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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 667 Question 5: Can this be called low-key?

The unmanned detector lost control.

The speed of the fall can be imagined. As far as Sano knew, the thing didn’t seem to be very big, at most it was equivalent to a small meteorite.

But at least it’s a small meteorite.

Just the extent to which the police evacuated people can tell how powerful it is.

Sano didn’t know if the idea proposed by Conan was feasible.

But at least as far as Sano is concerned, there seems to be no other way besides this approach.


Still far away, Sano could clearly see the stream of light trailing a tail flame, and could also vaguely hear the terrifying sound of breaking through the sky… Could it be that it was already going supersonic, so he had to keep a safe distance.


Sano gave an order, and the physical evil spirit immediately stopped rising.

“Spread everything out!”

After another command, the physical evil spirit took out a sack from his pocket and threw it out. It was densely packed with fist-sized iron balls.

It was distributed around the swan.


Hundreds of fireballs looked extremely bright in the night sky.

Unlike Conan’s plan of using bombs to change the landing trajectory of this thing, Sano planned to do something more crude, that is, blow it up.

… It’s just outrageous to change the trajectory.

At least Sano didn’t know how to use an explosion to accurately transfer the swan that would have fallen into the central area of ​​Tokyo to an uninhabited wilderness.

Even if it were really possible, it would be much more convenient than destroying it directly.


In the next second, the fireballs dissipated one after another, and the larger fireballs broke through the smoke.

…As expected, it still doesn’t work well. Only a small part was destroyed.

Sano secretly smacked his tongue, the bombs were thrown too widely.

Many of them failed to play any practical role.

Even if Sano continues, he probably won’t be able to really clear it out before it hits the ground… He’ll have to get a more powerful single bomb.

But the problem is that although there is indeed a single powerful bomb in Sano’s arsenal, how to ensure that it is close to the swan is another problem.

With a trying mentality, Sano asked the physical evil spirit to pull out another iron rod that was half a man thick and almost as tall as a man, and threw it out with all his strength.

As a result…it was thrown crookedly.

It exploded eight thousand miles away, but it didn’t even blow up a bit.

If it doesn’t work, then you can only try this.

Sano rubbed his fingers and issued an order: “Charge over!”


The physical evil spirit flapped its wings and hit the swan directly.

But before the two were completely attached, the wind pressure and high temperature caused by the high-speed fall had already made the physical evil spirit’s body almost unable to support it.

Not reached the limit yet.

Sano tried to wait for an ultimate opportunity through the perspective of the phantom evil spirit.

Then at some point.

The wings of the phantom evil spirit had been broken. Sano made a quick decision and snapped his fingers——



It was just one, but a fire cloud that was even larger in scale than the hundreds or thousands of previous explosions combined together enveloped the night sky.

It was like it was noon all of a sudden.

…Yes, self-destruction.

But it wasn’t the physical evil spirit that hit the swan with the bomb and then Sano detonated it.

Rather, the physical evil spirit itself is the bomb.

With the characteristics of both living and dead objects at the same time, Sano will naturally try to be a bit showy, a human-shaped mobile bomb equivalent to a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

It’s simply not comfortable to use, okay?

However, Sano is not sure whether this can destroy the swan at once.

But this is already the last resort.

If it fails, then Sano won’t have the time to transform again.

Even if it can.

Then there is no time to fly up and explode.

…Of course, in terms of results, Sano has succeeded.

After raising his right hand, Sano moved his head, and Daikoku appeared in his hand.

“Ahhhh, it hurts so much, it hurts so much…”

Dahei fluttered his wings, his head moved up and down, howling like a ghost.

“Okay, haven’t you already been resurrected? Don’t mention the injuries. Your whole body is covered with new parts now. What happened in that moment is nothing to shout about.”

Sano patted Daikoku’s head.

“There is no physical pain, but the mental trauma is indelible!”

Dahei cried and cried: “I don’t know whether I was roasted first or turned into meat paste first. Damn it, I will never do this again!”

“Tsk, why are you bitching?”

Sano threw Daikoku away casually, turned around and glanced at the top of the building on the other side. After waiting for a long time, before the bomb came, he watched three rounds of fireworks shows, and Toru Amuro and Conan’s brains were all in a state of shutdown. .

