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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 641 Sano: Farewell, my former lover

Gin simply chose to pretend to be deaf. After glancing at Toru Amuro, he signaled to Belmode and quickly handcuffed this one to Reina Mizuna.

What made Gin relax a little was.

Sano did not hold on to Mizuna Reina’s statement about not being handcuffed, and allowed Toru Amuro to be handcuffed, silently standing aside, as if he had no intention of getting involved.

“…Then let’s get down to business.”

After Gin lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, he took out a gun and pointed it at the two of them.

“Tell me honestly about your true identities.”

“What’s your true identity?”

Toru Amuro smiled lightly and said: “Speaking relies on evidence, Gin. If you think there is a problem between the two of us, then just take out the evidence. If there is really a problem, there is no need to say anything. Just kill us two.” No, that’s fine.”

“Do you think I dare not kill you?”

Gin loaded the bullet, causing Belmod’s expression to change slightly.

“Gin, are you really planning to kill them both?”

“Is there a problem? I would rather kill him by mistake than let him go. No one told me not to kill him.”

As soon as Gin finished speaking, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

In this abandoned warehouse, no one was around.

So it’s very quiet, and there’s only a slight vibration of the phone.

Also very clear.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Sano, but he didn’t move at all.

“…won’t you answer the phone?”

Gin asked.

“It’s just harassing phone calls. I’m used to it.”

Sano replied.

Gin suddenly pulled the trigger.

Just a second before the gunshot, Sano had already thrown a flying knife, which landed on the trajectory of the bullet and caused some sparks from the bullet.


The slightly deformed flying knife popped back and stuck next to Shui Wu Lina’s thigh.


Gin never expected that this bullet would be stopped by Sano.

“After all, let’s talk about what to do with the gun.”

Faced with Gin’s questioning voice, Sano responded lightly.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice this woman trying to unlock the handcuffs.”

Gin made sense.

But Sano still didn’t care: “Just untie them. Anyway, I don’t think there is any need to cuff them. With me here, are you still worried that they will run away?”


Shui Wu Liannai’s little movements had already stopped.

Gin, who really couldn’t refute Sano’s confident statement, could only change the topic and enter the final stage: “I will give you two a chance now, one minute. In this minute, who of the two of you will kill first?” If I know the other person, I believe he is fine, and the vodka starts counting.”


Vodka immediately looked at his watch.

Sano suddenly interjected: “It’s not necessary, forget it about Bourbon. Even if Sister Keir really has a problem, you can leave it to me to deal with it.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

What does it mean to just forget about it? ? ?

Gin glanced at Sano: “…Traitors must die. This is the rule of the organization.”

“I’m so happy that I want to die, isn’t it also death?”

Sano said so.


At this moment, the silence of everyone in the warehouse was deafening.

what is this?

Earthy love story?

Looking at Sano with a sincere face, Gin finally chose to pretend to be deaf again.

“You have half a minute left.”

When Sano saw that Gin was ignoring him, he could only pick up the throwing knife on the ground… It would definitely be useless, but his butt would definitely need to be wiped clean.

This is the same as every time a silence mission is carried out, the corpse must be set on fire to eliminate traces.

Although it doesn’t matter to Sano.

But maintaining a good habit is what every criminal should have…

Well, obligation?

“…Thank you just now, Rye.”

And just when Sano knelt down to draw the sword, Mizuno Reina suddenly thanked him.

Sano raised his eyebrows slightly and tilted his neck.

“You want to use a honey trap on me at this time. Don’t you think it’s too late?”


As soon as these words came out, Reina Mizuno and Toru Amuro, who was the only one next to him who could hear clearly because they were close, couldn’t help but be stunned… Anyone who saw the wave just now would probably think that the former was deliberately trying to get close, so what Sano said .

Not wrong either.

Of course, only Shui Wu Lianna knows in her heart whether it is a honey trap or not.

But no matter what.

Sano spoke so clearly all at once, it was a bit…hmm.

Mizuna Reina, who felt a little embarrassed, wanted to say something more, but before he could speak, Sano suddenly pinched the other person’s mouth, forcing him to shut up. When he looked up again, his eyes were already filled with a cold look.

