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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 617 620, white clothes

This is called reciprocity, and it is a tacit understanding between people in society.

…and Sano, who has received this wave of face, although it seems that everyone no longer owes each other, if they still want to support each other in the future.

Naturally, you have to give the other party some face.

Sano won’t be able to take action with all his strength in what happens next.

I don’t ask for Sano’s help in evacuating, I just want to save a hand and don’t force him to die.

That’s what Colum is for.

Suddenly, Coren’s eyes narrowed and he said without looking behind him: “You’d better not move around, Vodka, even Gin, in this situation, can’t guarantee what will happen before I pull the trigger.” Come to think of it, let alone you, if your eldest brother’s head is blown open by me because of your arrogance…heh, you can imagine it yourself.”

Hear this.

After finally reacting and touching the vodka in the gun, I was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

Don’t dare to act rashly again.

Gin didn’t move at all, he just looked at Sano.

“Rye, why don’t you do it?”

Sano blinked his eyes that others could not see: “Why move?”


“Please, brother, you are a hostage now. Do you have some consciousness of a hostage? Even I can’t guarantee that I will kill him before he shoots. Are you underestimating Column or overestimating it?” Me.”

Before Gin could speak again, Sano said again: “Are you planning to sacrifice yourself, but you also have to deal with this defector, and prepare for both of you to die together?”

Gin’s mouth twitched.

…Not to mention that in Gin’s opinion, with Sano’s ability, it is completely possible to do that kind of thing, so even if it is impossible, there is no need to say it, right?

Isn’t this purely telling Column that we have been manipulated by you?

It’s obviously not normal for Sano to act so stupidly.

Sure enough, there was still something fishy in the earlier incident with Column.

But Gin doesn’t care about that little trick.

At that time, Sano had just been promoted to a cadre member, so it was inevitable to make some small “mistakes” in the mission, but it was different now.

…Otherwise, Sano should have followed Coren’s words just now.

This is Sano’s attitude.

But Sano is Sano, and Coren is Coren.

This guy first pretended to be dead and defected, and now he seems to have directly expressed his hostile stance.

This guy must not be let go.

“You’d better understand that although I am a hostage, I also have hostages in my hands.”

Gin looked at Colen coldly, and pushed the barrel of the gun against Asai Narumi’s head forward: “You care about his life, but I am different from him. If I die, no one will care. So you can’t threaten anything.”


Sano hurriedly said: “You can’t say that, Lord Gin, I can’t say whether you care about your own life, but I definitely care. It’s not just me. Kagome has been hanging out with you for so long, so I must be too.” care.”

Saying that, Sano looked at Vodka: “You think so, Brother Ka.”


Faced with Sano’s inquiry, Vodka was confused at first, and then hurriedly pecked the rice nervously, saying worriedly: “Brother, please don’t be impulsive. If you die, then my life will be meaningless. !”

Gin: “…”

Damn it, at this time, if you don’t say anything, will you die?

But Sano may have ulterior motives, but Vodka is his little brother.

It’s really silly.

“Look, Lord Gin, as the leader of the action team, you are still very popular among your subordinates. Your life is valued by many people… Even I, as your former subordinate, do not want to be with you. You fight hard.”

Kelen curled his lips, deliberately pretending to be hypocritical.

“Oh, then why are we here tonight?”

Seeing Gin’s sneer, Coren sighed: “To be honest, this is just a misunderstanding, because our real target is not you, but the guys who traded with you… It’s more accurate To put it simply, it was what we thought they were going to trade with.”


Gin smiled with interest: “What do you mean?”


Gin’s eyes narrowed.

Colen continued: “There are too many things that I can’t say, but you should also know that I am not a good person. I don’t want to involve too much in things that have nothing to do with me. I don’t care about good or evil. So under normal circumstances, I would never go against the organization… It’s because this man in black has the same name as our organization before, so this happened, but there’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Even if I hadn’t been specifically informed, I would have thought that I had to quarrel with my old employer. We are all former colleagues. It’s easy to get together and get away. If there is any misunderstanding, we can clear it up. I think you, Ginjiu-sama, should I don’t want to cause some unknown trouble for no reason…after all, I’m just a nobody, and I’m not worth the effort you spend to deal with me.”

