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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 682 The Strongest and Most Dangerous

Sano crossed his legs. Lying on the ground were handcuffs with iron chains on the back and anklets with iron balls tied to them. His face with a light smile was full of teasing.

“I heard this is known as the safest place for neon lights?”


Toru Amuro instinctively stopped, but Sano continued: “But unfortunately, right now, two people have successfully sneaked in here.”


Before Toru Amuro could respond, Sano asked again: “I heard that the corpses you recovered over there seem to have been moved here. Have they been checked?”


In an instant, Toru Amuro’s expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly looked back at the camera.

“Sound the alarm, sound the alarm quickly!!”

Toru Amuro reminded loudly, while Sano held his chin with a smile on his face: “Stop shouting, they can’t hear you, otherwise you would think that in a place like this with all-round surveillance, except for me, who is being monitored openly and honestly, If you invite me in, how else can you sneak in quietly?”

This made Amuro’s eyes tremble.

“…You guys are using me!?”

Toru Amuro looked back at Sano with eyes full of indescribable feelings.

“How can this be called taking advantage? Don’t you want to solve the problem?”

Sano raised his left hand covered in black gloves, put his thumb and middle finger together and said, “If you want to end the war, I will help you end the war.”

…How can the war not end if we directly destroy the enemy’s base camp?

Toru Amuro didn’t have time to think too much. Since Sano was too dangerous and the authorities would never allow weapons to appear in this room, he didn’t have a gun on him.

He could only pounce on Sano and try to fight hand to hand.

The next second – “Da!”

After all, Sano’s finger snapping went faster.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

Across dozens of meters from the ground, Toru Amuro could hear the huge roar. Although the strongest materials had been used to build it, some cracks inevitably appeared on the surrounding walls.

The entire underground part began to shake violently, forcing Toru Amuro to stop his actions, his steps swayed, and he was caught off guard.

Sano supported the table with one hand and turned it over at the same time with a kick. Amuro Toru couldn’t react at all. He was kicked in the chest and stumbled backwards.


But Sano still didn’t stop, speeding up and clinging to Toru Amuro, who had not completely fallen down. He grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled him back, and made a fist with the other hand and pointed at his chest. Then he waved his hands into afterimages, covering his neck, lower abdomen, knees and head.

Sano deliberately killed Toru Amuro instantly without using a killer move.

Instead, he focused specifically on those places that had a great impact on mobility, and even specially removed the joints of Amuro Toru’s arms.

This forced Toru Amuro to kneel on the ground, feeling difficulty breathing, dizzy, and unable to make any effective response.

Less than twenty seconds.

Sano threw out a whole set of combos, and finally stopped, allowing Toru Amuro to lie quietly on the ground, almost unconscious.

“…You are not Sano.”

Toru Amuro took a strong breath and raised his head to look at Sano: “You are his other personality, you are the real rye, am I right?”

Faced with the “truth” that Toru Amuro suddenly realized.

Sano, who had expected it, had a very subtle mood, showed a big bright smile, and replied: “Who knows.”

Seeing Sano’s smile was so excited and proud, Toru Amuro thought he had been affirmed. He was relieved and at the same time became more angry: “You won’t succeed. We have made preparations in advance.”


Sano knelt down and looked at Toru Amuro.

“Spread all the officers out, is that what you’re prepared for.”

Amuro Toru’s body stiffened… He even knew this, and there was indeed something wrong internally.

Then, before Toru Amuro could say anything, Sano suddenly spoke out a series of numbers, or numbers: “1123, 1129, 1136…”

At first Toru Amuro didn’t react, but after a few numbers passed.

Amuro Toru felt the problem.

Because these numbers are all “house numbers”.

As the largest safe house in Neon, the area here is very large and there are many rooms inside. In order to ensure that losses are minimized in the event of an invasion, each of the current officials here is assigned a separate room. Except for three meals a day, no one is allowed in, and no one is allowed out. All discussions are held online.

And those house numbers that Sano reported just now.

If Toru Amuro remembers correctly, it seems that he is the one among the top officials within the government who is opposed to negotiating with the black organization.

This is undoubtedly a very bad signal.

“…Even if you know this, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Toru Amuro pretended to be calm, because even if he knew the specific whereabouts of these officials, if he wanted to find them, he could only enter through the front door. Not to mention the surveillance in the room, one sneaking in alone could only solve this problem.

