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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 686 Who is in favor and who is against?

Toru Amuro glanced calmly at the figure in a sweatshirt standing in the middle, then pretended to look down at the watch in his wrist casually.

In the picture connected to the camera in the car.

Sano was lying on the passenger seat smoking out of boredom.

…No, we can’t confirm it yet.

Toru Amuro looked away and looked directly at Gin: “Did you call me here because of Rum’s murder? I heard that Rye seemed to be the one who killed him?”

“…What, Rum was killed?”

Under Toru Amuro’s initiative, the scene was immediately in an uproar.

Because based on the content of the text message Toru Amuro received.

Gin just asked these cadres to gather quickly, but did not say why they were gathering. Although Amuro Toru couldn’t say that it was definitely because of Rum, but regardless of whether it was, it was what he needed.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Is what he said true Gin?”

“Then who is in charge of the intelligence team now?”


The chirping noise made Gin frown.

…Looking at it like this, even Black Fox hasn’t completely taken control of the winery’s intelligence team. He just doesn’t know whether he can’t or doesn’t bother to take control.

Anyway, it’s good news.

Toru Amuro’s eyes fell on Black Fox and Rye. He didn’t know if the latter wanted to be the leader of the intelligence team and wanted to control the winery.

But what Toru Amuro knows is that stopping Rye must be the right thing to do!

“Okay, what’s the fuss about?”

Gin finally spoke, and with a cold drink, the situation was immediately stabilized.

“Rye killed Rum. It is a fact, but this is a legitimate competition. The Lord has already spoken. I am calling you here to elect a new leader of the intelligence team… To be precise, it is to vote. Decide whether Rye is qualified to be the leader of the intelligence team.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the intelligence team was stunned.

…Legitimate competition, killing Rum, and the person above still said it was okay?

Do you dare to be more outrageous?

In addition, when will it be the turn of people like me to intervene in the selection of leader of the intelligence team… Even though it is just a vote to decide whether Rye can be the leader, it is equally outrageous, and even more outrageous if I have to say it.

Is the so-called competition just the opportunity to compete?

Everyone in the intelligence team looked at each other, and Toru Amuro was equally surprised by Gin’s statement… He didn’t expect that what he said at that time was actually true.

What on earth is the guy at the winery thinking?

This can be put aside by rye…Is this guy not the prince of the winery?

Toru Amuro couldn’t help but have such thoughts.

After shaking his head, although he was surprised, Toru Amuro had already been prepared for this, and then threw out the second knife: “To be honest, I don’t care who will be the leader of this intelligence team, but at least it’s okay. You have to show some sincerity, how boring is it for colleagues to cover up each other?”


Toru Amuro immediately became the center of attention.

“What do you mean, Bourbon.”

Gin asked coldly, and Toru Amuro smiled: “You don’t seem to know yet, Gin, I did a deep dive into the contest between Neon Official and Black Clothes, and found some very interesting things. “

“Isn’t Rye also involved?”

Gin interrupted impatiently: “If you can’t produce evidence that directly proves Rye’s betrayal, I advise you to put less effort and save some saliva.”

…It is true that I and Gin trust each other very much.

Amuro Toru’s eyes twitched slightly and kept smiling: “No, that’s not what I want to say. In fact, I think Rum’s death in Rye’s hands is very legitimate, because the official seems to have received a file passed by him. Information, Detective Sano Shinichiro, it’s rye whiskey.”

As soon as these words came out, the air in the scene was temporarily silent.

… There will definitely not be an uproar. At most, it will cause some people who don’t know the inside story to think deeply and be surprised, and make those who know the inside story feel “thumped”. For example, Gin and Vodka subconsciously turned their heads and looked at Hei. Mai…this reaction is a bit hard to see.

Toru Amuro waited for a few seconds and failed to get what he wanted, but he was not too disappointed. He then said: “But it’s hard to say whether it’s true or not. At least Sano Shinichiro is currently under the control of the police, but Rye is. Here…it is precisely because of this that I am curious about who you are and why you were able to trick Rum into using a fake file?”

… He did not deliberately identify Rye as Sano from the very beginning. Instead, he showed that the latter now had an alibi, so the former could not be the latter.

This can be regarded as a bit of selfishness on the part of Tohru Amuro, because he doesn’t want to believe that Rye is really Sano, and besides, if he doesn’t say it now.

Then it may cause some trouble for Sano later…

Of course, there is another reason, both big and small, which is to give each other steps.

