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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 678 Want to hang corpses all over Tokyo?

The sound of breaking through the air stirred up smoke and dust. Sano held the stick in his hand with his backhand, and then kicked the top of the stick, a rectangular body that was larger than a human head, causing the stick to fly up immediately on his neck. After going around in a circle, he was finally held by his right hand and carried on his shoulder.

Hammer of Justice Modification.

One hit will shatter (the user gains burst attribute +50 and constitution attribute +30, and the power of the attack made by the weapon will be multiplied five times.)

Sano raised his head, facing the soldiers with two large lanterns. He used his feet to take off from the wreckage of the car under his feet, and instantly landed in front of them.

A hammer swing.

Like a baseball hit by a baseball bat, the man managed to hit a home run.


A dozen people in a row were hit by it, but it turned out that they were like being hit by a high-speed car. They either flew out or their bodies were twisted into weird postures on the spot. But before it was over, Sano had already received the second blow. Top – The terrifying explosive power of the thug suit combined with the bonus of the Superman pendant may not be as exaggerated as when paired with the special attack suit.

But it’s definitely not weak.

Especially after the modification of the Hammer of Justice, there is a fifty-fifty burst attribute bonus, and the attack made by this sledgehammer has a multiplier bonus.

Every time the hammer falls, it is almost several times more terrifying than a normal knight’s kick.

If it happened to hit some vulnerable spot.

Then it is not completely impossible to be crushed on the spot.

Sano is like a naughty kid in a city made of building blocks.

Excitedly wreaking havoc everywhere.

A hammer here, a hammer there, the feeling of swinging with full strength is a bit more delayed than a small hammer, but it is more, well, should I say, more hearty.

“…Spread out, spread out quickly!!”

Because Sano was too fast, coupled with his close-fitting rampage, the soldiers on the ground were either unable to keep up with the aim, or were afraid of accidentally injuring their teammates and did not dare to shoot indiscriminately.

Until the number of casualties approached the terrifying four digits.

Only then did someone finally react and hurriedly shouted for command.

However, in this regard, Sano certainly would not give the enemy a chance to recover, and quickly attacked the fleeing soldiers… After hammering his forehead, he took out a pair of justice guns with his left hand and opened the distance at the other end. The soldiers fired a round, and then moved closer to the troops further forward.

If that doesn’t work, just use the spider silk to temporarily rise up to avoid it, then get closer faster, pick a suitable position and launch a wave of justice from above.

You can also perform stronger attacks with the help of gravity.


Until the end of the transformation time of the Twin Guns of Justice.

During this period, Sano occasionally made mistakes, but they were not fatal. After using the spider silk to fly into the air to adjust, he was able to continue.

However, without the means of long-range and sustained rapid killing, Sano’s pressure was undoubtedly much greater, leading to more and more mistakes.

Finally once.

Sano was hit in the front by a cannonball, along with a dozen soldiers around him… This gunner was a ruthless person, although anyone who got close to him was almost certain to die.

But this was too quick.

At least you should hesitate to respect your comradeship, right?

Even the masked form that Sano didn’t dare to withstand the bullets was naturally unable to withstand the shells. It was forced to fall apart on the spot, and the body underneath became a bloody mess, and the bones and internal organs were seriously damaged.


Sano, who was dizzy, opened his mouth and a large pool of blood flowed out.

This body is no longer good.

Sano quickly switched his vest as he didn’t have time to use the electric…saw treatment.

The next step is to repair the Superman pendant and suit and re-enter the mask form.

“…Quick, quick, quick, last hit!!”

Beyond the smoke from the exploding shells, the gunner waved to his companions eagerly, but when he turned around, he found that his heavy firepower was gone.

The turrets and heavy machine guns are all placed on armored vehicles.

But it had only been ten minutes since the battle started, and all the planes and planes were gone, and the only armored vehicle left was the one under my butt.

The rest are just weapons in the hands of soldiers.

For a moment, the gunner suddenly realized what Sano was thinking… Could it be that that guy was deliberately targeting the key heavy firepower from the beginning! ?


The soldiers nearby had just reacted and raised their guns to shoot blindly into the center of the explosion smoke. The next second, the black figure broke through the smoke and rushed to the side.

“Damn, is this okay!?”

The gunner’s expression changed, and he found that Sano turned a corner and rushed towards him. He quickly adjusted the direction of the muzzle. Fortunately, the loader was not in a daze before. The new shells had already been loaded in. At this distance.

