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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 63 63, Sano: I’m really not a pleasure addict

Just when the man was a little surprised, two supermarket cashiers wearing the same work clothes passed by and whispered to each other.

“Have you heard that many people in our square have encountered strange things today? All kinds of things suddenly changed their positions and so on.”

“Ah, I know, it happened to me too. I clearly remembered that I had put the receipt in the drawer, but when I looked back, it was back on the table. At first, I thought I had made a mistake, but then I put it in Then I looked back and it was back on the table!”

“Oh my God, what is going on? Why do I feel so cold behind my back…”

The man who stretched out his neck and eavesdropped with his ears almost turned into antennas looked solemn. After retracting his neck, he touched his chin thoughtfully and his eyes rested on his cigarette case.

The man’s name is Nakajima Sukezo. He is a reporter. He is responsible for a very unpopular supernatural report. He basically relies on urban legends and the like.

This industry is a niche one. You can’t make big money, but you can’t make small money. To put it bluntly, you are like most people, neither good nor bad, neither warm nor popular.

Originally, Nakajima Sukezo’s life should have continued forever. Occasionally, he had no inspiration, so he could only forcefully take advantage of the popularity.

For example, there was a rogue organization called Black Death that caused a stir a few days ago, and another example… the currently popular high school detective Shinichiro Sano.

After learning about the incident at the entrance of the kindergarten from the police, Nakajima Sukezo immediately thought of the existence of the Rice Krispie Hammer Man, so he followed up with such a report. Unexpectedly, it ignited public opinion. , make a fortune.

Logically speaking, Nakajima Sukezo, who has tasted the sweetness, should seize this opportunity and take another bite of meat.

For example, I went to find out what Shinichiro Sano looked like and what kind of person he was, and no reporter had ever photographed his face until now.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to transform from a supernatural reporter to a gossip reporter.

But who knew that before Nakajima Suke Santo could fantasize, his boss informed him yesterday that he was not allowed to write anything related to Shinichiro Sano.

This makes Nakajima Sukezo uncomfortable.

It didn’t matter that the bright future was ruined. I still had to worry about what to write in tomorrow’s report, so I ran outside to enjoy the wind and find inspiration.

However, Nakajima Sukezo did not expect that the report would come to him on his own.

After taking out his notebook, Nakajima Sukezo wrote a series of exciting titles with one stroke of his pen.

[Reporter’s personal experience, super supernatural event – another invisible person! 】

At midnight, Sano, who was still awake, looked away from the TV and realized that it was past twelve o’clock.

One day passed.

Is there no mission today, or is it that…that boy Conan is out again?

At the end of the day, apart from experimenting with the effect of the passerby’s hat, Sano didn’t have anything else worth paying attention to.

Oh, maybe all the newspaper reports attacking Sano have disappeared, and have turned into praise for him.

My boss acted quickly. Could it be that he bought a navy?

In addition, there was the report on the twins hiding corpse case last night. The final credit was still attributed to Sano, with a reputation of +10086.

Sano tilted his head, but didn’t pay much attention, turned around and fell on the bed to sleep.

But when the second day passed and the third day was about to pass, Sano finally began to lose his composure and called the Mori Detective Agency.

“No one answered.”

Sano frowned slightly. It was not dark yet. Logically speaking, Mouri Kogoro should be in the office, so why would no one answer the phone?

Sano turned around and pulled out the calendar page that he had torn out a few days ago in the trash can. He took a look at it and saw that it really happened to be a consecutive short vacation.

In this way, it is not a strange thing for the Maori family to go on a trip.

Sighing, Sano turned to the next page of the calendar and found that tomorrow’s date had jumped many days. Although it was still a holiday for students, he still felt relaxed.

Looking at it this way, the Maori family should be back tomorrow, so it’s not a big problem.

Sano, who thought he had a definite result, stopped thinking about it, turned around and lay down to sleep.

It was not until a few hours later that Sano fell into a deep sleep, but waves of panic filled his heart.

Sano’s brows frowned more and more, and finally he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up.

what’s the situation?

Sano’s head was covered in cold sweat, and his throat was full of aches and pains. He looked around and realized that what woke him up seemed to be the system.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please go to the target location and rescue colleagues who have fallen into danger due to carelessness. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 0:31:08].

Have a mission?

When was it triggered?

Sano was still awake, rubbing his eyes while looking at the task. His colleague was… from the winery?

It was triggered twenty minutes ago, and the rewards are quite high. In addition to the long-term task of becoming a core member of the winery, this time the rewards are in the triple digits.

And this is the first time Sano has seen the system look so “urgent”…

Sano raised his eyebrows. He suddenly wanted to try what kind of impact it would have if he didn’t do this task.

However, after Sano had an “inspiration”, he quickly got up, turned on the light, packed up his equipment, and set off for the mission target location.

To be honest, when Sano was still studying in his previous life, he was often said to be hot for three minutes, think only one thing, fickle, etc.

And after Sano went on the road of no return, he accidentally heard a policeman say what he was, a pleasure criminal?

That seems to be the name.

Sano also looked up the meaning of this word. In his understanding, it is a criminal who believes that spiritual interests are far more important than physical interests.

In order to obtain pleasure, they can do whatever it takes, that is, happiness comes first?

Sano was noncommittal about such an evaluation, because he never felt that people were existences that could be defined. If he had to say it, would it be half right or half wrong?

After all, discussions on this kind of thing have never stopped for thousands of years in human history, and there has been no result so far. Sano certainly doesn’t think he has that ability.

From Sano’s point of view, he is just an ordinary person like most people.

Selfish, double standards, unprincipled, but in comparison, Sano’s decisiveness is stronger.

Maybe it can also be understood as being a little more reckless?

As some people say, a person lives only a few decades, and no matter how much money he or she has received, it will only be a series of numbers after death. Therefore, there seems to be nothing wrong with putting your own spiritual interests first. .

But then again, people still have to live for decades.

Putting aside whether you will starve to death without money, the premise of many spiritual benefits itself is that you need to spend money to obtain them.

For example, you can recharge games to buy skins, travel and exercise, etc.

To put it bluntly, spiritual interests and substantive interests are interchangeable.

It’s just that there are differences among individuals in terms of “exchange rate”.

Just like Sano said before that he is a part-time worker in the system, isn’t this the same for everyone in real life? If the boss asks you to do something you don’t want to do, whether you should do it or not depends on whether the other party pays you enough money. .

However, in the eyes of most people, it seems that in order to identify human needs for these two interests, people’s thoughts are divided into two types.

Rational, wild.

The police called Sano a pleasure criminal, which probably means that his wildness is stronger than his rationality.

But for Sano personally, he is somewhat dismissive of the idea of ​​dividing an individual into two things.

What is rational and wild? To put it bluntly, isn’t it still a personal idea?

Just like the human brain and heart, some movies have to create “brain thoughts” and “soul voices”.

From Sano’s point of view, every decision he makes is made by him personally and issued by his brain.

Regardless of whether this decision was influenced too much by the outside world, whether the starting point of this decision was for substantive interests or spiritual interests, it was his own decision.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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