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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 68 68, suddenly felt sorry for my boss

On the way, Sano, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly couldn’t help but asked: “Since Suzuki-san’s family has a car and Suzuki-san was sent over, why didn’t you just drive in that car?”

“What are you talking about, kid?”

Mouri Kogoro sneered: “Look, a car of this size is a bit cramped just for the five of us. If one more person comes out, do you still want to sit on Xiaolan’s lap?”

Sano glanced sideways at Kogoro Mouri and ignored him. He just looked at Sonoko Suzuki in the back seat: “Suzuki-san, was the driver just now busy? He has to go back to your house to do some work today?”

“That’s not true.”

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head: “I have a lot of drivers, including this one.”


Sano nodded and said: “Then just let him wait for us to come back in the office?”

The smile on Mouri Kogoro’s face froze.

In fact, what Sano just said makes no difference to the other people in the car, but it is different to Mouri Kogoro.

Because, he successfully missed an opportunity to save money on car rental.

Maru Denjiro is a well-known collector, and accordingly, he is also a very wealthy tycoon.

Although the large house looked simple, Sano understood its value after being introduced by Suzuki Sonoko, a second-generation rich man who was also a wealthy man.

Probably a set similar to mahogany furniture?

In the courtyard, Sano and the trio sat on the edge of the corridor beside the small pond, looking at the lush plants in a daze.

However, the only ones who were really in a daze were Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko. Conan was secretly observing Sano. The reason was naturally because of what Maori Kogoro said before setting off.

Sano asked Uncle Maori about his whereabouts a few days ago. Why is this?

I am an “ordinary” primary school student, what should I pay attention to…

Having said that, although there is no evidence, after personally experiencing Sano’s hammer, Conan is basically certain that the other party is the “Popcorn Hammer Man” in urban legends.

In other words, although Sano’s physical ability is indeed a bit poor, if it is a fight, his fighting ability is actually acceptable.

So… what does it mean to be bullied by a bad boy?

Sano is lying?

Wait a minute, if this happens, wouldn’t the reason that I had given up before that the other party could not be a member of the black organization become invalid?

Conan was startled, then fell silent again.

No matter what, something is wrong with Sano, very wrong!

At this moment, Sano did not notice the furtive glances from the dog knight, because his attention was completely focused elsewhere.

One, two, three…

Of course, Sano wasn’t counting sheep because he wanted to sleep but couldn’t, but he was counting what he could find at Maru Denjiro’s house. Those hiding in the dark should be those from the Sanka Club.

Sure enough, whether it was for protection or surveillance, the Sanhua Club would definitely arrange for people to be near Maru Denjiro’s house to prevent unexpected things from happening.

But now here is Conan, a busybody and a member of the Sanhua Club, which is not conducive to his actions.

Conan, who was just observing Sano at first, also noticed that the other person seemed to be observing something, and doubts suddenly arose in his heart, and he followed the other person’s line of sight.

Then, Conan also noticed those unknown people who poked their heads in and looked around the house from time to time.

what’s the situation?

Conan immediately became nervous, because those people were basically all dressed in black, which gave him a strong sense of uneasiness.

Who are these people? They don’t look like bodyguards of the Maru Denjiro family. They are sneaking around. Why are they here, or who are they here for?

“By the way, didn’t uncle say he would bring us here to have a meal? Why isn’t it better yet?”

Suzuki Sonoko finally lost interest in the small fish that jumped up in the pond from time to time, and spoke with some dissatisfaction.

“Yeah, it’s really slow. Does it take that long to report an affair investigation?”

Mao Lilan also started to mutter: “Senior, have you ever made an affair investigation report before?”

“Not this one.”

Sano shook his head.

“Senior, what commissions have you done before?”

Suzuki Sonoko’s curiosity was also aroused and she came over.


Sano seems to have never done a single commission so far. He has only been to the office twice in total, once when he got lost and was taken away, and the other time when he went to find Toru Amuro to help wipe his butt.


Suddenly I felt a little sorry for the salary paid by my boss.


Sano casually brushed it off.

“Ding dong~”

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and a rough shout came from the room behind a few people: “Who? Anyone, go and take a look!”

“Ah, by the way, I forgot that because you are coming today, I have sent the servants away for the time being.”

The next second, the sliding door was opened, and a bald middle-aged man with a beard walked out. It was Sano’s target, Maru Denjiro.

“Sorry, I’m going to invite the guests to the reception room. I’ll be back soon. Please wait a little longer.”

Mouri Kogoro who was at the door immediately responded politely: “Ah, it’s okay, please go ahead and I’ll wait for you.”

Maru Denjiro walked to the door of the house and opened the door. From Sano’s perspective, he could only see a man in a suit outside the door.

“Teacher, please, let’s go to the reception room to chat.”

After Maru Denjiro said this, he went out, probably heading to the reception room on the other side.

“What, we have to wait a little longer, why don’t we sneak away to eat first and leave this uncle here.”

Suzuki Sonoko suggested.

Sano narrowed his eyes and did not answer, because his intuition told him that Maru Denjiro might be gone forever, and of course he had to stay to collect information as soon as possible.

“Just order delivery, I’ll treat you.”

Mouri Kogoro looked at Sano and curled his lips: “Children are children. We don’t know when things here will end. If you order delivery at this time, what if we have to leave before the delivery arrives? , what a waste of money.”

Sano glanced at Kogoro Mouri and nodded calmly: “Well, what Detective Mouri said makes sense, so I won’t order it for you. The four of us can just eat.”

Mouri Kogoro choked, muttered a few words, lit a cigarette and lay down.

Then, before Mouri Kogoro could finish smoking a cigarette, the phone at the end of the corridor started to ring.

Mouri Kogoro stood up with an impatient look on his face: “Really, it’s so noisy. What is that old man doing? Can’t you hear the phone ringing?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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