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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 646: Just clear the winery copy?

On the contrary, I feel that everything is as it should be.

According to Curacao, the intelligence team had been investigating the traces of Ireland, who was taken away, but it turned out that he was found in the zoo with the black cat.

There seems to be something involved.

There is no evidence for this, but it has been suspected, and now it has been confirmed.

It’s not shocking.

In this regard, Sano also only felt that it was natural.

…Sano himself would just act like that without even acting, putting aside the stance of the vest, just because he felt that things would come to this sooner or later.

That’s why I chose to show off.

It would be better to say that the secret was only discovered now, which is true and surprising.

all in all.

The winery tied up the yellow hair, no doubt for Sano’s black death vest.

The only thing that made Sano more curious.

Does Gin know what happened in the amusement park that night?

If you know, is it because this is the only thread you can start with, so you do this, or is it because Gin doesn’t know yet and just wants to get to the point?


Was Gin the leader in this matter, or even whether he was involved in the whole matter.

It is still an unknown quantity for the time being.

After all, Gin, the third-in-command, sounds nice, but he is actually just a part-timer.

Apart from that small amount of power, the decision-making authority is extremely small.

…Forget it, no matter what, it is already clear what I want to do.

After calmly pulling on the windbreaker of the special attack suit and putting it on, Sano walked out.

“Just brush the winery copy once.”

The power level of the winery.

There is no doubt that they are the top group in the world. This is still an understatement, leaving aside those old monsters that may be hidden deeper.

The winery is clearly number one.

Otherwise, intelligence organizations from various countries would not be allowed to place undercover agents.

As for a truly big force, there is basically no such thing as a base camp, because there are too many members and there are too many things to deal with. At most, it means that it has the largest base. Or perhaps, the leader of this force has a relatively fixed point.

Just like the country of America, where exactly is the base camp?

It’s hard to talk about.

It is nothing more than the position of the president and the position of the largest military. The FBI is just one of the departments. It has the largest place to gather people and store information. The same is true for wineries.

Members are located around the world.

Just because it originated from Neon, and the frequency of activities and important members is relatively high, it is considered that the base camp is in Neon.

The winery has a stronghold in Neon.

Like stars, countless.

Tokyo can be considered a large-scale stronghold. It is basically built around the laboratory of the scientific research team. It also has places needed for imprisonment and torture. Huang Mao was brought here, which is the largest in Tokyo. That one, so Sano wants to go in, saying it is a single brewery copy.

In fact, it’s not nonsense?


The black Porsche sped over and finally braked to a stop at a factory gate.

…On the surface, this is a manufacturing factory.

But in fact, I understand everything, mainly underground.

What’s on the ground is a real normal factory. Even the workers and security guards are mostly ordinary people who don’t know anything.

Only a few peripheral members were placed inside.

“Ding dong.”

I looked around a little strangely and saw that there was no security guard behind the gate.

Gin rang the doorbell.

……no respond.


Vodka pressed it again, but Gin was already looking at the green belt aside.

When he got closer, Gin pushed aside the grass, and there was indeed a security guard lying inside.

“……This is!?”

Vodka, who sensed something was wrong, moved closer to Gin and took a look, and was suddenly shocked.

“There’s an enemy attack!?”

Gin’s face was gloomy – he had many experiences of falling into traps and being ambushed.

The point is of course not whether you fell into the trap or not.

It’s about whether there is any loss in being ambushed.

Not to mention the casualties, there is also the loss of resources, which includes all kinds of things.

Such as now.

The largest stronghold in Tokyo has been invaded. If it is not handled properly, the stronghold will be useless, and everything invested in this stronghold will be useless.

Creating a camouflage is a trivial matter.

The key lies in the huge project underneath, time, money, important equipment and information that are difficult to obtain with money, and the effort spent on the official personnel to successfully hide this stronghold.

You can tell from the largest scale.

This is one of the best places to invest among all the winery locations.

