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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 626 629, Knife and Arrow

“I’m coming.”

The store owner quickly dealt with Suwa Yuuji’s matter and came to Sano’s side.

“The boss took a fancy to this, he really has a good eye!”

While rubbing his hands, the shop owner took off the knife with a smile and began to use his eloquence: “This is a modern replica of art. Although it is different from other things and has no age, it is really beautiful.”

With that said, the boss pulled out the knife and handed it to Sano.

“You can feel it.”

It was only at this time that Sano discovered that the sword was actually a wooden sword.

“…Since boss you didn’t try to fool the customers with its age, but you still put something that looks like a toy together with those valuable antiques, it means that this wooden knife does have its merits.” It’s unique, but just having a beautiful appearance isn’t enough.”

Sano pinched the “blade” part.

…Such a wooden toy would probably be destroyed by just chopping it hard.

Did I make a mistake this time?

“Hahaha, boss, although you are a little ignorant, you are very smart.”

The boss looked a little more serious.

“Since the boss is here, it means that you have some understanding and interest in kendo. Then you should also know where the sword in our country originated. Yes, it is a flower-planting knife. .”

“The prototype of this wooden sword is the origin of the samurai sword brought by our country when we went to study in the flower garden. It was the national weapon of the Tang Dynasty, so it was called the Tang sword, and the neon sword that has been developed now There is still a big difference between swords…but in the end, this is just a wooden replica. If you really want to buy it, it is just for fun, so you have to think carefully.”

…it turned out to be Tang Dao.

The only special point is that the prototype is the real origin, but the specialness is only in the body, not a copy made of wood.

Sano looked at the straight blade of the wooden sword and nodded thoughtfully.

never mind.

“Make a price.”

A few minutes later.

Sano went out carrying a wooden sword.

Then he just found an uninhabited land and didn’t say anything about the lottery.

“It is being strengthened randomly. Congratulations to the host for his wooden sword being strengthened. The strengthening is successful…”

Reinforcement name: Black Knife.

Grade: A+.


1. Sword Intent (aura attribute +100).

2. Swordsmanship (when holding this enhancement, the level of swordsmanship will be raised to the top of the world).

3. Mind’s Eye (when holding this enhancer, the user will enter the Mind’s Eye state).

4. Magic weapon (this reinforced object has the property of being indestructible and hard).

5. Killing mode (after turning it on, the momentum attribute will be +300, and the enhanced object will also have the sharp property of being able to cut through all objects, which can last for ten minutes).

Limitation: Effect Kill Mode cannot be used again for twenty-four hours after each use.

Notes: EX – Curry Sticks! ! ! !


Not too unexpectedly, I won, but quite unexpectedly, I got the gold.

And it’s still gold within gold.

Faced with this sudden grand prize, Sano felt a little confused, and then he immediately focused on the real thing—leaving aside everything else, the focus of this thing.

In addition to the sword, it seems to be the momentum attribute. This is not much different from other golden equipment. It can match the five major attributes of physique, flexibility, explosiveness, will, and momentum. All the corresponding five attributes have been collected.

in other words.

Will you withdraw money again in the future?

To put it more bluntly, can you still produce something?

Sano rubbed his fingers…and suddenly realized that the game account was at full level.

This is a bit melancholy.

No, one of the golden equipment in my hand has no corresponding attributes.

And it’s also gold within gold.


After thinking about it again and again, Sano looked at the number of draws left in his hand.

Just send it again.

“It is being randomly strengthened. Congratulations to the host’s finger for being strengthened. The strengthening is successful…”

…finger snap? ?

When did you have such a thing?

Wait a moment.

Sano, who seemed to have regained his earliest feelings, pulled out the map and took a look. It was located in the antique store he just left… But didn’t that store only sell knives? What the hell is a finger wrench? .

Sano could only return to the antique shop first.

With the designated target, Sano immediately noticed a detail that he had not noticed last time – there was a black wrench on the thumb of the shop owner’s right hand, but it was a wrench, but it was different from a normal wrench.

Normally speaking, when it comes to finger wrenching.

