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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 633 I’m deaf, speak louder

Genji Ei and his subordinate Yoshitsune-ryu were completely destroyed.

When Conan went to the appointment dressed as Hattori Heiji, he actually asked his teammates, Dr. Agasa and Haibara Ai, to call the police so that the police could rush to the scene.

Although it was still a step too late in the end.

The police that were called… were actually Shiratori Rensaburo plus Moori Kogoro and others, but they could only barely see the tail end of the pursuit.

According to the testimony of on-site witnesses Toyama Kazuha and Conan et al.

The police directly concluded the Genjiying case. As for Kurosawa Blade, who had killed hundreds of people, although he felt a little over-defended, he was forced to find no one and could not issue a wanted order on his own initiative. What happened in the end?

Not easy to talk about.

There is a high probability that nothing will happen.

Unless someone is “caught” one day.

The lost Buddha statue at Sanno-ji Temple has also been returned, and Kogoro Mouri’s commission has been completed.

The trip to Kyoto ends here, and the army is about to embark on the journey back to Tokyo.

It was also until this time.

Only then did Sano learn something he didn’t know originally, the background setting of this case – Hattori Heiji’s appearance in Kyoto was not an appointment with Conan.

It was because a certain Genjiei member who was killed in Kyoto was an old acquaintance of Hattori Heiji and had a good relationship, so he wanted to investigate the truth.

Then there is the so-called white hair.

It is actually a white crystal bead embedded in the forehead of the Buddha statue.

Sano doesn’t know if this thing itself has any value, but if the Buddha statue loses this thing, it is equivalent to a car without an engine, and its value will be greatly reduced.

Probably because of this, the Buddha statue has never been sold.

Of course, the key point is why this thing is in the hands of Hattori Heiji.

As mentioned before, Kyoto and Osaka are very close.

Therefore, Hattori Heiji often came here to play when he was a child. One time, he happened to enter a certain room in Sannoji Temple, fell down, and fainted.

When he woke up again, what he saw was a little girl in a kimono playing a ball while singing. Hattori Heiji was heartbroken on the spot, but after chasing him out.

Hattori Heiji didn’t see anyone, he only saw the crystal beads on the ground. He thought they were lost by the little girl and kept them with him. A few years ago, he even mentioned them in an interview report in a magazine. Here comes the thing.

Mostly because he wanted to find someone.

As a result, she was targeted by Genjiying who had lost her white hair.

…Well, maybe because of the identity of Hattori Heiji’s father, no one in Genjiying acted rashly until this time when they were looking for the Buddha statue, they just had the opportunity.

But that’s not the point.

After listening to Conan’s explanation, Sano looked at Hattori Heiji with a very disdainful look, as if looking at a chip insect, and said with a strange expression.

“Hey…it turns out that I still have my first love. It’s really enviable. Just now, you actually had the nerve to say anything to me, don’t touch my He Ye. Bah, you damn scumbag. Go to hell. You’re still alive and wasting others. What do you do with the air? Please keep your distance from me in the future. Breathing the air in the same space with you always feels like it has polluted my lungs.”

Seeing Sano talking very fast, his face became expressionless as he went to the back.

It was as if what he was looking at was not an acquaintance, but a bunch of sex.

Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but sweat broke out on his head.

In particular, Sano did not lower his voice deliberately, so that these words attracted the attention of several girls in Maorilan… At first glance, these words may sound like they are simply complaining about Toyama and Ye, but the problem is.

Yuanshan and Ye themselves knew this.

Not only did she know about it, she also discussed it with Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko and complained about it.

Now that it’s brought up again, it’s more or less embarrassing, and I can’t pretend I didn’t hear it and ignore it… The other thing is Sano’s words “My Kazuha”.

Can Yuan Shan and Ye Gui know about this?

After seeing the three girls look at each other hesitantly, they may have come here for the purpose of being peacemakers or out of curiosity.

Hattori Heiji could only quickly pull Sano aside.

“Please keep your voice down, that’s not the case. I did regard her as my first love earlier, but the problem is now… you can understand, I will want to find her, just out of curiosity and want to give myself It’s just an explanation.”

“Fuck you.”

Sano curled his lips and said: “Since your original intention has not changed, then I will accept the trouble now for you. Hey, Kazuye, do you want to go to a movie tonight?”


Yuan Shan and Ye were asked this question as soon as they came over, and they were immediately confused.

“Hey, Sano!”

Hattori Heiji strangled Sano’s neck and tried to block it with a glare.