This needs to be repeated dozens or hundreds of times.

Do you really think that the guards responsible for guarding and patrolling outside are all blind?

“I know that those guards may only take a short time for you to deal with, but I don’t believe that such a large force above will be wiped out by a single explosion. They will react sooner or later.”

“Well, you’re right, they will come down sooner or later.”

Sano patted Toru Amuro on the head: “But it’s a pity that I can only collect the bodies of those guys when I come down. You don’t think that what I reported just now is a target list, but it is actually a death list. We have succeeded.”


Toru Amuro was shocked by these words and suddenly became energetic.

“This is impossible, in such a short time…”

“Why is it so short? You must know that the assassination has already started from the moment I came in. Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that they were able to linger for so long in order to debate whether it was an interview or not, so Black Cat started to do it. Oh, and I have to thank you, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome to sneak into this broken turtle shell. In other words…”

Sano picked up Toru Amuro’s head and mocked in his ear.

“It was you who personally brought back the enemy’s bomb.”


Amuro Toru was stunned for a few seconds. He knew clearly that Sano had no reason to lie, but he still subconsciously wanted to deny the facts in front of him: “This is impossible. If you had already taken action when you came in, how could there be no movement until now? Even if there are more people participating in the meeting, if there are fewer people talking at the beginning, others will not notice anything. Then there are surveillance cameras in every room. If there is any situation, the alarm will be raised early!”

Sano pursed his lips and put his hand on his chin.

“…I said, don’t you think that the lack of response when you shouted at the camera just now is simply because there is a problem in the monitoring room over there and we have taken control of it, or because we cut off the network cable in this safe house? “

Toru Amuro was stunned again. The reason why he still had the idea of ​​denying the fact was because the monitoring system here was quite special. Whether it was set to thermal imaging, once the target within the detection range lost its vital signs, or the network was interrupted and the image was lost. , will automatically alert immediately.

But before the explosion just now.

Toru Amuro didn’t hear anything at all… didn’t he?

Looking at Amuro Toru’s confused face, Sano smiled: “Have you never thought about it? If that were the case, wouldn’t the door be locked and unable to be opened? In that case, there would be no need to mention evacuation, and I would go out too. Aren’t you going?”

Sano’s tone was a little funny, and he successfully silenced Tohru Amuro. Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, causing the door of the room to open automatically. He then reached out and grabbed the other person’s chin, forcing him to look at the camera: “In that Behind the surveillance, the picture your colleagues see now should be that the two of us are getting along peacefully and having friendly exchanges.”

Toru Amuro was finally able to confirm: “Have you hacked the network system here?”


Sano snapped his fingers again and smiled happily: “I finally got the idea.”

However, Toru Amuro was stunned and speechless.

As a place with the highest security measures, the network protection of this safe house is naturally not too bad, but if there is a deliberate effort to improve the protection in this matter… then it is really not the case, because of this intrusion method.

It’s actually surprising.

…Of course, it is normal for this monster organization to have network attack and defense methods.

After all, times have changed and this is a must.

But the problem is that even if you don’t pay attention to it deliberately, the network defense here is definitely the top level in the world. Otherwise, you would not pay attention to it, just because you feel that there should be no problems at this level.

As a result, now, it was directly hacked.

No flaws were exposed, and the control room was played with applause.

Although according to what Sano said, it was thanks to him that he entered here first. It is probably that he invaded from the inside before he could successfully control it.

But this is still a terrifying technology that can be called a monster level.

Why haven’t I heard of it before…huh?

Toru Amuro, who was about to feel regret, realized something was wrong: “Keyboard warrior?”

Sano snapped his fingers again.

“Okay, I can draw inferences from one instance.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

Fake, sure enough, there are rules behind all the chaos.

Just like how everything went smoothly, a top hacker suddenly appeared, and it happened that during the Kusakabe incident, he targeted the Metropolitan Police system.

It turns out they are all in the same group!

Sano stared at Toru Amuro for two seconds, and then simply added a few words to the other party’s information database: “The so-called keyboard warrior you call is actually Black Cat. I have to admit that that guy is indeed the world’s strongest killer. , I just helped him lead the way, and he could easily invade here, and then first control the network here, and then kill dozens of people while avoiding the guards who were there every few meters.”