What most people think of is a thick cylinder made of jade.

But what the shop owner has in his hand is not a cylinder.

Halfway through it, while continuing to spread upward, it also curves outward.

Hmm… Sano didn’t know how to describe it for a moment.

If I have to say it, it looks like the nails are turned outwards, right? ?

It’s an arc anyway.

But when it comes to the specific use of this thing, Sano really doesn’t know very well.

…It should be an accessory, right?

It’s just a thing worn on the hand, but it can have any strange effects.

Space ring? ?

“Hey, boss, why are you back again?”

The store owner noticed Sano outside the door and immediately asked suspiciously… Seeing that he didn’t have a wooden sword on him, it didn’t look like he regretted coming to return the product.

Wait a moment.

This man had just finished shopping and left a few minutes ago, and he didn’t seem to be driving.

If you don’t live nearby.

Was it robbed or something was lost?

“Do you want to sell the ring on your hand?”

Sano didn’t mean any nonsense and stated his intentions straight to the point.

The boss was stunned for a moment. After taking a look at the ring on his thumb, he smiled with some relief: “I thought, boss, that you were just an outsider with a little vision but absolutely zero experience. But unexpectedly, your vision changed.” It’s too much, especially when it comes to things that are passed down from generation to generation.”

Sano raised his eyebrows and said nothing, meaning – please show off.

The boss was also a straightforward person and started to introduce me.

“This ring should actually be called a wrench. In the eyes of most modern people, a wrench may be just a decoration worn only on the thumb. But in fact, in ancient times, this thing was used for archery. Preventing the tiger’s mouth from being scratched first originated from flower growers in the Shang Dynasty.”

As he said that, the boss took out the bow and arrows from under the counter, actually pulled them, and showed Sano how to use them… In fact, he just used the part that bends upwards and outwards to “hook” the bow. The part where the string and arrow intersect, thus replacing the fingers and tiger’s mouth that should hold this part.

“To be honest, boss, I really feel destined to be with you.”

After introducing the things, the transaction phase officially entered. The boss looked at Sano sincerely and said, “As you can see, I specialize in selling swords. The other items are all my private collection. In addition, , unlike the art replica you just bought, this thing is really a genuine antique, and the price will not be low.”

Sano didn’t know whether the boss’s words were testing his bottom line. Whether it was fate or luck, he didn’t dare to say…but it was a deal.

There has to be something for people to earn, and Sano doesn’t reject this.

Therefore, Sano doesn’t mind spending a little more money as long as it’s not too outrageous.

But if it’s outrageous.

Oh, things in novels like killing people and seizing treasures can also come from reality.

A few minutes later, Sano returned to that deserted place again.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the ring on his thumb, and the effect appeared in front of his eyes.

Reinforcement item name: Archery Ring.

Grade: B.


Archer (when wearing this enhancer, the level of archery will be raised to the top of the world).

Restrictions: None.

Note: An archer who cannot melee is not a good archer!


It’s a bit sketchy, and compared to the previous round, the gap seems significantly overdone.

But simplicity is often powerful.

It is the same type as martial arts bandage.

But compared to the martial arts bandage, the level of this thing is the top in the world, and it is exactly the same as the sword skill in the previous round… This may be because compared to the previous two, the archery skill itself is not very good.

Of course, although the level of martial arts bandage seems to be a big level below this, the basic target of that thing is Kyogoku Makoto.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the guy himself is already at this level.

Sano turned the archery trigger on his hand, and focused on the gold from the previous round, the momentum attribute bonus, the sword skill level improvement, the weapon’s indestructible nature, and the final killing mode.

Sano can still understand these things directly.

Only the statement about the inner eye is a bit vague.

In fact, this statement appears quite frequently in various fields.

Generally speaking, the general meaning is that if you have this, you can see things around you without using your actual eyes… But Sano has never actually experienced anything similar.

So what the heck is this.

That remains to be seen.

After taking out the black knife from his backpack, Sano closed his eyes.


A few seconds later, Sano opened his eyes… and he really had that kind of mind.

