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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 659 Living Bodhisattva or Living King of Hell?

Just when Conan wanted to run behind the car and open the trunk to see if the people inside were still angry, the trunk opened on its own in the next second.

Yamato Gansuke was holding a riot shield with several bullets embedded in it and full of cracks.

He climbed out of the trunk and looked at the scene in front of him, feeling quite confused.

…Well, he is a very cautious person, and he actually carries this kind of thing with him.

Sano sighed secretly.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief and rushed into the cabin to see another person.

Conan walked out of the cabin a few seconds later and nodded towards Sano.

… Sanzhi is not dead, he was probably just attacked by Akiyama and passed out. At least Conan felt the opponent’s pulse and confirmed that the person was still breathing.

Finally it didn’t turn into the worst situation.

Sano was also a little surprised by this.

If Yamato Gansuke was lucky enough to survive because of this operation, then it is really unreasonable that both of them survived.

Of course, Sano actually expected it from the beginning.

After all, before Akiyama came out, Sano didn’t hear the gunfire, and there was no blood on his body. It took less than half a minute for him to say a few words to Conan. It was impossible to strangle him with a rope, and it was impossible to use a blunt object. Although it is not as easy to get dirty as a sharp weapon, it should not be dirty at all.

Therefore, Sano has every reason to suspect that Sanzhi is not dead yet.

But Sano really didn’t understand why Akiyama didn’t kill the person directly.

Well…maybe because.

Worrying about moving too slowly would give Yamato Gansuke in the trunk a chance to do something.

So you choose to knock the person down first, then deal with Yamato Gansuke and then turn back?

After reluctantly understanding Akiyama’s thoughts.

Sano just wanted to add a stick to Akiyama who had twisted into a maggot on the ground.

As a result, Conan had already come over, frantically trying to explore Sano’s pockets.

“Sano, where is your original hammer? Didn’t you bring it? Why did you change it to a bat?”

“Where did you just pull that bat out of?”

“The same goes for the shovel from last time. Where did you hide it?”

“…By the way, you must have known that the real murderer was Officer Akiyama a long time ago.”

“The reason why I didn’t say anything was because I didn’t have any evidence and I didn’t want to alert the enemy, so I prepared to go fishing and enforce the law as usual to catch him, right?”

“But why, why?”

“How did you come to this conclusion?”


Conan chirped and threw away all the doubts in his heart – mainly because Sano held his head against his head and prevented him from carefully exploring the pockets, so he was doubtful about the weapons.

Conan paid additional attention to the case part.

This made Sano more and more impatient, but before he could do anything, Yamato Gansuke suddenly realized that something was wrong, yelled “be careful”, and jumped out.

It turned out that Akiyama had barely recovered and went to get the pistol secretly.

Yamato dares to help and takes action in time to stop Akiyama.

But Qiu Shan succeeded in seizing the opportunity, got up and rushed into the cabin.

…what the hell.

Sano raised his hand and punched Conan on the big head.

“I told you not to hinder my work!”

Conan held his head and bared his teeth, but he couldn’t refute… Who knew Akiyama could get up so quickly after being hit with a stick on the back of his head.

It’s all because Sano started too lightly!

“Oops, Officer Sanzhi is still inside and will be used as a hostage!”

Yamato Gansuke stood up with difficulty and said to Sano – he is a cripple and has difficulty moving, let alone chasing.

Therefore, Yamato Gansuke pinned his hopes on Sano.

Sano didn’t waste any time and rushed directly into the cabin, with Conan following closely behind.

It can be seen at a glance.

Sanzhi was still lying on the ground motionless, but Akiyama was nowhere to be seen.

…There is no choice to use hostages as a shield.

Is it because I don’t have a weapon, so I feel it’s not safe enough?

Sano clarified Akiyama’s thoughts in an instant, and after twitching his lips, he slowly walked towards the warehouse behind the wooden house. Seeing this, Conan naturally followed.

Back to this warehouse full of wood again.

Sano glanced around and found nothing unusual. He narrowed his eyes and tapped the ground twice with the bat in his hand: “Have you hidden it, Officer Akiyama?”


Conan looked up at Sano.

This is like a peek-a-boo opening, what does it mean?

“Now that it’s hidden, I’ll start looking for it.”

Sano stepped forward and deliberately dragged the bat in his hand on the ground, making a harsh sound. At the same time, he looked around and continued to pressure Akiyama: “Don’t move, Officer Akiyama, be sure.” You have to hide well, otherwise you will be in trouble if I find you.”


