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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 674 Black Death pro max flame headless knight limited time skin

The boots were already heavy, and coupled with the force of sprinting, every step he took made a creaking sound on the ground, and the armor also made sounds everywhere. It was a double impact on hearing and vision.

It’s still quite impressive.

…According to the chatter among the white-clad members that Sano overheard during the mission when he was Kurosawa Blade, this is a new armor made of special metal that has been officially improved. It is lighter, harder and more form-fitting than the original one.

So compared to the earliest times.

Director Ochiai should be considered to have been upgraded.

…But another thing worth mentioning is that the set of armor that Director Ochiai originally wore was not as heavy as Sano imagined.

But even so.

This old man’s attributes are still a bit scary, especially his physique.

It’s inexplicably symmetrical to his Black Death Vest.

From this point of view, Sano was reminded of the Woodpecker Guild case by Kuroda Hei. During that investigation, this guy said that it was impossible for an old lady in her seventies to hang someone up by herself, but in fact, under his men , there is one who can stick a person into the wall with a sword.

Hmm…a little subtle?


After a moment of distraction, Hei Shiye rushed out and faced him. In almost the blink of an eye, he had closed the distance to zero.

Then a step side kick.


With a muffled sound, Director Ochiai was kicked in the chest and flew back faster than when he came… The feeling of this kick seemed inexplicably familiar.

“Holy shit!”

Coren, who was following Director Ochiai, was forced to hit the target and fell to the ground with him.

He cursed loudly.

After one kick, Heishi quickly retracted his foot, lowered his body and launched another sweeping kick, successfully knocking down Satoshi Maeda who was completely unable to react, and then slid one meter to the left, avoiding the same attack. Suwa Yuuji responded with a diagonal slash from the side, then turned around and slapped Maya Tachibana away who was trying to sneak attack. Then he kicked off his feet and performed several backflips, dodging several flying knives and bullets… The main thing is the former. Body armor is useless. Of course, it doesn’t matter if this kind of gadget is hit.

All he wants is face.

By the time Heidi got up, the white clothes over there had already reorganized their formation.

“…This guy seems to be on a completely different level than before.”

Director Ochiai said in a low voice: “How long has it been? If it had been the earliest time, I’m afraid it would have been enough to solve it with just Mr. Suwa and me.”

“Yeah, I can see it.”

Suwa Yuuji narrowed his eyes: “Just from what happened just now, we can confirm that this guy’s melee combat ability is even more perverted than the black cat last time.”

“What should I do? Can I beat him?”

Tachibana Maya rubbed her arm that was in severe pain from being slapped, and grinned under the mask.

“If you can’t beat me, you have to fight. Do you want the higher-ups to find out that we are just freeloaders?”

Colen regained his strength and charged.

Then, a group of people were all beaten up severely by Heidi.

A crushing victory without any suspense at all.

…There is no way, the levels of the two sides are already very different, not to mention that in order to prevent overturning, Sano also specially added a thug suit under the special attack suit of the Black Death Vest, which is already considered a hang-up.

It can be called the black death puls version.

Otherwise, no matter how well the special attack suit and martial arts bandage match, it is impossible for the police to completely miss people, let alone to overturn a car with a slide shovel… Well, this is the only way to do this. The problem may be that wearing such thick clothes makes it a little uncomfortable.

All in all, in this situation, the only three people in white who are more threatening are Numabuchi Kiichiro, Suwa Yuuji and Maeda Satoshi. The others, Collen and Ochiai are actually not bad, but they are too restrained.

Director Ochiai’s armor was almost torn into tatters.

The family heirloom sword that Suwa Yuuji finally got back was broken into two pieces.

All of Tachibana Maya’s upgraded steel wires broke.

Asai Narumi almost twirled and curled the scalpel, but it didn’t have much effect.

Colon Maeda Satoshi and Fuchichiro Kiichiro were even beaten until they lost consciousness.

The whole process didn’t even last more than three minutes.

This made Toru Amuro, who was watching from behind, speechless and shocked.

The idea of ​​​​white clothes is to benchmark black clothes.

The main focus is on one, a small number of members, individual elites. Toru Amuro didn’t know why the person who proposed this idea felt that he could easily find so many monster-level existences, and why the officials agreed and even selected them from prison. A few seedlings came out.

But at least for now.

This proposal has failed beyond measure.

With the combined strength of the entire team in white, they were unable to defeat just one person in black, but they were still crushed.

It is estimated that after this trip, Bai Yi will disband and become a short-lived, funny and absurd joke that not many people know about.

