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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 650 The illegitimate meal is so terrifying

Hattori Heiji immediately subconsciously looked at the other two office employees.

…Strange, I didn’t even notice, when did these two send text messages to Sano?

Naturally, it was not only Hattori Heiji who felt strange, but also Ueno, whom he thought was there.

…If I didn’t send a text message, then the only person who sent the text message could be the person next to me.

There is indeed a connection between these two guys.

But the problem is that I have been staring at this guy the whole time, and I didn’t see any special little movements. Maybe I misunderstood something.

Was there someone else who told Sano the details?

“Okay, go to bed when it’s time to go to bed. There are still things to be busy with tomorrow.”

After ending the exchange directly, Sano went back to his room.

…Sano himself pulled out the black fox vest, not only to control the situation more accurately, but also to test Ueno.

In addition, he can temporarily remove his identity and continue to observe Ueno and understand the situation of the whole thing.

And focus on the present moment.

What is currently known is that two people died in the case a year ago.

There is a couple, the man is the village chief, and he is very loved by the villagers.

It rained so heavily on the day the two men died that the footprints around the house were clear.

The woman was stabbed to death in the bungalow, and the man fell to his death from the balcony on the second floor. What is worth mentioning is that the murderer may have been chasing the latter, and he probably stepped on the former and was killed. The blood spread to a series of bloody footprints on the balcony. This was the only footprint left inside the house besides the footprints outside the house. In addition, a lot of jewelry was missing in the house, so the villagers tended to think it was a burglary and murder case, but once Years ago, Kudo Shinichi arrived and gave the result.

But it was the village chief who forced his wife to commit suicide together. The reason was that he learned in the hospital that he had cancer and could not survive. However, this motive was rejected by a reporter who also appeared at the scene of the crime tonight, because his tumor was actually was benign, even after being told this by a nurse at the hospital.

The village chief cried with joy.

Therefore, Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning seems very unreasonable.

Another girl who appeared at the crime scene and claimed to be Yata Makoto’s classmate added a few more seemingly unrelated clues.

First, Makoto Yada is the adopted son of the village chief’s family.

Second, the village chief is a former athlete.

Third, there is a legend named Death Luo God in the village.

Fourth, Yada Makoto’s sister is one of the victims of the Shinigami legend.

As for whether he is the only one…Yada Makoto’s father is looking for his sister.

His current whereabouts are unknown, maybe he is the second one?

All in all, this is the situation.

Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning was unconvincing, so he was hated by the villagers.

The person who sent the letter, Yada Makoto, was even a fan of Kudo Shinichi.

Although I didn’t want to believe it, I still accepted the truth. When the hospital incident came out, I immediately tried to contact Kudo Shinichi again to ask for an explanation. As a result, of course, I couldn’t find anyone, and the idea of ​​going to Tokyo to work was possible. Even if they want to find people slowly, but considering the setting of inheriting the village chief’s family’s inheritance, this is not enough to convince the public.

There are many people who have good relations with the village chief.

The one who stands out currently is Makoto Yada.

But Sano saw the photo of Makoto Yada from the perspective of the black fox.

Did you go into seclusion for half a year to learn the art of disguise?

Sano didn’t quite understand, but even if the person behind the scenes was not Makoto Yada, but someone else who had a good relationship with the village chief, it wouldn’t be possible to say that he just happened to look the same as Shinichi Kudo, or that he happened to be the same person. Disguise… And after Mao Lilan wiped the face of the impostor, the argument about disguise is no longer valid. It can’t be true like what he said earlier. There is a disguise that cannot be exposed. Rongshu?

But other than the art of disguise, is there any other way to make one person look exactly like another person… Well, wait a minute, half a year?

Suddenly, Sano remembered the time when Conan was nagging him.

A case mentioned.

In that case, the murderer used a very perverted way to transform himself into an old woman in his seventies and eighties.

…Is this also a plastic surgery?

No way, what kind of deep hatred is there to play so cruelly?

Sano rubbed his temples and remembered the one posted in Yada Makoto’s room.

A big poster of Shinichi Kudo.

… Illegitimate food is so terrifying, so deep is its love and so much hate.

Well, very likely!

Finally, regarding the deceased part of this seemingly inexplicable case, Sano also had some thoughts. It was the reporter who was at the scene of the crime and explained the motive part of the biggest flaw in Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning. That guy came up with a Arrogant and arrogant.

