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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 627 630, Kurosawa Family

Neon Kendo is also quite popular here in Kyoto.

That antique shop is full of swords, maybe that’s why.

In addition, there are naturally so-called geishas. Of course, the geishas of today are definitely not exactly the same as the geishas of the past. They are no longer even called geishas, ​​but dancers… And of course, if you are willing to spend If the money is in the right place, it’s not impossible.


After arriving at the temple and learning the details of the commission, he went out alone to start investigating the case. As a result, he met Hattori Heiji. They teamed up to investigate but found no results. They also met Conan who attacked but failed to pursue.

At this moment, he is sitting in the tea house’s box with the large army.

While eating dinner, I watched the top performer in the tea house, a geisha who is considered famous even in the whole of Kyoto, performing playing and singing.

…Because I came here after accepting the commission from the temple. The temple is not a small place, so it naturally has to provide food, clothing, housing and transportation during the commission period.

There are guest rooms and vegetarian meals… But Mouri Kogoro is naturally not willing to eat vegetarian meals, not to mention that the temple pilgrims invite him out to eat for free, especially the geisha here, which makes him dream. .

So here comes Kogoro Mori.

Mao Lilan, who learned about this from the host, came with a large force.

“Speaking of which, Sano’s… brother hasn’t come yet?”

Conan asked Mao Lilan.

“Ah, senior, I have already called him and he said it will depend on the situation.”

Mao Lilan replied casually.

…It depends on the situation again, why did that guy come to Kyoto?

Conan showed his dead eyes and said nothing.

On the other hand, Hattori Heiji next to him leaned into Conan’s ear and said, “Hey, Kudo, have you told that guy Sano that I’m here in Kyoto too.”

“How could it be possible? I haven’t touched my phone since we met unexpectedly on the way.”

Conan asked doubtfully: “Why, don’t you want him to know?”

“That’s not true. I just want to find the answer first before he finds the answer, give him a surprise, and then laugh at him.”

Hearing this, Conan showed his dead eyes again… This guy still refuses to admit defeat.

Anyway, Conan is ruined now.

You definitely can’t win against Sano, at least not in a short period of time.

It’s better to develop quietly.

“By the way, have you heard about what happened in Kyoto last night?”

Hattori Heiji asked again, and Conan made a question mark: “What’s the matter?”

“Your old enemy, Black Death, has done what he did in Osaka before in Kyoto, and now he dominates the country.”

As soon as Hattori Heiji said these words, the sashimi that Conan had just put in his mouth immediately fell out, and he said with shock on his face: “Damn it, he actually came to Kyoto??”


After nodding, Hattori Heiji stroked his chin and thought: “But it’s really strange. Except when that guy conquered Tokyo, he did it himself. In conquering other areas, he let his younger brothers do the work. Only two places, Osaka and Kyoto, also took action personally.”

“But these two times, they were all completed before you guys arrived. Could it be that there is any pattern to follow?”

Under Hattori Heiji’s thoughts.

But a name gradually emerged in Conan’s mind – Sano.

So to say.

Sano left the team when he came to Kyoto and hasn’t shown up yet, is that right?

“Oh, you two are already at the door, right? I’ll pick you up right now.”

At this moment, the monk in charge of receiving Kogoro Mouri received a call. As soon as he stood up, a pilgrim asked: “Are they those two Mr. Kurosawa?”


Suddenly, Conan and the others looked at the monk with a swish.


The monk was stared at by Conan and others, and for a moment he was afraid to move.

“It’s… Kurosawa, what’s wrong?”

Facing the monk’s hesitation, Conan got up and ran out without saying a word.

Just after the battle between Heisi last night, another Kurosawa appeared today. There is no need to say more about who it is, but there seem to be two Kurosawas?

Could the other one be…



Seeing Hattori Heiji running out following Conan, Maorilan and the others could only keep up.

Conan was the first to rush out, and Hattori Heiji quickly caught up.

Just as he turned the corridor, he saw two black figures walking side by side in front of him.

Coming towards you.

…Not Kurosawa.

Conan first looked at the black fox wearing a kimono and a fox mask on one side of his head, and then looked at the person next to him who he had never seen before.

Also dressed in black.

What this man is wearing is a bit strange. It is neither a kimono nor a kendo uniform. A black robe covers his body, and his waist is tied tightly with a belt. The cuffs on both sides are close to the wrists, and there is a faint trace under the robe. A pair of black boots were visible, seemingly made of cloth, but more conspicuous.