“Kiel, I feel like you have misunderstood something. The people I like don’t like me. Once they don’t like me, then I have no interest… Although you are lying, it makes me even more sad. I don’t feel good.”

Sano poked his head forward, leaving only a pair of blue eyes like ice caves in front of Mizuno Reina’s eyes, which made the voice in his ears become colder: “It’s disgusting to use feelings as a means. Yes.”



Sano let go of his hand, stood up, pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Rena Minami’s head.

“Lord Gin, can I kill her, right now.”

Faced with such a sudden and bizarre turn of events, everyone in the warehouse felt like their heads were a bit hard to turn around.

This is especially true for gin.

…The last second he tried to defend himself and made outrageous remarks that would make people happy to death, but the next second he put a gun to the person’s head.

Sure enough, no matter how he looked at it, he would never be able to keep up with this guy’s brain circuit.

“…Well, whatever you want.”

Gin didn’t stop him and gave Sano a chance to shoot.


Both Belmod and Toru Amuro’s expressions changed slightly, but they couldn’t stop it.

Sano looked down at Reina Mizuna again.

“So, farewell, Kil, my former lover.”


What a fart!

That is obviously your wishful thinking!

Shui Wu had no mercy and his molar teeth were grinding loudly, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.


Just a second before Sano was about to pull the trigger.

Belmode, who received the text message a second ago, immediately stopped when he saw the text message: “Wait a minute, Rye, there is a text message from Rum, saying that Curacao just sent him a text message. Said there was nothing wrong with these two people.”


Sano’s backhand bullet grazed Belmod’s face and hit the wall.

“I told you, don’t hold me down with rum.”

Belmode: “…”

Damn, you’re crazy! ?

You were just explaining the situation, why are you trying to scare yourself? ?

This is the second time. It’s already the second time. If you’re unhappy, Rum will go find him!

The corners of Belmod’s mouth twitched and his face turned pale.

He could only throw the phone directly to Gin, since he was determined not to do this job anyway.

After Gin took the phone and took a look.

“…Rye, put the gun away.”

Sano raised his eyebrows: “Are you sure it’s a text message from Curacao?”

“It’s not certain yet, so we have to confirm it next.”

Gin threw the phone back to Belmode and said so.

“Make sure, she is in the police hospital now. Does she want me to go in?”

Sano turned the pistol: “Of course I don’t mind.”


Madman, what a madman!

The corner of Amuro Toru’s eyes twitched unconsciously… Fortunately, before he was brought, he had already contacted Kazami Yuya and asked him to quickly arrange for the person to be taken away.

In this way, even if Rye really breaks into the police hospital and succeeds.

It’s no longer in the way.

Unfortunately, Gin smiled again the next second and said, “No, that’s not necessary.”


Gin didn’t waste any time and took out his cell phone to make a call.

“how’s it going.”

A few seconds later, Gin hung up the phone: “Already heading to the Toto Aquarium.”


“Well, Cohen, Chianti, go bring that thing up, just in time to test it.”

As soon as Gin said this, the sniper duo over there seemed to have heard some exciting good news, showing varying degrees of excitement.

“Are you serious Gin?”


Under Sano’s curious gaze, the sniper duo quickly left.

“what is this?”

“You’ll find out later.”

Gin looked at Toru Amuro and Toru Amuro again. After thinking about it, he simply raised his hand and fired two shots to open the handcuffs on their hands: “I won’t cuff you any more. If you want to take the opportunity to escape, then go ahead. Anyway, you won’t. Might be able to escape.”


Toru Amuro rubbed her wrist and looked at Gin in surprise.

Judging from Gin’s past style, Toru Amuro felt that the other party would handcuff him here, and even call someone else over to monitor him.

Until Curacao is over.

But Gin didn’t.

Aren’t you afraid that the two of you will really run away, or even run in the way?

Toru Amuro didn’t know the answer.

…Perhaps it was influenced by rye?

“Let’s go, let’s go there first.”

Gin took the lead, followed by Belmode Vodka. Sano looked back at Toru Amuro and the two, without saying anything more, turned around and followed.

Later, when Sano arrived at the amusement park that he went to in the morning, which was actually an aquarium, the sky had already turned completely dark.

…It’s okay if I didn’t eat lunch, I didn’t even eat dinner.