Maybe it’s too late!

Two seconds later, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Sano.

But Sano still did not dodge or dodge, running straight towards the muzzle.

Then, just a second before the gunner was about to fire.

Sano was already close to the armored vehicle, but he did not choose to target the gunner on the vehicle. Instead, he directly kicked the vehicle underneath with a side step. At the same time, an electric arc appeared on his right foot.

Knight kick!

“Boom! – squeak!!”

After a huge muffled sound, the armored vehicle, which was heavier than a large truck, rolled out under Sano’s feet at a speed even faster than a football kicked by Conan, causing sparks to rub against the ground.


The harsh sound was also mixed with the screams of soldiers who were crushed by armored vehicles.

So far.

All the heavy firepower of the ground troops was sacrificed, and the remaining miscellaneous cannon fodder was only about half of the original size, and they were basically scared out of their wits.


Even the rain can’t wash away the blood and scorch marks on the ground.

The surroundings are either rubble or corpses… Of course, relatively intact corpses are the majority. In addition, there are things burned by various explosions. Due to the special combustion-supporting materials, they are still burning even on rainy days.

On the contrary, the use of rainwater made the black smoke thicker.

The battlefield, this is the real battlefield, with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood flowing.

Then look at the remaining defeated generals.

……to be honest.

Putting aside the weapons and firepower, Sano even felt that the basic literacy of these soldiers was not as good as that of ordinary criminal police. After all… the army is for fighting, and these soldiers have basically never actually fought a war.

Just rely on high-intensity training on weekdays to stay strong.

In the final analysis, it is the times that determine the creation of heroes, but if it were really a war period, then Sano might be more excited… It has nothing to do with anything else.

I just wanted to see if I could open a separate page of family tree.

Although the two worlds are not the same, who wouldn’t want to brush up on this kind of achievement?

… Sano waited for two seconds, but did not wait for the opponent to make any move, so he could only take the initiative to step forward.

“Since you don’t plan to escape, then let’s all die here with honor.”

…To be fair, Sano is not a murderous person, and he is not a demon, so how could he have a hobby of killing people, but this is war.

War always kills people.

The murderer always kills. When he holds the gun in his hand and is ready to kill, he should be ready to be killed. The same is true for Sano.

It’s not about right or wrong.

Not to mention that the outcome is almost clear now, but these guys don’t retreat.

Maybe there was no way to evacuate without an order, but this had nothing to do with Sano.

After thinking about it, Sano’s mask form took on new changes – there was a pair of hard cat ears on the helmet, and a pair of very mechanical gloves on the hands. Naturally, these were not cats. Demon form, but the cat demon headdress was modified and integrated into the mask form.

Weapons change appearance.

Clothing merges into form.

This seems to be the law of modification of the Hand of Justice.

Harvesting Blade (the user gains agility attribute +50, and can control the tip of the five fingers of the glove to pop out a blade. The blade has the sharp characteristic of being able to cut through all objects. If the enemy is killed, the movement speed will be doubled for three seconds. The bonus can be refreshed by killing the enemy again.)

Well…leaving aside the deleted black cat form.

The attribute bonus is not as good as that of the ordinary cat demon form. After being blessed with elite effects, the sharpness of the five-finger blade is equivalent to the killing mode of the black knife.

In addition, the key is the effect specially used for harvesting. After killing any enemy, the movement speed is doubled. It is simply a must-have artifact for chopping vegetables.


With another thought, Sano’s five fingers immediately popped out a 30 cm long slender blade. This piece was obviously much better than before.


Blood began to fly, and the movement was much smaller than before.

But the picture is even more brutal.

After Sano wiped out all the mobs, Conan belatedly arrived with two other field reporters and faced the scene in front of him.

His face was full of shock, and his breathing almost stopped.

The rain was still falling, but the red on the mask could not be washed away like the blood on the ground. The pungent smell of blood was mixed with the smell of rain.

Officer Megure couldn’t hold it back and just lay down on the side and vomited.

“…Why, why do you still kill people, you obviously won!?”

Conan asked Sano excitedly.

From the perspective of Conan, who has gone through many baptisms and whose concepts have matured a lot compared to the earliest times, he understands that people will inevitably die in war.

But it’s natural for a few people to die.

Dozens of people died in self-defense.

It’s not impossible to kill hundreds of people.

Thousands of people died, especially thousands more after the victory was already clear.

This is clearly a massacre!

