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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 640 Who is Rum?

Because I have lost my memory, I can’t feel the breath, so why can I do it now?


Isn’t Belmode right next to him? Why is there no movement?

Sano glanced at Belmode.

Before the Conan duo could catch up, the old woman took the opportunity to touch Curacao. She didn’t know what she said, but she made no move.

After making sure no one was injured.

The Conan duo ran away to have a private chat, while the True Child trio and Curacao continued to ride on the Ferris wheel. Belmod made no other moves… There was no other way, facing a man who had lost his memory. teammates.

What can be done?

People may not believe you if you discuss things in a good voice and in an angry manner, and it may even lead to disputes.

Then you can only be strong.

But Curacao itself is not weak in combat capability. Even Sano wanted to resolve the battle quickly in public and then take the people away before the official could react.

The difficulty is not low either.

Otherwise, Gin would not have asked Sano to look at the situation, but would have directly asked him to take action.

Sano was hiding in the crowd, staring at Curacao on the Ferris wheel, and at the same time staring at Belmode who was staring at the Ferris wheel on the ground. It seemed that Gin didn’t tell the old woman that Rye was right next to her.

Looking at the Ferris wheel that would take some time to come down, Sano came to the Conan duo and eavesdropped. Sure enough, the two were discussing Curacao.


The two did not know the identity of Curacao, and after speculation, they even suspected Rum.

…Actually, Sano didn’t have much impression of Rum. Apart from his identity as the second-in-command of the organization and the leader of the intelligence team, there were only a few text messages in communication, and each time he came from a different number.

Apparently Sano wasn’t particularly trusted by this guy.


As for Rum’s image, Sano’s source of information was the text messages sent by Conan.

Conan should be derived from Haibara Ai.

The age, gender, and figure cannot be determined, and it is said that no one has seen it with their own eyes.

The only relatively reliable rumor is that Rum’s eyes were injured during a mission, so one eye was filled with a plastic ball.

That should be called prosthetic eyes.

It doesn’t seem surprising that Curaçao’s heterochromatic eyes are suspected of being prosthetic eyes.

But as long as you have a little contact with it, you can find that the eyes can be used.

Unless the technological level of the organization is high enough to make artificial eyes indistinguishable from normal eyeballs… Well, this doesn’t seem impossible.

“Hey, get the stretcher and send it to the infirmary!”

Just when the Conan duo lowered their heads in thought, the commotion under the Ferris wheel brought them back to their senses. When they looked over, they saw that Curacao was being carried on a stretcher. Their expressions changed. No one else rushed over.

……problem occurs?

Sano frowned slightly, judging based on his past experience and intuition.

Curacao’s amnesia is bound to get better.

It’s just that there’s a high probability that it needs an opportunity or something.

Ferris wheel?

Sano walked out from behind the tree and looked up at the huge Ferris wheel.

…I can’t think of anything, so I’ll just take it one step at a time.

Sano followed Conan’s Belmode who was following the medical team.

The two people quietly entered the place where the infirmary of the amusement park was located.

But unlike Belmode who stayed directly in the corridor, Sano entered the black cat form, got into the ventilation duct above the ceiling, and eavesdropped from above.

“This should be a brief amnesia caused by the impact, but when I looked at the film of her head, I couldn’t figure out what the hole in the middle of her head was.”

After the examination, the doctor began to explain the situation.

Sano squeezed his head into the gap and saw the film of his head attached to it.

Sure enough, there was a strange white hole on it.

“Is this also caused by the injury last night?”

After receiving the notice from Conan, Sato Miwako, who happened to arrive at this time, asked, but received a negative answer: “It should be natural. According to my inference, it should not affect normal life. This time The headache is most likely caused by the stimulation of the lost memory.”

So said the doctor at the amusement park.

… Innate, is this Yin Changzhi also a psychopath?

Looking at the picture below that was inexplicably similar to the picture of his own head, except that the color of the hole was different, Sano couldn’t help but think… something was wrong.

What’s it called?

I’m not sick!

It is this body that is sick!

After Sano shook his tail, he saw that the police had decided to take over Curacao, and Belmod outside the door had also evacuated, so he followed suit first.