It’s still a long black knife hanging on this man’s waist, a black belt that blindfolds his eyes, and the cherry blossom-colored high ponytail that is tied high behind his head and hangs down to his lower back… It’s so strange. Dress up.

Conan thought that Black Fox’s dress was distinctive enough.

I didn’t expect that a more unique one would pop up today.

In comparison, even the bad middle school delinquent, Black Death, seems ordinary.

Of course it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that this man and the black fox appeared here together.

Why, wasn’t it said that the person who came was Kurosawa? Could it be that he came with Kurosawa Well?

As expected, it’s… in black.

Conan’s expression was tense, and he could feel an obvious pressure on this guy he had never seen before. It was obvious that this guy had done nothing.

But instinct is reminding Conan – danger!

“Mr. Black Fox?”

Maorilan and the others who arrived just after Conan and the others were stunned for a moment when they saw the black fox, then nodded subconsciously and said hello politely.


After nodding towards Mao Lilan with a smile, the black fox turned his attention to the last monk who arrived: “Oh, so you are together?”

“Yes, Mr. Kurosawa, it turns out you know each other too.”

The monk responded with a smile and said “Mr. Kurosawa”, which stunned Conan and others.

“Kuro, Mr. Kurosawa???”

Mao Lilan couldn’t help but asked directly: “Master, did you hear wrongly? It should be Mr. Black Fox… Hey, how do you know each other?”

“That’s right Mr. Kurosawa.”

The monk was confused and said: “These two are new pilgrims to our temple. They said they plan to stay in Kyoto temporarily for two days. The other Mr. Kurosawa Gin seems to be a detective, so we are wondering if You can come over and get to know Detective Maori, maybe we can help each other in the future, and we can also discuss with each other about this commission.”


Kurosawa Gin?

Conan and the others looked at the black fox blankly… What the hell?

The black fox, who probably understood what was going on, smiled and nodded.

“This is my new name. I changed it after the person next to me.”

With that said, Black Fox raised his hand and introduced: “This is Kurosawa Blade.”

…Kurosawa, blade? ? ?

Conan’s brain was completely shut down. Let’s not talk about whether the name can be changed at will. But even leaving aside the black fox who was renamed Kurosawa Gin, let’s just say that this Kurosawa blade is simply the same as Kurosawa. Hit the last name.

At least Conan didn’t believe it.

What is going on?

Is it some traditional rule of that black organization?

Just like the cadres of a winery must have a wine code name, this black organization must be changed to Kurosawa’s last name after joining… If this is the case, what is the black organization called? It is not called the Kurosawa family directly. Okay?

While distracted, Kurosawa Blade nodded towards the opposite side as a greeting.

Mao Lilan and others subconsciously responded, but they were shocked the next second.

The man in front of him was blindfolded and couldn’t see his nods at all.

“Hello Mr. Black… Blade.”

Mao Lilan and others could only say hello.

Considering that there were two Mr. Kurosawa in front of me, I called them by their first names.

“Okay, don’t stand around chatting anymore, go into the private room, I’m just waiting for you two.”

Under the leadership of the monk, a group of people returned to the private room.

Conan, who was hanging at the end of the team, was scratching his head crazily… He couldn’t do it anymore.

The brain is receiving too much information that it can’t process, and it feels like it’s about to burst.

“…Mr. Black Fox, will it be okay for your friend to walk blindfolded?”

And ahead, I saw Kurosawa Blade following the monk, without any pause or hesitation in his steps, but he was able to avoid obstacles accurately every time.

He can even turn corners like a normal person.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly couldn’t hold it back and asked the black fox curiously.

…But maybe it was because Kuro Fox was first, or maybe Kurosawa was first.

Suzuki Sonoko’s address was still Kurokoshi, not Kurosawa.

“Ah, it’s okay. He is blind and is used to it.”

As soon as these words came out without deliberately lowering the voice, the entire team was stunned.

The air suddenly became silent.

…as if he was afraid that his breath would become a weapon to ridicule others.

He’s actually a blind person?

Conan looked at Kurosawa Blade’s back in confusion. Could such a person really be a member of the black organization? Currently, the only criterion that we believe can be a member of the black organization is that his eyes can glow red. .

But this person can’t see, and he’s covered up, so that shouldn’t be possible, right?

Wait a minute, if that’s the case, why is this guy still hanging a knife?