It is already very characteristic of the deceased.

The key is that he mocked the fake Kudo Shinichi at the end, saying that he had discovered the conspiracy and told him to hurry to his room to discuss it in detail…

Hey, I don’t know if this is a serious conversation.

Anyway, the fake Kudo Shinichi’s expression was very bad, and Sano could clearly feel the murderous intention in his heart through his fox eyes.

outside of this.

Sano could only occasionally see a little hatred in the eyes of the fake Kudo Shinichi when he mentioned the name Kudo Shinichi, or mentioned the details of the case, or when he saw the big photo in the room. .

More often than not, this person is well disguised.

As for the Ueno part.

Sano tried it with the black fox vest, and he was very clear about it.

“Not just anyone can join Bourbon’s detective agency” was a good opening line, but it was a pity that Ueno kept pretending not to understand.

Apart from nonsense, he refused to say anything unnecessary.

Naturally, it would be hard for Sano to really break his skin… Not to mention that the harvest would be very small, the key is to really dig out all of Ueno’s bottom.

That doesn’t make sense either.

That old guy Rum is wary of even Curaçao, his confidant, let alone this person. I’m afraid it won’t be of much use even if he drains all the information on Ueno.

It’s better to pretend that you don’t intend to do anything and just want to maintain the appearance of peace.

So that he can force Rum to show up later.

…After arranging for Daikoku to keep an eye on the fake Kudo Shinichi, Sano fell asleep.

Of course, Sano also arranged for Erhei to be responsible for keeping an eye on Ueno.

Otherwise, it would be bad if this guy caused trouble while he was sleeping.

“If anything goes wrong, just bite him and that’s it.”

After giving Erhei a clear standard, Sano went to sleep.

Then on the second day, when Ueno did nothing, the fake Kudo Shinichi took action directly – “Oh no, that Kudo guy suddenly disappeared!”

Hattori Heiji opened Sano’s door and screamed.

“Shout whatever you want. What are you afraid of when you are a grown-up and not a child?”

Sano replied impatiently.

“But that guy has lost his memory, and…”

Hattori Heiji glanced outside the door. The others were not there because they were looking for someone. He immediately approached Sano again and said, “And don’t you know about that guy’s condition? He only temporarily changed back after taking medicine. According to the kid from Dr. A Li’s house, he will change back within 24 hours at most, or even earlier. If he loses his memory and somehow turns into a child outside, then I don’t even dare to think about it! “

“……found it!”

Before Sano could reply, Toyama and Ye ran over.

“Some villagers said they saw him going to the village chief’s house just now!”


Hattori Heiji was stunned and said in surprise: “Has that guy’s memory recovered?”

“How did I know this…”

Before Toyama and Ye finished talking, Hattori Heiji had already run out.

This made Toyama and Ye puff up their mouths.

…It’s not a nice thing to say, but, well, unpleasant.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Sano patted Toyama Kazuha on the shoulder and did not leave the team any further.

So just like that, the group of people came to the crime scene again.

Oh no, it was the village chief’s small bungalow, and of course it continues to be called the crime scene.

Not wrong?

Because that fake Kudo Shinichi killed someone.

Oh no, it doesn’t count as murder, because the person is not dead yet.

Anyway, Hattori Heiji, the leader, rushed over to take a look and found the female reporter from yesterday lying in a pool of blood. The fake Kudo Shinichi, whose chest was full of blood, was holding a bloody knife in his hand, looking frightened and confused. Trance.

Hattori Heiji hurriedly asked Toyama and Ye to call an ambulance, but refused to call the police.

This is naturally because he does not want to believe that “Kudo Shinichi” can kill people.

And if “Kudo Shinichi” is taken away, it will undoubtedly be a trick.

…Of course, it actually doesn’t matter whether “Kudo Shinichi” will be taken away. After all, this guy has “amnesia” now, and it won’t have any effect even if he stays. Hattori Heiji should be worried about people in the police. After being locked up in the bureau, the effect of the medicine suddenly wore off and he turned back into Conan or something.

It’s just that there’s no action here yet.

The ambulance and police cars arrived at the same time.

In desperation, Hattori Heiji could only take the fake Kudo Shinichi and leave through the back door.

Sano and others stayed to deal with the police.