Previously in the safe house, “Sano” told Toru Amuro that even if he was involved in that incident, he could still try to continue undercover. The most critical part was to become the leader of the intelligence team. He was a little speechless at first. The result is now…

all in all.

If that “Sano” is really the Rye in front of him, then preventing him from becoming the leader of the intelligence team will undoubtedly be detrimental to Tohru Amuro’s continued undercover work.

It’s not good to go back to bad.

If the scene is made too ugly now, then it may not be disadvantageous anymore… There is a high probability that the undercover identity will be directly revealed.

When the time comes, let alone stopping Rye, whether he can leave alive or not is a question.

This is undoubtedly an unfair game.

If he wanted to win, Toru Amuro had to be as shameless as possible to take advantage of Rye, and he also had to pray that the other party would be willing to take advantage of him.

…I feel a little inexplicably embarrassed.

Toru Amuro braced himself and waited for the further development of the situation.

All eyes were on Rye.

Among them, Gin’s eyes were the deepest… He had just received the news of Rum’s murder. Of course, he was shocked and depressed at first, but fortunately, he communicated with the person above and found that the problem was not big. Then Sano mentioned to him what he had done as Rye today.

Well, I broke through Neon’s official safe house.

This area has been vaccinated in advance, and with psychological preparation, there is no problem, but Rum threw the Sano file to the authorities.

Gin really doesn’t know.

According to this theory, Rum should have done it before Sano took action.

Instead of Sano taking action, Rumuu’s backhand was exposed.

…Looking at it this way, Gin could only say, it’s so damn good to die.

But a good death is a good death.

Now that Rum is dead, it doesn’t mean the problem is solved.

Gin didn’t know who Toru Amuro said Sano was being detained by the police, and who the rye next to him was now, but since this was the situation.

That was probably Sano’s back-up plan.

Sano didn’t want to be exposed, so Gin naturally had to help.

“It doesn’t matter what Rye’s true identity is. What’s important is that the person is willing to believe him. That’s enough. He has no obligation or need to reveal his privacy to you. This is not in line with normal rules.”

Gin stood firm and blocked Rye’s attack.

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes: “You may be right, but don’t forget Gin. What I’m saying is that as a colleague, it’s not interesting to be so secretive. He still wants us to support him as the team leader. What do you think? feasible?”

Under Toru Amuro’s sophistry, other members of the intelligence team showed approval. Although Gin was dissatisfied, he could not refute it immediately.

And until this time.

He remained silent the whole time, hiding behind like a weak, helpless and pitiful child. Only Gin, the adult, was responsible for dealing with Rye from the front. He finally responded: “When Rum is the leader, don’t say It’s my identity, I didn’t even bother to show my fake face in front of you, and I didn’t see any of you dare to have any opinions at that time, so why did I start gossiping now, do you think I’m easy to bully?”

He asked back with murderous intent.

Everyone present felt their scalps tightening unconsciously… They were all cadres of the winery. Outsiders may not have heard of it, so how could one’s own family know about one’s own affairs?

Is the winery’s reputation as a mad dog in vain?

This guy even dares to kill Rum, who else wouldn’t dare to kill?

“…Rum is different from you. He was originally the leader of our intelligence team. We can’t disobey him. But you are not the leader of the intelligence team now, you are just a cadre at the same level as us. We have no superiors or subordinates. Relationship, and to put it bluntly, you need our support to be the team leader, but you are asking for help from us, and we are the ones in charge.”

Seeing that everyone else was suppressed, Toru Amuro could only bite the bullet and act as a thorn in the side.

“Can I ask for anything from you?”

Hei Mai suddenly laughed: “You seem to have misunderstood something. Although it is clear that I called you here this time to vote on whether I can be the leader of the team, in fact, I am just here to inform you.”


Compared to Shangbo’s more swift speech, it made Gin feel bad.

Logically speaking, the first wave was suppressed, and the second wave put more pressure on them. It seems that this group of people should not dare to say anything, but in fact it is not the case.

Because the first wave, although it sounded like a threat, was also mixed with “reasoning”, and this round is pure arrogance and does not even make sense. This group of people may be a little afraid of rye, but it is true. I’m not afraid to the point of being frightened by the news and not even daring to have the slightest thought of resistance.

…In the final analysis, it’s still not true fear.

All in all, the arrogance hidden in the hearts of these people was aroused by these words, and the rising anger made the smell of gunpowder in the air thicker.

This made Toru Amuro feel a little surprised.

