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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 655 The heresy of the Kurosawa family?

“This is impossible.”

Gin rejected it without hesitation: “He doesn’t have the guts.”

Sano raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that Gin actually believed in Rum’s loyalty, but he didn’t insist on holding on to this.

“…So, what is going on?”

Gin didn’t intend to ignore this topic. Perhaps considering Sano’s condition, he frowned and added: “You still can’t say it.”

“That’s not true.”

After Sano considered his words, he said: “He just reminded me that Rum was targeting me, and then said that he would turn a blind eye to the fight between the two of us… That’s probably it.”


For a moment, Gin fell into deep silence.

…In just a few seconds after knowing that his boss called, Gin had already considered hundreds of situations, but he really hadn’t expected what Sano said. The rum piece.

Gin does have some points.

But isn’t my boss’s attitude a bit wrong?

It would not be right for a boss who has been doing nothing for many years to suddenly intervene.

Normally, even if you are biased, you should choose to watch silently, until the critical moment, then calmly raise your hand and fiddle with the scales.

In the end, it was okay to remind Sano in advance and make his position clear.

Isn’t it too biased to be partial?

“What do you think I should do, Gin-sama?”

Sano pulled Gin back to his senses.

Gin exhaled and rubbed his temples: “Don’t worry, I’ll contact Rum later and explain the situation. Since the boss is willing to trust you, I think he will get down to this level no matter what.”


Sano was surprised: “You want to negotiate with him?”

“if not?”

Gin also looked at Sano strangely and asked, “Do you really want to get involved with Rum and end up fighting to the death?”

“if not?”

Sano repeated his question and successfully knocked Gin unconscious.

“He wants to kill me, why can’t I want to kill him? And didn’t the boss say it? He won’t care, so this is completely reasonable.”

“…The boss thinks it doesn’t matter, but we can’t. Rum is the second-in-command of the organization and the hub of its operation. Without him, it will cause great losses.”

Gin tried to reason with Sano.

But Sano replied: “Then it’s not a big loss if I lose the co-author, right…”

“not me……”

Gin choked, and it took him a while to collect his words: “I said I will be responsible for contacting Rum, and I will definitely be able to convince him. If you are not convinced, then just keep saying that you are not convinced, otherwise you will die. Do you have the rum?”

At the end of the persuasion, Gin helped Sano again.

…I can’t help it. Although the previous wave was unintentional, Gin was indeed given to Sano. It may have been intentional or unintentional.


If this is not made up for, Sano may continue to be a yin and yang.

Gin was not in that mood, nor did he have the time to listen to Sano’s nonsense.

“That’s hard to say.”

Sano smiled: “But to be honest, if I let such a guy continue to serve as the second-in-command, I don’t think losing him is a loss. On the contrary, if he continues to sit in this position, it may be a loss.”

Gin choked again.

…This sarcasm is truly insulting.

But there is one thing to say, although Gin also feels that rum is a little bit different.

Virtue does not match.

But to say that it is such a waste is not that bad.

Sano’s judgment was undoubtedly due to his full subjective consciousness.

Or maybe Sano wasn’t judging at all, but was simply mocking.

“There’s nothing we can do…”

“Why is there nothing we can do? The solution is right in front of us now, isn’t it?”

Before Gin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Sano.

After looking stunned, Gin turned to look at Sano and found that he had raised the visor of his hat.

A pair of dark blue eyes that are unpredictable.

“Master Gin, don’t you want to move your butt up?”


When driving, Vodka’s back was straightened up, and his ears were almost up to the sunroof.

Oh, this car doesn’t have a sunroof.

The next day.

Ueno Prefecture.

Sano finally came here, but not in his true form.

After getting off the train, Sano has been able to notice all kinds of strange looks from people around him. From time to time, some young people will come up to say hello, especially girls who want their phone numbers.

Unsurprisingly, the content of the greetings was very uniform.

“Hello, are you a cosplayer? What character are you playing?”

…Well, that’s pretty much what it means anyway.

Although Sano could also choose to change his skin, even wear a passerby hat or enter the cat demon form to avoid these potentially troublesome people and things, but he didn’t want to, to be precise, hold this knife behind him.

