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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 613 616, two victims, two murderers

Sano raised his finger and pointed to the door: “I bet there will be a case outside. It’s the novelist we met just now, and it’s related to his three editors. Let’s not care about the murderer for now, who do you think the victim will be?”

“…will it happen, a case?”

Conan suddenly became nervous: “And it’s the same four people we just met. What is going on? Did you find any traces?”


Sano looked at Conan: “It’s just experience, after all, you are here.”

Conan: “…”

“…Hahaha, senior, you really love to joke. How could it be such a coincidence?”

As Suzuki Sonoko spoke, she hesitated and stared at Conan warily.

…Don’t stare at yourself like that!

Conan’s face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and Sano continued: “Of course you can also choose not to believe that the case will happen. In that case, you directly bet that the case will not happen. If you believe that the case will happen, you will bet on what you think. The victim…it’s okay to bet on the murderer.”

“Finally, if you make a wrong bet, you’ll pay one dollar, and if you make a correct bet, you’ll have a free dinner. How about this? Isn’t this a good game?”

Conan frowned: “Are you sure you only proposed this game because of my experience, rather than actually finding any clues?”

Sano crossed his legs and waved his hands: “Well, what clues can I find? It’s just an encounter. Who do you think I am, a god?”

…That seems to be the case.

The few people who were persuaded by Sano thought for a while.

“Then I’ll keep you safe so no case will happen.”

Conan chose to defend his dignity, and Mao Lilan also made this choice.

The other three chose to have a case happen.

Of course, whether there will be a case or not, the number of three people is actually unknown.

Just purely for entertainment.

Or perhaps he felt that Sano’s proposal of such a game would be one-sided.

Might it be embarrassing?

The three of them gave their answers one after another.

But Sonoko Suzuki and Narumi Asai both took their bets on the bald novelist.

…No way, it was said that there were four options, but it was just a chance encounter. Except for the bald guy, the other three novel editors didn’t even remember what they looked like, that is, Masumi Sera. I saw it more than once, so I remember it relatively clearly.

“Then I’ll choose the bald guy, buy it, and let’s wait for the result.”

Sano was talking, but his attention was completely focused on his… ears.

It should be said that it is next to the ears.

According to Erhei’s explanation, the case is about to happen.

The bald man didn’t know what he was thinking. He forced the three novel editors into his room and treated them to a big meal. Well, a huge meal. It didn’t matter whether they could eat it or not. Gotta get it down.

…Well, in fact, Sano heard the feast described by Erhei.

Then I got greedy and decided to come over for dinner… cough.

But this development was a bit beyond Sano’s expectation, because something was wrong.

“There are too many manuscripts and I am a little overwhelmed. The editors of whichever publishing house have the most to deal with will deal with the manuscripts of that company first.” These were the bald man’s original words.

In addition to proving that the status of other novelists and publishers is not as disparate as originally imagined by Sano, it also felt too much like the bald man wanted to deliberately leave those three people in the house – to create an alibi?

If this is really the case, then Sano made the wrong bet.

This bald guy is the murderer, and the victim is one of the three editors.

Looking at it from this perspective, could it be that he was planning to poison him?

However, before Sano could think about the result, an outsider intervened.

Since it was a competition, when the three of them had eaten about the same amount, the bald guy would order a bunch more takeout, and he would keep opening and closing the door during this period.

But one of them, a waitress wearing hotel uniform stayed and quietly got into the bathroom next to the door.

Sano thought the real murderer had finally appeared.

As a result, Erhei said that the bald guy seemed to know the waitress.

To be precise, it was the bald man who cooperated with the waitress to sneak into the bathroom.

…What is this?

Could it be that this time the murderer was a rare two-person crime committed together.

I just don’t know who the deceased is.

It’s impossible to die from all three, right?

for what?

The two people, a man and a woman, may be in a relationship. Is it because the three editors were too tight-lipped and their relationship was disturbed, so they were impatient?

…Well, it seems quite reasonable.

“Master, the bald man took action!”

Suddenly, Erhei’s reminder brought Sano back to his senses.

“The guy’s target was the woman who was disguised as a waitress and stayed behind secretly. He planned to strangle her to death because he turned on the shower as an excuse to take a shower, so the sound of water blocked her struggle. “

…Is this actually the case? ?