But then again, monsters like Heidi are just members of the black organization. Being able to gather so many monsters at the same time is really outrageous. Being able to suppress and make these monsters obedient, this thing Who is the so-called person behind this?

When he came to his senses, Black Death had already walked towards the bald official.

“Wait a moment!”

Toru Amuro finally intervened and ran over to try to ease the situation and negotiate.



Under the huge gunshot, Hei Shi’s body immediately tilted back, and he almost fell down without losing his balance. He still managed to hold on, and then stepped on his right foot again, which had been forced to take half a step back. go back.

And this scene.

It also made the only three people present, except the bald official, who were still standing a little confused… During the time when the black death and the white clothes were entangled, this guy did not choose to escape, but sneaked around and didn’t know what to do.

Now I know.

This guy actually reassembled a shotgun that had been broken apart by hackers… I don’t know whether this guy is not afraid of death or courageous, but he can reassemble a shotgun that fell apart.

Is he somewhat capable?

Heishi, who was slightly surprised, felt a little cold behind him due to the biological instinct – the shock just now was so sudden that he had no time to react.

If only the old bald man had been more steady and aimed at his own head.

The car was so big.

Looking down at his chest again, there were holes in his clothes from the gunshot.

Of course, Hei Shi’s clothes were not in perfect condition. In order to crush the white team as quickly as possible, it was impossible to be “uninjured”. He had to bear a lot of bullets and flying knives. Apart from the fact that it was relatively difficult to see the traces Not to mention the punches and kicks, the large and small knives of Yuuji Suwa and Kiichiro Numabuchi, as well as the steel wire of Maya Tachibana, caused varying degrees of damage to the special attack suit, and even broke through the defense in some places.

Can see blood.

…After a moment of daze.

The bald officer had loaded the shotgun again and pulled the trigger.


After suffering huge recoil for the second time in a short period of time, the bald official almost fell backwards, but this time, Hei Shi still did not hide.

He forced himself to bear the bullet with his chest.

Because he was prepared this time, except for the slight tilt of his shoulders, Hei Shi’s footsteps could not move at all. With a panic on his face, the bald man fired two more shots in succession, but he was completely unable to stop the approach.

But even so.

Toru Amuro and Conan over there were still grinning at the sight.

…Such an impact.

No matter how powerful the bulletproof vest is, the bones underneath are almost crumbling, but considering the strength of Hei Shi’s body, the bones will be cracked at most?

“It’s time to finish.”

After going through this step by step, Heidi finally became a bald official.

“Get stuck!”

The shotgun has a small ammunition capacity and has been dry-fired.

The bald official breathed rapidly and glanced to the side unconsciously. Then his cold gaze was pointed directly at the back of Heidi’s head – because of the delay of the team in white, the stronger policemen who were brought down had already recovered. Always waiting for the best opportunity to attack.

At this moment.

A policeman who was closest to the bald official had quietly reached behind Heidi and shot him in the back of the head with the muzzle of his gun.



It was another sudden accident. Toru Amuro didn’t even have time to warn him, the bullet had already come out of the chamber and passed through Hei Shi’s head.

…went through.

It really went through without any hindrance, to be precise.

It’s Hei Shi’s head, gone!

From the neck up, the entire head has disappeared, with only wisps of black smoke floating upwards from the broken part, as if it had been blown up from the middle… But no trace of blood could be seen, really. Infiltrate people.

In the dead air.

The black smoke that replaced Hei Shi’s head began to gather into a ball, and then two more red lights appeared out of thin air… to be precise.

It’s a pair of eyes!

Headless Horseman form.

Effect, becomes the Headless Horseman, special ability, zero.

Well, it has no special abilities, it’s just a skin for holding cups.

But if paired with the Black Death Vest.

Originally, low-level firearms were ineffective, but the fatal problem of the head was retained.

It’s gone.

However, Black Death currently wears a thug suit, and one of its effects can be superimposed on all forms, which makes the Headless Horseman no longer an ordinary skin that can only be used to deal with critical bugs.

But again, that’s it?

[Elite Strengthening Effect: Can summon a huge scythe that only attacks the spirit. 】

It’s probably just a black scythe with a height of two meters. If it hits a person, it will go right through it and will not cause any actual damage. However, if the target has a low will attribute or is in a bad state, it may faint directly. Reluctance can be regarded as a method used to weaken the target’s will attribute, but it should not be used under normal circumstances.

At least Sano doesn’t plan to let Black Death use it.

What is the right way to attack the spirit, attack the body!

