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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 661 The tuxedo was put on by itself

However, Kuroda Biewei had to admit that this statement made sense.

Because Baiyi itself is a double-edged sword.

So what is a double-edged sword?

It may hurt yourself, but the damage is also greater.

If Sano is caught with something, there will be pressure from the authorities.

That’s right.

But on the other hand, Sano, or Kurosawa Blade.

Does it have anything to do with the authorities?

White clothes?

What white clothes?

Talking nonsense is spreading rumors and slander, you will be caught!

Thinking of this, Kurodabei stopped talking, but Sano pinched his clothes and said in turn: “In addition, I am a little dissatisfied.”


“Why do you have to wear white?”

Kurodabei’s attention was successfully diverted. After a few seconds of silence, he asked: “…Then why do you have to wear black?”

“At least it’s not obvious that the black is stained with blood.”

Sano’s answer made Kurodabei choke and turn his head to look.

On Sano’s chest.

The two dots of red are really noticeable.

…it’s kind of hard to argue with.

But what can I do? I don’t have the final say on work uniforms.

The topic ends here.

After sending Sano to the station, Kuroda Bei left.

…So, it can be done with just a few words on the phone.

Why do you have to go all the way back by yourself?

Is it because Kuroda Biewei wants to establish his prestige, or is it the damn rules and regulations?

Sano got in the car and started to lose focus.

…Although as long as it is an organization or a group, rules are bound to exist, even if it is a winery, but compared to the Zhengfang organization, the rules are still more and stricter, and even the Zhengfang organization is unwilling to admit it. , it belongs to the shadow part that cannot be exposed.

is also like this.

Sano himself suddenly wanted to join Baiyi, but it was just a temporary idea.

There is no necessary reason at all, it just happens as a matter of course.

It seems now that it wouldn’t make much sense to just withdraw.


Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

Just when Sano thought it was Kuroda Hei’s old guy again and wanted to add something more, he took it out and found that it was a bank arrival text message.


Looking at the series of zeros above, the corners of Sano’s mouth tilted up slightly unconsciously.

Hmm… let’s forget it and just stay silent.

It’s no wonder Kuroda Hei is so annoying, he paid for it.

But before Sano put his phone back, a new text message arrived.

This time it was really Kuroda Bei.

He didn’t say anything special. He just asked Sano to make a phone call and meet with his teammates. Then he did whatever he had to do and just listened to the captain’s instructions.

On the same train.

The clone of Sano’s true identity closed his eyes with the vest body of Kurosawa Blade.

Entered a short rest state.


Clear it all in one place.

An uncle in his thirties was wiping a long knife, an old man in his 70s or 80s was wiping a Western-style armor, and a young man and woman were holding mobile phones and laughing to themselves. Only the man and woman next to them were communicating.

Although the woman doesn’t seem to want to talk to the man, it can even be said that she does.

A little bored.

“Ms. Cheng Shi, you probably won’t have work tomorrow. I happen to be the same, so why don’t you go to the cinema with me to watch the latest blockbusters?”

Faced with the countless invitations from Colen to chat with him since their first meeting, Asai glanced helplessly at the teammates next to him.

“…I said, you should know what’s going on with me, right?”

Asai asked in a low voice. He was really confused as to what the man in front of him was thinking. Although he knew very well that with his appearance, he could attract the favor of many men, even if he revealed himself to be a man. I’m afraid no one might believe his identity, but it’s different here.

As an official organization, Baiyi has an unfair name.

But you still have to go through some procedures, such as identity verification and physical examination.

Forget about those teammates of the same level.

As the captain in white, Coren naturally has the ability to look through the team members’ files.


Naomi Asai is well aware that her gender is no secret.

So if that’s the case, why do you still have to stalk yourself?

“I know.”

Coren smiled and nodded: “So do you want to go?”

Asai Narumi: “…”

Why can’t this person make sense? Could it be that this guy is…

After a few seconds of silence, Asai Narumi chose to refuse the invitation with a cold face.

……no way.

Or maybe this person really has a special orientation and doesn’t mind this.

But I’m so damn normal, I don’t care!

…Of course Asai Narimi also knows it, judging from the way he is dressed.

It’s hard to believe that you are normal.