It might be useless now, so one can imagine Gin’s mood.

…like two planes being lost one after another.

Even if they are packaged into combinations and bought for tens of thousands of dollars, they may not be more important than a toe in this stronghold.

It was the stronghold of Haibara Ai, or Miyano Shiho to be precise, even though it was only set up for her alone, the scale was really not that big, but when it self-destructed, Gin still felt a little distressed.

Not to mention the current stronghold.


But he was annoyed. Faced with such an unclear situation, Gin still endured his restless heart and calmly made the prudent judgment he should have.

…It is not wrong to seize the time to respond to prevent greater losses, but the premise is to know how to respond.

If you do it rashly.

Maybe not only can’t we prevent it, but we may have to catch it again.

However, before Gin could move, a voice came from the speaker at the door.

“Come in, the door is unlocked.”


Gin paused.

…Gin had never heard this voice before.

But based on the feeling, it seems like he is still a little kid?

Suddenly, Gin remembered the purpose of his trip.

The second-in-command of Black Death…but he seems to be a more symbolic one.

The real decision-maker, aside from being a black man, seems to be the third most delinquent person.

This is the opposite of the roles in our own organization… Ahem, but Gin doesn’t know why they are arranged like this.

Anyway, on my side, it’s not because of ability, but because of qualifications.

…The topic is twisted, the point is that the second in command of the Black Death is in the stronghold.

Gin just learned about this.

Through the yellow hair, he found out the black death, and finally found out the black mask.

Gin had thought of this way more than once.

But I’ve never really done anything.

Well, to be precise, I wanted to do it, but found that I couldn’t do it.

To be more precise, doing this kind of thing is a bit risky and a bit of a loss.

The result is most likely Rum’s order.

The person was still tied up.

Logically speaking, everything has been done, so naturally we can only plunge into it.

But the problem is.

According to what Gin knew, the Black Death guy seemed to be dead.

On that day, I set the plane to autopilot and crashed into the Ferris wheel. In order to save Curacao and a little kid, I was killed by debris.

Although after that, Black Mask and Curacao disappeared.

The testimonies of those children seem to be quite controversial, and even the police were not able to find the body. But personally, Gin still believes in this answer – those children seem to know Sano, big and small. Various small cases have been involved countless times.

Such testimony may be less effective in court.

But the authenticity is basically not bad.

…To put it bluntly, Gin felt like he was working in vain.

Of course, busy work in vain is busy work in vain. Now that you have done it, you still have to finish it.

At least there is a possibility that it is not.

So Gin came over.

I just didn’t expect that the situation seemed to have collapsed before it started.

…knew there would be trouble.

Gin frowned. He didn’t know how Rum arranged it.

But now as a matter of fact, this guy failed to get things done.

It didn’t matter that he was caught by the tail, but he followed the clues and found out such mistakes.

That old thing…

After letting out a rather irritated breath, Gin pressed the button under the speaker.

“Who are you, the second-in-command of Black Death?”

“I’ll give you ten minutes. If I can’t see you, I’ll kill these researchers.”

There’s no bullshit on that end.

The threat made Gin very angry, but he had to accept it.

…The organization spent a lot of effort to save those few scientific researchers.

It can almost be said to be a very important small part of the family fortune.

These few people alone account for a large part of the value of this entire stronghold.

Gin originally thought that even if the stronghold was attacked, at least the two intelligence team cadres responsible for the escort would protect those few people and evacuate them very reliably.

As a result, it was copied directly?

The intruders were also smart and did not kill people immediately.

If this guy didn’t say anything and went on a killing spree, no matter who was in front of him, with the word “kill” coming up, it wouldn’t give him a headache.

After exhaling, Gin pulled out his pistol, opened the safety and loaded it.

“go in.”


Vodka next to him was a little confused: “Go in, go in, what if it’s a trap?”

“Even if it’s a trap, you have to enter it.”

After Gin replied impatiently, he opened the door and walked into the factory.

Then watch it all the way down.