…What Sano said was not entirely nonsense.

If Sano wanted to invade here, there was no particularly good way. He could “disguise” as an insider to enter, and find some gaps where there should be a high probability, and use the cat demon form to liquefy and squeeze in.

These are the two better ways.

But this was troublesome and time-consuming. Just as news came from here that he was going to be arrested, Sano simply planned to be invited in with a big show.

First, he summoned the physical evil spirit outside, and then used the phantom evil spirit to become invisible and follow him secretly because it had both biological and non-living characteristics.

When Sano was brought here, he followed him in without being noticed.

The next thing is simple.

After putting on the thug suit and cat demon headdress, you can come and go freely with the help of the ventilation ducts in this place. Then you can find a network cable interface to connect to the small computer you brought, and use the hacker keyboard to control the network system here from the inside. It is not too simple. …Okay, it’s actually a bit difficult.

Whether it is to control the network system silently, or to let the physical evil spirits come in silently, the former is better, mainly because of the control of the latter.

Five senses control works on dead objects and is an area group effect.

For example, when Sano normally uses the black fox vest, he will change his black coat into a black kimono. Then he only needs to imagine what the kimono looks like, but if he wants to achieve the “invisibility” effect, he has to change it all the time.

If Sano remembers correctly.

The image captured by the human eye should be twenty or thirty frames per second. In other words, when moving, Sano has to change the appearance of the physical evil spirit twenty or thirty times per second to ensure that no flaws are exposed, and each change requires Accurately integrating into the environment, of course, the premise is that someone is paying careful attention, otherwise a slight mistake may not be noticed.

…At least Sano’s previous operation was not perfect.

But in fact, Sano succeeded. In addition, after hacking the camera here, he also has the ability to switch vests at will.

But that’s not necessary.

Sano just secretly summoned Erhei and used the corrosiveness of the spider venom to untie the handcuffs and shackles. The above situation was an unexpected gain… Originally, when he was fighting with the Self-Defense Forces, he secretly Some corpses were converted into bombs, just in case it caused panic if necessary. Who knew that the officials had moved all the corpses back and gathered them together, and it even happened to be here.

All I can say is, it’s all fate.

“…the strongest killer in the world.”

Putting aside the hacking skills, being able to sneak into dozens or hundreds of rooms without the guards, said that the black cat is the strongest killer, and Toru Amuro agrees.

But perhaps in order to delay, Toru Amuro challenged Sano again as if to sow discord: “If he is the strongest killer in the world, then who are you? Is he really so powerful that even you think you are not as good as him? , stop pretending, this is not in line with your arrogant and arrogant character.”

“I’m not pretending, and I’m not saying I’m not as good as him.”

Sano smiled: “First of all, I don’t actually think that I am a killer, just an ordinary terrorist. In addition, his evaluation was not given by me. It was Black Fox who said that he is the strongest in the world. Finally, do you know what Black Fox said about me?”

……black Fox?

Toru Amuro was stunned and subconsciously took over the topic: “What?”

“The world’s most dangerous killer.”

Sano suppressed the shame in his heart and gave the answer. Then, not wanting to give Toru Amuro another chance to reply, he stood up and planned to end it like this… After a few minutes, the other party was almost recovering.

Sano then raised his foot and stepped on Toru Amuro’s face.

After exerting a little force, he successfully reapplied the debuff for Toru Amuro.

Depend on……

Being rubbed crazily on the face by Sano with the sole of his shoe, Amuro Toru’s mood was indescribable, but fortunately, he still did not lose consciousness, only a little dazed.


Just when Sano was about to go out from the door, he suddenly seemed to remember something again. He turned around and took out his mobile phone and squatted down: “I’ll show you something more interesting. You will definitely be interested.”


Toru Amuro subconsciously looked at the mobile phone in Sano’s hand.

The screen image is divided into three parts, which should be three monitoring perspectives.

Among the three pictures, one is indoors and two are outdoor.

Of the two outside, one seems to be an alley and the other is a road.

…not a safe house?

Toru Amuro didn’t quite understand why Sano wanted to show this to him.

“Don’t you think it looks familiar? This place.”

Sano laughed: “Ha, that’s right. It’s just a stronghold for tool men who throw it away after use. How can it catch the eyes of the police officers?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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