“Do it, pay attention to the amount, just control it, don’t kill me!”

After Sano gave the order, Erhei, who was lying on the bathroom ceiling of the bald man’s room, immediately opened his mouthparts and squeezed out a drop of spider venom.

Hit the bald man right in the forehead.

“…it seems to have started. Let’s go.”

After Sano proposed the game and all bets were placed, the others waited for a while without waiting for the next stage. Naturally, they quickly turned their attention to other topics. Now that they were suddenly pulled out, they were immediately confused.

“What, started?”

Sano stood up and walked out: “Of course it’s the result of the bet.”

Conan and the others reacted immediately and followed Sano with some hesitation.

But as soon as they went out, Conan and the others heard the noisy noise.

…No way, no way, did Sano really get it right?

After speeding up and turning the corner, what Conan and the others saw was a pale and frightened woman at the door of the room where the novelist lived.

He was slumped on the ground.

Next to them were the three publisher editors who looked confused and seemed a little confused about the situation – “He is going to kill me, he is going to kill me!”

The sounds in the woman’s mouth are sometimes louder and sometimes softer.

It seemed like he was talking to himself, but also like he was calling for help.

“what happened!?”

Conan leaned over and asked about the situation.

One of the bald editors came to his senses and pointed into the room: “We don’t know very well, but she suddenly ran out of the bathroom and said someone was going to kill her, but what we saw was that something was wrong with Mr. Houra… “

…That novelist? Sure enough!

Conan looked back and saw a bald man lying at the door of the bathroom in the house with a painful expression on his face, his face turning blue and purple.

Drool, tears and snot flowed out uncontrollably, covering my face.

A strong sense of suffocation, pain from the heart and brain, spread throughout the body.

“… He’s not dead yet, call an ambulance!”

Looking at the bald man who was twitching and twisting like a maggot, Conan was stunned for a moment. After heaving a sigh of relief, he became even more nervous.

Quickly shouted to Mao Lilan.

“oh oh!”

Mao Lilan took out her cell phone and went to call the police.

“It must be poisoning.”

Sano stretched out his hand to stop Conan who was about to rush into the house, then stepped inside, calmly stretched his hand behind the wall, and Erhei fell into his palm.

Quickly climbed into the sleeves.

“If you’re poisoned, I’ll be the one to do it…”

Asai Narimi, who had been ignored by everyone, poked his head in, but before he could move his feet, he saw Sano pinching the back of the bald man’s neck, using his fingers hard, as if he was feeling something. .

“Don’t move.”

Originally, Sano was still thinking about whether he should just ignore the bald man and just carry him out of the house to ensure that he would not die in his mission area.

After all, this guy himself is the murderer who really intends to kill, and for some reason… maybe it’s because the two colleagues are disgusted with each other, Sano is not happy with each other.

If you die, you will die.

But then I thought about it, what if after this guy died, he was taken for a full autopsy, and the autopsy revealed the remains of spider venom, or maybe it was just traces.

That’s not good.

It’s almost enough.

Anyway, in the final analysis, it is just a small life that has nothing to do with passers-by, whether they live or die.

Sano didn’t care.


After completely drawing out the spider poison from the bald man’s body, Sano retracted his palm and looked at the people outside the door: “I’m sure he won’t die, but I still have to send him to the hospital first. Will there be any sequelae in the future?” Easy to talk about.”


Seeing that the bald man’s complexion improved significantly, the expressions of Conan and others became a little indescribable: “…Do you know how to heal?”

“Medical skills?”

Sano raised his eyebrows: “Is this how your medical skills are used?”


Say, that sounds like it?

Conan shook his head, became more confused, and asked: “Since it is not a medical skill, how did you get rid of the poison in him?”

“Can I still tell you business secrets and my ability to make money?”

Sano smiled mysteriously: “Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore. Now the results have come out. Although he is the murderer who failed to succeed, he is also the victim. If it weren’t for me, he would be dead. The three of you have lost the bet. .”

“…Wait, wait a minute!”

Conan didn’t expect that Sano would still say this at this juncture… Even though there was no big practical problem, it was still a problem.

Don’t you think it’s unethical?

But Conan also noticed the details in Sano’s words.

“He is both a murderer and a victim. In other words, he did intend to kill this lady, but at the same time he was really almost killed, right?”