…reasonable and well-founded.

Regarding his attitude on this matter, Gin would probably not decide on his own.

“Don’t appear in front of the organization again in the future, and you are not allowed to mention your past identity again, otherwise… I will kill you even to the ends of the world.”

As expected, Gin finally took back his gun after snorting coldly… He was not afraid that without the hostage, Colen would act unscrupulously, because once he was gone as the hostage, no matter what.

Sano must be here.

Killed Coren and Asai Narumi.

“Well, thank you for your cultivation in the past.”

Coren obviously understood this very well. Without thinking about it, he grabbed Asai Narumi from the ground and withdrew from the tavern very wisely.

After Vodka watched Colum and the two leave, he immediately put away his gun with some hesitation and asked Gin: “Brother, do you really not care about Colum?”

Gin didn’t reply, just looked at the man with the scalpel in his hand.

“Gin, what are you doing? Why don’t you kill those two bastards!?”

the man hissed.


Gin glanced at Sano again.

Sano raised his hand and shot him, completely silencing him.

“I will go back and talk to the higher-ups about Cologne’s affairs. What should be done specifically? We will do whatever the superiors say. There is currently too little relevant information, and Column’s position is not clear enough. If he messes up, it will be even more troublesome if he is not killed. “

Hearing Gin’s words, Vodka suddenly nodded… He just said that with his eldest brother’s temperament, he would not be merciful because of Column’s original identity and all possible relationships. Rebels will die.

This is Gin’s creed.

Perhaps, sometimes considering the impact of various factors such as sacrifices and losses, Gin will not do anything in particular, or even actively avoid it.

But if there is an order from above.

Then Gin will definitely complete it no matter what the cost.

“Okay, let’s go, the movement here will attract some flies.”

Gin picked up two boxes, threw them to Vodka and walked out.

“Then again, this guy Coren really has the same virtues as his father. He is indecisive and kind to women. It would be a good thing to get out early.”

After getting in the car, Gin first looked down at Column and then looked at Sano.

“You say so, Rye.”

“Well, indeed.”

Sano nodded in agreement.

Gin narrowed his eyes: “At that time, you were the one who let Column go.”

“Ah, Gin-sama, what are you talking about? How could it be possible?”

Sano sighed: “Didn’t I believe it when the murderer said that Column was killed by him and no one was found… Maybe he took the opportunity to fake his death, or he conspired with the murderer to deceive me? “

Gin looked at Sano, and then looked away after a while.

…Given Sano’s current status among the detectives, he said that he was deceived by the murderer and failed to see the truth behind it. Gin didn’t believe it anyway.

But still the same sentence.

At that time, Sano had just joined the organization and had some minor problems.

Gin tolerates it.

Not to mention that Sano’s excuse is indeed justifiable.

But compared to these, what Gin is more concerned about at the moment is indeed still.

“Black clothes…”

Remembering the previous phone call with Rum, Gin subconsciously glanced at Sano.


Sano noticed Gin’s gaze and asked pretending to be confused: “What’s wrong?”


Gin withdrew his gaze and looked out the window…hopefully, nothing unexpected would happen.

“You really dare to do it, kid.”

When Colen was put to the head with a gun as soon as he returned to the temporary residence, he did not show any signs of surprise, but still raised his hands in cooperation.


Sano pulled his back away from the wall and turned to face Coren.

“You’re lying to me, Colen.”

After unlocking the effect of the passerby’s face, Sano was able to make eye contact with Colen.

“I promised you to leave Neon and never come back. That’s why I let Asai Shimizu go, plus use the fog bomb to create death for you.”