What Toru Amuro wanted was for Rye and the members of the intelligence team to confront each other, but under such pressure, no one dared to confront him.

That’s why Toru Amuro took the lead, but he thought that they would have to pull each other off again, and it was hard to say whether he could finally force Rye to say the wrong thing.

Unexpectedly, Rye actually… But this seems to be in line with his style.

Anyway, my goal has been achieved.

Toru Amuro stopped saying anything, and even tried to reduce his presence as much as possible and waited for the two sides to collide. Then as expected, someone stood up and retorted: “Since you said that, it doesn’t matter what our opinions are. It’s important, right? OK, then I’ll vote against it.”

With someone willing to be the leader, the other members of the intelligence team gathered their momentum and confronted Rye without hesitation.

“That’s right, Rye, you are not the team leader yet, you are not qualified to take charge of the matter!”

Gin’s brows frowned more and more.

… Hei Mai took the initiative to speak just now. Naturally, he couldn’t forcefully interrupt Ding Ding. The first wave was okay, but based on the development of the situation, it was basically stable.

But who would have thought that the second move would be such a bad move?

What should we do now? What can we do to make these old fritters change their minds?

Just as the situation became increasingly tense, Rye suddenly reached out and pulled out a gun.

This caused the members of the intelligence team on the opposite side to panic instantly.

…After all, judging from his past behavior, it is difficult not to suspect that this is because he is too angry and too lazy to talk nonsense, and plans to directly suppress it with force.

But what was surprising and relieved was this.

Rye took out the gun but did not point it at the other side. Instead, he just held it in his hand and asked Vodka on the side: “Jia Ge wants to ask you a question.”


Vodka didn’t expect Rye to suddenly ask him, and his expression suddenly became tense.

“Wha, what’s the problem?”

“Do you think the Glock in my hand is a pistol or a magic wand?”


Vodka looked confused and looked at his eldest brother hesitantly.

Gin calmly lit a cigarette: “What do you think it is?”

“I think it’s a magic wand.”

Rye gave the answer, and Gin nodded in agreement: “I think so too.”


What the hell?

The rest of the people, including Toru Amuro, looked confused and really didn’t understand the meaning of this question, until Heimai pointed his gun at the leader who was the leader, and said “bang” in his mouth. .

The man immediately screamed with his facial features distorted, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

In less than two or three seconds, he stopped breathing.

This made the group of people who were nervous again confused again – they didn’t see any shots fired, so why were the people missing? Could it be that it was really a magic wand?

“… Some traitors tried to use this gathering as an opportunity to kill us cadres. I discovered and executed them in advance. All the cadres who were loyal to the organization were convinced of my ability and unanimously decided to elect me as the leader of the intelligence team.”

Before anyone could react, Heimai said a bunch of unprovoked words, but the more unprovoked he was, the more chilling he made these people feel.

Then Rye took a step forward, spread his hands, and asked softly.

“Who is in favor and who is against?”

The scene was silent for a while, until it was confirmed that no one objected, Gin then said “I agree”, and the other members of the action team followed up and repeated the sentence, while Belmode, Sui Mureina and others just started from the beginning. Oichi’s silence can be regarded as a neutral state that can be tolerated.

In other words, it’s the default.

… lost.

Toru Amuro already understood what the question just now meant.

If I remember correctly, it should be the flower grower who mistook the deer for a horse.

It’s just that here it refers to a gun, and it refers to a wand, and it is also a magic wand.

Originally, these people dared to fight Rye because they were betting that he couldn’t beat him or that he didn’t dare to fight. Who would have thought that in just one step, he would prove that not only could he beat Rye, but he dared to fight, and there might even be no impact after the fight.

How the hell are you going to fight like this?

…Besides, the most important thing is of course Gin’s attitude.

He actually acquiesced to Rye’s unscrupulous behavior, and actually helped him do it. He had some staunch supporters, and no one dared to oppose it anymore.

Rye was naturally able to pass the election and become the new team leader.

Toru Amuro couldn’t do anything else. It was okay to be a right-wing person who fanned the flames, but if he really wanted to be the one who stood out, he’d better go to bed as soon as possible.

Seeing that the short meeting was over, Rye followed Gin and walked out. After Toru Amuro’s eyes moved slightly, he still came over… No matter what, let’s touch and test a few words in the name of congratulations.

Not too much?

However, before Toru Amuro could speak, an unexpected figure appeared.

Looking at the familiar face with a missing piece of ear.

Both Toru Amuro and Gin couldn’t help but be stunned on the spot.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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