Even if you don’t see the scene in front of you, you can still feel it, even more comprehensively and clearly than seeing it with your eyes.

Sano wanted to describe this effect from a God’s perspective.

But the picture that comes to mind is just that after receiving the feedback from the inner eye, my brain automatically and instinctively adopts a method that is more acceptable to itself to process the feedback.

It feels a bit subtle.

Well…it can only be understood, not expressed.

As for other aspects.

Sano thought for two seconds, and then slashed a few times casually, but failed to experience any subtlety…if I have to say it, it was the way to exert force.

It’s very similar to the principles of martial arts.

For example, Sano’s original, uh, sword might be two hundred when hit on the dynamometer, but with the blessing of sword skills, it would be one thousand.

Of course it’s not just the strength of the attack, but also the speed.

After all, power is equal to speed.

Other things may not be experienced until actual combat.

And then there’s…

Sano held the knife across his chest, his heart moved, and he activated the killing mode.

For a moment, Sano, who should not have noticed anything wrong as the person who was being boosted by his aura, could clearly feel it in his own brain.

Falling into an extremely excited state.

The black knife itself has the passive effect of increasing the momentum attribute by 100. After turning on the killing mode, another 300 is added, for a total increase of 400.

In the past, when the bonus was only more than a hundred points at most, Sano’s own feeling could be said to be very small, but this time with the accumulation of numbers.

Sano was finally able to confirm.

The momentum attribute really affects the sanity, or state.

Even beyond this, the momentum attribute not only affects the will attribute within the attribute, but also affects the three major attributes outside the attribute. Yes, just like when Sano uses the fox demon mask, he can adjust the positive emotions of others to make others It has the same power as ordinary people, or it can regulate negative emotions and make people’s condition decline.

Originally, Sano thought it was his illusion because the gap was not big.

Or maybe it’s just because of the ups and downs of his own state.

…But in this case, because the will attribute and the momentum attribute are involved, the momentum attribute is now linked to other attributes.

Does that mean that the improvement of the will attribute will also be related?

Sano began to wander for nine days.

Of course, judging from Sano’s experience, unless it can be greatly improved like the current momentum attribute, otherwise it will only be a little improvement.

It can be said to be almost zero, just ignore it.

After coming back to his senses, Sano looked at the black sword in his hand that had not changed at all.

With a casual poke, it was inserted into the wall next to it.

…The solid concrete is like tofu, allowing Sano to cut it.

Sharpness that can cut through anything.

With this skill alone, he could claim to be the best in the world. If people knew that he was still using a wooden sword, he would immediately transform into an immortal cultivator.

Sano made another casual stroke and pulled out the black sword.

Then the wall that the black knife had been inserted into immediately seemed to be split in half from the middle by an invisible force.

The collapse began.

Wha, what the hell? ?

Amidst the sound of collapse and dust, Sano looked at the wall about twenty or thirty meters ahead, which was all divided into half, and he was immediately confused.

Could it be a sword…ah, no, it’s sword energy? ? ?

Sano Miki stared, then hesitantly swung his knife at the other wall, and then the wall was divided into two halves and began to collapse.

Just one more side.


Good guy, now you have truly become an immortal cultivator.

But why is this not mentioned in the description of the killing mode?

Even if it’s just a sentence, please explore on your own.

Then Sano wouldn’t be so surprised now.

Before Sano could think about it, he vaguely heard, perhaps hearing the movement here, and the crowd gradually began to gather here. He could only forcefully cancel the killing mode, retract the black knife and retreat first… Otherwise, with this terrifying momentum attribute.

Not to mention wearing a passerby hat.

Even if he enters the black cat form, he will probably become the center of attention.

It’s almost time.

Go and see that temple.


A teahouse in Kyoto…but it’s called a teahouse, but it’s actually an izakaya.

It’s just that you can choose to drink tea or not drink alcohol inside.

Neon itself is a country that likes to promote its own culture, and Kyoto is the place where Neon has the most national characteristics.

When walking on the street, you can often see people walking in kimono.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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