Sano then remembered that he had walked in a hurry in the morning and didn’t seem to have eaten breakfast.

No, I have to pad my belly.

Sano went straight to the food stall nearby and started consuming.

During the mission, all expenses are at public expense, so of course you can eat whatever you want, especially considering that Gin didn’t even take him with him this time.

Sano worked even harder.

…Yes, the number of participants in this rescue mission to Curaçao, including Sano and Belmod, was said to be six, but excluding the latter who was assigned to install bombs and electrical destruction devices, the other four were all One piece.

The one riding on board was the organization’s newly arrived equipment, a fighter plane.

Well, calling it a fighter plane may be a bit exaggerated, but this thing is indeed famous.

V22, codenamed Osprey.

It is the fastest military helicopter in the world and the only tilt-rotor aircraft in service in the world. It is called an aerial Transformer.

…The difference in appearance from ordinary helicopters is that this thing has a pair of large rotating wings on its head, with small propellers on both ends of the wings.

At first glance, it looks like a fighter jet, which is not surprising.

Of course, Sano only learned about the above just after listening to Gin’s popular science.

Sano himself is not that knowledgeable.

Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that the four people flew in the plane to conduct air combat. Only Sano was thrown to the ground. It was said that he could make some noise when necessary, that is, to attract firepower, although the root causes were different. .

But what is the difference in nature from cannon fodder?

All in all, he was unhappy and unhappy, and Sano needed to vent his anger through appetite.

Eat, as long as you can’t die by eating, eat until you die!

Use up all the working capital that Gin worked so hard to raise!

But beyond that.

Sano glanced at the black vehicles that were gathering towards the amusement park.

Neon police?

What on earth was Toru Amuro thinking? He didn’t retreat when he had the chance.

Are you not going to give up, so you choose to fight head-on?

Sano looked up again and looked at the top of the Ferris wheel not far away. The two figures were a bit blurry.

…Curaçao lost her memory and wanted her to recover. Naturally, she had to go to the place where she reacted during the day. Apart from worrying that she would continue to be targeted if she evacuated, and that she would be rescued by the organization sooner or later, maybe she was interested. She must have learned the information she knew, but it was a pity that Toru Amuro seemed to have underestimated Gin’s methods.

Even at this time, the civil war was still going on.

Sano bit off the meatball in his hand, and from another perspective, he saw a black cat lying on the top of the Ferris wheel. Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai, who had walked in wearing staff clothes, were not aware of it at all.

You and I were engaged in close combat.

… Sano didn’t find anything strange when Akai Shuichi appeared here.

After all, it is the FBI, and it must have its own intelligence channels.

Just like last night, this guy showed up and raced with Toru Amuro.

The only thing that needs attention may be that Shuichi Akai appears as his true identity.

…According to Conan, the opportunity for him to discover Toru Amuro’s identity as a police officer was when the other party discovered Subaru Okiya’s identity and tested it out.

Of course, Akai Shuichi’s vest was not really torn off.

At least it wasn’t proven, but the faked death issue was finally exposed.

Although Sano still can’t understand it.

Toru Amuro, as the right person, even though he does not seem to be flawless, did not report the fact that Shuichi Akai was alive to the organization. So now that he is showing his face openly and openly, isn’t he afraid…


Reina Mizuna really made a good teammate.

Well, back to business, Akai Shuichi and Amuro Toru are both very skilled.

His skills and attributes are all at a level far beyond that of ordinary people, even more powerful than Mao Lilan. In addition, combined with the venue factors, the fight is still quite entertaining to watch.

It’s like a stunt movie.

I just don’t know if it was Sano’s illusion, but Akai Shuichi seemed to have deliberately held back.

In other words, Akai Shuichi is more powerful?

However, even if they didn’t hold back, the difference between the two sides was not much, and soon they were both injured in the fight, and they fell off the top of the Ferris wheel with bruises and bruises.

…It is definitely impossible to fall to death.

Because this Ferris wheel is not like a toy, it is a hollow structure.

Below is a part that is similar to a pillar and should be the power structure.

And it’s quite big, it can be treated as a small apartment building.

And after two people fell down.

Conan’s voice sounded just before the battle continued.

“There is a bomb, Mr. Akai!!”



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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