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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 653 The Second Sano

Kudo Shinichi knew this when he was investigating the case here a year ago.

The female reporter’s daughter got lost in the forest, and Kudo Shinichi went in to look for her and happened to bump into Yada Makoto… Sano wasn’t sure what the significance of this was.

The female reporter’s daughter turned out to be fine, so why did she come back here after a year?

And just when Sano was thinking subconsciously, something strange suddenly happened to Kudo Shinichi – his face turned pale for a moment, and cold sweat suddenly covered his forehead.

This made Hattori Heiji immediately realize what was going on.

The temporary antidote is about to take effect.

“Aha, that’s it. Speaking of which, Kudo, it’s time for you to change your clothes. It’s too ugly to wear the clothes of Shinigami.”

Hattori Heiji made a random excuse and dragged Kudo Shinichi to find the toilet.

Sano and others were forcibly thrown in place by Hattori Heiji.

…Of course, it’s mainly Mao Lilan and others, and it’s not like Sano doesn’t know.

But the problem is.

How could Mao Lilan and the others not notice Kudo Shinichi’s abnormal behavior? They didn’t wait for a few seconds and already started to go to the toilet.

We haven’t even entered here yet.

Sano heard Kudo Shinichi’s heart-rending cry.


Watching myself grow from big to small.

I’m afraid even a man would have to howl like that.

All in all, the situation was getting worse and worse. Hattori Heiji couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to, so Mao Lilan forced himself into the toilet.

Can be used as a compartment door.

The person who walked out was Kudo Shinichi in regular clothes.


Sano raised his eyebrows in surprise, shouldn’t it… Could it be that guy Yada Makoto… No, that’s even more inappropriate, that guy is now tightly handcuffed.

“What’s wrong? Let’s go.”

Kudo Shinichi said calmly.

Although the rest of the people, including Hattori Heiji, were confused, seeing that everything was normal, they naturally had no choice but to leave with Kudo Shinichi.

Only Sano was hanging at the back of the team. Instead of following, he came to the door of the toilet cubicle next to the one where Kudo Shinichi came out.

There were two faint breathing sounds inside.

…If one is Conan, then who is the other?

The two people in the cubicle may have noticed someone outside through the shadow under the door, but more than ten seconds had passed and they still hadn’t opened the door and come out.

So Sano raised his hand and knocked on the door: “It’s me.”

The breathing inside was slightly stagnant, and the door was opened immediately.

The duo of doctors, one large and one small, were revealed.

…Haihara Ai, this fake lolita, should have been at the level of a doctor, right?


Should I say degree?

“…You gave him another antidote?”

Seeing these two people, Sano probably knew what the situation was.

But Hui Yuan Ai nodded helplessly: “Yeah, what else can I do?”


Sano didn’t waste any time on this topic and asked suddenly.

“You’re a girl, aren’t you shy about coming to the men’s room?”


The corner of Haiyuan Ai’s mouth twitched, never expecting that Sano’s focus was on this.

“You’re just a kid, do you still care about this?”

After crossing her chest with her hands, Hui Yuan Ai pretended to be calm, as long as she wasn’t embarrassed, that would be fine.

However, Sano raised the corners of his lips: “He is indeed a child.”


Haiyuan Ai’s face darkened… Since she chose to use her identity as a child as an excuse, it meant that she didn’t actually care about it because she was used to it.

Your body itself is a child, that’s right.

But when these words came out of Sano’s mouth, Haibara Ai felt an inexplicable sense of ridicule, and it was something she couldn’t ignore.

…I can’t tell you the specific details of Hui Yuan Ai, but it’s just that he broke his defense.


However, before Haibara Ai could speak, Sano turned around and left.

No chance to counterattack at all.

This made Hui Yuan Ai even more depressed.

Suddenly, Haihara Ai turned to Dr. A Li who was snickering at the side.

“Doctor, where did the burgers in the refrigerator come from?”


Dr. A Li stiffened.

“Ah, I seem to have forgotten my cell phone in the hotel!”

Before leaving, Mao Lilan suddenly realized that he had lost something and planned to go back and get it.

“Forget it, you stay here, I’ll go back and get it.”

Kudo Shinichi took over this errand task for Mao Lilan.

Then on the way to the hotel, the sky gradually became gloomy, and finally it started to rain.