Conan stared at Sano suspiciously, and asked while speculating: “Is it impossible that this young lady is setting up a conspiracy, saying that she was almost killed by him, but in fact she was lying at all, or she deliberately led the other party to do it, okay? To create the illusion that he was in self-defense…but then he shouldn’t have used poison. Could it be just a simple accident? After all, we haven’t determined what kind of poison he was poisoned, right?”

“I’m pretty sure, two murderers, two victims.”

Sano was too lazy to argue with Conan: “If you don’t believe it, just check it out slowly, but remember to pay first. The three of us won, but we have to go to dinner.”


Conan was silent for a few seconds, then tilted his head in confusion: “No, are you saying that you have seen through all the truth? Why don’t you explain it quickly and catch the murderer??”

“So what if you know it, do you still need to say it?”

Sano first looked at the woman outside the door: “She was almost killed. Even if there are no other witnesses, as long as the police are called for on-site investigation and her testimony is confirmed to be correct, the successful prosecution is basically a certainty.”

Then Sano looked at the bald man at his feet: “As for him, there is nothing we can do. At least the people present are not the poisoners. There is no way to narrow down the scope of suspects, so it is impossible to find the murderer. .”

…Sano didn’t lie.

There are indeed two murderers, and the two victims are correct.

It’s just that the other murderer is Sano, but it is indeed impossible to be caught.

Is there a problem?

And there is no problem.

“…There is no way to find the murderer.”

At this time, Conan, who had a heavy face, asked again: “Are you really sure that you have tried your best, but you clearly haven’t done anything yet, right?”

“Believe it or not, I told you, if you don’t believe it, go check it out yourself.”

Sano took out his cell phone and checked the time, then walked to the sofa nearby: “Forget it, there’s still some time before dinner anyway, so just wait here for a while.”

Seeing this, Conan’s brows were so tight that he could kill a fly.

The next second, he suddenly realized that something was not right. Conan turned to look at Mao Lilan and the others outside the door. Fortunately, affected by the atmosphere, they did not seem to feel that he, a first-year primary school student, was discussing the case with Sano so seriously. Something was wrong, he just frowned and thought.

“Sister Sera probably also wants to try to find out the truth.”

Conan quickly shifted the focus to Sera Masumi, lest Mao Lilan notice his “abnormal” performance just now when he couldn’t think of the answer.

…Although this is not the first time, even if it is noticed, nothing should happen, but if you can avoid it, try to avoid it.

“Ah… um.”

Sera Masumi came back to her senses and realized Conan’s intentions, but she didn’t say anything more. She gave Conan the step, then entered the house and started on-site investigation… The bald man was not in good condition, so he probably asked questions. If nothing comes out, the most correct option is to first investigate the scene and see if there are any useful clues.

Conan and Masumi Sera were investigating, while Ranko Suzuki Sonoko and Narumi Asai could only watch, sitting on the sofa with Sano in a daze.


After the phone vibrated, Sano took it out and took a look. It was a text message from Gin.

“Gather early, I’ll see you if I need anything.”

…What do you need to gather early for?

Sano rubbed his fingers, but neither asked himself to go there immediately nor made a call. He thought it wouldn’t be a big or urgent matter.

But he just mentioned such a thing… It’s not a big or small thing.

“Someone is inviting me to dinner tonight, so I’ll go later.”

After thinking about it, Sano chose a slightly more rebellious approach.

Gin, on the other hand, responded quickly.

“Can you make a phone call?”

…Can’t wait so much? What’s going on?

After Sano tapped his feet with interest, he stood up and walked out.

“I’m going to use the toilet. You guys can check here slowly.”


Arriving at the exit of the emergency passage on this floor, Sano called Gin.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“There is news from the FBI’s undercover. When you were working with Black Cat, he got into a fight with people from America’s military, but said he was a member of the black organization… Is this true? If Yes, do you know?”

Oh…it turns out that’s what happened. Didn’t you receive the news until now? It’s a bit late.

Being an undercover agent makes it difficult to spread information.

Or is the level too low to know immediately?

Sano, who had almost forgotten that there was such a thing, did not forget to respond with doubts: “What the hell, why didn’t I know about this?”

“really do not know?”

“really do not know.”

“…Then he’s trying to take advantage of us, and we need to deal with it.”

Sano didn’t feel any surprise at Gin’s statement.

It was expected.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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