It’s a pity that Sano said directly without any hesitation: “Get married.”




In the next few minutes, the scene was chaotic and noisy.

But no one really took Sano’s words seriously.

After all, whether it was out of Sano’s personal wishes or the development of the overall situation, these words were clearly out of pure anger. Well, they were his own anger.

Also to impress Hattori Heiji.

In the end, it was able to calm down, and it was Conan who stepped forward to calm Sano’s emotions.

“…In fact, Hattori himself didn’t even know that his first love was Kazuha. The evidence is that in the Kyoto song he heard the little girl sing at that time, there was a line wrong. I happened to hear Kazuha singing it before. But, the mistakes are exactly the same. I originally planned to hide this so that I could use it to laugh at him later, so don’t worry about it.”

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, then quietly glanced at Toyama Kazuha, showing a very pleased smile, and then looked at Sano.

There was a little more pride in the smile.

“Well, anyway, that’s it.”

Sano opened Hattori Heiji’s hand and patted him on the shoulder, his eyes still disdainful: “Oh, even if they are actually the same person, then you are still in two different boats without knowing it, dirty and dirty, eating What’s in the bowl is still looking at what’s in the pot, you’d better be careful, if you don’t put the good things into your pocket quickly, you won’t be able to protect them all in the future…”

After putting a hand on Hattori Heiji’s shoulder, Sano’s expression changed, and he was full of sinisterness, and said: “I will accept Toyama Kazuha for you.”

Hattori Heiji’s mouth twitched.

“…Okay, I know, I have already planned to do this, but I just can’t find the right time to confess. Is that something that can be done casually? You have to find the best one.” Is it the best time?”


Sano smiled with interest, then hugged Hattori Heiji’s neck: “Why, now I don’t deny that I like Kazuha.”

Hattori Heiji blushed and muttered: “It’s noisy, it’s so noisy.”

“… He’s obviously an old man, so why are you pretending to be so arrogant?”

Sano let go, too lazy to pay attention to Hattori Heiji.

According to Sano’s experience, people who say this generally don’t know when they will make progress if they fail to make progress the first time.

It’s basically an unknown number.

Unless someone can help push it.

Just affected by this wave of first love settings, Sano didn’t want to help.

Let it develop.

On the way back after getting in the car.

Conan still couldn’t help but ask Sano what he did yesterday.

“Of course I have my own things to do.”

“But you hung up the whole time this time and didn’t help at all?”

Sano laughed angrily: “First of all, what can I do to help? Why should I help? Are you a waste? You have to rely on me for everything, or do you really regard me as your father? Then you have to let you go first.” Mom is divorcing your dad.”

Before Conan could speak, Sano said again: “Secondly, what do you mean I didn’t help at all? If it weren’t for me, would you still be sitting here?”


Conan was confused and tilted his neck: “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it because of that guy called Kurosawa Blade that you survived?”

“…Yes, but what does this have to do with you?”

“If it weren’t for me, why do you think the person who was supposed to leave with that black fox suddenly appeared in an abandoned temple in the mountains?”

As soon as Sano said this, Conan understood immediately.

“So, you actually asked Kurosawa Ren for help?”

Conan suddenly realized, and then suddenly asked: “Then how much did you spend?”

“No money spent.”

“…Hey, why?”

“There is no reason. Why should I ask him to spend money? I just told him that there is an ancient sect called Yoshitsune-ryu. That kind of guy seems to be the kind of person who has no worldly desires. He wants to If he takes the initiative, he has to pick something he is interested in. Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, a very famous ancient school, isn’t it very challenging?”

Sano said so.

Conan suddenly realized again… It turns out that’s the case, that guy did indeed say he was kicking the gym.

“Wait a minute, but that guy Kurosawa Ren seems to have been ambushing there a long time ago, and even prepared a horse in advance. Did you know that Kazuha would be kidnapped by Mr. Saijo and used to threaten Hattori? Yes.”

“What are you thinking about? I know the identity of the murderer, the last Genjiei member, and I also know that his target is most likely Hattori Heiji. I also found out the existence of Yoshitsune-ryu by the way, but I am not a prophet. How could he possibly know in advance that he planned to kidnap He Ye Lai for a deal?”

Faced with Conan’s doubts, Sano curled his lips and said.

“…If that’s the case, then your original purpose was to let Kurosawa Blade kill the Yoshitsune-ryu including Mr. Saijo, instead of saving people?”