Sano didn’t want to keep a low profile.

…This may also be another function of intrinsic attributes.

The momentum attribute and the will attribute are linked, and they can affect the psychology of others to a certain extent. Correspondingly, maybe it can also affect one’s own psychology?

Because his personality is quite changeable.

Therefore, it’s hard to say whether Sano has a personality or not.

While walking, Sano rejected the kindness of countless little girls, and finally stopped outside a coffee shop and turned around to look.

A very burly, one-eyed man, about forty or fifty years old, was sitting there.

The black tea on the table was steaming with steam.

Kuroda Heiye looked at the white figure outside the floor-to-ceiling window, his intact eye also narrowed, and he looked carefully up and down – he was wearing a pure white, strange robe that was close to a kendo uniform, and a cherry-colored high ponytail.

It hangs down to the waist.

The white cloth band covering the eyes is also very eye-catching.

But what Kuroda Hei is more concerned about is the wooden sword hanging on this man’s waist, with his left hand casually resting on the handle of the knife, as if to be able to draw it out to cut people at any time… I heard from Suwa Yuuji that this man is With such a wooden sword, he chopped down the entire Yoshitsune style within a few minutes.

I remembered what I had seen, the photos of the scene in the archives of the Yoshitsune incident.

Kurodabei unconsciously raised his hand to push up his unique glasses.

…it’s really mind-numbing.

When he came back to his senses, Kuroda Hei saw Kurosawa Blade and continued to walk forward. Just when he thought that the other party didn’t see him…or didn’t recognize him.

Kurosawa Ren then turned into the coffee shop and came all the way to Kuroda Bingwei.


After saying hello to Kuroda Bei, Sano sat down without any courtesy.

Kuroda Bingwei’s eyes flickered.

…As expected, as the information said, even if you are blindfolded, you are no different from a normal person. You can even recognize the general details without any problem?

I wonder if this guy can read normally if he is given a book?

“……do we know each other.”

After deliberately being stunned for a moment, Kuroda Biewei asked again deliberately.

Sano raised his slender eyebrows, then stood up and was about to leave: “Then just pretend that you don’t know each other. It’s me who disturbed you. Sorry, goodbye.”

“……Wait a moment.”

Helpless, Kuroda Biewei could only call for a stop.

“I made an appointment with you, come and sit.”

“Didn’t you say we don’t know each other?”

“…I didn’t say that, I just asked if we knew each other.”

After having a laugh, Kuroda Hei crossed his legs, picked up the black tea and took a sip.

“But I’m curious, how did you know it was me who wanted to see you.”

Kuroda Biewei really wanted to know, because he only told this guy the place and time of the meeting, but he didn’t reveal any information about himself at all.

…Could it be that the intelligence network in black clothes has developed to this extent?

“Because you’re the only one with a gun here.”

While thinking, Sano’s answer was like giving Kuroda Bei a stick on the back of his head.

…It is true that he has a gun on his body.

But how did this guy know, or find out? ?

You must know that Kuroda Bingwei is not one of those soldiers who charges on the front line.

Even if I want to, my ability no longer allows it.

Therefore, the gun used as a safety is naturally placed very deep. It is not placed in a relatively visible position to be easily discovered in order to pursue the speed of drawing the gun.

…At this level, I’m afraid it’s clairvoyance, right?

Kuroda Bingwei was shocked: “Is this just the eyes of the mind?”

“Just take it as such.”

Sano raised his hand to call the waiter and ordered a cup of iced coffee.

“So, what do you want to say when you called me all the way here?”

“…don’t say anything.”

Kuroda Bingwei sighed secretly: “It’s just that according to the rules, we have to meet each other.”


Sano took the iced coffee brought by the waiter, drank it in one gulp, and then stood up to leave, saying: “I’ve seen you then, so I’ll go back first… This cup of coffee also has round-trip travel expenses, you should It will be reimbursed.”

…this person.

Kuroda Bingwei moved his lips, wanting to express the speechlessness in his heart.

But the next second, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

A few seconds after Kuroda Hei took out the phone and answered the phone, he immediately called Sano.