Qiu Shan, who was hiding in the dark, had cold sweat on his forehead and swallowed unconsciously.

Conan at the door also had a drop of cold sweat on his head.

…This is a weird scene that looks like a murderous maniac is hunting down innocent victims.

Are the roles reversed?

In Conan’s silence, Sano got closer and closer to Akiyama.

Holding the long knife hidden here in his hand, Qiu Shan’s breathing became unusually rapid.

Just as Sano thought.

Akiyama did not take Sanzhi, who had lost the ability to resist, as a hostage because he had no weapons and wanted to threaten human life with his bare hands, which seemed too pale.

Go to the warehouse with complex environment behind.

Not only being able to obtain weapons, the key is being able to sneak attack.

…But Akiyama has vetoed this now, because the threat Sano gave him is too strong, and even if it is a sneak attack, he feels that it is difficult to succeed.

We still have to take hostages.

Akiyama set his sights on Conan at the door.

Trying to hold his breath and curling up, he avoided Sano’s “inspection”.

Akiyama quietly retracted his gaze from Sano.

Then he slowly turned around and planned to touch the door.

But just after taking a few steps forward, a head popped out from behind the wood in the next second. It was Sano who had just passed by here.

“Got you.”

Sano smiled.

Qiu Shan was stunned.

…This guy found out where he was hiding early on but didn’t reveal it.

He also deliberately went around in a circle to block himself! ?


Without any hesitation, Akiyama drew his sword and slashed at Sano with a roar.

The result.

Sano knocked the knife away with a stick, and then hit him in the head with another stick, causing Akiyama to fall to the ground again, and this time he finally fainted.

Couldn’t get up again.

…To be honest, Akiyama is not weak.

Especially in terms of swordsmanship, being able to cut off a head very cleanly with one strike is not an exaggeration to say that he is a little master. In addition, as a criminal police officer, he also has good basic qualities, such as close combat and pistol shooting.

I think it’s pretty good.

But the attributes are really mediocre. Coupled with the fact that he just received a stick on the back of the head and his unstable mentality, Sano felt that it was natural to kill him instantly.

“how’s it going?”

It happened that Yamato Gansuke chased in at this time.

Sano put the bat back in his pocket, then grabbed Akiyama and dragged it out.

“already solved.”


Conan withdrew his eyes from Yamato Gansuke, subconsciously averted his gaze, and looked at Sano again and was stunned again: “Hey, isn’t it your bat?”

Conan, realizing something was wrong, wanted to continue exploring Sano’s pockets.

As a result, Sano glared back.

…Do you still think the obstruction just now was not enough?

Conan, who felt he had been wronged, scratched his head and scratched his face in embarrassment.

Then several people from Sano here just returned to the cabin from the warehouse.

Zhufu Gaoming and Kuroda Bingwei opened the door.

In addition to Uehara Yui, there were also a bunch of policemen behind.


After taking a quick glance at it, Kuroda Bei twitched his lips: “You are worthy of being a famous high school detective. He actually noticed the truth in just one or two hours. It took us half a day to vaguely feel the truth. .”

“It’s just a matter of progress.”

Sano casually threw Akiyama to Kuroda Bei and said something in return.

…In fact, Sano’s operation did not have any technical content.

There was a suspect in the case this time, but it was just one person Yamato dared to help, and Sano didn’t even need to try to know that this person was fine.

The murderer’s methods are not very valuable.

Therefore, the methods used to solve the case can only be simple and crude.

Sano himself didn’t have a clue yet. He could only say that he was waiting for the chance in a gambling manner. It was not until the stage of his wife and daughter’s mountain Akiyama that he noticed something was wrong.

Akiyama is not dead.

And it also deliberately left a false impression.

At that moment, Sano had basically identified the murderer, and in addition to continuing to wait, he also arranged for Daikoku to stay behind and keep an eye on Akiyama.

So far, going smoothly.

As for the other issue of Yamato Gansuke hiding in the car.

Sano had paid special attention to it after Kuroda Biewei deliberately exposed a flaw.

There was indeed someone breathing inside.

I just don’t know if this guy urinated after holding it in the car for several hours… Ahem, in short, from that time Sano knew that Akiyama’s plan had been seen through by these policemen, but also because there was no evidence. Because of the situation, it was necessary to catch the current situation, so Yamato Gansuke took the initiative to stand up as a bait, and Zhufu Gaoming and Kuroda Bei cooperated.

