already been noticed that something was wrong.

But it was too late to take the next step.


The pistol that Sano pushed away was empty.


Sano’s peripheral vision showed the flustered and desperate face of the waitress, but suddenly a crazy and proud smile appeared: “It seems that our employer didn’t tell you that our team also arranged for someone to sneak on the ship.”

… With Sano’s various plug-ins, it is naturally impossible for the male reporter to hide information or tell wrong information, but such a waitress was missed, which shows that she is not his. Direct subordinates, but people who belong to the mercenary team hired by money.

in other words.

This step was taken by the mercenary team themselves, so the employer didn’t know about it at all.

Originally this was not a big problem.

What this waitress said now was nothing but provocation and ridicule.

It doesn’t seem to be of any use.

The only thing that people care about may be whether there will be others on the ship. The mercenary team has inserted themselves in, and the mastermind behind the scenes is not aware of the inside… But before Sano can use his brain, he suddenly reacted.

This waitress seems to be holding a gun with her left hand?

“…Black death!!”

Because of the bullet hitting the floor, everyone who was shocked back to their senses followed the sound, but it was really difficult for people to react to this sudden accident. What happened, only Black Feather could quickly Dou, with his super dynamic vision, reaction speed, and calm mentality.

The key point was discovered.

A roar tried to alert Sano.

But in fact, Sano didn’t need Kuroba Kaito’s reminder at all.

Because Sano generally understood what was going on.

This woman deliberately lured herself into the trap.

If nothing else, this person is the only internal agent of the hired team on the ship.

Maybe it was out of loyalty, or maybe it was because he felt there was no hope and there was no escape.

This waitress actually never thought of taking Suzuki Sonoko as a hostage.

Luring Sano over, he focused all his attention on the gun, and at the same time “attacked” with words to distract his attention again, and the final killing move was with his right hand.

But I understand that Sano really can’t do any more unnecessary actions.

The key is that it’s too late.


The short knife entered the neck, inserted from the side, and almost penetrated Sano’s neck.

As the blood suddenly appeared, the smile on the waitress’s face became more exaggerated.

“Hahahaha! You deserve it! You ruined our good deeds, how amazing is the bulletproof vest!? Not to mention whether it is stab-proof or not, you covered your neck instead!?”

“Black death!!”

At this time.

Finally, a few more people reacted and shouted with unclear meaning.

…Bulletproof but not stabproof.

This sentence seems a bit familiar?

By the way, I was really unlucky today and my car overturned twice.

It doesn’t matter if the two hits were on the neck.

They were all sneak-attacked by Lao Liu, which was really… quite infuriating.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

In the restaurant where the atmosphere suddenly changed, the waitress’s wild laughter gradually subsided. There was no other reason, because Sano maintained a leaning posture that was close to jumping forward for three seconds in order to push away her pistol.

Nothing changes.

It shouldn’t be. At this time, shouldn’t it be falling down…

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the waitress, Sano’s back slowly straightened up.

He casually pulled out the short knife from his neck, and after spitting out a blood arrow, Sano slowly twisted his neck, using his height advantage to look down at the waitress.

“Do you think you can kill me?”

Sano’s voice was extremely hoarse due to the impact on his vocal cords.

Especially the hole in the neck and the open mouth when speaking, blood is constantly spurting out, either seeping out of the mask, or flowing out from the gaps, merging with the large pool of blood on the chest and shoulders. , too thick to be fully absorbed by the clothes, dripping onto the floor, ticking.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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