“It’s only been so long, and you actually came back again. You even got in front of me and Gin to get a drink. Let’s not talk about what I hate the most, people who don’t keep their promises. , then even if I don’t hate it, it will be very difficult for me to handle it if you mess around like this.”

Facing Sano’s accusations and questions, Coren scratched his head in embarrassment.

“I know……”

“you know?”

Sano pushed the muzzle of the gun forward: “Then you are playing with me on purpose?”

“No, no, no.”

Coren shook his head repeatedly: “Then I knew she had a conflict with the organization, so I ran back quickly to see if there was anyone who needed to take action.”

Sano narrowed his eyes: “Her?”

Coren blinked: “She!”


never mind.

Sano retracted his gun and directly found a place to sit down: “Then let’s talk about it first. When and why did he…she conflict with the organization? How did you know about it? Also, what about the black one? What’s going on?”

Coren smacked his lips, lit another cigarette, and considered his words for a while.

The explanation began.

“After I ran away, I successfully left Neon through special channels and went abroad. But right after that, Neon police happened to focus on that channel, and after closing the network, I They killed me… Of course they didn’t know my true identity at the time, so they just regarded me as a small fish and planned to catch me back to see how much success they could achieve.”

“During the process of being traced, because I escaped many times, the Neon Police gradually began to pay more attention to me and invested more and more power in me. Until not long ago, during a confrontation, someone asked me He came up with an idea for negotiation, and he wanted me to work for the Neon Police.”

Sano raised an eyebrow: “So you joined the Neon Police?”

Coren shook his head: “I must have dismissed it at the time, but the guidance he put forward later on the establishment plan of a secret organization under the Neon Public Security Bureau successfully attracted my attention.”

“Secret organization?”

Sano paid attention to this term with interest.


Coren breathed out: “Public Security Special Operations Team, code name, White Clothes.”

…White clothes?


Um? ?

Um? ? ?

What do you mean, a group specifically for black people?

Sano blinked his big Kazi blue eyes in a daze… This thing sounds a bit cool and coaxing. It should be the Neon police who put in a lot of effort to come up with it, but after all, fundamental.

Just because I made it up casually?

…It’s even the kind that was misinformed, right?

“Then you joined this white man…?”

It was only then that Sano noticed Coren’s white sportswear, and immediately thought of Asai Naomi’s suit that was clearly a white coat, but was rumored to be a white windbreaker…Does this even have to match it?

…The leader, or founder, of this thing.

Could it be some kind of chuunibyou?


As soon as Kelen finished nodding, he shook his head again: “No, I didn’t have any ideas at that time, but when I heard that she had joined, I became a little anxious… After all, at that time, I only heard about Baiyi’s founding, which was In order to specifically deal with those in black, but I don’t know yet that this black is not that black.”

…Sure enough, it’s quite different from what I thought.

Sano nodded thoughtfully… So, this is the part-time job Asai Shimizu mentioned, with a salary no lower than the main job?

“How many people are there in white clothes now?”

Kelen smiled awkwardly: “This is a commercial secret, so it’s hard to say…”


Sano raised his eyes, and Coren immediately changed his words: “Currently there is only one member.”


Sano was stunned again: “Just the two of you, aren’t there two of us?”

“She is a member and I am the team leader.”

Coren said with a smile.

……It really is.

Sano couldn’t help stroking his forehead and sighing, some second-generation official came out to play house, it must be a bit, the little family must be too angry.

“Then how much do you know about that man in black?”

“Well, judging from the top-secret files…”

Coren raised two fingers: “There are only two sentences in it.”


“First, the organization’s strength and purpose are unclear.”

“Second, the organization has identified a member as the killer Black Cat, and the suspected member is…”

Coren blinked at Sano.

“Oh, it’s me.”

Sano smiled deliberately: “There is so little information from the police.”

“At least that’s all there is on file.”

Colen took off his pants and looked around, then poked his head forward and whispered: “But outside of the file, my boss also told me another piece of information. I don’t know if it was a piece of gossip.” intelligence.”



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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