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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 632 635, Hey Yao Ling, I want to call the police on a speeding horse!

Demon sword Muramasa.

This name is very familiar.

It appears so often in neon-related film and television works that even if you are not a neon person, as long as you are involved in the Internet, you will have heard of it more or less… I just don’t know about this demon sword Muramasa.

Is it genuine or not?

If so, what’s the difference between it and an ordinary knife?

Could it be possible that a monster would possess him and use the same sword energy as his own?

Thinking of Yoshitsune-ryu as an ancient sect… Although it doesn’t feel like it has much history, judging from the level of these disciples, it’s not rubbish.

You shouldn’t be using fakes, right?

Will we finally see a new superpower besides the witch?

With curiosity and expectation, Sano gave Saijo time to let the opponent get the trump card, but one thing that puzzled him was that since this guy had a divine item, why didn’t he use it from the beginning? .

Is it the same as myself, or are you reluctant to use it?

“Suffer death!”

After getting the trump card, Saijo seemed to have some confidence and rushed towards Sano again.

Sano slowly raised his sword and faced the demon sword Muramasa.

This was not so much that Sano was blocking Saijo’s slash, but rather that the opponent was actively slashing at the black sword in his hand. The purpose was naturally to compete.


And at the moment when the two knives intertwined.

Half of the blade flew into the sky with a crisp sound.

“…The demon sword Muramasa is as vulnerable as Yoshitsune-ryu.”

Sano waved the black sword in the air disdainfully, before the spectators around him were shocked.

Suwa Yuji suddenly realized something was wrong.

“That is……?”

Under the gaze of the audience, a red line gradually spread on Saijo’s neck.

Blood seeps out.

Saijo wanted to lower his head to check, but found that he couldn’t do it.


After a soft sound like a bubble bursting, Saijo’s head suddenly became a little shorter… to be precise, it moved a little to his lower left.

“…While cutting off Muramasa, I actually cut off his neck!?”

Suwa Yuuji’s disbelieving voice just came out. Saijo’s head had already fallen to the ground. While rolling, the headless body fell down with a muffled sound.


After a few seconds of silence, the Yoshitsune-ryu disciples screamed in surprise.

“Monster, this guy is a monster!!”

“Master is dead, Master is dead!!”

“Run away, run away!!!”

“If you can’t escape, fight him!!!”


The situation became messy in an instant, and the balance was already seriously tilted.

The most important weight of Yoshitsune-ryu was gone.

Naturally, there is no possibility of balance in the entire scale.

Those who should be scared enough to run away run away, those who should be so desperate that they kneel down, and those who should be so broken that they lose their senses try to preemptively kill Sano together.

It’s just that this group of people’s originally organized siege couldn’t do anything against Sano. Now, what’s the use of such a chaotic siege?

Not to mention that Sano now is not at the same level as before.


With just a circular slash of turning his body, the Yoshitsune-ryu disciples who were surrounded from all directions stopped at the same moment. An invisible force tore at the necks of these people. In just an instant, a fountain of blood shot into the sky. rise, and at the top of the blood fountain, there are more than a dozen round heads.

Under the blood falling like rain.

Sano took two steps and immediately stepped a few meters away, performing another lunging technique.

The disciples of the Yoshitsune-ryu who were left to die waited for death, followed in the footsteps of the previous wave of fellow disciples, and then came the last group that escaped.

It was only then that Suwa Yuuji came back to his senses and whispered in shock.

“This is sword energy!?”

…At the very beginning of the battle, Sano relied on an indestructible wooden sword.

Use it as a stick.

Relying on superb swordsmanship to beat people to death is still reasonable.

Then he used a wooden knife to cut off the real knife.

Although shocked, Suwa Yuuji was not unable to accept it.

But after breaking the famous ancient sword Demon Sword Muramasa, he actually broke Saijo’s neck.

That’s not quite right.

After all, unlike the previous broken bones, this is a space-separated break.

This is no longer something that can be achieved with swordsmanship and strength.

And until now, Sano was still a few meters away… It should be said that he cut off the heads of more than a dozen people. This made Ben think that the previous operation of cutting off Saijo’s head was the result of the other party cutting off Muramasa and then… He couldn’t see it clearly, or to be precise, he didn’t see it at all. At such a speed, Suwa Yuuji, who only achieved such an effect after swinging the second sword, could no longer deceive himself.

That’s right.

In Saijo’s attack, Sano didn’t swing his second sword.

Instead, at the same time as Muramasa was cut off, Saijo’s head was cut off half a meter away.

Sword energy.

This could only be the legendary sword energy!

Conan glanced at Suwa Yuuji. Although he couldn’t see the other person’s face through the mask, he could still understand the other person’s mood at the moment through the whisper just now… After all, his own mood at the moment was similar.

But Jian Qi said it.

Conan really disagrees.

The previous statement about the mind’s eye was outrageous enough, but Conan was not completely unable to accept it intuitively, as for the sword energy.

That would be too unscientific.


Absolutely impossible!

It must be some kind of black technology!

“That guy, got a bow?”