These two can just sit here in a daze for a while.

After saving a wave of worlds, he has to catch the mastermind behind it.

Sano casually caught Dahei back again, with big wings stretched out from his back.

But before that, we have to recycle the arsenal.

Tsk, you should let Dahei find it first and then summon it back yourself.

Save yourself the trouble.

And at the same time.

On the roof of the building, Toru Amuro was pulled back to his senses by a phone call, a few seconds after the call was answered.

His brows furrowed tightly.

“okay, I get it.”

“……What’s wrong?”

Conan came back to his senses and thought that the fireworks show was an operation carried out by the authorities themselves after learning of his suggestions. Could it be that there was a mistake?


Toru Amuro hesitated for a moment, but chose to deal with it, without explaining too much to Conan, and then looked up at the sky: “I don’t know if it has been solved.”

“Isn’t that what the phone call just now was about?”

Conan was genuinely confused and asked tentatively.

Toru Amuro shook his head: “I was just talking about the tracking issue of the mastermind behind the scenes.”

“The mastermind behind the scenes?”

Conan looked startled, he must know this statement, but it was just mentioned.

Because the two of us were in a hurry to deal with the Swan’s problem, we didn’t bother with it at all, but the official now knows… “Did Sano tell the police?”

Conan, who had long noticed that Sano had not followed, thought that this should be the case.

But Toru Amuro shook his head, his eyes dark.

“It’s another, more unpredictable guy.”

The scene changes.

After investigation, it was determined that the out-of-control Swan detector had been completely destroyed.

In order to ensure the order of the evacuation strategy and stay in the Metropolitan Police Department to conduct command work, it is equivalent to a group of people who live and die with the Metropolitan Police Department cheering.

But what the carnival crowd here didn’t notice.

Outside the ajar door, several indifferent people passed by in the corridor.

And a few seconds after these people passed by, several more people followed.

“…I said, it’s not good for us to enter the Metropolitan Police Department so blatantly, right?”

Tachibana Maya, who put on an ordinary black business suit, was a little nervous.

“What are you afraid of? It’s not like I’ve never been in before.”

As soon as Yuji Suwa, who was wearing a black suit, said this, Nari Asai, who was dressed the same as Maya Tachibana next to him, couldn’t help but twitch his lips… Isn’t it because he had been in before that he looked awkward?

“This dress is so uncomfortable.”

Maeda Satoshi, who was also wearing a black suit, also expressed his feelings, but only about the clothes. This made Colen, who was also dressed next to him, helpless and said: “I can’t help it. If you still dress like that when you enter the Metropolitan Police Department, it will be a shame.” Some are too eye-catching, keep a low profile, we have to keep a low profile, understand.”


Everyone’s eyes unconsciously glanced at that person. Although he was also wearing a black suit, his eyes were still covered with a cloth belt, and the wooden knife on his waist was not removed. Even putting aside these things, the sexy pink hair on that end…

Can this be called low-key?

How could this not be eye-catching?

Is this a problem that can be solved by changing clothes? ?

Asai Narumi really wanted to ask why he wasn’t allowed to stay in the car and wait.

Even if he didn’t realize it, at least Colen, the captain, should have some idea, right?

“…Then we should at least wear regular clothes. There is no need to wear something so formal, right?”


Maeda still wanted to complain, but Colen suddenly raised his hand to stop and be silent.

Then they poked their heads out from the corner. Those people seemed to be talking to a pot-bellied man who should be the boss.

“Are you reporting the situation?”

A group of people started to pile up Arhats, and Coren continued to cling to Asai Narumi shamelessly. Director Ochiai, who was supposed to be at the bottom because he was the shortest, was forced to squeeze outside, with a look of helplessness on his face. Jean didn’t intend to do this. Sano, who acted out of character, looked a little speechless… This didn’t look like a secret organization under the police, it looked like a group of thieves.

What does it look like to be timid?

“I can’t hear you a little bit. Do you want to get closer?”

Coren’s ears almost stood up like antennae, but he still couldn’t hear clearly.


Sano bypassed the group of arhats, turned a corner, and walked straight towards the targets… He only had three days, and he didn’t have time to take his time step by step.

But this time, people on both sides discovered it one after another and were confused one after another.

