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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 619 622, winery’s actions

Gin’s ears buzzed from the vodka shouting, and he threw his hand away impatiently… He was not blind, so why did he shout about it?

How are you bluffing? What does it look like?

What a fuss, what a surprise.

Gin snorted coldly and asked Sano, “Did your experiment succeed?”


Sano was stunned for a moment, and then remembered after a few seconds.

It seemed possible to me. Did you tease Gin with the idea of ​​an experiment?

…I still remember it, can’t I be serious?

“Why, didn’t you say you wanted to experiment and see if you could make it talk?”

Gin asked in confusion, and Sano nodded this time: “Ah, yes, that’s right.”

“Can your result be replicated?”

Gin looked at Dahei with some curiosity: “Have you ever thought about application issues?”

“Replicate, apply?”

Sano tilted his neck strangely… It was no longer a day or two for Dahei to be able to speak. Otherwise, when he spoke, he wouldn’t be so, well, humane. In the beginning, even if it was He had to distinguish for a while before he could tell what this guy was talking about, and now he showed off this special skill.

Of course it was Sano’s instruction.

With Gin in the state he was in just now, something had to come up to divert his attention.

Only then can this matter be fooled.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Sano did nothing wrong.

The only thing that surprised Sano was Gin’s attention.

… Generally speaking, people will be very surprised when they see this kind of situation.

The strange thing is that it is curiosity but not inability.

After all, human beings’ gossip heart is essentially a manifestation of curiosity.

But the direction of Gin’s curiosity is somewhat practical?

Although it is possible that Sano did tell Gin that this was an experiment, his meaning should be closer to his own play out of curiosity, and I think the other party should also be able to understand it.

It’s obviously not right for Gin to be so serious now.

“What’s the point of replicating this thing, and what applications can it be used for?”

Sano pinched his chin: “Are you going to perform in the circus to tame animals to make money… Oh, this is indeed a good idea, maybe you can change your career.”

Facing Sano’s playful smile, Gin snorted again.

“Stupid, animals like crows are small in size and can fly. They are the most suitable for detection… Although you do use this thing for detection and tracking, it can’t speak after all. Many things are… There is no way to convey it, and what can be conveyed, no one except you can understand it. It is different now. This is an improvement in applicability.”

“And if it can be reproduced, maybe other better creatures can be used. In addition to detection, it might also be able to play some other roles… Of course, the focus here is on the domestication of creatures. You can also try to domesticate them. Some poisons or something are extremely convenient for assassination missions.”

Gin thought for a while: “But the most important thing is probably the intelligence… Being able to understand the master’s orders and execute them accurately is the key. If you can become almost like a human being, but not physically If they are the same, they are equivalent to alien soldiers.”

After hearing the end, Sano’s eyes finally fluctuated slightly, but because the face of the passerby was hidden, it was impossible for Gin to notice anything.

“…To put it bluntly, everything is based on the premise of being able to communicate.”

Sano took over the topic: “But unfortunately, many things are talents. No matter how much I teach or how much I help deal with these foreign objects, it is impossible for ordinary people like you to reproduce them.”

…ordinary people.

Gin’s eyelids drooped… No one had ever evaluated him like this before.

But one thing has to be admitted.

With Sano’s ability, everyone except him is called an ordinary person.

It doesn’t seem too arrogant.

“I heard that crows are the smartest among birds. Their intelligence level is roughly equivalent to that of human children. Even if they are trained to the point where they can speak and listen to commands, they still won’t be able to do that.”

Gin also tried to fight for it again.

It’s a pity that Sano directly vetoed it: “First of all, it is also the simplest point. It is difficult enough to make the crow listen to orders, let alone make it listen to the orders of someone other than yourself. Secondly, the second point is You must fully understand the commands…that is, you must be able to understand the words. Although it is said that crows should have the intelligence level of human children, that is only theoretical. Affected by various factors, they are ultimately inferior to upright apes.”

“Furthermore, you have to know that not every crow is like my pet, with understanding and learning abilities far beyond those of ordinary crows. This is also the third and final point, the problem of learning to speak.”

