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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 66 66, drawing the sword and looking around at a loss

As for Maru Denjiro, he had already disappeared when the gun battle just started.

After getting useful information, Gin shot and killed the man in front of him, and then ordered Vodka to refill the guns of other men in black who were knocked unconscious by Sano.

“The criminal evidence of the Sanhua Society…”

Gin put the gun back in his arms, thinking: “This may be another long-term cash machine.”

Sano: “…”

Why are you thinking about making money again? People can’t be so worldly, Gin, please be sober and don’t degenerate!

Sano despised Gin in his heart: “It’s just that Sankakai is a well-known underworld organization. That guy named Maru should have many of their people around him to protect him. It’s hard to get that thing.”

Gin snorted coldly: “Don’t care if he is okay or not, he will die sooner or later anyway, and I will definitely get the things, vodka, contact the people in the action team to prepare for action, and then contact the logistics team to provide weapons!”

“yes, Sir!”

Looking at Gin with cold eyes, Sano rolled his eyes and asked with a smile: “How about you try to give me this task?”

Vodka, who had just taken out his mobile phone and was about to make a phone call, paused when he heard the sound and looked at Gin.

“Look what I do, when will you listen to the orders of peripheral members?”

Faced with Gin’s dissatisfied look, Vodka shuddered, and then he realized that his behavior just now was indeed wrong, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who could have made Sano solve such a big problem so easily just now.

In Vodka’s view, it was perfect for Sano to resolve this matter, so he looked at his boss’s opinion with inquiring eyes.

“Wait a moment.”

But just after Vodka pressed the number, Gin stopped him again.

Vodka looked at Gin, and Gin looked at Sano: “You said I left the matter to you, how are you going to solve it, and then take your little brother to flush him out? I can tell you in advance, that old man I have already handed over the criminal evidence of the thing to him. If you want to act nonsense again, you won’t be able to get away so easily.”

Sano: “…”

He really didn’t want to do this!

As colleagues, can’t we have a little bit of trust between each other?

“I’ll steal it quietly this time.”

Sano said with sincerity.

The reason why Sano wanted to take on this task was not only because he wanted performance so that he could be promoted to a core member as soon as possible, but also because the system had just sent another task.

[Please obtain the criminal evidence of the Sanhua Society and hand in the gin. After completing it, you will get 60 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 71:59:08].

Sano likes this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone the most.

Gin glanced at Sano sideways. To be honest, he was actually not willing to believe what he said.

However, since the other party had made such a strong request, and considering the possible losses and impact of leading a strong attack by himself, Gin felt that it was not impossible to give it a try.

…Besides, although Sano is now technically Bourbon’s subordinate, doesn’t this subordinate want to change jobs?

Moreover, such useful talents can develop in many aspects and grow faster, which is also a good thing for the organization.

“Give me the news within three days, no matter whether it is completed or not. Also, don’t forget the reminder I gave you before, don’t expose yourself, otherwise, I will be the first to clean you up.”

Sano’s eyes twitched. If you just said you wanted to bring someone over for a fight, it wouldn’t be considered exposed, right?

However, despite muttering in his heart, Sano still complied with respect on the surface: “Understood, Gin, sir, but I wonder if the gap between me and the core members can be narrowed after such an important task is completed. , shrink it just a little bit?”

Gin still looked at him coldly: “You really want to be promoted to a core member. Could it be that you want to take the opportunity to learn about the organization’s intelligence?”

As he said that, Gin’s hand moved to his arms again.

This guy really has something wrong with his mind, right?

Sano sighed innocently: “Whenever employees want to be promoted, is it a mistake?”

Gin was silent for a moment: “If this mission is completed, I may not be able to try to help you apply. Of course, it is only limited to applications. Whether you can be promoted depends on you.”

You actually let go?

Sano was stunned for a moment and blinked in surprise: “Then thank you Gin, sir. I’ll wait for my good news.”

After saying that, Sano put on his passerby hat again and left briskly.

Of course, Sano did not forget to hand the gun he picked up to Vodka before leaving.

Gin glanced at the gloves on Sano’s hands, then at the hat on his head, and nodded secretly.

Well, there has been progress. I have changed my bad habit of wearing eye-catching clothes when acting. I also learned to wear hats and gloves. When I knocked out those Sanhua Club members just now, they were not as stupid as when they first met. Not a hard blow, but a sneak attack.

A good seedling is a good seedling.

After watching Sano leave, Vodka finally couldn’t help but ask: “Brother, do you really want to apply for him to be promoted to a core member? Even counting this time, he has only touched three missions in total.”

“In the first mission, he found the maple leaf gold coins that we tried our best to find, killed three international thieves, and obtained nearly one billion in cash flow for the organization. Although the second mission was not of much value, he destroyed The entire Black Dragon Society has been destroyed, and if the third mission is successful, Neon’s top-notch underworld organization will fall into our hands.”

Gin looked at Vodka coldly: “As long as you have strength, you will have privileges. Or are you talking about the above three things, which one can you accomplish alone?”

Vodka: “…”

“Well, let’s forget it, brother.”

After wiping off the cold sweat, Vodka asked cautiously: “However, the time we have been in contact with this guy is still too short after all. Perhaps, he may be a mouse…”

“Maybe I do have a minimum of wariness about him, but if you ask me the probability that he might be an undercover agent.”

Gin lit himself a post-event cigarette: “At least in my opinion, it’s lower than that bourbon guy.”


Vodka was obviously taken aback: “No way, Bourbon is an old man, how could this guy…”

The next second, Vodka immediately woke up: “Brother, can this guy…”

“When he really becomes a core member, I will introduce him to you.”

Gin interrupted Vodka with a cold voice: “As for now, the next transaction will start soon, so get in the car quickly!”

“yes, Sir!”

Sano made a mistake.

He forgot that he didn’t know where Nawan and Diaomao lived.

In this case, how do you find a person whose face you haven’t even seen in the big city of Tokyo?

He didn’t even remember the name.

After waking up the next day and getting ready for action, Sano stood downstairs, his face messy due to the wind. If he had to use one word to describe his mood at the moment, it would be –

He drew his sword and looked around, feeling confused.

pps: Pursuing reading refers to scrolling down the last page of the latest chapter and seeing a page with a few words to be continued. Only children with fish lips will not stop reading, right, smart handsome guys and beauties (super refills) )


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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