…There is no chance to take action here, so it will be Amuro Toru’s turn.

Sano called Toru Amuro using Rye’s number, but no one answered. After thinking about it, it would be too subtle to call Azusa Enomoto directly from his own number.

How to find someone?

Sano came outside the amusement park and released the black cat form.

Wait a minute, why do you need to find someone? Why don’t you just wait for someone to find you?

Sano suddenly realized that he had fallen into a blind corner of his mind, and turned back to follow the police, um, the team escorting Curacao, and the target was the police hospital.

…The police naturally don’t know much about Curacao.

The reasons for taking over were only unknown identity, amnesia, and possibly related to the invasion of the police station last night and the resulting series of car accidents.

Of course, no matter what, Curacao is now a patient.

It should be sent to the police hospital for examination and treatment.

Sano recognizes this place, but he recognizes it because the road is so far away.

Why not take a ride if you can?

After entering the black cat form again and hiding under the car, Sano went all the way to the police hospital.

And after arriving at the place.

Sano didn’t act rashly, just squatting at the door.

Not long after that, Sano was waiting for Belmode, and then Toru Amuro.

…The pursuit last night missed the target.

Unable to determine whether Curacao was alive or dead, it was impossible to determine whether his undercover identity had been exposed. Naturally, Toru Amuro was unwilling to answer the organization’s call.

Once picked up, ask to meet.

Should Toru Amuro go or not?

Go, if you are exposed, you will die.

If you don’t go, if you are not actually exposed, it would be equivalent to self-exposure.

If you don’t answer the phone, if there is no problem later, there will always be a reason to fool you. I didn’t notice that the phone was turned off while sleeping, the phone was in arrears, the phone was broken, etc.

But Toru Amuro appears here now.

It’s almost like Belmode waiting for success.

As expected, Toru Amuro was stunned when he found Belmode coming towards him.

“…Why are you here?”

Facing Bermod’s inquiry, Toru Amuro pretended to smile profoundly: “Isn’t it Rum’s confidant Curacao who is inside? I’m here to save her.”


Belmode sneered disdainfully. She didn’t even bother to ask Amuro Toru why he knew about Curacao and why he knew he was here.

Because of that statement, there are too many ways to fool it.

Belmod went straight to the pain point and asked: “But the people in Curacao are currently in the police hospital, which is full of police officers. No unrelated people are allowed to visit. Why do you think you can see people, unless you have a special relationship with the police?”

“That’s a business opportunity…”

“Fuck you.”

Belmod directly lifted up the coat on his hands, revealing the outline of the barrel of the pistol covered underneath: “Don’t move, follow me now.”


Amuro Toru’s eyes instantly turned cold.

…Curaçao is not dead, but has lost his memory. This is a bit sad news.

His identity should not be exposed yet.

That’s what Toru Amuro originally thought.

But Belmod appeared here, which meant that not only Curaçao’s location had been exposed, he himself had probably been suspected, or even exposed.

Even if not.

So once someone is taken away now, what actions will the organization take to take the person away?

The ending is also very bad.

… Maybe you can give it a try by killing Belmod here and pretending not to know.

But just when Amuro Toru suddenly felt murderous.

A hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

“What are you doing? You two, don’t rebel. We are all colleagues.”

Facing the figure in a hoodie who suddenly appeared next to Toru Amuro and hugged his shoulders.

Both Belmode and Belmode were shocked at the same time.

“Rye, why are you here?”

Sano lifted his passerby hat, revealed his face, and grinned at Belmode.

“Of course I’m here to invite Bourbon to tea.”


“That’s what the gin means. I’m in charge of the bourbon.”

After Sano said this, Belmod immediately said dissatisfied: “Gin, this is Rum’s order, I have to take Bourbon away.”


Sano tilted his neck and moved forward as soon as Belmode blinked. He then removed the gun from her hand and pinned her to the car next to her.

“Who are you? You dare to yell at me with just an order. If you have the ability, let Rum come out and talk to me.”