“Holy shit…”

Kelen felt a little numb. The white clothes themselves were not suitable for entering this kind of place. Being arranged to follow up and investigate was already a helpless move. If they messed up again now, let alone something wrong, there would be nothing serious. Question, he felt like he was going to be severely criticized.

What’s going on with this guy?

Thinking about the follow-up to this mission that should have ended hastily and achieved nothing, that is, what is currently being done, it was all because this guy suddenly provided me with the information of “the man behind the scenes”.

Kelen couldn’t help but wonder. Could it be that there was some enmity between the two parties?

But before Coren could think about it, the guys over there had already reacted. After noticing Sano, they also noticed the people in white behind them. Their expressions changed and they shouted: “Who are you!?”

“The person who wants your life.”

Sano’s steps didn’t stop, but became faster and faster.

“I’m warning you once, stop now!”

Several people had already drawn their guns and pointed them at Sano.

However, Sano immediately increased his speed. The unique assault footwork in swordsmanship is already fast enough in itself, not to mention that he is now wearing a thug suit that is fully stacked with explosive attributes. The distance of meters was covered almost instantly.


Sano stretched out his big hand and grabbed the face of the person in front. He only exerted a slight force with his five fingers. The severe pain made the person feel as if his face was about to be torn off and his facial bones were crushed. He screamed. , the gun in his hand had already dropped, and he desperately pulled at the iron band-like hand on his face, trying to break free.

But the difference in attributes between the two parties is really too big.

Not to mention breaking free of Sano’s hand, even the strength of this arm grabbed the guy’s whole body, so that his feet were off the ground and he kept kicking, and his body was twisted into a fish, but he couldn’t. Let those five fingers loosen even a little bit.

“This, this guy…”

The rest of the people were covered in cold sweat. The man with a big belly was almost frightened and shouted directly: “Kill him, kill him quickly!”

I already felt that if I really followed the rules, I was afraid that before the warning was over, the few people on my side would be wiped out at a terrifying speed. Now that they received the order from above, they immediately planned to aim and shoot without hesitation. But before the muzzle of the gun could completely hit Sano, he threw the person in his hand and hit the opponent like a weapon. Then, before the opponent could avoid or catch the person, he could not see clearly. The black shadow had already passed before his eyes.


Screams and groans arose together.

Under the rapid force, human bones are as fragile as plastic.

Sano pointed directly at the vital point, and several people either had their gun hands cut off, or their necks were cut off directly.

The ruthlessness of the method made Kelun feel more and more numb… Not to mention that he was not sure whether there was a problem with these people, but he was sure.

Baiyi doesn’t have the right to kill him on the spot!

…It would be fine if they were ordinary criminals, but these are all policemen, and they are still in the police headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Are you crazy? This is it! ?

“I’m only asking once.”

Sano put the tip of the wooden sword in front of the throat of a guy whose arm was only severed: “Why did you want to kill Kusakabe Kuchi.”

“Wait, wait a minute, I don’t know anything. It’s the minister. It’s the minister who ordered us to bring Kusakabe back before everyone else!”

This man didn’t have much toughness and sold his boss directly.

The big belly, who was already about to pee with fear, immediately turned even paler when he saw this. He couldn’t care about anything else. He turned around and ran away, and shouted for help at the top of his lungs: “Help, help, someone is committing murder in the Metropolitan Police Department. !!”

“not good!”

Kelen’s expression also changed. He didn’t want to make the matter a big deal, at least not from his own side.

But before Colen could instruct his teammates to get the big belly under control before things got too big, he didn’t know if it was a fateful coincidence.

The policemen who stayed in the Metropolitan Police Department just walked out of the command room and conference room and bumped into each other.

The big belly seemed to have seen a savior, but the policemen looked confused and were still wondering whether the cry for help they heard just now when they went out was an auditory hallucination.

“Great, great, kill him quickly…”

Big Belly was talking a little incoherently while trying his best to get behind the policemen.

Unfortunately, before the policemen could react, Sano rushed out again, put one foot on the ground and flew up. Then he stepped on the ceiling and passed directly over the policemen, just blocking the After finally squeezing through the crowd, he thought he had a very strong shield behind him.


The surprise, relaxation, and pride that were about to appear on the big belly’s face turned dull and numb in an instant.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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