Except for the security guards who were ostensibly escorts, the rest of the workers were still working normally… In other words, the underground intruders were sneaking in.

No wonder no news came out at all.

But this may be good news, because if you want to sneak into the underground part unnoticed and unobtrusively, you naturally can’t have too many people.

But correspondingly, even if there are few people, it is very dangerous to be able to achieve this level.


Gin twitched his lips, but in the end he didn’t speak. Instead, he reached into his pocket, opened his phone without looking, and started typing blindly.

…That person may still be watching the surveillance, if something unusual is noticed.

Whether the “negotiation” failed or these people were let go, Gin would be unhappy.

Be more calm and composed.

After coming to a dark corner and opening the secret door, Gin took the elevator and successfully brought the elevator, which only had buttons for the third floor, to the eighth underground floor with one operation.

…This is where the scientific researchers at this base want to stay.

Then the scenery along the way became much richer.

The guy who was unconscious or dead was just blatantly thrown outside.

Some blood stains and bullet holes can be seen here and there.

Even the scorch marks caused by the bombs can be seen from time to time.

The key is based on the situation that Gin is currently seeing.

Most of them seemed to have only traces of fists and kicks on their bodies, and only a few had obvious signs of being shot or bombed.

in other words.

This invasion team basically conquered this stronghold with bare hands and relying on hand-to-hand combat?

…This is a bit difficult to comment on.

I can’t say he’s awesome, but he’s just too arrogant.

Of course, in terms of results, this is not arrogance, but rather a powerful self-confidence.

“I am coming.”

After stopping in front of the gate, Gin said to the camera.

“Tick—put the gun back.”

The cold commanding tone gave Gin the urge to raise his gun and blow up the camera… I didn’t expect him to be so vigilant. Can’t he be more confident?

You’ve already killed so many enemies with guns, what’s missing is your own gun?

Helpless, Gin could only put the gun back.

“…You don’t have to accept it.”

Gin had just finished talking to Vodka, who was a step behind and was about to put away his gun, when another voice came from the speaker on the other end: “Hey – why doesn’t he take it away? And you, put the stuff in your pocket Take your hand out and let me see that there is nothing in your hand. Hurry up, otherwise don’t blame me if you don’t have enough time.”

…Such a high-vigilance performance made Gin feel that the person speaking should know him well, but he intercepted his useless instructions for vodka.

This is somewhat worth pondering.

Because vodka is different from gin, with his strength, even if he has a gun in his hand and is ready to fight at any time, it will be of no use.

Gin is different.

As long as you are prepared in advance, no matter what situation you face next, Gin has a glimmer of hope of a successful comeback.

But now.

If this person knew him, it was because someone had tipped him off.

If you don’t know vodka, are you deliberately pretending?

After a small wave of testing, Gin felt that it was because of the possibility that his reputation was too great, so he wanted to be a little more famous… mainly because of Sano.

If possible, Gin didn’t want to doubt it.

“…It’s okay now.”

Gin asked coldly after taking the hand that sent the text message out of his pocket.

“Come in.”

The light above the access control turns from yellow to green and turns on automatically.

Gin walked forward with vodka, and finally came to a conference room.

The next thing I saw was a group of people in white coats squatting and huddled in the corner, holding their heads and shivering. Sitting in the main seat was a delinquent boy.

…Don’t ask Gin why he could tell at a glance that he was a bad boy.

Not blind.

That special attack suit is simply not too eye-catching.

What is more concerning is that the clothes on this guy’s body can’t be seen at all, and there are no signs of injury, that is to say.

Clear the level without taking any damage?

No, it might be because this person was the leader and commander, so he didn’t take any action and directly participated in the battle, so it was clean.


Sano, who was wearing a black death vest, put his feet on the table very arrogantly and made an inviting gesture with one hand, as if he was the master.

“…Are you alone?”

Gin did not respond. After looking around, he asked in surprise.

“if not.”

Sano looked calm.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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