Sano pressed Belmod’s face and rubbed it crazily on the hood. He lowered his head and stared directly into her eyes, forcing her to tilt her eyes upward: “Are you crazy? Rye, rum.” If only I knew…”


Sano repeated Rum’s name again and picked up Belmod’s head.

“It’s Rum again, tell me who the hell is Rum?”

“…the second dick.”

Toru Amuro couldn’t hold back and gave the answer in a strange way.

Sano: “…”

Belmode: “…”

It’s true that Rum is the second child, but why does it feel weird?

“Second dick.”

Sano read it again, nodded, and looked at Belmode.

“You dare to use the name of a second-year-old to fool me. Do you really think I’m afraid of him?”

Belmod: “…No, I don’t know if you are afraid of Rum, but I am afraid. If you dare to fight with him, you should fight with him. What’s the use of fighting with me? I won’t fight with you. How dare you disobey orders like this.”

Sano thought for two seconds and let go of Belmode.


“…You’d better not move around, Bourbon. I won’t be tough on you because we are colleagues, but if you mess around, the relationship between colleagues will be gone.”

He never expected that his simple complaint would actually convince Rye so easily. After receiving approval and being let go, Belmod just got up from the car in confusion and rubbed his shoulders. With a beautiful face, Sano suddenly said coldly again.

Only this time, the spearhead was pointed at Toru Amuro.


Toru Amuro was silent for two seconds, then silently took back his left foot that had moved half a step back.

“This is my good colleague.”

Satisfied, Sano threw Belmod’s gun back to her and asked, “Then, Rum asked you to find the person. Did you say where to take the person?”

Belmod: “…What did Gin say?”

“He didn’t tell.”


Did this co-author give a false order to rub himself against the car?

Belmode took a deep breath, turned around and got into the car.

“follow me.”

Sano and Tohru Amuro got into the latter’s car together and followed Belmod’s car.

“…Rye, do you know why Gin asked you to tie me up.”

Toru Amuro was not kidnapped and was even responsible for driving. If he wanted to, he could deliberately cause a car accident and then take advantage of the chaos to escape.

But precisely because of this, Toru Amuro did not dare to act rashly.

Why does Rye do this?

In Toru Amuro’s opinion, there are two reasons. First, Rye trusts himself very much…


Second, Rye trusts himself very much, that is, he is confident.

From Toru Amuro’s perspective, the latter is naturally more likely.

Both personally and overall.

But you still have to test it out first.

Only in this way can Toru Amuro know what he should do next.

“I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with the undercover list that Curacao wanted to steal.”

Sano said casually: “But don’t be too nervous. Gin also specifically asked me not to kill you. That means it hasn’t been confirmed yet.”


Toru Amuro nodded thoughtfully.

…That’s good, that means there is still a last glimmer of hope. It is not a wise decision to try to make a final struggle now.


Soon, the two cars parked next to a warehouse near the dock.

Sano glanced at Gin’s Porsche.

“Didn’t he go abroad and come back so soon?”

Hearing Sano’s question, Bermod replied: “Gin went abroad to eradicate the undercover agents. After the eradication is completed, naturally he has to come back quickly.”


Sano responded somewhat incomprehensibly.

…What do you mean? Could it be that the undercover list has actually been released?

But if this was the case, why would Gin not prioritize Toru Amuro who was at home, but instead go out to deal with targets abroad? Besides, he was going abroad.

Isn’t it too fast?

…Gin himself did not tell Sano that he was going abroad or what he was going to do, but when he called in the morning, it was displayed on his mobile phone.

It’s an international call.

Sano is not blind, how could he not see it.

Unexpectedly, even after lunch, Gin was already back.

With some doubts, Sano and Amuro Tobelmod entered the warehouse together.

Then I saw it.

Reina Mizuna was surrounded by the Gin duo and the sniper duo, and was handcuffed to an iron pole… so was there anyone else who was suspected?

Sano didn’t look at Gin and the others who were ready to say hello and were ready to be greeted. Without saying anything, he approached Mizuna Reina and said, “It’s been a long time since we last seen Sister Keir. Who doesn’t know how to show mercy to you?” Now, my heart aches, where is the key, please unlock it.”


Vodka and the others looked at Gin silently.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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