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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 61 61, maybe your face can be used as a body armor

“Brother Sano…”

On the tree, the Ayumi trio looked down at Sano under the tree and whispered, “Come up quickly.”


I really want to be able to go up there.

Zuo Ye was speechless. Unless he put on a mask in front of that boy Conan now, or practiced chakra immediately, he might not be able to climb up even if he climbed until dawn.

At this moment, Conan, who had climbed up the tree, turned around and found that the window on the second floor of the bungalow next to the treetop was still open as expected, and it was also the room where the corpse was. The most important thing was that the placed corpse The body that appeared to be in a sleeping position was still there, motionless.

Great, the body is still there!

Conan’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t care less about anything else, so he jumped into the window, surprising the three members of the team behind him.


The trio stared and nervously looked down at Sano under the tree.

That brat…

Sano’s face darkened. He knew that this guy was unreliable and he should have stopped him from climbing up the tree faster than him.

“Hide it, don’t go in!”

Under Sano’s glare attack, the three members of the team on the tree shuddered and immediately moved obediently to where the leaves were denser.

Fortunately, these three real children are much easier to fool than Conan’s fake child.

But what should I do next? Wait for the kid to come out safely? I feel like it won’t go so smoothly…

Sano frowned slightly and rubbed his fingers.

“That guy Conan is really not obedient at all, causing us to be stared at by Brother Sano!”

On the tree, Ayumi pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

“Do you think Brother Sano will get angry later and teach us a lesson? After all, we didn’t think much of Conan just now…”

Mitsuhiko is worried about what will happen next.

“Ah, no way, it’s all that boy Conan’s fault for daring to implicate us!”

Genta gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: “I’m going to catch him back and teach him a lesson, so Brother Sano will definitely not make things difficult for me again!”

“No, Genta, brother Sano asked us to hide here and stay still. Moreover, this place is quite far from the window. It would be easy to fall if we jump over it…”

Ayumi dissuaded.

“In that case…”

Yuantai took out a small yellow badge from his pocket: “Just use this detective badge to call that guy out.”

“Hey, Conan, come out quickly, do you hear me?”

Sano, who was thinking on the lawn in the courtyard, raised his eyebrows and looked up at the room on the second floor where Genta’s voice suddenly came from. He then turned to look at the trio who also sensed something was wrong and poked their heads out of the leaves. Genta Amazingly among them.

In this case, how could Yuantai’s voice come from the second floor…

Sano’s eyes were fixed on the yellow badge in Genta’s hand. What is it, a communicator? ?

Damn it, he knew that a good person is a good person, even an obedient person is a good person and completely unreliable!

“Who, who, who is in there!?”

And it was obviously not just Sano and the trio who heard the sound in the room on the second floor. The twin brother who played the role of “murderer” also sensed something was wrong.

Judging from the direction of the sound coming from the bungalow, it seemed that it was also on the second floor. I was afraid that within a few seconds, they would rush into the room where Conan was.

It’s over.

No matter how stupid the three members of the team were, they still knew that they had caused a big disaster, especially in front of the “devil”.

Seeing the trio quickly retracting their heads, Sano’s eyes were cold and he threw out the hammer of justice. Since it was confirmed that there was a corpse in the house, and Conan’s kid was probably in danger of being “killed”, he could break out now. Going in doesn’t count as a crime, but as an absolute act of righteousness, right?

With the sound of breaking glass, Sano climbed through the window and quickly figured out the route, rushing to the room where Conan was on the second floor.

“Ah ah ah, brother Sano, help!”

Then, when Sano rushed to the second floor, he saw Conan being chased around by a man holding a golf club, who kept shouting his name.

Why are you panicking now?

Sano did not immediately rush forward to confront the man, but hid behind the corner of the corridor.

When Conan turned the corner, Sano seized the opportunity and without saying a word raised his hand and hit the back with a hammer.

The man obviously didn’t expect that he would meet Love at the corner, no, when he met the hammer, he hit the Hammer of Justice head-on, and backed away after a scream.

Without any hesitation, Sano added another blow, hitting the side of the opponent’s head, knocking the opponent completely to the ground, wailing.

Only then did Conan realize that he had been saved. He stopped and looked back at Sano… Hammer.

To be honest, the reason why Sano hit the head with a hammer was not simply to get rid of this man as soon as possible, but also to take the opportunity to experiment.

After all, even in the numerous experiments that gave rise to the nickname “Popcorn Hammer Man”, basically, no, it should be said that there were no criminals who committed murder at all.

At that time, Sano had a headache and felt that it was not easy to find material.

But looking at it now, maybe as long as I stay with Conan, a busybody, I don’t need to worry about the material at all.

While Sano was distracted, he stepped on the shoulder of the man twisting on the ground, and hit the man’s head three times with three blows, making the other man’s screams rise twice in a row in just one breath. Then completely disappeared.

Very good, experimental results show that under normal circumstances, five blows to the head are enough to knock out a murderer.

Sano silently wrote down this data.

Conan, who was behind Sano, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the man had been knocked unconscious by the hammer. The danger was finally lifted, but…

“Brother Sano, since you have been here a long time ago, take action quickly. Why are you still hiding here? I was almost killed!”

Sano turned his head and glanced at Conan, who looked dissatisfied, and picked up the golf club from the ground: “First, who do you think has the advantage of fencing with a hammer or this thing?”

Conan glanced at the golf club in Sano’s hand, which was almost one meter long, and then compared it with the hammer in the other hand, which was only twenty or thirty centimeters, and came to a conclusion.

Indeed, in a head-to-head confrontation, Sano has no advantage in terms of physical ability or weapons. A sneak attack is the best way.

Before Conan could open his mouth, Sano continued: “Secondly, who do you think is the culprit in the situation just now? I ran in to help you but you still blamed me. I’m really curious. What’s your shame? How thick is it? If you peel it off, can you consider using it as a body armor?”

Conan blinked his eyes. Apart from being embarrassed, he also felt embarrassed. What Sano said… is indeed very reasonable…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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