…In short, Sano had already noticed that the policemen who had recovered were trying to be the sixth one and almost fell over the bald man. How could he not pay more attention, so he deliberately pretended not to see it? It’s just a strong character, so that I can get back the face I lost just now, and in this way, it would be the Black Death PULS version.

So now it should be the Black Death pro max Headless Horseman epic skin.

The skin on the head should not have existed originally, but after turning on the red eye special effect, the face has a faint outline, and when you look back.

The policemen who missed the target with one shot were almost stupid.

Then he turned his head and looked further away, where he saw the other police officers who were about to attack in a group.

No one dared to make any further moves.


After seeing this scene, Toru Amuro and Conan’s brains went into a shutdown.

……what’s the situation?

I knew Heishi was a monster, but I didn’t say it was this kind of monster! ?

Why is there no head left?

This is unscientific, unscientific! !

In this experience just now, Conan felt that his three views had been refreshed, and now his world view was also being refreshed.

Such an impact.

Conan couldn’t even be shocked. He could only pull his face numbly… It hurt a little, as if he was not dreaming.

And just when the scene was almost frozen for a while.

The bald official who was closest to the source was the first to recover after being stunned, and showed a crazy smile: “…the cat demon, the hypnotist, the masked superman, the sword energy and the mind eye, and now there is another one. Brainless, as expected, you are not human, you are all aliens!”

…Why didn’t you mention your rye vest?

Facing the bald man’s speech, Sano’s focus was a little biased. After all, his rye vest is the only vest currently associated with his identity. Is it so unattractive?

“Hey, do you know how in medieval Europe, witches who were heretics like you monsters were dealt with?”

the bald official suddenly asked.


Sano noticed the subtle change in the title. The main reason was that he had an organization that talked about heresy all day long, although it seemed that he had learned this from himself.


Anyway, even if Sano had not learned the relevant historical knowledge of the so-called witch hunt earlier, he could probably guess how it was handled.

But what does this guy mean by mentioning this now?

Do you want to tell yourself that you have been exposed and will become the enemy of all mankind?


If Sano cared about this, he would have just stayed at home and been an otaku.

“Don’t you know? Then I’ll tell you.”

The bald official suddenly pulled out a wine bottle from behind and threw it at the black man in front of him.

“Then you will be burned to ashes, you monster!!”

Facing the most primitive attack method of a bald old man, with Heidi’s current attributes, let alone being attacked by surprise again, even if he was still attacked by surprise.

Then don’t be too simple if you want to react.


With just a raise of his hand, Hei Shi grabbed the bald official’s wrist.

Just the next second, the bald official let go of his hand.

The wine bottle “popped” and flew onto Heishi’s chest… Does this old guy really have a grudge against his own chest? Why is he always staring at this?

Zuo Ye was speechless, but didn’t care.

At most, it’s just a sigh of relief. First he assembled the shotgun, and then operated the flying bottle. I feel like this old bald man has been on the front line before?

Did you climb up from the edge of a knife all the way?

In a moment of distraction, a wave of heat hit his face, and the majestic flame spread from his chest. In just a blink of an eye, it had swallowed up Heishi’s upper body, and in the second blink of an eye, it had already enveloped the whole body.

… Molotov cocktail? ?

Sano was completely stunned, and the bald official laughed wildly. Conan on the other side was shocked, and was just about to worry about whether Hei Shi was going to suffer from him or whether he had to help, but the next second Toru Amuro gave him a look.

…A monster that was hit by a collapsing object heavier than a heavy truck and was still alive and kicking and fighting the next day would die because of a Molotov cocktail?

Anyway, the two of them don’t think so.

Sure enough, after the Hei Shi over there was burned for about ten seconds, there was still no movement at all, and he didn’t even bother to move to put out the fire.

…Of course Sano didn’t take out his lighter.

Mainly because it felt like it was unnecessary. This was Sano’s first time experiencing this in the special attack server state. The state was, well, a little subtle.

It’s a bit like being blown up by a bomb, but the core difference is very different.

Generally speaking, it feels like wood thorns are digging into the gaps between nails.

It’s not very harmful, but it’s very painful, especially when the source is the sixth child.

It’s a bit embarrassing, but not too angry.

We can only temporarily draw lessons from the famous sayings of the Immortal Lord. This world is really old…there are countless heroes, and the world is dark…the heroes are like the ministers crossing the river.

…Fortunately, I have the same problems as the Immortal Lord.


The hands wrapped in flames grabbed the bald man’s face. Under the double damage of the strength of the five fingers and the burning of the flames, the screams were very inconsistent with his previous image.

This is it.

Black Death Pro Max Flame Headless Horseman limited time skin?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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