Wait a moment.

This man carries a knife with him. Isn’t that a bad idea? ? ?

Aren’t you afraid of being arrested directly for carrying a controlled knife?

In addition, even if one is truly blind all year round, after arriving in a completely unfamiliar environment, it is impossible to perfectly judge the path just by sound… Sure enough, this guy is not a simple person.

Conan frowned.

After coming to the private room and sitting down.

Conan immediately came to Kurosawa’s side, reached out to touch the knife at his waist, and said in a deliberately cute way: “Ah, uncle, this knife on your body looks so strange, I can see it.” see.”


Conan’s hand was grabbed.

He raised his head again and “looked” into the eyes covered with black cloth that turned towards him.

Conan waited intently for the answer to his trial.

However, before the frightened Mao Lilan could speak, Black Fox smiled and said, “Don’t wait, that guy is mute and won’t pay attention to you.”


Conan and others were shocked again.

After Mao Lilan came back to her senses, she hurriedly patted Conan’s hand. Then, regardless of whether Kurosawa Blade could see it or not, she pressed her child’s head and began to bow and apologize crazily: “I’m sorry, Mr. Blade.” , Conan, this child is not used to rules, and he is quite curious. He often likes to fiddle around, I will definitely discipline him well when I go back!”

In response, Kurosawa Blade just raised his hand.

Although she didn’t speak, Mao Lilan could probably understand that it meant “no problem”. She breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked her.

Then he grabbed Conan’s ears and forced him to sit in a corner.

“…She actually has cherry blossom hair. Is it dyed or is it natural?”

Hattori Heiji’s muttering reached his ears.

The corners of Black Fox and Kurosawa Ren’s mouths couldn’t help but twitch slightly… The latter was naturally Sano’s new vest today. It is an unwritten rule that a new account must be created when gold is released. The old rules.

One gold equipment corresponds to one vest.

…Rye is quite special. If I have to say it, it corresponds to the vest.

Anyway, the disguise technique is indeed its setting, isn’t it?

As for the setting of this new vest, it is mainly to get closer to the core equipment.

Black knife.

It just happens to be a replica of the original Tang Dao.

If it was just an ordinary neon katana, then Sano would naturally not mind wearing a pure black kendo suit, but it would feel too weird to do it like this now, so he simply used a simplified Hanfu.

And the blindfolded part.

It’s just for show.

…I gave him a piece of mind, just to make people act like blind swordsmen.

It’s just a waste if you don’t use it.

As for the hairstyle of the new vest, Hanfu and long hair tied up are already standard, and they are also different from the hairstyle of other vests. The only problem is the hair color.

Five vests, two black, one gold, one white and one lavender.

Another black one is actually nothing.

But Sano wanted the setting of Swordsman to be wilder.

So I picked red…yes, Sano originally had red hair.

After pinching it, it turned into pink for some reason.

Looking back, when it comes to hair color adjustment, red and pink are closely next to each other.

Maybe it’s a slippery hand.

Anyway, it can no longer be changed.

…Sano himself pinched the vest anxiously because, according to Conan, the murderer of the Genjiying incident was good at swordsmanship and archery.

Therefore, this trip to Kyoto is all about solving the Genjiying incident.

Then Sano shouldn’t take his new vest out for a walk and touch it.

As a result, this kind of oolong incident happened… The pinch has already been pinched, and it will definitely have to be taken out sooner or later, and it is impossible to pinch it again. Spraying hair dye or wearing a wig temporarily is also of little significance. .

As for why he brought out the black fox vest again, he even changed his name.

The former is similar to Kurosawa’s sword vest, the sword matches Kyoto, and the kimono also matches Kyoto. He just intends to control the situation with the fox demon mask, while the latter is simply interested.

When a new vest comes out, it won’t work without a name.

Come up with your own nickname, Sano doesn’t have that strength, and it feels a bit awkward.

Even if it is taken, there is a high probability that it will be like the black knife.

It’s better to just use the frequently used names and simply change them all.

Sano was too lazy to act.

Show your hand directly to Conan – yes, we are the ones in black, what can you do?

Sano wanted to see what this kid could do.

Unfortunately, Conan did nothing in the next ten minutes.

Maybe he was planning to make a decision and observe in secret?

Black Fox casually dealt with the other people’s topics with a slight boredom.

“…By the way, Xiaolan, Mr. Blade seems to be quite handsome.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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