Whether it’s emotional or rational, it’s all over.

…There is absolutely no way this person is Kurosawa, that person would not do such a thing.

Conan’s face was extremely ugly and he wanted to curse.

But behind him, Officer Memu didn’t care that he hadn’t vomited up his breakfast yet, and quickly reached out to cover Conan’s mouth… Just kidding, a man defeated a heavily armed army of nearly ten thousand people from the front, and he was still a A super killer who kills everyone without leaving any trace behind.

This is not because Officer Megure is not unjust, but because it is really unnecessary!

You said that this guy killed so many people without mercy. Is it because you felt regret after just swearing a few words, and then knelt down and cried bitterly on the spot?


Absolutely impossible!

It’s more likely that he was dismissive, or even annoyed, and then conveniently chopped three of them for himself, adding three to his good record… So wasn’t he just looking for death?

Officer Megure was not afraid of death, but this death was meaningless.

Conan is still too young… He should have dragged this boy away just now. No, he should not have stayed with this boy on the rooftop to watch the show in the first place. He should have noticed this earlier. The kid actually sneaked into the shopping mall where the negotiations were taking place.

Officer Memu was very upset.

But now it’s too late to say anything. All we can do is hope that this God of Death is tired of killing him.

So that I can save three lives.

However, what was very surprising next was that the black mask over there didn’t pay attention to Conan at all, and just shot out wires one after another quickly.

The main target is the relatively intact bodies on the ground.

“call out!”

As if there is an invisible giant spider in the sky that is preying on prey, corpses are rising one after another… Is this cleaning the battlefield?

Conan and the other three remembered that Black Mask had the habit of hanging criminals.

But this time, the ones hanging were no longer evil criminals, but official soldiers, and not living people, but corpses.

What is the purpose of doing this?

Under the confused gazes of the three people, Sano spent a few minutes hanging up most of the bodies that were still intact.

Either hanging on the wall, on the street lamp, or on the spider webs across the street, ranging from a height of three or four meters to twenty or thirty meters.

The whole street was filled with people hanging up and down.

It was almost like entering a spider’s nest, full of hanging prey.

Just glance at it.

There was a scalp-numbing sense of horror. The blood of some corpses had not yet dried up, but it was dripping faster under the influence of rain.

The rain mixed with red is a real rain of blood.

After ending the hanging mode, Sano used the spider silk to ascend to the middle of the group of corpses, relying on the spider silk that was difficult to see clearly, ahem…

Stepping on the void?

Looking at the figure in the sky above his head, he stood there quietly looking into the distance.

Conan frowned in confusion… So, are you waiting for someone?

Wait for the authorities to arrange for new troops to come over, and then continue the killing spree?

Does this guy want to hang corpses all over Tokyo?

Conan suddenly felt bad… But from the looks of it, this guy hung up all these corpses, probably treating them as trophies.

To show off, to serve as a warning and a deterrent.

Angry, anxious, confused, the cold rain hit Conan’s forehead, but he only felt that his head was so hot that he could fry an egg.

what to do?

What can I do?

A feeling of powerlessness that was almost desperate came over him, and Conan could do nothing.

Because the level of the whole matter has already risen to the level of national crisis.

Unless a person’s strength is as strong as these monsters in black, no matter how hard he tries, it will only be like throwing a pebble into the sea.

Can’t afford any splash.

There is no use at all.

This undoubtedly makes Conan, who usually plays a vital role in any case, big or small, feel a huge gap… But fortunately, what comes next is unexpected and surprising. .

The man above withdrew immediately.

…Maybe he received some new orders, but he shot out the spider silk and then swung away. This way, at least the war will not continue immediately.

Countless people will not lose their lives immediately.

As for what will happen next… Conan came back to his senses, and his eyes gradually became calmer. Since he can’t do it alone, he still has to find his teammates.

When Conan came to Sano’s house.

Unexpectedly, I discovered that there were four people from my Plague Team gathered here.

“Oh, Conan, are you coming to play games too?”

Seeing Conan, the three real children lowered their voices and said hello to him.

“…Why are you guys here?”

Conan glanced at the game console connected to the TV and asked hesitantly.

“For what other reason could the game developed by Dr. Agasa be taken away by Sano?”

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the book in his hand and replied.

…Sano often plays games developed by Dr. Agasa, and Conan knows this.

But it’s a little surprising that these three real kids would come to Sano’s house just for this game… Is it that fun?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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