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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 64 64, Put down the gun, Gin

After all, life is not about doing math problems. The conversion process of spiritual benefits and substantive benefits is difficult to grasp accurately, so that many people become extremely entangled.

Sano would also struggle, so he chose to put aside these complicated things and live a simpler life.

All Sano needs to do is not to hesitate and make a decision directly. Behind this decision, his brain makes the best decision on its own through countless subconscious thoughts.

To put it bluntly, it’s intuition.

Of course, maybe this decision will change in the next second, it may be wrong, and you will regret it, but even if the decision is made after careful consideration, isn’t it the same?

There’s no difference anyway, so it’s better to choose the easier way.

For example, which one of these two options is what Sano really wants, to cripple this seemingly unintelligent system or obtain a hundred strengthening points.

Intuition already gave the answer.

Fortunately, although Sano had wasted nearly half of the mission time because the mission was triggered at such a special time, the mission target location was not too far from his home.

Ten minutes later, Sano arrived at the entrance of an abandoned factory. After taking a look at the familiar black vehicle, he couldn’t help but arrange the passerby’s hat and the mask of the special attack suit.

Sano probably knew who the colleague he wanted to save was.

Sano couldn’t help but grin. Looking at it this way, this mission was quite interesting. At least he was looking forward to the reaction of the person he rescued.

Sano quickly set off and entered the factory.

Not long after entering the factory according to the instructions on the system map, Sano faintly heard a burst of gunfire, and it was very dense. It seemed that the exchange of fire was fierce.

Sano straightened his righteous hat again, and the Hammer of Justice had slipped from his hand. Just in case, he specially pulled the mask of the special attack suit to his chin, so it was not considered to be worn and had no additional effect.

This is also to prevent the momentum attribute bonus in the special attack server effect from affecting the effect of the passerby hat.

Although Sano’s combat power seems to be reduced as a result, he doesn’t think it will make any difference whether he wears a special attack suit or not if he faces multiple gunpoints at the same time.

Therefore, the tactics to be adopted in this mission must not be a forced attack, but a sneak attack!

After all, the system has already given an old piece of equipment like the passerby hat in advance, so how could Sano foolishly not use it.

In the darkness, Sano’s figure disappeared into the shadows.

At the same time, in a workshop at the center of the factory, Gin and Vodka were each huddled behind a machine, shooting at both sides with pistols.

“Brother, there are too many of them, and the difference in firepower is too big. We are completely suppressed!”

Vodka sounded panicked.

“Shut up vodka, I’m not blind!”

Gin’s tone was very cold, and his eyes were full of gloom.

This was originally a normal transaction, and they were the ones who wanted to silence them after the transaction.

But Gin never expected that it was not just their side that thought this way, but also the other side, and that so many people were dispatched.

In fact, it’s not that this kind of situation has never happened before. It’s just that the premise is that the trading partner is strong enough, so he will act carefully. But this time, the trading partner is obviously just a small collector.

“Hold on, support will arrive if you hold on a little longer.”

Gin fired three shots quickly, briefly suppressing the enemy and hitting one of them in the arm.

It seems that there are at least twenty people, and the right location and people are all taken by the other party, which is enough trouble…

Suddenly, Gin’s ears twitched. He didn’t know if he heard it wrong. There seemed to be a muffled hum coming from the location of a known enemy just now.

Could it be that he was hit by a stray bullet?

There is really enough food.

Just as the thought came to him, there was another muffled groan. Gin immediately realized that something was wrong. After raising his gun and shooting, he also changed his position and looked around.

That is……

With Gin’s eyesight and observation ability beyond that of ordinary people, he quickly found the black shadow that was slowly moving not far away.

The total area of ​​this workshop is not large. There is an entrance and exit on the left and right. The people blocking the gin and vodka huddled behind the machinery and equipment on both sides.

Sano entered the workshop from the rear. The workshop itself was very dark and full of gunshots. In addition, these people’s attention was completely focused on the Gin duo in the middle, so that Sano was completely like a ghost at the moment. Yes, no one can notice it at all.

The most important thing is that these people are obviously not good people. At least there must be more than one life on their hands. This makes Sano’s Hammer of Justice extremely effective. He hits two or three hammers on the back of the head, screaming in agony. He couldn’t even shout out, so he just fell down.

Sano was like knocking a mole, knocking one after another until the people on one side had finished knocking, then he bypassed the Gin and the two in the middle and went to knock on the other side.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later that there were fewer and fewer gunshots in the workshop, whether it was from those who were fighting with the gin or the vodka next to the gin, that they finally realized something was wrong.

Sano stood behind the last enemy, and when the opponent suddenly turned around and looked at him in confusion, “Who am I, my teammate?”, he landed the final blow.

“Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The mission reward has been distributed.”

At the same time, the system task completion prompt also sounded.

Seeing that the last enemy was dealt with, Gin, who had been silently watching Sano’s operations from the beginning, stood up, ignored the confused Vodka on the side, and directly raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Sano.

“Who are you.”

Was it actually noticed?

Sano, who was about to say hello, was slightly startled. He was a little surprised and a little scared at the same time.

When did Gin discover himself?

To be able to be discovered in such an environment and situation, Gin’s observation skills are a bit scary.

“It’s me, Gin, my lord.”

Sano squeaked, fearing that Gin would shoot him without hesitation. Wasn’t he just worried about this situation before, so he didn’t greet the other party rashly in the middle.

Hearing this familiar pause, Gin couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, but he didn’t lower his gun.

“Come closer, let me see your face.”

Sano followed Gin’s instructions and came not far in front of the two of them. He also slightly raised his hat to lose the effect of his face so that the two of them could see his face.

“It’s you!?”

Vodka, who finally realized that all the enemies had been dealt with, looked at Sano in astonishment.

Although there was a little surprise in Gin’s eyes, he still didn’t lower his gun on Sano.

“Why are you here?”

Gin asked coldly.

“Is this important? Isn’t it important that I helped you? Instead of thanking you, you showed such strong hostility. At least put this thing down first?”

Sano looked at Gin with a smile and pointed at the gun in his hand.

However, in response, Gin’s voice was still cold: “Answer my question.”

To be honest, Sano’s current mood is really not affected by the choice he made before doing this task.

Just getting up in the middle of the night and coming to help, and being questioned, Sano felt really unhappy.

Gin’s behavior was not once or twice, and it was very similar in nature to Conan’s behavior.

No conscience at all.

It’s just that Conan at least didn’t point his gun at Sano. If Sano felt unhappy, he could knock the opponent on the head to relieve his anger.

Sano sighed and pushed the fallen visor of his visor with a hammer to show his non-hostile smiling face.

“Lord Gin, even I will be angry if I keep being treated like this. Let me say it again.”

“Put the gun down, Gin.”

Sano’s voice was calm.

But although what was displayed in front of the Gin duo now was Sano’s polite smile, even someone as slow as Vodka could clearly detect that there was no smile at all in the other person’s eyes.

Ps: Be sure to catch up on reading every Tuesday (refill)


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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