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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 62 62, there is something dirty!

“It doesn’t matter if you are thick-skinned. This is all a trivial matter. Do you think your life is so tough that you dare to commit suicide like this?”

Sano looked at Conan expressionlessly, causing cold sweat to drip from his head unconsciously.

“S-Sano, brother?”

As soon as Conan’s sneer appeared, Sano turned the hammer of justice: “Try it, see whether your life is stronger or my hammer is stronger.”



In the tree canopy outside the second floor, the trio, who originally heard the man’s scream and turned pale, looked at each other after the man’s scream stopped, thinking that Sano had solved the problem, but The next second, Conan’s screams sounded again, and his face, which had just regained a trace of blood, instantly became as white as a piece of paper.

“What, what’s wrong?”

Ayumi trembled and said, “Did brother Sano fail to save Conan and instead be in danger?”


Mitsuhiko said firmly: “Compared to this, I believe that Conan is being educated.”


The trio looked at each other and trembled even more violently, and the leaves continued to fall under their shaking.

In this twin corpse case, when Sano knocked out the murderer, his system had already completed the prompt.

This also confirmed that the man was indeed the only risk factor.

After completing the task and teaching a certain naughty kid a little lesson, Sano of course had no need to stay and directly chose to leave.

As for what Conan and the others will do in the future, and whether they will encounter anything again, that’s none of Sano’s business.

Half an hour later, Sano returned home and used random reinforcement.

“In the process of random strengthening, congratulations to the host’s hat for being strengthened. The strengthening is successful. The details are as follows…”

Reinforcement item name: Passerby Hat.


1. The presence of passers-by (wearing it will greatly reduce the presence).

2. Faces of passersby (after wearing it, your face cannot be seen by others no matter what angle it is at, including cameras and other mechanical equipment).

Limitation: Reducing the sense of presence does not mean becoming invisible. Whether it will be noticed will depend on people and environmental factors, and the strength of the effect will also be affected by the momentum attribute.

Note: So even if you wear it, don’t think about doing whatever you want.

Sano: “…”

God does whatever he wants!

After complaining, Sano turned around and dug out the reinforced black peaked cap from the house.

The effect of this reinforcement item, whether it is one or two, looks very good, but the description of the former is a bit vague, and I will have to find time to do an experiment later.

Sano tried to strengthen it again, but the system prompted that he needed 300 strengthening points to strengthen it. He suddenly knew something in his mind. It turned out that the increase was 100 points at a time. The gain and loss should not be doubled, otherwise he would have a headache.

Thinking of this, Sano suddenly couldn’t help but wonder if the system was tricking him.

After all, even after each strengthening, it is not surprising that the demand for strengthening the next time will be higher, but Sano, as the person involved, should be unhappy.

Just because Sano was faced with the two options of doubling next time and increasing by 100 next time, he subconsciously felt that the latter was better, so when it was confirmed that it was the latter, he felt relieved.

This is like what a certain Mr. Lu, who did not want to be named, once said.

If you tell everyone that this room is too dark and a window must be opened here, they will definitely not allow it. But if you first say that you want to remove the roof, they will mediate and easily agree to open the window.

This is the so-called skylight effect, also known as the demolition effect.

During the negotiation process, first make a large request that is difficult for the other party to accept, and then lower the conditions and make a smaller request that the other party can accept. In this way, the other party will be psychologically more likely to accept it, and it will be easier to achieve the goal. .

Is this probably Sano’s current mental state?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter what the trivial matter is, after all, he is a system worker.

Isn’t it just that the extremely high salary originally given has been cut off? It is still higher than the salary of normal work, isn’t it?

If one day the salary is no longer enough to satisfy Sano, then he might as well stop working. He has already died once, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Sano put on his passerby hat and looked in the mirror, thinking about the experimental plan for this reinforcement.

The day after the twin corpse case, Sano walked around in a commercial plaza for a long time wearing a ghost coat and a passerby hat.

It’s not that I want to buy anything, I’m just experimenting with the effect of the passerby’s hat.

In a noisy environment, no one would notice my existence at all.

Sano stood in the corner, looking at the pedestrians coming and going in front of him. He was walking among the crowd just now, and almost everyone who came from the front would bump into him, even if they were not paying attention to other things. .

Even though Sano also found some targets in a quieter environment with fewer people, after dozens of experiments, no one would notice the extra figure in front of him.

Unless Sano takes the initiative to make a sound, or makes some big noise or even touches the other person, the test subjects will be suddenly startled and realize that there is someone else next to them.

Stronger than I thought.

Sano casually moved the cigarette case that a man sitting next to him had put on his left hand side to his right side. He watched the man touch the cigarette but found nothing. After a closer look, he found that the cigarette case was on his right hand side, and he looked confused. , nodded secretly, thinking about the uses of the passerby hat.

In terms of feeling, the function of this hat is somewhat similar to the ghillie suit in the game of chicken?

Sneaking in, approaching targets, and sneak attacks can all play a big role, especially when paired with equipment such as the Hammer of Justice or the Bad Special Attack Suit. It is simply an old-fashioned outfit.

Is this going in the direction of Voldemort?

…Although under normal circumstances, Sano’s style is to be as old as possible, but it feels weird to be given a sixth strengthener in the blink of an eye.

But no matter what, it is rare to finally have a good piece of equipment that has outstanding effects and is not so outrageous…

Thinking of the enhancements he had used in the past, which were basically either outrageous in appearance or in effect or with outrageous restrictions, Sano’s mood suddenly improved a lot.

After casually placing the cigarette case on the man’s right hand back on his left hand, Sano left the square and returned home.

But just now, the man had burned out a cigarette and was about to light another cigarette. He touched the right side but found nothing again. He turned around and found that the cigarette case was on the left side again, and his eyes suddenly widened.

what’s the situation?

The man looked around with some confusion, and tightened his collar unconsciously. Why did he feel that there was something dirty? ? ?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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