And then after the police investigated the scene, they left with a confident speech.

Sano and others left through the back door and came to a parking lot.

Hattori Heiji was standing behind the car and pacing anxiously.

“Where’s the new one?”

Faced with Maori Ran’s inquiry, Hattori Heiji just patted the trunk lid of the car and then asked about the situation. Maori Kogoro said that the blood and fingerprints on the murder weapon had been recorded, and because it rained last night, According to the police’s investigation of the scene, apart from the victim, the only footprints around were those of everyone present… To be more straightforward.

There is only “Kudo Shinichi”.

Even the pair of shoes were bought by Yuan Shan and Ye just yesterday, so they couldn’t be wrong.

This made Hattori Heiji very dissatisfied.

He said very stiffly that the murderer deliberately wore “Kudo Shinichi’s” clothes to commit the crime, and the purpose was to frame the crime – “And this guy doesn’t have the key to the village chief’s house. Police Officer Shiroyama opened the door yesterday… “

“My key was given to me by Master Makoto.”

Before Hattori Heiji finished speaking, a voice came from behind.

Turning around, he saw that it was the policeman responsible for bringing Hattori Heiji and a group of people to review the scene yesterday. He was also the only policeman in this small village. His surname was Shiroyama.

Before Hattori Heiji and others could be shocked, Shiroyama said that apart from the key in his hand, the only other person with a key was the heir, Makoto Yada. After that, he added that he had also lent the key to him. .

The girl who was here yesterday.

That is, the female classmate of Makoto Yada.

…I always feel that there is something fishy between these two people?

Otherwise, how could ordinary students come to question me so indignantly?

“I think it’s more like the village chief committed suicide…”

Because they couldn’t find a clue to the current situation, everyone turned their attention to the case a year ago that was most likely related to the current situation.

But in the face of Toyama Kazuha’s idea, Hattori Heiji vetoed it.

In addition to the fact that there are too few clues, I guess he is also unwilling to overturn Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning… I feel that this black man’s head is a little abnormal now. Maybe it is because the incident of “Kudo Shinichi” committing the crime is too exciting?

Otherwise, how could you have said such stupid things before?

…This weird, erotic feeling.

Sano rubbed his temples, no, no, no, I can’t think about it.

Then the topic turned to the God of Death. Toyama and Ye said that they heard two pieces of gossip while they were still awake at the hotel last night.

One is that the curse of the Death God can be broken.

Secondly, the reporter who was stabbed this time was cursed by the God of Death a year ago. Her daughter entered that forest and never came back.

…This seems to be the reason for this female reporter to provoke the fake Kudo Shinichi.

But the more important thing is the former.

The way to break the curse is to find the Death God.

“…Xiaolan, where is Xiaolan!?”

Before he could find out the clue, Mouri Kogoro realized something was wrong and started bluffing. Hattori Heiji glanced at him and said: “She should be planning to find Death God to break Kudo’s curse… Why is Sano missing too?”

Suddenly, Hattori Heiji realized that more than one person was missing.

This made Ueno, who was silent throughout the whole process and just watching, confused.

… Damn, when did the person disappear? I didn’t dare to sleep last night because I was afraid that the person would suddenly disappear, or someone would suddenly do something to me.

No movement for so long.

Why did it disappear all of a sudden?

Ueno was probably a little confused because he hadn’t slept all night. It wasn’t until Hattori Heiji noticed something was wrong and said to himself, “I guess I went after her, then it should be fine.” The other party wasn’t trying to do anything… and if he really wanted to do something, then he could only follow the large team to the crime scene yesterday, and he might have already done it when he was observing the black fox, let alone if he really had an idea.

Do you still need to do anything?

Ueno remembered Rum’s instructions before he came.

You must not take action, even if you are about to die, you must not take action.

Otherwise, the final outcome will definitely not be as simple as death.

Rum’s cautious attitude, coupled with some related rumors and deeds collected by Ueno after knowing Sano’s true identity, made him very clear that his trip here would probably just be a meat bun beating a dog.

But there is no way.

There are many ways to make life worse than death.

Apart from Sano, Ueno is more afraid of Rum.

Therefore, Ueno chose to be obedient.

As the saying goes, life is like that, you can’t resist, you can only enjoy it.

Those are things that you can’t change, so what else is there to say.

Do what you have to do, and then leave it to fate whether you live or die.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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