Well… I can only say, it’s a good life.

The three people’s cooperation cannot be said to be perfect, but it does seem to be flawless.

If he is not the best actor per capita, then it is just a fake show.

Only Qiu Shan thinks that every step is done flawlessly, and Fei Longqi will not lose.


Before Kurodabei could speak again, Sano turned towards Saegusa who was still sleeping.


Just two slaps.

After providing his own exclusive wake-up call service, Sano grabbed the collar of Sanzhi who was gradually waking up with one hand, and finally threw out the hammer of justice with the other hand.

“Hey, tell me honestly, who are the other members of the Woodpecker Club?”

Hearing Sano’s question, whether it was Saegusa himself or others next to him.

They were all stunned.

“Wha, what?”

Sanzhi’s eyes averted, even though he was still a little confused because he had just woken up.

But subconsciously I still want to deny it.

Yamato Gansuke asked directly: “How do you know that Sanzhi must be a member of the Woodpecker Club? It is still unclear whether the Woodpecker Club exists, so why do you think that there are other members there?”

Sano glanced at the frowning Kuroda Bei.

“Why does Akiyama, who is a suspected member of the Woodpecker Guild, think that the Woodpecker Guild must exist and target everyone in the Takeda Group? You shouldn’t ask me this question. As for whether there are other members, Twenty-four Generals I don’t know if you know the statement, but I think since there is such a statement, it must not be purely far-fetched. After all, I don’t need to tell you how many police officers there are in your county.”

After saying that, Sano stopped paying attention to others and looked at Sanzhi.

“I’ll just ask again, where are the other members of the Woodpecker Society.”

“I, I don’t…”

Before Sanzhi finished speaking, the hammer raised by Sano fell and hit his eye socket. The severe pain and shock made the screams extremely harsh.

Others who were also frightened by Sano’s decisiveness had already landed the second hammer before they could react, causing the screams to increase even more.

“Dong dong dong!!”

Sano expressionlessly swung the hammer into an afterimage.

The astonishment of everyone present increased to another level – generally speaking, if the method of torture and questioning is adopted, it will be a step-by-step process. Ask a question and continue without answering. But what is this?

This is no interrogation.

They are obviously killing people! ?

A few people with a strong sense of justice, such as Morofuku Gao Ming, Yamato Gansuke, and others were about to save people almost immediately, but Kuroda Heiwei stretched out his hand and said not to move.


Facing the puzzled looks of his subordinates, Kuroda Biewei twitched his lips and could only say more: “You can’t look twice before taking action. What’s going on?”


He was reminded like this by Kuroda Bingwei.

Only then did a few people observe it carefully and found that although the scene in front of them looked tragic, in fact, it was not as tragic as it should have been.

simply speaking.

No blood, no injuries.

“……This is?”

“Oh, an abnormal character suddenly appeared. Don’t you know that you need to do a little more research? High school detective Sano Shinichiro is a well-known character in Tokyo. He has many characteristics, except for the brain that is said to be the best in neon. , it’s a cloak-hammering technique that’s even better than Wuhen’s.”

Kuroda Heiwei pointed the news report of Sano on his mobile phone to several people.

“The criminals who were hammered by him will basically feel more intense pain, but there will be no detectable injuries at all.”

“…In other words, you can’t kill anyone with a hammer?”

Zhufu Gaoming looked at Sano in surprise: “Is this a living Bodhisattva or a living King of Hell?”


Everyone present, including Conan, who was still crossing his arms and looking at the others with an arrogant attitude of “country people have never seen the fuss in the world”, couldn’t help but choke… This complaint was too accurate.

Let’s just say Sano is bad.

In order to carry out justice, I went to such great lengths to interrogate, and it was true that no one was harmed. It can be said that I left a thin line in my behavior and did not touch the law at all.

It’s okay to say Sano.

…Just look at how Sanzhi looks now.

But putting this aside, the efficiency is still very good, at least Sanzhi opened his mouth.

“I said, can’t I just say everything!?”

Sanzhi was about to cry, but based on the current situation, no one would think that Sano was simply giving in because he was not forcing the other party to admit his identity, but was asking about the identities and locations of other members of the Woodpecker Guild.

This thing can’t be recruited just by giving in.



Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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