Kudo Shinichi could only speed up and ran all the way to the hotel.

As a result, when he was still dozens of meters away from the hotel, Kudo Shinichi vaguely saw a dozen black figures standing in front of the hotel door.

“Everything I said is true. I don’t know anything. Please let me go…”

After hearing another voice that seemed to be begging for mercy, Kudo Shinichi felt vaguely uncomfortable.

He immediately hid to the side.

Then looking at it carefully, Kudo Shinichi discovered that there were still a few people lying scattered on the ground in front of the hotel, one of whom was kneeling…

Hotel owner?

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, blocking vision, hearing and smell to a great extent.

But seeing the wisps of red on the ground due to the flow of rain, even drifting to his side, Kudo Shinichi’s face turned extremely ugly in an instant.


Gunshots rang out and the hotel owner managed to lie down.

Let the rain on the ground successfully add another red flower.

Kudo Shinichi’s heart tightened, and he knew something was wrong – a dozen armed criminals.

Although I don’t know the purpose.

But there is no doubt that the risk is extremely high.

It’s difficult to win head-on by yourself, but you can’t ignore it.

Wait first.

After these people leave, go into the hotel and call the police, and then follow them yourself.

Kudo Shinichi thought so.

“…Sir, I really don’t seem to find anything unusual.”

The man responsible for shooting and killing the hotel owner turned around and said respectfully to the man next to him. The man was holding a black umbrella, which was held very low. Apart from the black clothes, his face could not be seen at all.

Only the wisps of white smoke floating out from under the umbrella showed that this man at least knew how to smoke.

…are you the leader of this group of people?

Kudo Shinichi narrowed his eyes. This group of people were all dressed in black.

Of course it reminds people of that organization.

…Or rather, those two organizations?

Considering that the black fox, who has both identities, appeared here yesterday.

Although the purpose is also unclear, and no one can be found after the night.

But such a connection exists as it should.

“…Really? Let’s withdraw first.”

At the somewhat familiar voice, the leader also turned around.

The black umbrella finally lifted up, revealing that familiar face.

The bridge of his nose is not quite straight, his facial features are fairly soft, and his eyes are a bit lazy, made even more hazy by the smoke from the cigarette in his mouth.

The black hair is slightly curly, maybe it is a characteristic?


Thunder rolled in the sky, but it seemed to hit Kudo Shinichi.

How, how is this possible! ?

Almost subconsciously, Kudo Shinichi retracted his head. His widened eyes were full of horror and confusion, and he covered his pounding heart, as if he wanted to deny his eyes.

“There seems to be someone over there, sir?”

“Then go and have a look.”

Maybe his presence was noticed.

Kudo Shinichi’s expression changed and he immediately came to his senses, not daring to hide here any longer.

Quickly duck away.

In the rain, Kudo Shinichi was already soaked to the skin early in the morning, but he did not dare to stay at all. He wished he could get out with more legs. His mind was almost blank, and he had no idea what he was going to do.

I just subconsciously followed my instinct and ran back to the parking lot.

But as soon as he arrived, Kudo Shinichi saw a black figure holding a black umbrella. He seemed to be aware of his presence and turned to look over.

…It’s none other than Sano.

Sano had a cigarette in his mouth, holding the umbrella he bought after getting off the car to smoke, and looked at Kudo Shinichi strangely: “Why did you see a ghost?”


Mao Lilan also ran over holding an umbrella. While protecting Kudo Shinichi from the rain, his face was full of worry and confusion: “What’s wrong with you? What happened?”

Kudo Shinichi didn’t reply, but looked at Hattori Heiji who had just come over.

“You have been here since I returned?”

“Sure, what’s going on with you?”

Kudo Shinichi frowned: “Has Sano always been in your sight?”

Sano: “?”

No, what does this kid mean by treating himself as a prisoner?

And after getting the affirmation from Hattori Heiji.

Kudo Shinichi looked at Sano with complicated eyes, and finally let out a deep breath.

“Xiaolan, you get in the car first. I have something to say to Sano.”


Mao Lilan looked around, and finally returned to the car obediently without saying a word.

Of course Hattori Heiji had to stay to understand the situation and control it.

Then after Kudo Shinichi explained for a while.