Sano raised his hand to signal Daikoku to take advantage of the opportunity to fly away, then raised his head and watched it fly while continuing: “Even with this one, sometimes it is quite difficult to talk to it. Sometimes it goes very smoothly, as if talking to it It is sometimes very difficult to communicate with people, and the donkey’s words are completely different from the horse’s words. We don’t know if it is really like a child.”

Listening to Sano’s long sigh, Vodka scratched his head and interrupted.

“Could it be that because the intelligence level is equivalent to that of a human child, it is more playful and deliberately pretends to be stupid and does not answer, just to make people laugh?”

Sano raised his eyebrows and looked at Vodka… This idea is quite strange.

“So what Jia Ge means is that I have been being treated like a monkey by a bird?”

Vodka: “…”

Damn, I said the wrong thing!

Gin next to him shook his head helplessly… What Sano said made sense.

Let’s not even mention that Sano did such an unprecedented and outrageous thing.

It proves that he is, well, one can say that he is gifted.

Let’s just say that even such a talented person still took so long to succeed. How low is the success rate… Furthermore, this crow is special. At the beginning, Dahei showed The other crows are very smart and can almost be said to be human.

There should be no such basis.

Even if it can be reproduced, it will probably take too much time…

In addition, the life span of crows is also an issue.

It takes a lot of time to cultivate, but it only takes a few years to cultivate it.

If something unexpected happens midway, the death rate will be much higher than that of humans.

Not worth it. Not worth it.

And Sano was not surprised to see Gin successfully fooled like this… What he said just now was half-truth and half-lie. Dahei can speak, but the point is that it is smarter than other crows.

But the intelligence here does not just refer to the level of intelligence.

What’s special about Daikoku, apart from the effect of being able to communicate with Sano, is the effect of doubling attributes… To be honest, he doesn’t think it has any effect on intelligence, but it can still fully understand human language and respond.

Ultimately, it should be the former reason.

As for the other crows, Sano can’t communicate…but Daikoku can.

Perhaps, because they cannot understand human language on their own, these crows are not as fast as Dahei in learning, and their upper limit is high.

But to say that it won’t have any effect at all…that’s just nonsense.

And Sano is talented.

Well, that’s not entirely nonsense, right?

After all, besides Sano, who else could communicate spiritually with a crow?


At this moment, Gin suddenly came out of his thoughts.

He glanced at the pool of white on his car, and then looked up at the night sky.

…What about the stupid bird?

Gin finally realized what Sano’s action of raising his hand meant, and he suddenly felt angry again – especially since he couldn’t communicate accurately, the screen was very good, and the timing was quite accurate! ?

“Oh, the transaction partner is here.”

It happened that Sano discovered a new topic, so Gin could only go ahead and deal with the business, but Vodka was pulled back by him just as he was about to follow.

“Get it done quickly, ah.”

After patting Vodka’s butt, Sano followed Gin, leaving Vodka looking confused… How could this happen to him?

However, after a few seconds of silence, Vodka silently got into the car to get the paper… He had to deal with the cookie crumbs anyway, so he just took it as a convenience.

So when the business on the other end was over and Gin returned, he wanted to bring up the old things again.

Sano raised his head very confidently.

“What’s bird poop? What are you talking about? It’s not there. Why didn’t I see it?”


Gin looked at the hood that looked clean, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt it was unclean, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

“… Go back and wipe it again with alcohol.”


Vodka nodded honestly.

Gin looked at Sano again.


After snorting lightly, Gin did not insist on this topic after all.

“Let’s go to the next mission point.”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Sano responded lazily and followed the car.

And then came the next day.

Sano received two unexpected and reasonable text messages.

One was from Conan, asking Sano Amuro Toru if he was from the Neon Police.

The other was from Calvados.

Of course, this is not the identity of Sano, but his black cat vest. It probably means that he received the above task and asked Calvados to investigate the black cat. The specific content is to wait until the task is distributed and see if it is There will be no chance to act together, and then he will test or even arrest them depending on the situation. And if you still haven’t received it after waiting for a few days.

Then you have to take the initiative.