Conan was enlightened again.

…After all, according to what Sano said, he didn’t know Kurosawa Ren.

In this way, relying solely on a possible “interest” issue, the hope of saving people is entrusted to a strange and evil person.

It’s true that it doesn’t make sense.

Of course, it is said here that he is an evil person, but the specifics must be left open for the time being.

It’s not like he’s a good person anyway!

“Wait a moment.”

Conan suddenly realized something was wrong and asked: “Since you have already determined the truth of the entire case while doing your own thing, why didn’t you choose to contact me… or simply call the police instead of calling the gangster?” Zawaren, choose to instigate him to deal with Mr. Saijo and Yoshitsune-ryu?”

“Because I didn’t find the evidence, or I didn’t have the time or the mood to look for it, so not to mention that the process would be very troublesome if I went through formal channels. It would be embarrassing if I overturned it. If I let him confirm it by himself, then… No problem, the more important thing is…it will hinder my own things.”

To Conan’s surprise, Sano seemed to be very patient this time.

He actually answered his own question again after several paragraphs of previous explanations.

Could it be because he told the truth about his first love at the station earlier? Does this guy care so much about whether Hattori Heiji is a two-way street, or does he simply care about Toyama Kazuha?

Conan shook his head.

The reason why the focus is on Sano, the first two points cannot be said to be completely unjustifiable.

Only the last bit.

“What have you been busy with in Kyoto these two days?”

Sano looked at Conan.

Conan quickly raised his hands and said: “I’m not curious, I’m just wondering what could have kept you from showing up for two days in a row. Has this matter been resolved? If you need any help, you can always tell me. “

Sano raised his eyebrows and said nothing. He just took out the mp3 given by Amuro Toru from his pocket, plugged in the headphones he bought, put them into his ears, and closed his eyes.

…and so it goes again.

Conan let out a long sigh and wisely remained silent.

Just talking about Kurosawa Blade gives Conan a headache…a new dangerous character.

He was obviously riding such a big horse, but he just disappeared when he said he couldn’t see it.

No matter how hard the police searched, they couldn’t find any trace of him. This aspect is similar to the elusive characteristics of the black-clothed ghost. It should be said that they are exactly the same.


The other two characters who were at Yulong Temple at that time also concerned Conan a little bit.

It’s a pity that Conan was too busy chasing Kurosawa Blade that he didn’t even notice when these two people disappeared… Could it be that he didn’t pick up the watermelon and lost the sesame seeds?


A fast food burger restaurant.

I just planned to make some gin and wine for dinner before overtime.

Ordering at the counter.


But just after ordering the meal, there was an exclamation, followed closely by abuse.

“You brat, are you so fucking blind!?”

Gin subconsciously glanced around and saw only two young men with colorful hair, holding cigarettes in their mouths and cursing at a few children who were almost in kindergarten grade, but he should have looked away instead.

Because among those children, there was a familiar face.

“Brother, that’s not…”

The vodka next to him also recognized it. He was surprised and looked at Gin hesitantly.

“You two, your meal is ready. Would you like to take it out or dine in?”

Vodka was about to subconsciously pack it up and take it away as he had done in the past, but in the next second Gin said “dine in”, then picked up the tray and walked inside.

Vodka hurried to follow.

…Is this what you want?


The young man who was still cursing was hit by Gin’s strong chest. He stumbled a few steps as his body was unsteady, and he almost fell over.

“What the hell…”

The already furious young man was hit again. He turned around and was about to curse again. Then he met Gin’s cold eyes after he stopped. His voice suddenly weakened and he muttered: “You can’t even look at it while walking.” Be careful, you bump into someone and you don’t know how to apologize, what kind of person is that?”



Too late, but not too long ago, the young man was held down by Gin’s head and slammed on the table next to him, causing the passers-by who were eating to lose their dinner.

Amidst the exclamations and screams.

Gin increased the strength of his palm, causing the young man’s scream to increase to a higher level, and then was forced to stop abruptly. Then he asked with a cold voice coming from his mouth.

“What did you say just now? I’m deaf, so speak louder.”

The young man looked at the demon-like figure with horror on his face, looking down at him, or in other words, scorning him. The other companion next to him stood there stiffly, unable to open his mouth or move his legs. .

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die if he is a poor Taoist.

Anyway, it was not him who was being pinned on the table at this moment. The young man was of course afraid that if he made any movement, the demon in front of him would divert his firepower.

Then the next person to be pressed on the table was himself.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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