Tachibana Maya’s doubts brought everyone back to their senses.

Looking up, Kurosawa Blade, who had already inserted the knife back into his waist, picked up a bow from a corpse with just a hook of his foot. When he reached out to catch it, he stretched out his foot again and lifted the bow to the ground. The quiver was set up.

…The remaining Yoshitsune-ryu disciples are less than a quarter of the original number.

Among them, in addition to those who immediately chose to escape after Saijo’s death, there were also about a dozen Yoshitsune-ryu disciples who were farther away because they used bows and arrows.

It may still be too late to catch up, after all, Sano’s flat A can attack from a distance.

But if these guys spread out behind them, it would be too troublesome.

On the thumb of his right hand, the thin black round ring turned into an archery ring.

After picking up three arrows, Sano opened the long bow.

“call out!”

Three arrows shot through the air and hit the backs of the heads of three Yoshitsune-ryu disciples who had their backs to Sano, killing them on the spot, but the bodies here had not yet fallen.

A new wave of arrows was shot out by Sano.

There are at least two arrows in one wave of the bow, and sometimes there are even four arrows at most. Each wave of arrows is perfect. Even at a distance of hundreds of meters, it can still accurately hit the vital point, and the arrow shooting speed is extremely fast. .

Often before one wave ends, the next wave has already taken over.

This made Tachibana Maya couldn’t help but sigh: “I didn’t expect that besides swordsmanship, this guy was also so good at archery. He must have been a great general in ancient times.”

…Don’t you want to be a general’s wife?

Suwa Yuuji glanced at Tachibana Maya: “This shows that he also studied the ancient school.”

… As the old saying goes, an archer who cannot melee is not a good archer.

This is not nonsense.

For ancient archers, if they wanted their bows to be fully effective, they had to use bows that were completely different from modern compound bows and required very high strength. With such strength, even those who had not specifically practiced close combat , that wouldn’t be too bad, and for the ancient genre.

If you exercise your arm strength all year round, it will be very suitable for bow shooting.

This is especially true in a country like Neon where there is a serious shortage of manpower – whether it is a swordsman or a swordsman, in the flower garden, they basically refer to the kind of knights who travel around the world.

But neon is different.

A swordsman is a samurai, and a samurai is a soldier.

There may be a few special examples that are called ronin, but a genre.

Basically, it will only serve the official.

Therefore, everything that can be used must be used.

A warrior with excellent swordsmanship may not be very good at archery.

But a master archer with superb archery skills will never be too bad at swordsmanship.

Just like Yoshitsune-ryu, aren’t there many archers in it?

To sum up, Suwa Yuuji said that Sano practiced the ancient style, which is very consistent with common sense.

…But in fact, Suwa Yuuji didn’t know that Sano had never practiced swordsmanship.

Not to mention the ancient genre.

In addition, what the plug-in brings is swordsmanship… Of course, in the case of Neon, it is swordsmanship.

Not wrong.

Back to reality, it was time for Sano to set up an arrow for the last time.

The last two Yoshitsune-ryu disciples had also run out of the temple.

Then without saying a word, he ran behind the wall, hoping to use cover to avoid the arrows.


I underestimated myself.

Sano’s arrow moved upward, and he twisted the bowstring on the arrow’s tail half a circle.

“call out!”

The two arrows were shot out and began to droop in mid-air, but when they reached the top of the temple wall, the arrows should have followed the natural falling pattern.

The arc of the fall suddenly began to increase sharply.

In the end, it was inserted vertically into the top of the two people’s heads, successfully killing them.

At this point, the Yoshitsune-ryu will be completely extinct… huh?

Suddenly, Sano realized that something was wrong. The task was not completed yet. Did something slip through the net?

“Big black!”

After calling out in my heart, the response came quickly.

“There’s a guy coming into the back room.”

Haha, you are quite smart. Are you actually planning to play dark under the light with yourself?


“Boom buzz——!!”

However, just as Sano turned around, he saw a door being knocked out.

In the roar.

A motorcycle flew down the steps. The Yoshitsune-ryu disciple on top twisted the accelerator and drove towards the temple gate. However, this guy didn’t think that he could fight back with the motorcycle. Not to mention hitting Sano, he turned instead. A big bend, I wish I could not see each other with the evil spirit like that monster.

“call out!”

Sano casually shot two arrows.

Unfortunately, the speed of the motorcycle has increased, and even Sano, who was driving, could not succeed. Only one of the two arrows was hit, and it was still the shoulder.

Of course, this is unlikely to cause any serious trouble, just let this guy take the opportunity to sneak out of the temple.

“…Are you sure he’s the only one here?”

Sano confirmed with Daikoku again, and after receiving a response, he raised his right hand.

After bringing the tips of his thumb and index finger together and pressing his tongue, Sano whistled.

Conan, who had been watching the entire process, stared blankly at the scene in front of them. Before they could react, they heard a burst of rapid… footsteps?

It was said to be footsteps, but it always felt like… something wasn’t right.

Xun Sheng turned around and saw a black shadow rushing out of the shadows in the corner of the temple.