The former is easier to say.

Tohru Amuro doesn’t know what his reasons are. Conan, Ai Haibara, Shuichi Akai, or the black organization may all be his purpose… Anyway, he has been hanging around the Mori Detective Agency.

Over a period of time, Toru Amuro has gained a lot.

But correspondingly, the possibility of Conan catching a flaw is not impossible.

Thinking back to what Sano said earlier, Toru Amuro is an absolutely good person.

It’s not surprising that Conan now directly asks Sano for confirmation.

However, Sano was naturally too lazy to get involved, so he just ignored it.

the latter.

In fact, the relationship between Calvados and Sano’s zoo killer team is still a bit awkward…after all, it is different from the other members.

Calvados takes two sides.

Regardless of Sano’s views, Calvados always has to take some care of the winery…otherwise, he will organize the cleanup of the second and fifth boys.

But it’s no longer a matter of one or two days.

Of course, as far as this text message is concerned.

It can be known that Calvados himself is more inclined to Sano’s side.

Sano chose to recruit Calvados to join the team because he was interested in this guy’s status – he didn’t have much sense of belonging to the organization, he just stayed in the organization peacefully out of a drifting mentality. , the only highlight that can be said is Belmode.

It was only after that night that Calvados, who had been used as a tool by Belmod for a time, awakened his dog-like will and was prompted by Sano.

It’s even more profound.

Of course, when Calvados joined the zoo, his “loyalty” was not to the black cat.

But rye.

Of course there is no difference.

All in all, gin…or should be said to be a winery, trying to detect the black intelligence through Calvados would undoubtedly be a wrong choice.

The question now is what Sano should do.

Although for Sano, a Calvados can be said to be dispensable. From the beginning, he has regarded it as a disposable tool, but now he does not want to mess it up. .

Let Calvados and Black Cat “break”, no.

Letting Calvados break with the winery and rebel on the spot is not an option.

Give Calvados a “chance”, but operate behind the scenes to maintain the status quo.

Or not.

Then give “opportunity”, but break this opportunity.

The status quo has changed, but not much. It just changes in key points.

Just like what Sano and Gin said before…as long as you have the ability.

Then feel free to give it a try.

Thinking of this, Sano didn’t hesitate at all and sent a text message to Calvados, then logged into Black Cat’s account and entered the zoo group chat.

“It’s time to get to work, everyone.”


When Toru Amuro returned to the car and was about to let Belmod do what he had said, he found that he was looking at his phone with a frown on his face.

“Sorry, Bourbon, I have to go on an impromptu mission. I may not be able to do it today.”

Belmod said this after closing the phone.

“Temporary duty?”

Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows and asked pretending to be indifferent: “What mission? Is there anything more important than finding Shuichi Akai?”

Faced with Toru Amuro’s dissatisfaction and temptation, Belmode smiled.

“The organization plans to attack the black cat. Which one is more important compared to the soul of Shuichi Akai, who can’t even touch its tail?”

“Black cat?”

After Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows in surprise, he continued to probe calmly: “Ah, you are talking about the killer black cat, right? Why, did he have any bad influence on the organization, and he actually went out of his way to do something to him? What?”

“It’s hard to talk about. It’s hard to talk about.”

Belmode opened the car door and got out of the car, and continued: “I don’t know the specific situation. Well, I will know by going over and taking a look. What should be done depends on the situation at that time. Woolen cloth.”

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and sighed.

“Okay, then if your side ends early, don’t forget what happened here.”

“I know, I know.”

Belmod put on sunglasses, a mask and a hat, waved his hand and left first.

Toru Amuro was left frowning in thought in the car.

It wasn’t until he saw the target he was waiting for after a while that Toru Amuro came back to his senses, adjusted his mentality, got out of the car, and went to do his own thing.

And at the same time.

In a remote apartment not far away.

Sano, who had put on a black cat vest, was facing the person in front of him with Silver Fox.

Conduct torture.

“Tell me where the person is, I don’t have much patience.”

Inside the house, a dozen people were all lying on the ground, their deaths miserable and twisted.

Only two people could barely breathe.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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