“Wait a moment.”

Sano paused and turned around: “Is there anything else?”

“You have a mission, come with me.”

Kuroda Bingwei was still thinking about what excuse he should use to keep this strange thing.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity came to my door.

…The excuse was too obvious.

Sano just wondered if this person was going to say something weird, but the next second he thought that the Plague God’s family had arrived at this place earlier than him.


It’s not impossible to hit him.

Therefore, Sano did not say anything and just followed Kuroda Bei silently.

Then he got in the police car and came to a river all the way.

At a glance… well, before he even got off the car, Sano could already “see” from a distance away that the area near the river was surrounded by police and crowds.

After getting a little closer.

Sano could clearly detect the existence of the Plague God’s family of three.

“Let’s go.”

Kurodabei got out of the car and took the lead towards the center.

While walking, he also explained the general situation to Sano.

…There is no doubt that someone died, but the problem is that the person who died was a member of the police.

He is one of the leaders of the criminal police team in this county, his surname is Takeda.

It seems that someone cut off the head and threw it into the river. The remaining body was burned to char on the side. Of course, it is difficult to say whether it is the same person.

“…there were unnatural marks on the forehead of the deceased.”

It happened that a forensics officer discovered a hidden detail at this time, which attracted all the attention of everyone present. As expected, on the forehead of that head, there was something similar to.

“X”, mark?

This made Conan unconsciously remember that there were so many nicknames for a certain person that it was dizzying, and one of them was the guy “X”… Of course, he didn’t feel that there was a connection between the two. After all, that nickname subjective consciousness.

too weak.

If only the word “mask” could be taken seriously enough.

In addition, even this “X” doesn’t feel like the real “X”.

Just after the forensic officer put forward this statement, the man next to him was covered with stubble, with messy hair tied back casually. The eye on the left had two staggered scars, which should be scars, and Kuroda Bing. Wei was also a one-eyed dragon, even holding a cane. He had a rough aura all over his body, and he felt like a black retired man. However, he frowned and rejected this statement.

…Don’t ask Sano why he cares so much about this person.

The main thing is that this guy is really eye-catching.

Besides the God of Plague family and this black society, another one who stood out was a man with pigtails, but who looked softer, cleaner, more civilized and elegant in comparison…a man with a mustache.


Even if it’s a little rude.

But this guy looks a bit like Mouri Kogoro.

“…It must be the claws of a woodpecker.”

Just as Sano was amusing himself in his mind, Kuroda Bei expressed his opinion.

Only then did everyone present notice the two new arrivals.

Conan’s little mind was greatly shocked, and his face changed wildly.

…Black, Kurosawa Blade! ?

Why is this guy here?

And who is this guy next to him? Is he a man in black? Why is he one-eyed? If it is Rum, is Kurosawa Blade doing something?

Kuroda Biewei took Sano down below, and after a simple exchange.

Conan successfully learned that the one-eyed man was called Kuroda Bei.

…In this way, the possibility of being a member of the Kurosawa family is greatly reduced. No, it is also possible that this is just a pseudonym used on the surface.

In fact, he also has another name such as Kurosawa Hei.

Hmm… Or maybe the so-called Kurosawa family is just a misunderstanding.

After all, there seem to be only three known Kurosawas so far?

…Conan would like to continue to suspect that Kuroda Hei is actually Rum and Kurosawa Blade is deliberately approaching, and actually wants to obtain information or something.

But this guy is the section chief of the Ueno Prefectural Police.

Logically speaking, either Rum cannot do it, or there is no reason to do this, right?

Kuroda then turned his attention to the side, which should be the location of the charred headless corpse. After questioning, he learned that among the charred remains, there was a useful big toe that could be used to identify the body.

…This one surprised Sano a little.

The body was deliberately divided into two halves and half burned. It was obviously something fishy.

But there is something important left… could it be accidental?

“Speaking of which, the Zhutian team is going to catch the wanted robber today, aren’t we?”

Kuroda Bingwei looked at the three people next to him.

The answer they got was that because no one was there when the appointed time came, the three of them took action first, but the target might have heard the news.

Already ran away in advance.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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