But what can I do? I’m used to this look, and I even went through some fine-tuning plastic surgery, even if I want to change it back again now.

I’m afraid it may not be possible to restore gender?

…But fortunately at that time, I didn’t change my gender on impulse.

Otherwise, it will really be a dark road.

And just as Colen was still extending his invitation, Asai Narumi was already considering whether to change her clothes and cut her hair short. If that didn’t work, she would make some minor adjustments to completely change her gender back to male. .

The door to the bar was pushed open.

The wind chime beside the door rang loudly, and the man who walked in caught everyone’s attention.

They were all attracted.

Aside from the intriguing white attire, there is also the cherry-colored high ponytail.

Especially eye-catching.

“……Who are you?”

Asai Narumi and others who didn’t know what was going on were all on guard.

Only Coren narrowed his eyes, glanced at Suwa Yuuji and Tachibana Mayo on the other side, and greeted him with a smile: “Hello, Kurosawa Blade, right?”

Sano…well, he glanced inside the bar and nodded in response.

“Oh, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. I’ve admired your name for a long time. I’ve admired your name for a long time.”

Coren tried to put his arm around Sano’s shoulders in a very familiar manner, but was sideways dodged. After being stunned for a moment, he wanted to do it a second time, but he was simply blocked with his hands. The obvious resistance and alienation made the air disappear. Sort of.


But after all, the people here are not ordinary people, so it doesn’t matter.

“Okay, then let me introduce my colleagues to you first…”


However, just as Coren was about to enter the next stage, Sano interrupted him.

“Let’s get down to business.”


Coren blinked: “Are you so cold? We will fight side by side in the future, and we will even be comrades who share life and death. At least we need to know our names?”

“No, I already know.”

Sano deliberately pretended to be aware that he might be misunderstood and added another sentence. At the same time, he also revealed a hidden message to Column.

That’s you. You have the information about every member of Bai Yi.

It really is……

Coren laughed again.

“Ha, okay, then I will just introduce you to everyone. Kurosawa Blade, a swordsman, is very powerful. At least Uncle Suwa seems to be ashamed of himself.”

After explaining it to others.

Except for the two people who knew about it in advance, Maeda Satoshi and Director Ochiai didn’t have much reaction. Only Asai Shigema was surprised by the statement of “feeling ashamed”, given that he knew Suwa Yuuji’s strength.

I’m even more curious about Kurosawa’s last name.

…As a member in white, Asai Naomi is very aware that among the key targets of his team, there are two acquaintances of his, Rye and Black Mask.

And the latter’s real name… This aspect still needs to be considered, but on the surface.

That’s right, Kurosawa.

Therefore, Asai Narumi couldn’t help but have some doubts about the relationship between the two.

“Anyway, that’s it, as a welcome ceremony, let’s have a party tonight!”

Colen spoke passionately, leaving Sano speechless for a while.

“…You said you asked me to come over for something important, is this it?”


Coren turned his head: “What else?”


Sano felt his blood pressure soar. He finally managed not to take a deep breath openly, and asked again: “No job?”

“Well, there are no instructions from above.”

Before Sano could speak again, Colen seemed to understand his thoughts and smiled one step ahead: “Don’t be so tight. We are very idle here. After all, the original goal was for black clothes, but now we have no clue.” , it’s impossible to start with just a few of us. Although we can’t do other tasks, they are still relatively difficult. At least we, the earliest members who joined, have only gone on two missions in a month. , and the rest of the time is allocated for free activities.”

“in other words.”

Kelen smiled obscenely: “We are just freeloaders, so feel free to fish.”

After saying that, Coren said no more, turned around and continued to pester Asai Narumi.

And everyone else was doing what they were supposed to do.

Sano was left standing at the door in silence for a while.

…White clothes and white rice, well, that rhymes and makes sense.

What Sano didn’t expect was that these people would eat so naturally.

Seeing that maybe because of his performance just now, or because of his personality, none of his teammates seemed to have any intention of getting close to him. Sano was happy to sit down on the ground casually.

“Want to drink?”

As an “acquaintance”, Suwa Yuuji still asked Sano, pointed to the wines on the shelves behind the counter and said: “Those decorations can be drunk, but they are not free, but you can drink them at the cost price, and you can be reimbursed in proportion.”