With a neighing sound, Sano jumped up and climbed onto the Black King’s back.


After clamping his legs, Sano lowered his body, and the Black King immediately rushed out of the temple.

He chased the escaped motorcycle.

A few people in the temple were left behind, patting the dust rising in front of them with confused faces.


It’s actually a horse?

Kurosawa Ren actually hid a horse in Yulong Temple! ?

Conan’s brain was running rapidly – he could hide the horse here, let alone how he did it, the key lies in why he did it, maybe.

This guy has already prepared for this step in advance?

Conan didn’t think that he had long expected that someone would escape on a motorcycle, so he hid the horse. Most likely, it was to prevent him from having a chance to retreat in case of an accident… Although he was still a little uncomfortable. I understand it so well. Why is it a horse? Isn’t a motorcycle bad?

Animals are too uncontrollable, so aren’t they afraid of being exposed?

Of course, the point is that Kurosawa Ren knew what was going on here, and even made arrangements in advance to intervene… No wonder the two people were gone when they called Sannoji earlier, so could the Black Fox be here too.

According to Kurosawa Ren, this person seems to be here to “kick in the gym”.

But is this really the case?

Conan didn’t know very well, but what he knew clearly was that Kurosawa Blade was definitely from Kyoto.

…This statement is not very accurate. To be precise, it should be at least different from the Black Fox. Before the Genjiying case, Kurosawa Blade should have stayed in Kyoto for a long time, otherwise it would not be possible to raise it. Only horse.

This is obviously different from what others know, that he first appeared in Tokyo… In addition, Conan has one more thing that is clear.

That’s what Heiji Hattori said before about the danger of the Kurosawa Blade.

The danger here, of course, does not refer to the level of ability, but to initiative.

Although I said it at the beginning, the goal of kicking the gym is to kill everyone in Yoshitsune.

But among this group of people, there were many who simply surrendered and even begged for mercy.

But he was still killed.

Even though a runaway person should be caught now, looking at Kurosawa Blade’s posture, it was clear that he was not planning to catch the person, but was chasing him.

…It is helpless to be forced to fight back at a critical moment, but to kill an enemy who is no longer a threat. Even if Conan has changed due to the influence of various experiences, it is absolutely impossible to accept it.

“Go save people!”

Conan ran outside the temple.

With only two short legs, how could he possibly catch up with a two-wheeled motorcycle and four long-legged horses? The scene changed to a mountain slope.

The Yoshitsune-ryu disciples accelerated wildly on their motorcycles.

Sano followed closely behind, riding the Black King.

The guy was riding an off-road motorcycle and was less affected by the environment. But with the blessing of the riding effect, Sano’s speed was no slower than that of a motorcycle. The possibility of being affected by the environment when running with hooves was close to zero.

You can even flexibly use the environment to run faster.

The distance between the two sides is closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when Sano had already started to assemble his bow and was about to try to aim.

The sudden appearance of Mao Lilan and others in front disrupted Sano’s rhythm.

In order to avoid killing these people, Black King forced a sharp turn.

As a result, Sano’s shot was deflected, and he was even further distanced.


After smacking his lips, Sano accelerated without even looking at Maori Lan and the others.

After chasing each other, the two sides left the mountain and came to the road.

This place called Mount Kurama is relatively remote, but as one of the main roads leading to Kyoto, there are still many vehicles on it. The Yoshitsune-ryu disciples riding in front were so anxious to escape that they made an unexpected move. The few extreme operations forced many cars to brake suddenly and come to a stop.

“What the hell are you rushing to reincarnate in!?”

A car owner had just stuck his head out of the car window to curse, when he heard a loud bang from the roof of his car. He subconsciously looked around and saw that a black shadow had jumped up and landed on the roof of a car in front of him, crossing the obstacle. After the object landed on the ground, he sprinted wildly, and the sound of horse hooves gradually faded away.


The car owner with a messy face finally came to his senses. While lighting a cigarette, he took out his mobile phone and called the police: “Hey, Yaoyao Ling? I want to call the police. I just saw a… um, a horse. Speeding down the road.”

“Yes, it’s a horse!”

“I’m the only one who’s sick, what I said is true!”


Further ahead, a sports car was driving.

He just looked like a rich second-generation car owner, with one hand on the car window and the other on the steering wheel, a cigarette in his mouth, leisurely.


The speeding motorcycle passed by as a shadow.

The car owner looked stunned, then grinned: “Oh, you actually dare to overtake me…”

“Da da da–“

The car owner who was just about to step on the accelerator to accelerate heard the noise and turned his head to look. He only saw a horse’s head. He was momentarily confused. The next second he realized that it was a horse walking side by side with his sports car. He looked up again. Look.

Sano above is wearing period costume.

…traveled through time?

Have you traveled through time? ? ?

Without anyone paying attention, the sports car veered off the road around a corner and hit a tree trunk.

But the car owner didn’t care so much. He stretched out his bleeding head and looked at the figure from behind. He didn’t silently take out his mobile phone until he completely disappeared from sight.

“Hey, Yaoyao Ling…”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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