Sano raised the corner of his mouth with interest… The incident with another Kudo Shinichi had just passed, but to his surprise, another version of himself appeared.


Just like myself, Kudo Shinichi happened to be shown it.

…What are the possibilities of disguise and the probability of being born by chance?

“You go back first and just put the antiques in my luggage.”

After saying these words, Sano went straight in the direction where Kudo Shinichi came back, intending to see for himself what was going on with his second self. Of course, Hattori and Heiji behind him didn’t want him to be alone. One person acts alone, after all, that group of people does not feel like an ordinary danger.

“Wait a minute, let’s call the police first…”

“Why call the police? There is no signal here, and even if you call the police, you have to wait for them to come slowly. Do you think that group of people will wait here obediently?”

Hattori Heiji choked.

“Then at least there is Officer Chengshan. He has a gun…”

“What good is an old policeman with a gun?”

Sano looked back at the two of them, and said with key points that could not be refuted: “Don’t forget the two girls in the car, are you two sure you have to involve them? You should go back to your hometown and stay there. “

This time Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji finally fell silent.

I could only watch helplessly as Sano, who was holding an umbrella, gradually merged into the rain curtain.

And on the road.

Sano thought about the purpose of this group of people.

A person who looked the same as himself appeared in the hotel where he had stayed. Saying it was a coincidence, Sano didn’t believe it anyway. The question was whether the person’s purpose was him or Ueno – although if it was the latter.

Then Sano must also be the root cause.

But at least it is clear whether this group of people has any connection with Rum.

In addition, it is a known position and it is still a familiar force.

Sano basically knew what the face was like and who was behind it.

“…Master, I found him. He seems to be waiting for you too.”

Dahei’s voice came, and Sano raised his eyebrows slightly before asking for the specific location.

Then he turned a few corners.

From a distance, you can see a man holding an umbrella standing on the roadside.

“I didn’t see anyone else nearby.”

Daikoku reported to Sano again, but he did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he continued to brave the rain and conduct closer inspections around him.

Sano continued to move forward.

When the distance was only about ten meters away, Sano stopped and looked at the person opposite him who was almost the same as him in terms of facial features, face shape, body shape, and even hairstyle, with only different clothes and demeanor.

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

The man smiled and nodded towards Sano as a greeting.

Sano remained calm – long time no see, have we met before?


Sano then remembered that he was actually just an imposter.

It’s just different from Makoto Yada.

There may be flaws on Sano’s side, but there is absolutely no “evidence”.

… Sano doesn’t know if there is any special hidden secret behind the original body.

But since he is Sano now.

Then Sano and this group of dangerous elements must not be on the same side.

Therefore, Sano chose to ask: “Have we met?”

“I’ve seen it before…but forget it, I guess you can’t remember it either.”

After the man shook his head and sighed, there was a dagger in his hand. Without any nonsense, he threw away the umbrella in his hand and rushed towards Sano. At the same time, he growled a voice full of murderous intent and hatred: “I am more concerned now. How to take revenge on you and get back my own identity!!”

The tip of the knife pierced the raindrops and pointed at Sano’s face.

Sano dodged sideways, but felt a little strange about what this person said.

…Revenge, original identity?

What is going on? How come they seemed to be very familiar with each other just now, and there must be a friendly look like a big cat, but in the blink of an eye they become mortal enemies again?


Cold light turning.

Sano took another step back, avoiding the second horizontal stroke from this man.

If this person is really involved with the original person.

Then the possibility of being involved with Rum becomes much smaller.

And in terms of strength.

It doesn’t look like Belmod, and it makes even less sense logically.

Inexplicably… Thinking instinctively, Sano retrieved two things from his “experience”. One was an unprovoked incident during the previous reward order.


It is the current Yada Makoto incident.

“…Your face must have been plastic surgery.”

An unexpected question caused the man to pause just as he was about to make the third pursuit, when several twisted veins popped out on his rapidly reddening forehead.

It was confirmed that Sano’s guess was correct.

“Ha, this is interesting. Who asked you to do it…could it be the previous generation?”

Sano continued to expand his ideas.

As far as Sano knows about the past events of the original body, the only special thing is the original body’s father, who was also the previous generation of rye whiskey.

Also serves as the leader of the previous generation winery action team.

Sano was very suspicious that the person in front of him was that guy’s masterpiece.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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