…This wave of welfare introductions left Sano speechless again.

Food and drink are provided, but alcohol falls into a special category and will not be reimbursed, no problem.

But here they are actually sneaking around, even trying to take advantage of such small loopholes as the cost price.

This is indeed a bit unexpected.

As for the other proportion of reimbursement, Sano doesn’t quite understand it.

But it’s not convenient for Sano to know.

This group of people is very capable.

But this is not surprising, after all, they are not very good people.

But even taking advantage of this kind of loophole made Sano wonder if it was because other big loopholes couldn’t be exploited, that is, the specific reimbursement process.

Perhaps this aspect will be much stricter than that at the winery?


While thinking, Sano replied to Suwa Yuuji.


Suwa Yuji nodded and said nothing more.

Sano had free time to carefully observe this white stronghold, or should we say base camp?

……do not know why.

The probability of using a bar as a base is very high no matter which side you are on.

Winery, police, weapons dealers, and even Sano’s armed detective agency.

Bar location you can go to.

It’s basically a disguise, and there will be guests on the surface.

For specific uses, either keep a low profile for communication, or create a separate design. The real stronghold is either at the back or underground.

Only here.

It doesn’t matter if they belong to the first type, they are all so arrogant.

Clean your sword and your armor.

Why didn’t you say put the gun on the counter and wipe it?

Although Sano had already discovered when he arrived, the location of this bar was extremely remote. It was basically impossible for anyone to pass by. Even if it happened by chance and someone came in, the drinks on the counter were obviously marked much higher. The price list is enough to persuade him to leave, but he is not afraid of ten thousand.

Being too arrogant is always risky.

It might make sense to say that Kuroda Hei didn’t like Baiyi, so he didn’t bother to care.

But the parties involved in Column should have some doubts in their own minds, right?

After encountering several shortcomings in a row, Sano was too lazy to complain, and his focus soon drifted to a place that concerned him more – the piano.

Just at the other end of the counter was a high-end-looking piano.

Come on, it seems normal to have a piano.

But the problem is that this is not a normal bar. If you really want to play music, a speaker is enough. It is said to be just a decoration like the drinks on the shelves.

Who spends so much money to buy such a decoration?

To sum up, Sano felt that this piano was not simple, but among the people present.

There happened to be one related to piano.

Sano subconsciously looked at Asai Narumi, and the big boss was also looking at him.

“…Are you interested in the piano?”

Asai Narumi chose to ask directly.

…Despite his good intentions, Sano’s eyes are useless at all.

But maybe it’s an instinctive reaction. Without conscious control, when Sano uses his inner eye to see things, his “sight” will turn subconsciously, even if his eyes are closed at all, and even if his eyes are open.

The line of sight cannot penetrate the cloth belt at all.

Anyway, Asai Narumi, who had been paying attention to Sano the whole time, noticed that he was paying attention to the piano just now, as to why he looked at her afterwards.

Asai Narumi was not interested, he only knew that the opportunity to contact him had come.

Before Sano could respond, Asai Narimi took the initiative to come over.

“Can you play the piano?”

Sano shook his head.

“Then you want to learn? I can teach you.”

As soon as these words came out, Colen immediately stepped in between the two of them and looked at Asai Narumi with a smile: “Actually, I am also interested in piano. Can you teach me.”

Asai Narumi smiled and shook his head: “No.”

Coren: “…”

After taking his eyes away from Colen who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, Asai continued to look at Sano: “So, do you want to learn piano?”

Sano thought for a second and nodded.

…It’s not a joke, Sano is really interested.

To be precise, Sano is actually interested in most musical instruments.

Sano wanted to learn guitar, piano, guzheng, and drums in his previous life.

It’s just limited by money, so I haven’t had much contact with it.

Of course, it’s useless to touch it… Who doesn’t have a guitar piled up in dust?

To be honest, Sano feels like he has no talent.

Of course, that was in my previous life. In this life, maybe I can give it a try?

After coming to sit down in front of the piano, before doing anything, Sano just felt a sensation.


I don’t know why, but the tuxedo seemed to float over and put on me.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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